Lighting the Way

A Lifetime with YOU?!?


The sky in Victoria moved. All night long, stars zipped and vibrated and every evening, new balls of light appeared in the sky. As devoted at the moon worshippers were to their lunar god, all of the people in Victoria revered the heavens for in it lay the strongest bonds of their society, family.

 Thousands of years ago, when the first people created Victoria, there were two families, Solis and Noctis. Their travel across the heavens to found the first city, Orsus, marked the beginning of every family in Victoria. With them, they brought ancient magic and ceremonies practiced since the dawn of time and because of their knowledge, not only did their people survive, but their descendants now lived in a beautiful land with no hunger, war or famine.

As an homage to their roots, the night sky of Victoria was decorated with Spirit Stars. Twinkling like diamonds imbedded in black velvet, every family in Victoria had its own Star created on a couple’s wedding night. Acting as a beckon for lost souls, a family’s star could be called on to guide the lost soul home in times of need or guard the child leaving home for the first time.

On this particular evening stars were called to aid the departure of students across the kingdom. Families from all over performed the same sacred ritual. Stepping out of their homes, parents and children huddled together while their student held on to a small white lantern. Then, standing directly under the shimmering sky, they would recite a spell older than time with the family gathering around the departing figure to speak the words:

“Suspendisse nec procul.”

Bathed in the spell’s love, the heavens shook as lone stars floated from their seat in the sky above and sought shelter below within the lamp’s walls. The mighty flame of the celestial being diminished from a bright burn to a soft glow that painted the child in brilliant radiance.

Beaming with all the hope and blessings of their family, it was customary for the departing to share some words before beginning their journey. That night, one boy used his time to say goodbye…

“Umma. Halmoni. I just..I just want you to know it’s okay. I’ll be okay. Please don’t worry. Honestly, I’m scared. This home, this forest, is all I’ve known for so long. But I have years of your wisdom to guide me along the way so I know I’ll be alright. I promise.” With a bone crushing embrace, Kibum’s family held him, dripping fat tears on his shoulders before calming enough to release him to the lamp. Shrinking in size down to about two inches, Kibum’s mother gingerly settled him inside the lamp, lifting it from the ground and releasing it to the sky.

….while another made a vow.

“Ever since I was a pup, this had been my dream. To train at the academy and be our pack’s next Alpha. Tonight is just the first step. When I return, I will be worthy and I will be ready to lead Shawolf the way every Alpha before me has, with wisdom of our elders, knowledge from the capitol and the love of my Omega. I promise.” Taemin sat outside of the family circle and watched Siwon and Minho’s siblings dog pile the boy before placing him into the lamp. Then, as a strong gust blew in, Siwon sent Minho off to drift along the glowing sea of students and stars.

“He didn’t forget me. He won’t forget me.” Taemin prayed.

Across the land, the heavens were decorated with a river of stars carrying their young charges to the capitol. In the stream of light, lanterns bobbed and weaved and bounced off each other as they pushed towards their destination. Sedated to ease the stress of such an arduous trip, the students slept, unaware of the magic that was propelling them forward and at times propelling them into one another. Several such occupants had no idea that their lanterns had become tangled and were making their way towards the capitol latched together in pairs. No, they had no idea that chance had just selected their roommate for the starting term as Victoria Academy.

Meanwhile on the ground, quiet households everywhere uttered a final spell for their young ones:

“Venit in domum suam in pace.”

Standing at the picture window in his office at the Warlock Chamber Towers, Kibum’s father watched the lanterns fly past and also whispered that same spell in his heart before it slipped past his lips.

“Please come home safe.”


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GdNee43v32 #1
Chapter 11: Welcome back... i can' t wait for new update...
Chapter 11: All
Chapter 11: Love, I'm glad you'll be writing again. Its been a long time. Even though I won't be writing with you anymore, I'll be more than happy to edit this fic for you when I have less on my plate- that's if you'll have me. I won't completely abandon you like that. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us. Much love :* <333
Chapter 11: Welcome back
Chapter 11: Its ok dear. Take ur time. But,welcome back. Weee
This sounds so interesting!!
I can't choose betwen 2min and minkey~
SashaHRH #6
Chapter 10: Very fun and hope an update happens soon!!!
Chapter 10: I miss this story. Update please.... (Puppy dog eyes)
Chapter 10: Thanks to Shawol360 for those fics that made my days in the past. I'm actually very glad that this fics was not abundant but was handed over to our two rising stars. Hellooooooooo daringdarkangel5 and libanno. I'm glad you're willing to continue from here. You guys are doing well and be warned, imma hunt your trails! kekekeke... Can't wait for the next update.
Engravedintomyskin #9
Chapter 10: wow thank you for taking this story It was the first fic I read and I wanted to continue reading it don't worry there is no disappointment you guys are doing really good update soon please ^^
Chapter 10: I've been missing this story ;u;
I'm so glad you two are going to continue it, I'm sure it will be great :D