Lets Grab A Coffee

I'm In Love With A Secret Spy
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Going to school, or going to college wasn't that hard as Baekhyun expected it to be. He even found it funny! Well it might be because he has friends now, and the bullies is kind of just whispering and giving him weird glances, not actually saying it to his face nor trying to hurt him.


But the funny is, the more Baekhyun think about it, the more he laugh at himself. Why would he be scared of them? Like why would a cat be scared of a mouse? Baekhyun is a spy, a top secret international spy that are strong and knows how to kick down a man over 100 kg! He think he can handle some ridiculous bullies.


Anyway, Baekhyun felt pretty okay with this with going to school and all, he actually enjoy it. And he starting to feel almost a little like home among his new friends in the dorm, he even dare to talk with them without feeling like a stranger anymore! Especially with Chanyeol, since he's just hilarious to talk to.


But Baekhyun had kind of forgotten that he still need to work while he's here at the college, but he didn't hear anything from his boss until this very day, three weeks after coming here to the college.


It's Tuesday afternoon and Baekhyun was sitting alone in his and Chanyeol's room, just doing his homework, when his phone rang and he picked up fast. He got quite shocked when he heard his boss voice and not anyone from the dorm.



“Oh hello boss.”
“Are you alone?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Good. I have a job for you, if you're ready to take it.”
“I'm listening.”
“We have found out that someone is delivering information about a terrorist on a cafe, with computers. You have to go to that cafe, use your special watch USB and take all that information and delete it right away. Can you do that?”
“Send me the address and when the person is there to pick up the information and I will get it before the person does.”
“Good luck agent B.”



Baekhyun hangup as he got a text right away, he almost jumped how fast it came. He got up and changed clothes, making sure to look as normal as possible before dragging his special spy bag out from under the bed and open it. He found his watch and he even decided to bring a earphone to the phone so he could call without taking up his phone.


He hurried to hide the bag again as he got up and went out to the hallway, feeling how everyone stared out at him with curious eyes.



“Where you going?”
“I'm going to.... take a walk. I need to clear my mind with a quiet peaceful nature after studying history and physics all afternoon.”
“Okay, but don't be late to the dinner.”
“I won't, see you later.”



Baekhyun hurried out as he begun to walk. He looked around a little as he picked up his phone and took one last look at the address. He smiled when he recognized the cafe, it's that small old junky place a block away from the shopping mall. Baekhyun hurried to speed up as he made sure that he was going to be there before the person who is supposed to get the information go and get it.


Baekhyun finally arrived after walking fast in 30 minutes, and he was a little tired. He went in as he smiled at the woman behind the desk as he walked over, the cafe was almost empty to be honest.



“What can I get you boy?”
“Well, I need something cold to drink since it's still very hot outside, but I also wonder if you have any computer I can borrow. My friend is in the USA and need an emergency mail with some school work.”
“What kind of cold drink to you want?”
“Ice tea will be fine.”
“I have a computer back here, but it's not many who can borrow it.”
“Well, between you and me...”



Baekhyun looked around as he lend a little closer to make sure no one would hear them.



“I can pay you for borrowing it.”
“Will you come by and buy something soon again then sweetie?”
“Only if you give me good service that is.”
“Then we have a deal.”



Baekhyun smiled as he handle over the money to her, knowing that he's time is soon running out. She smiled as she open a door for him and let Baekhyun sneak in before she closed the door. As fast the door was closed Baekhyun run over to the computer and open it fast.


He took his watch and dragged out a minimal little tiny cord and put it in to the computer before tapping on it's tangents fast and quiet. It didn't take long before Baekhyun found the information he was looking for and downloaded it on the USB and then he deleted it. When he just was done the woman came in and he pretend to write a mail.



“Here you go, ice tea with cherry flavor.”
“Thank you ma'am.”



She smiled and went out as Baekhyun hurried to close the computer down and then started it again, well this way he will see if the computer having a secret program, making it impossible to just delete some information or not. Baekhyun is lucky today, it's an ordinary computer that now doesn't contain any information.


Baekhyun drank up the ice tea fast as he got out and smiled at the lady who almost locked shocked at him.



“It took faster than I thought it would, but the ice tea was great thank you. I will definitely come back again.”
“Do so, bye boy.”



Baekhyun hurried out as he happen to walk in to a big man who looked with a death glance at him.



“Move it your brat!”
“Sorry sir.”



Baekhyun apologized as he begun to walk down for the street, he was just in time before whoever went to get that information. Baekhyun walked calm down the street as he suddenly heard a scream behind him, looking back as he saw the man come running after him.






Baekhyun was fast as he begun to run too, his cover has been blown since the lady probably told the man who didn't find the information that Baekhyun went in before him. Baekhyun ran pass the people who looked annoyed or worried after Baekhyun who literally tried to disappear among the people.


Baekhyun decided to take a short cut through the shopping mall as he ran in and hide in a big clothes store, trying to see if the man run pass him or not. The man spotted him faster than Baekhyun thought he would do as he forced Baekhyun to run again and this time, Baekhyun ran.


He ran fast as he got forced to jump over a table, literally startled the couple that sat there as the man run pass them too. Baekhyun didn't try to slow down as he run out from the mall and down for the street again. He was foolish enough to try to take another short cut by running in to an alley, but it was just a dead end.


Baekhyun turned around to run out again, but the man was standing in his way, and Baekhyun knew what this meant. The man smirked mean as he walked closer, cracking his knuckles.



“Hello again brat, I think you have something that belongs to me.”
“I-I haven't stolen anything! I promise! I just ran since I thought you were a cop and cops is scary!”
“Give me the document you took from the computer!”



Baekhyun sighed as he held up his hands, and then he smirked back at the man who looked shocked back at him.



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Chapter 30: i luv this stoty*-*
Chapter 7: Its a very good and cute story^^ i like it♡♡

just one hint:
'was' is when I/he/she/it and when you/we its 'were' in the past^^
bobohu_baek #3
Chapter 30: Oh I thought it was going to continue on with the issue with his Mum and also I thought that the rest of the friends would find out or something
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 30: Tbh I was expecting it to carry on to Chanyeol and Baekhyun working as partners in the agency and then figuring out the issue with Baekhyun's mum and the assassin...but nvm it was still a great read
IAmMissTerious #5
Chapter 12: What the heck? Who really gave Xiumin the gift?
mjazwa #6
Chapter 30: Best story ever
Bess_Blank #7
Chapter 30: I loved the story ♥
Good job writer-nim
Chapter 30: Wow, that was unexpected.
Chapter 30: This was a great story!! I really reaally liked it!! Thank you for sharing with us! Can we get a sequel???
Chapter 30: What, NO, this can't be over!! I really love this ff and now I'm sad... Thank you so much for this ff, it was amazing ^^