I Love You

One night's mistake [SEQUEL]
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[Author's Note]

Finally I wrote it ^^ But first of all let me warn you guise. If you have emotional swings then maybe it's better not to read it :P

And please don't kill me after reading it >.< I really wanted to write it better but it just came like this >.<

But I still hope you'll enjoy the story ^^

(Your POV)

Two weeks passed after that night  with Leo. We still keep in touch and see each other but I can feel that from that time Leo has been keeping his distance from me. He doesn't stay at my house to long anymore and also when we're alone he does not sit too near me. I don't know if I should be glad or feel bad about it. 
But it's true my feelings for him changed. Or maybe I did have these feelings for him for a long time but didn't know about them? 

I can see he's still hurt about his girlfriend even though he doesn't talk about this matter anymore. Every time he comes to me he has this painful look in his eyes. I really want to do something for him but I don't know what.
I really feel like I won't be able to hide my feelings from him anymore. Every time I see him hurt I want to hug and kiss him but I know that if I do this our friendship would be over. If I let him know about my feelings he will feel guilty for hurting my feelings and will leave me. I don't want this to happen. But it's painful to be just a friend to him. I don't know how long I will be able to keep up pretending I'm fine when I'm not.




Me and Leo decided to meet today at a new coffee shop that opened near my house. I don't like crowded places and we mostly stay at my place but I know he feels uncomfortable so I agreed to meet outside.

When I got there he was already inside sitting by a table near the window. He didn't see me when I entered so I decided to surprise him. 
I made sure to come closer to him not making any sound and covered his eyes standing behind him.

-" Who do you think I am?"- I asked playfully but what he did surprised me. He never acted this way towards me. 
While I was covering his eyes I felt his hands pull my own and push them away from his face. He then looked my way with only coldness showing in his eyes.
I felt a shiver going through my body. The way he looked at me made me think that something bad will happen today.

Not saying anything he showed me to sit in front of him so I did it. I tried to look at him but I only saw him sigh and look outside through the window. After a few minutes in silence he turned my way and stared in to my eyes. Now that I looked at him he seamed to lost weight and looked really pale. Was he still that hurt by the break up? But why did he look so cold all of a sudden?

-"Leo what's wrong?"- I decided to break the silence that still was between us.

His eyes softened for a bit but soon came back to the cold state. It felt like his stare pierced right through my soul and he could read my heart. I felt insecure and worried about what he's going to say.
His lips parted as he was preparing himself to say what's on his mind.

-"____-ah!"- He started-" We should stop seeing each other".

My eyes widened and heart froze for a second. Was I really hearing everything right? Did he really want to stop seeing each other? Did I do something wrong? Did he maybe get to learn about my feelings?
A million questions emerged in to my head. I didn't know what to do. Tears started to form in corners of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks one by one.

-"w-why?"- I stuttered. I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. Leo still looked at me with this cold eyes as if he never was my friend. This Leo was someone I didn't know.

-" I can't return your feelings so it's best if we don't see each other".
This words hurt more than thousand swords. I got rejected even before I could confess my feelings. 
-" I-I....I don't love you"- I tried to lie to make him not leave me.
-"_____-ah! Don't lie....I know about your feelings....I knew about them from the night two weeks ago but it was a mistake....I won't be able to return your feelings...Don't get hurt because of me anymore. I won't be seeing you again."

After saying what he wanted to say, Leo stood up trying to leave the cafe not even looking my way. I tried to hold him and begged not to leave me but it didn't work either. He just shove my hands and left. Now it really was over. I knew that after what he said he would never come back to me. He always kept his word.




Two weeks passed and I didn't get any messages nor calls from Leo. When I tried to look for him he was nowhere to be found. I asked his friend N for help but he also didn't know where Leo was. My all world broke in to pieces. Was I really no one to him? If he just said he wouldn't be able to love me and that we should just stay friends I would agree to that. Why did he need to kick me out of his life completely?
I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. Everything that I did was to cry all day. I wasn't that heartbroken even if I did broke up with my previous boyfriends. But now that Leo wasn't in my life anymore I just didn't know what to do. I was like a empty shell.

One day I got a call from Leo's friend N who told me that Leo contacted him and that we should meet. I was in so much hurry that I didn't even think about my condition and I sprinted to the meeting location which was the coffee shop where Leo and I "broke up".
When I got there I saw N sitting at one of tables and when he saw me coming in he stood up to greet me. He smiled while looking at me with soft eyes.
-"How have you been ____? You don't look too good"- I could hear in his voice he was genuinely worried about me.
I just faked a smile and shook my head to tell him I was fine. More than my condition there was something else I was worried and curious about.

-"You said he contacted you? Did you two meet?"- I asked hopping he would let me know where I could find Leo.
N shook his head: "He just called me saying he was fine and to not looking for him".

My hope faded away. N probably saw me change my facial expression because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little. I smiled coldly at him: " I knew I shouldn't have had my hopes up". Tears started to form again in my eyes. 

-"But you can still call..."- He didn't finish as he looked at me panicked-" ____-ah! Are you alright? You look really pale right now!"

He was right. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower part of stomach and started to lose consciousness. Before I drifted off I could feel a pair of hands grab me making sure I would not fall.


When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar place. I tried to look around and saw that I was at a hospital. How did I come here?
As I tried to lift myself from bed I felt something laying on my legs. When I looked down I saw N sleeping whil

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Chapter 1: That story was so painful to read, but I have to admit that it was so well written..!! I just wish there was at least a little bright light in the story, but oh well - we cant have only happy endings can we :')
Chapter 1: yes. why did you kill leo /cries hanriver
Norhane #3
Chapter 1: Why did you kill leo OMG you made me sooo sad but i can't help admire your talent omg authornim you made my feelings confused why did you do that it's so mean why kill him make him come back tell us it was a joke from Mrs jung
Chapter 1: Oh my god T.T it! What the hell is going o I'm crying my god cuz I wasn't ready for this
I'm about to read this sequel
Chapter 1: I love this story...i cried great job please keep it up!!!!!
XiuXiu4Life #7
I really enjoyed reading this !! good job !!!
Leoxkave #8
Chapter 1: Don't don't don't why u did this.... OMG OMG I'm cryingggg ahhh
Thank you all for your comments \(*o*)/ let me give you all a hug
Chapter 1: i cant breathe ;-; my eyes hurt af T.T wtf Leo die this cant be happening TT.TT btw good job with the story