Chapter 1

A Werewolf's Heart

the start of something new

everyday is a new beginning



The curtains drew open, the light from the morning sun shone through and highlighted a girl's porcelain face.

What started out as a day she thought would be like the rest would mark what changed her life forever.

This is how the life of Choi Mina turned abnormal.



Narrator's POV

Mina walked through school with heavy eyes, I shouldn't have stayed up watching all those chick flicks she thought.

"Hey girlie!" a familiar voice greeted. "Wow, you look knackered" she exclaimed.

"Well Ailee if you didn't force me to have a movie marathon with you then I wouldn't look like this" Mina retaliated.

"She's kidding, you always look good" another voice said.

"Thanks IU" and with that, the three of you walked inside school together.

As you reached your classroom, you directly went to your seat which was at the back of the class. You noticed that there were twelve more seats added at the back which peaked your curiosity. You sat down on your seat as your teacher sauntered to her desk with twelve students behind her.

The presence of the twelve students alone stopped the female's chatter as the girls in your class looked at the new students like they were a piece of eye candy.

"Okay class, we have new students joining us today" the teacher, Miss Jung, announced, "So boys, introduce yourselves."

As the new students introduced themselves, you accidentally made eye contact with one of them who's eyes for only a fraction of a second changed but before you could do a double take, he looked away.

Weird you thought.

"Okay, you can go choose your seats at the back" that sentence broke you out of your daydream.

Your eyes were suddenly bigger than before which showed how surprised you were, this didn't go by unnoticed as your teacher added, "And the student who will be showing these kids around is Miss Choi"

Your jaw dropped. All the other girls were disappointed that they weren't chosen. "Teacher, look at how upset the other girls are! You should choose one of them instead" you insisted but Miss Jung shook her head.

"My decision is final" the teacher stated.

As homeroom ended, you didn't bother waiting for the EXO kids and walked off to who knows where but you were stopped by a tall boy who is also known as your younger brother.

He hugged you all of a sudden "It's Zelo gives free hugs day" he answered to your unspoken question.

Zelo couldn't keep a big grin off his face once he realised who was behind you.

"Ah noona, who are these people behind you?" he asked, all giddy. You turned around to see who he was referring to and you couldn't hide your happy shockness when you saw who it was.

"OMO! Yongguk oppa!" you squealed as you ran over to give him a hug.

"HEY! You didn't forget me about me did you?" another voice said as you looked over Yongguk's shoulder to find Himchan glaring back at you in his diva way. You broke away from Gukkie to hug Himchan himself.

 "MINAAAAA!" you hear a very loud voice shout and hug you from behind, taking you away from Himchan.

"Omo, Daehyunnie, Jae, Jongup!" you exclaimed as you gave the trio a big hug. "I missed you guys so much"

The warning bell rang so you unfortunately had to stop the mini reunion "I'll talk to y'all later" you said and hurriedly brisk walked to your first class which was Home Ec. You were heading towards the classroom when someone tapped your shoulder making you stop and turn around.

You saw two of the new students standing there with their schedule in hand. "Yes?" you questioned.

"Do you know where Home Economics is?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I had to give you a tour... Give me your schedule" you said, holding out your hand.

He gave you his schedule and you looked at it. "Looks like you're in my class" you announced, "Is he with you too?" you asked pointing to his smaller friend.

"He is" he answered, "Okay then, c'mon we're already late" you stated and walked off with the two trailing behind.

You opened the door to the classroom ten minutes into the lesson. "Ah Miss Choi, how nice of you to join us" the teacher said and looked behind you to see the two new students. "Class, we've got two new students so please introduce yourselves."

You went to a seat that wasn't taken and it was next to someone you knew very well, thankfully.

"Hi! My name is Chanyeol" the tall boy, who asked you for directions, greeted. "My name's Baekhyun" the other boy who was smaller also said.

"Okay Baekhyun and Chanyeol, you can sit in the two empty seats in the table by Amber and Mina" the teacher stated, pointing to you.

"So what's the deal with you and them two?" Amber asked, nudging you. You looked at her with a startled expression.

"What do you mean what's the deal? There's nothing going on, they asked me for directions and I helped them" you answered.

"Honey believe me, when they're that good looking there's something going on" Amber insisted,

You couldn't help but laugh at her antics. "But seriously there's nothing going on, they're in my homeroom and I was forced to give them a tour, which I completely forgot about" you said.

"Mmhmm, a tour's not the only thing you're gonna be giving" she mumbled quietly but loud enough for you to hear.

You hit her playfully on the arm, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Before she could answer, the sound of chair legs scraping across the floor interrupted your conversation, which meant that Chanyeol and Baekhyun had sat down.

"We'll talk later" Amber mouthed to you and you nodded.

Before you knew it, it was already lunch time.

 "NOONA!" Zelo shouted, rushing to you with two cups in hand. He gave you one of them and it turned out to be bubble tea. "Where'd you get this?" you asked. "They were selling it at the cafeteria" Zelo answered.

You heard a really loud gasp and turned around, "BUBBLE TEAAAAAAAAA!" you saw one of the new students charging at you as you stood there with wide eyes.

He gripped both your arms tightly as he shook you back and forth  like a madman. "BUBBLE TEA?!" he demanded. You pointed, with a shaky finger, to the cafeteria and he rushed off.

You released the breath you didn't know you were holding once he was out of sight. "We're sorry about Sehun, he's crazy about bubble tea and he hasn't had it for days" the boy you assumed was Chanyeol, apologised.

Shaking your head, you insisted it was alright. "So" Zelo started, you forgot he was beside you "which one of you is in love with my noona?" he asked bluntly which caused you to choke on your bubble tea.

Zelo patted your back as he stared at the eleven boys waiting for an answer. Once you gained your composure, Sehun came back with two bubble teas of the same flavor. "I'm sorry about my brother, he's a bit... delusional" you said.

You punched Zelo in the stomach "How can you ask them that? I barely even know them!" you exclaimed. "I just wanted to know!" he defended.

"I'm in love with her" a voice suddenly confessed which boosted your confusion.


author's notes

so guys, it's the first chapter of the rewritten version!

 I tried to make this chapter long.

who likes the kinda new layout?

everytime a character, who isn't a main character, is introduced, I will update the foreword.

I hoped you guys like this chapter and hopefully y'all will support this version as much as you have given love to the other version XD



let's see if your bias has changed ;)

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koreankimchibaby #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Oh god....THID PARTT
exotic-fication #2
cant wait for chap 2 . fighting author-nim ! ! ^^
lizharuharu #3
Chapter 1: I like the new layout and I can't wait for chapter #2. =)