
Repetitive Contretemps

Hoya was being really mean, again. Woohyun rolled his eyes as he met Dongwoo's and then switched the expression on his face to look apologetic. Hoya was such an sometimes. Dongwoo only ignored Woohyun's silent apology and focused on his food. 

Dongwoo didn't look too good. Even with the fried egg half way into his mouth, his expression was very wary and he looked tired. Well, everyone looked tired but Dongwoo looked more tired than all of them put together. Woohyun switched his gaze back to Hoya. 

He was guzzling down his black bean fried noodles, stealing a few egg rolls from Sungyeol. Woohyun rolled his eyes, again. He could never understand how these two fought, one or the other would seem hardly affected at all. For now, it was Hoya.


When they got back to the dorm and Woohyun had toed off his shoes and locked the door securely, he had watched from the doorway as Dongwoo quietly retreated to their shared bedroom. Hoya was sipping some milk as he flipped on the TV and sat next to Sungjong. Sungjong was on the phone, speaking quietly. 

Woohyun considered going to comfort Dongwoo, but it was hard to console the consoler. So he stayed put and instead sat in the armchair that was diagonally across from the couch. 


"What is your problem?"


Hoya raised his eyebrows. So he knew Woohyun was talking to him then, which meant he knew he had done something wrong. Woohyun stamped down his anger. Hoya could always sense a person's anger and he never appreciated it when someone got angry without hearing his side of the story first. 


"I wasn't aware I had a problem."


His reply was cold, daring Woohyun to say anything further. But he did, of course.


"Just cause Dongwoo's nice to all of us doesn't mean that you can take advantage of him."


Hoya rolled his eyes and got up from the couch.


"You're being delusional."


Woohyun watched Hoya walk out of the main room and into the kitchen, where he heard the tap running. It was infuriating and Woohyun just barely stopped himself from pulling out his hair as he got up and headed into Dongwoo's room. 

Dongwoo, as expected, was lying on the bed, a pillow tucked in between his legs and another under his head. He was listening to music with his eyes closed but Woohyun knew he was awake because of the jerky movements Dongwoo made as he wiggled along to the music. Woohyun sat at the edge of Dongwoo's bed and pulled on his ankle. 

As soon as Dongwoo registered who was sitting on the bed, he pulled out his earphones and pushed his phone to the side.


"Nam- goon, I'm fine."


Woohyun barely got a word out before he put it to rest as Dongwoo kept staring intently at him. His eyes were practically begging him to stop and his parted lips showed that he wasn't afraid to protest further. So he let him be and raised his hands to his shoulder, palms facing forwards. 


"Okay, okay. But that doesn't apply to Hoya."


Woohyun was once again, subject to an argument between Hoya and Dongwoo. It had been a week since their last one and that had barely had any time to recover before this erupted between the two of them. 


"What is wrong with the two of you?"


Sunggyu didn't sound angry but he was watching them as his fingers flew over the keypad on his phone, probably still texting someone as he scrutinized the two of them. Finally, someone else noticed.

Hoya just seethed a little before walking away and Dongwoo watched him leave like a sad puppy. At this rate, Woohyun would start treating Dongwoo like a wounded dog.


"Okay, Hoya. If Sunggyu has noticed, it is time you stopped all this crap."


Hoya didn't seem too disturbed, only flipping to the next page of his magazine as he spoke.


"What crap?"


"You know what I'm talking about."


This was getting really ridiculous. Was Woohyun some kind of agony aunt? Did he have to solve all these problems? But he shook his head as he remembered the members would be back soon, along with Dongwoo.


"I really, really don't."


"This is the second argument you guys have had in a week. Dongwoo's acting like some kicked puppy and you're acting like some triumphant douchebag. What the hell is going on and what do you think you're doing?"


They were seated on the dining room table, a whole 1 and a half meter of glass in between the two of them. Hoya finally put down the magazine and shoved it aside.


"Look, you can ask all you want and you can worry all you want but the truth is, it's none of your business. I, and I'm sure Dongwoo as well, would really appreciate it if you would just get off our backs."


Woohyun bristled and didn't do anything to hide it. Well, if they didn't want his help.


Ignoring them was hard. It always felt as if someone was getting hurt and someone was retreating into their bedroom. Even if privacy was hard to come by. So far, it seemed that Woohyun was the only one noticing the numerous spats. Sunggyu only noticed the few if they went on for too long.


It was on a Saturday when Woohyun had just gotten back into the dorm, expecting it to be empty because the members had texted him, telling him they'd gone out for dinner. And when he saw the unmistakable silhouette of Dongwoo seated on the couch in the dark, he had wanted to walk forward and comfort him. Nobody ever usually sits in the dark so if he was doing it now, something must have happened. Again.

But then he heard it. The soft panting, and what was definitely something he did not need to hear right now. Woohyun stayed frozen at the doorway, his feet starting to sweat under all the layers and his boots because of the heater in the apartment. He tried not to make a sound. 

Was that a ing moan?

He continued watching as Dongwoo seemed to jerk forward before resting back on the couch. He wanted to call him out, for doing it on the couch but his throat was dry. And something else seemed to stop him. 

A second shape began to rise from the shadow of the couch. The bulky shoulders confirmed that it was Hoya. Woohyun watched as his stomach fumbled and his throat got drier and drier. His heart was going crazy, was he having a heart attack? Hoya stood up straight and leaned down towards Dongwoo and he saw their silhouettes almost blend together. They were kissing. They were gasping and he could see how Dongwoo was slowly sliding lower and lower down onto the couch as Hoya only leaned lower and got onto the couch. 


Woohyun grimaced.


The next time they fought, Woohyun bit down his tongue, and stayed silent in the room as Dongwoo fell asleep. 






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Chapter 1: wut wuzzat
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 1: Well he did not expect that, it was quite a suprise to him.
That's a pleasant ending lolol well-written, thank you!
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha XD