Where Does He Go?

I'm In Love With A Secret Spy
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Chanyeols P.O.V

It's so boring without Baekhyun... Chanyeol wants to die, literally. He wants his parents to stop fight and argue all the time, and he wants to see Baekhyun again. He rather actually just goes and see Baekhyun for himself.


Chanyeol picked his phone up as he send a text to Baekhyun, wondering what he was doing. He got a reply pretty quick as Baekhyun said he was bored to death. Chanyeol took the chance to ask if he wanted to see him, but Baekhyun seemed to have something else to do.


Chanyeol sighed out loud as he just laid on his bed, staring up at the roof as he felt how he missed Baekhyun more and more. Why do they have to e separated for so long?! Chanyeol wants to see his little Baekhyun now!



“Chanyeol, what are you doing?”
“I'm sleeping.”
“Do you want to go with me and your father to the shopping mall?”
“Why not?”



Chanyeol got up and followed his parents to the shopping mall. He walked around with them for a while, not really feeling to be shopping. But then he saw someone who looked very familiar as he almost ran over to the person and tapped the person's shoulder light.


The person turned around and Chanyeol smiled big at Baekhyun who looked almost nervous and to be honest, a little panicking too.



“C-Chanyeol! W-What are you doing here?”
“I'm here with my parents, they're killing me, literally. What are you doing here?”
“I-I'm just, uhm, checking out some stuff.”
“Wanna hangout with me while we're here?”



Baekhyun smiled nervous as he laughed almost a little scared and nodded a little. Chanyeol smiled kind, hoping Baekhyun wasn't scared for him.



“Lets go and check that stuff together.”
“Yeah, lets go. But I have to go soon, so you know.”
“It's okay, I just wanted to see you to be honest.”
“Y-You did? Really?”
“Of course, I missing you, you know.”



Baekhyun smiled almost a little proud as Chanyeol dragged him with him, showing him stuff he had found earlier and it kind of made Baekhyun laugh. They walked around for a while, talking, laughing, spending time with each others and so on. But soon enough Baekhyun had to go, and it felt like Chanyeol would begun to cry to be honest.



“I gotta go, I have to help my uncle today, he's sick and I'm the only one who can help him out. You know, it's still winter break from school and all, and it's new year within some few days so... Yeah, I'm the only one who is home and can help him.”
“I wish I could spend more time with you today.”
“Me too, but hey, I see you next year.”
“Haha, yeah, you better show up. Happy new year Baekhyun.”
“You too, see Chanyeol.”



Baekhyun waved as he smiled and left. Chanyeol stood like a fool left alone as he suddenly heard his mother sigh deep behind him as he turned around to see her sad and worried looking face.



“Is that the boy you always text with? The one who was left alone in the dorm during Christmas?”
“Yeah, that's him. He's pretty, right?”
“Yeah, he is. I thought it was a girl, until he begun to talk.”
“Lets go home mom, I don't feel to be here anymore.”
“But why didn't you invite your friend over for dinner?”
“He had to go and help his uncle, apparently he's the only one who helps him out now days.”
“I see, well we better get going as well. We have a lot of things to prepare for too.”
“Yeah, I guess.”






Chanyeol couldn't stop think about Baekhyun. He laid in his bed, texting the boy, smiling and laughing, but he wish he actually could see Baekhyun for real. It's getting really boring here, and he can't believe he wish that school should begin soon again.


Chanyeol let the days pass him by until the day he was going back to the dorm as everyone else. But he was mostly excited to meet Baekhyun again. His parents drove him to his dorm, he hugged them tight and told them he was going to be fine, like every other time they have left him here.


Then he walked in to the dorm to find almost everyone here, except for Baekhyun. Disappointment took over Chanyeol when Baekhyun were nowhere to be found, but he was at least glad to see his other friends.



“Hey Chanyeol, look in your room, Baekhyun has left something for you.”
“Really? Wae he left something for me?”



Chanyeol walked in to the room, staring shocked at his bed as he tilted his head to the side. On his bed was a little card laying, with a little message on it. Chanyeol picked it up as he begun to read it.


“Hi Chanyeol, sorry for not being here
and greeting you. I'm afraid that uncle
got really sick and I have to stay here
with him for some few more couple of
days. I wish you a good start of the year
and hope you can tell the others to not
worry about little me. Thank you for
saying that to the others. I miss you
already my crazy tall giant. But I see you
as fast uncle is feeling better. Fighting!
/ Baekhyun.”


Chanyeol sighed a little more disappointed, Baekhyun is going to be gone for some days? How long time is he planing to be away? Chanyeol and everyone else came back for him a little earlier to surprise him and make him happy. But Baekhyun isn't even here, without with his sick uncle.


Chanyeol unpacked his things while thinking all this through a little. It just hit him, Baekhyun has never mention anything about his uncle's life nor parents during his time here. And Chanyeol has never seen his uncle nor seen him come and pick Baekhyun up. And his uncle is really weird too, forcing Baekhyun work late at night in the middle of the school week.


Chanyeol begun to wonder who this uncle really were, and maybe he should ask, who are really Baekhyun? He has always felt that he has known Baekhyun as a friend for over a year, he has always felt that he knows Baekhyun as his closest friend. But now when he think a little about it, he really don't. He just know how Baekhyun acts, what he likes and a little about what he does during the days here. But who he really is, his life's history, is unknown.


Chanyeol made up his mind, next time Baekhyun sneaks out, he will follow him. He's actually very curious about where Baekhyun is going, and what he's doing. And he's even more curious about what Baekhyun would say if Chanyeol caught him.



Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun was stuck with his work for some days. He had gotten a job to track a terrorist down. And now when he's finally done and captured the terrorist, he could finally go back “home” or to the dorm he lived in.


His boss had thanked him, told him he didn't have to work for some weeks for now. Baekhyun was happy to hear that, because now he can go back to his friends and Chanyeol and just spend time with them. He doesn't have to worry about work and school, without just worry about how he will catch Chanyeols heart for real.


Baekhyun drove himself back towards the dorms in his car. He hummed happily for himself as he parked the car and then had to change clothes. He changed clothes on his car, and he admit it's a little struggling to do that with his tight spy clothes to get off. But he managed to get them off and got his normal clothes on before he packed everything in to his bag and hurried out from the car.


Baekhyun walked towards the dorms as he still was humming, watching other students arrive to their dorms. Baekhyun couldn't help to wonder, had the others arrived already or are they coming back soon? He hope so, but in case they would come back early he left a little message, saying that he wasn't home and wouldn't be back for a while.


Baekhyun went in to his dorm, noticing all the shoes and jackets in the hallway, but the whole place was in silence. Not weird, it's late and they're probably sleeping by now. Baekhyun sneaked carefully of his jacket and shoes before sneaking in to his and Chanyeols sharing room to find the room empty on persons, but Chanyeols stuff was back on their places.



“Where could he-?”



Baekhyun jumped scared as he suddenly felt someone embrace him from behind and he was close to grab this person and throw him or her over his shoulder and down on the floor. But since he heard the deep and familiar voice he managed to stop himself and stared up at Chanyeol who smirked big.



“C-Chanyeol! Gosh you scared me!”
“Sorry, but I gotcha!”
“Your crazy giant. I have missed you.”



Baekhyun turned around in Chanyeols embrace and hugged him back before he let him go, mostly because it felt all awkward and a little weird. Chanyeol smiled big as the others came in and hugged Baekhyun, they all had been hiding from him, what a mean and dangerous thing to do. Baekhyun could had beat their little asses up if he didn't understand this was a surprise for him, and not a sneak attack from his enemies.



“Hello everyone, nice to see you all again.”
“Welcome back Baekhyun, how have you been.”
“You never text us, why didn't you text us?”
“Sorry, I text Chanyeol a little, but I was a little busy with working for my uncle.”
“Oh, how is your uncle by the way? He's sick, right?”
“He was pretty bad, but he's better and he told me that he had been a burden for me long enough now. So he send me back here to meet you all.”
“I'm glad to hear that he's better. But are you healthy now when you have been around your sick uncle?”
“He's not sick like he has caught a cold, he's old and can't do everything he wants. His lungs are a little bad since it's to cold outside, so he let me do everything he needed to do. But he will be better now when the cold is going away.”
“Oh, now we get it. But hey, are you hungry?”
“Actually, I'm very tired and would love to just sleep.”
“Okay, lets do so. Goodnight then.”
“Yeah, night.”

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Chapter 30: i luv this stoty*-*
Chapter 7: Its a very good and cute story^^ i like it♡♡

just one hint:
'was' is when I/he/she/it and when you/we its 'were' in the past^^
bobohu_baek #3
Chapter 30: Oh I thought it was going to continue on with the issue with his Mum and also I thought that the rest of the friends would find out or something
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 30: Tbh I was expecting it to carry on to Chanyeol and Baekhyun working as partners in the agency and then figuring out the issue with Baekhyun's mum and the assassin...but nvm it was still a great read
IAmMissTerious #5
Chapter 12: What the heck? Who really gave Xiumin the gift?
mjazwa #6
Chapter 30: Best story ever
Bess_Blank #7
Chapter 30: I loved the story ♥
Good job writer-nim
Chapter 30: Wow, that was unexpected.
Chapter 30: This was a great story!! I really reaally liked it!! Thank you for sharing with us! Can we get a sequel???
Chapter 30: What, NO, this can't be over!! I really love this ff and now I'm sad... Thank you so much for this ff, it was amazing ^^