
You make him smile

In the past Minho's life was dark. There was something he needed, but didn't have. Not knowing what he lacked, Minho lived his life every day waking up and simply existing. But one day he met Jinki and his whole world bits by bits became lighter. It became full of smiles and laughs, small, but sweet moment Minho would always cherish. He would always want to keep those times together in his mind. Like that time they held hands for the first time. Or the time they went to see sea and surround themselves in happiness. Or… When Jinki’s soft lips pressed to Minho's cheek for the first time. 

Minho always wanted touches like this, care and love. He never had it with anyone and he desperately wanted to keep it close to him, replay scenes in his mind over and over again. He would think of all the things he and Jinki could do in future, of all the things they will do together once they'll meet. And it never failed to make Minho smile. He never wanted to let go of these things, wanted to keep then engraved in his mind and dreams forever. 

And he hoped Jinki was happy too. Nothing did it better for Minho, than older man's smile. Minho imagined it was like his own sun, that lightened his world, made his days better and life meaningful. 

Jinki filled up something Minho was waiting his whole life, even thou he never knew this is what he lacked, wanted, needed. And suddenly angel-like Jinki entered Minho's life and gave it purpose. Minho promised himself he would do everything he can so that Jinki would always smile. 

Sometimes at night Minho didn't sleep, looking at the stars outside. He would imagine different worlds, different times and places he and Jinki would be. He imagined all the places they could go and all the time, that belonged only to the two of them. 

At nights like those Minho would keep his palm pressed to a cold window and he would remember, how warm Jinki's touch was. 

Simply everything about the man made Minho happy. He could not imagine his life without Jinki anymore.



Minho was happily drawing in his notebook and writing words like a first-grader. Sitting by the window Minho wrote the same name and drew many hearts around. He was smiling, because today he will see the man again. He should be coming from work soon and Minho waited. Waited just like every day he did.

Jinki lived across the street from Minho, his apartment windows facing street. Minho would watch him walk inside, talk on the phone or just read. Minho followed with his eyes every movement and also older man's shadow. Looking at Jinki made Minho happy.

Minho remembered how one day he was outside petting neighbors cat when Jinki exited the building. Older man was pressing something on his phone and not looking where he went. Eventually they bumped, when Minho awkwardly tried to get out of man's way. The man was just like Minho has imagined: very kind, very polite and very beautiful. He even touched Minho's arm and helped him up. Jinki apologized and asked Minho, if he was alright.  Older man smiled to very surprised and happy boy. Then Minho's mother came rushing down, worrying about her son.

Minho was away in hospital for a month. Mother said it's like camp and doctors will be with him. But still Minho wanted to go home. He missed his room and neighbor's cat. He missed all his books with pretty pictures and most of all he missed Jinki. Every day he asked when he would go home. Every day mother said 'soon'. And while Minho waited to be released, he kept on writing in his notebooks. He wrote unclear letters, odd words and stories in languages that existed only to Minho. And one name. The same name. Over and over again. 

Today Minho was finally at home. He heard laugh that rang like a bell though his open window. Minho focused all of his attention on the man outside. Jinki was walking with a girl, when suddenly they stopped, girl acting upset. They were talking too fast for Minho to understand, but eventually Jinki kissed her on the cheek. Then they both smiled and he led her into the building on the other side of the street. For few more minutes Minho's eyes searched for movement inside Jinki's apartment, until his room's door opened and his mother told him it was time to take his medicine. Minho left the room smiling. He will take all the medicine he has to. Because he didn't want to wet his bed anymore or have cramps. He wanted to get better and learn to write, so he could write a letter to Jinki. He wanted to learn to speak properly, so he could ask other man how was his day, when they met on the street. Minho wanted to play sports, because he had seen children play, but he himself was not allowed to. He wanted to get better. One day, he will be like everyone else.




Many people got confused what actually happened.

Minho was ill. From birth. Because of his phicical development isues his mental development also suffered and now he's like a child. He just met (or seen) nice and beautiful person and he created this fairy tale-like (at least to himself) world where he was always close to Onew. He created it in his head and in his notebooks. He hopes this will one day be real, but odds are, that it won't. 

If you read first part again, two parts connect. Without second part, it's just fluff.

I really tried to make first part, the one that is happening in his head and is his life innoncent and pure, but also cute and sweet. This was very hard for me to write and I hope I did well. 

PLEASE leave me a comment to tell me if you liked it. Thank you

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dubushi #1
Chapter 1: So minho have dylexia and autism huh XD but even so i love minho because he is so caring fufufu lemme hug you author san XD
Chapter 1: Oh thank you for explaining in your author notes, that cleared alot up for me...great story though
Chapter 1: This is really good but sad... Feel bad for minho condition and i really hope you make this sequel...
Chapter 1: this is good really..
but if you make the sequel, the emotions i feel will be clearer ^^
Chapter 1: The story really sad :( What happened with minho? Did he had some kind of mental disease? All of the memory with jinki, is that imagination or real? Sorry for too much ask.