Operation Insomnia

       CHAPTER 1


Behind the big iron gates, without any sign of warnings for people who’d get lost though there’s only 1% of the chance that a person could get lost, usually they make a special magic way that crosses them the path between our way and other way; and thick wall, mixed out of all kinds of sort metallic elements and who knows what more toxic stuff could they mix in, that fenced all the so called world and only place for the ones like me.

         “Kai! Kai!” I can’t breathe anymore yet I still have to train to gain more stamina.

         “Kai! Stop running and come here!” I stopped running

         “What?!” I asked. It was my sister, Sulli.

         “Mom told me to give you this” She pointed on the basket that was lying on the grass.

         “What is this?” I wondered “By the way what are you doing here?” It’s not like I’m not happy to see her, in reality it’s the other way around, I’m really happy to see her and knowing that I can spend some time with her makes me happy but I’m just worried about her. My family is one of the few that can visit their children in here and I’m happy about it but the way to this place is really dangerous. This academy is placed in the middle of a forest full of wild animals. I know that they made a safe way for some people so that they bordered the animal area where they can move freely around with their special thick glass but I’m afraid that some of the animals could just you know… scare them. Stupid from me, after all she’s still 8 minutes older than me.

          “By the way what are you doing here?” she imitated me. “Are you just acting dumb or are you really so stupid?” she crossed her arms “I said that mom told me to give you this basket” she pointed at the basket again.

          “Why in the basket, why not just put the things into a plastic bag?” I raised my left eyebrow

         “Right, I wondered that too. She said that I’d look pretty with a basket in the hand” I took the basket and looked what she packed and cooked for me. “So we went shopping yesterday and bought you some new pairs of jeans or pants whatever they’re calling it, a T-shirt and she cooked your beloved kimchi, jajamyeon and deokbokki”

          “Give a kiss to mom from me” I smiled then jumped to her from delight and kissed her on the cheek. She pushed me away “Fine I got it. You didn’t have to do it. Now my cheeks are poisoned from you” and tried to wipe away my kiss from her cheek.

          I walked her to the big Gates that open the way to the outside world. I hugged her for goodbye and waved to her as she walked past the gates. Sometimes I really wondered how the world looked like behind these big walls. I had to live my long time live inside these big walls because of my sign. There are times I’m dying to know the world outside. I just love it every time Sulli secretly tells me about the outside world. About how kids go to school and after they just go to a coffee shop to have fun with each other, about how… it’s everything different from this life inside the big walls.


          As I walked on the way to the boy’s dormitory I could feel someone’s glare on me. I looked up and there she was sitting on the tree looking coldly at me, Jung Krystal the new girl from the states, the only person from this academy that lived some time of her life behind those big walls. She’s considered to be a prodigy. I’ve never seen her battle before but from her look I can already say that she’ll rip you into pieces once you battle her.

          She jumped from the tree down and gave me a letter

          “What’s this?” I asked

          I was expecting her to give me a cold stare but instead she gave me a light smile and explained to me “Uhm… I don’t really know. It’s supposed to be from the director? I guess” She looked questioning. “I got one too” She waved with her letter “So I guess we’re supposed to meet soon” she smiled at me “Jung Krystal by the way” she hand her hand to me. What was I supposed to do? I was confused. “Oh sorry” She laughed a bit “I forgot that you’re not used to shake hands” she took back her hand “So see you later” and walked away.

           I didn’t know what to do so I just smiled at her “Yea see you later” I just said


          To Mr. Kim Jongin.

          Please come to the conference hall at 8 pm.

                                                                                  From the director of Southern academy


          Seriously? That’s all he wrote? Okay I hope he already told our cruel cafeteria women that I’ll be absent from washing up the dishes. I’m in the service for washing up the dishes for this week. Luckily today is my last day.

          “GRRR!” my stomach rumbled.  I got hungry when I remembered that mom prepared me food. I quickly grab the basket and at first couldn’t decide what to eat first. So I decided for Jajamyun. Uhmm I felt like in heaven. Grandmother’s homemade black bean noodles.

          The sky got darker when I remembered it was almost time to go.


          There we were, standing in one line. We were about 16 people.  They picked up 2 persons from every class from the high grades. There were the twins Jo Youngmin and Kwangmin, Namjoo, Ren from Alfa classes; Me, Krystal, Sehun, Dongho from Beta classes; D.O., Tao, Taemin, Aron from Gama classes;  Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Victoria, Minho from Delta classes.

          “Welcome!” I didn’t notice the director to come. Oh no… He didn’t actually come, he just appeared in front of us as a hologram “Surely you’re asking why you were summoned and why only a few of you” Everyone looked focused on the director and so was I. He looked like a middle aged man with sharp features that already displayed his sharp and smart sense “We summoned you because we saw potential in you” The room was big. His voice was fending off the walls and so it created an echo. “And so, we decided to create a special unit of the 16 of you” I couldn’t trust my ears “From now on you’ll be in one class, training together and you’ll get a new schedule” the girl Namjoo from Alfa class was secretly looking at me. I knew it but didn’t show it. “After 1 year of training you’ll get various types of missions outside the big walls” I was trying hard to hide my excitement. In 1 year I could finally meet the world outside the big walls. As if sensed, I turned my gaze to Krystal that was giving me a poker face look. I could tell from her look that she sensed my excitement and she wasn’t alone. The others were looking at me too. Sometimes I totally forget that some just don’t get to hear that much about that unknown world.

          “You can go now. Tomorrow you’ll find a letter with information for your further activities”


          Everyone already took their leaves except me I wanted to run some rounds around the academy before I’d take my leave. It was already dark and the only thing that shined the way from me was the moon light. This time I wasn’t so out of my breath it meant that I improved my stamina. I leaned my back on the tree and wanted to relax for a bit.

          “You’re pretty good” I couldn’t hide my surprise when I heard Krystal’s voice from the other side of the tree. “Did I surprise you?” I felt some tiredness in her voice. Her voice changed. This time it was rather soft and unclear. I wasn’t really comfortable around girls. I never had an idea of what to talk with them about except my sister. Whenever I was with Sulli I always had ideas coming out to joke around with her and I could tell her everything.

          “A bit” I admitted.

          “It’s already late. Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked. To be honest I tried to send her away not because I was worried of her but because I wanted to spend some time alone.

          “I won’t disturb you” I was surprised. As if she had the ability to read my mind. I didn’t answer.

           The air was nice. The wind took over the quietness as no one did say anything and emit its own sounds of melody adding more mystery to this atmosphere. There was a moment where I was wondering what Krystal might think about but then again why did I care? But I couldn’t stop wondering.

          “So why did you choose to be stick in this academy over freedom?” I suddenly asked without thinking. She didn’t answer. I almost thought she already fell asleep or left when I heard her taking a deep breath.

          “Why do you care? I guess you asked just because you felt awkward” She acted more coldly than I expected her to be since she was a whole another person before but she wasn’t that much wrong. I did somehow ask just because I felt a bit pity for her.

          “Goodnight” I decided to go and left her alone.


Here's finally chapter 1. I really hope you'll like it.

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Chapter 3: i hope there's myungyeon in this story.hehe
Fellice #2
Chapter 3: Such a short update.. hehehe..
Wht they think Kai is dangerous..?
Update soon..
Can't wait to see Kaistal moment and the action..
Thank you for the update..
donipie #3
Chapter 2: lmao this is like snk
ikrystal #4
Chapter 2: Wow!!!!
Really good story for the first chapter..
Want to know more about this story..
I like this kind of story..
Update soon^^
ikrystal #5
Chapter 1: Interesting opening..
Update soon..
Make sure you will finish this story..