Chapter 17

My childhood's love



Hoya's POV

Mworago?!! WEIRD COUPLE SHE SAID?????!!!!!!

I don't belive it,my sister says that Gongchan and my Hyeon Ji is a couple?!

I can't take it!! i have to take away Hyeon Ji from Gongchan

"Hyeon Ji ah?"

"Ne oppa?"

"Come on,we went to my room.."


"We have to finished our project right?"

"Ah ne..wait a minute i want to get a water..i'm thursty.."

"Aish~! Come on..the maid can take your water if you want..there isn't much time.."

"Bu..but oppa!"

"NO BUTS!!! Kajja!!"

I drag her to my room and continue our's already 6.30 pm,but still we haven't finished our project..

"Ah oppa!! i'm tired =.= "

"Ya!! Me too!! But we have to finished it!! Come on..we just need 1 or 2 hours more for finish it!! Hwaiting!!!"

"Ne..but i can't take it anymore!! please i wanna take a nap for 15 minutes..can i?" She put her puppy eyes to me..awww..i can't take it!!

"Aish those eyes!! Okay..okay..i just give you 15 minutes to take a nap!! no more than 15 minutes..okay?"



Hyeon Ji's POV

Waeyo Hoya oppa is different since Hyo Eun call me and Gongchan a weird couple? It's weird!!

Ah!! i don't care..i just care that i need to take a nap now!!! it's make me tired!!!


Gongchan's POV

Why is Hoya hyung act like that? is he jealous? maybe? argghhhh!!!

I don't care!!! i like Hyeon Ji!!! i want her to be my girlfriend!!! i will ask her at Valentine's day..just wait and see!!!


Hyo Eun's POV

"Yeolie ah?"


"Do you think that Hoya oppa like Hyeon Ji?"


" I'm so curious what is the relation of Hoya oppa and Hyeon Ji..Do you agree?"

"Ne..i'm agree..hmmm..Hyo Eun ah?"


"Do you want to have a dinner with me tommorow?"

"Hmm..i want..hehe..treat me ya?"

" you wish princess..hehe"

Mworago? Is he call me princess? Awww..that's make me melting..saranghae Yeolie ah!!!!

*Uppss..i call her princess? Oh No..its' bad == i don't want she knoiw that i like her!!! NOOOOO!!!* SungYeol said in his heart.




Sorry if i update a short chapter!!! mianheyo!!! i will update tommorow maybe??

So what will Hoya do for take Hyeon Ji from Gongchan?!


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great job!
Little_Ys #2
Mitchie1209 #3
I want Channie :3
Awww! Such a cute story!! :DD Will be reading and waiting for more updates!! Fighting~ :D
thank you fort your comment and subscribed my story ;)<br />
keep support us!!
Miss-K #7
nice story! hwaiting!
XxSoshiSunnyxX #8
i like it update soon plz<br />
slowbutsure #9
Interesting ^^<br />
Update soon..