[3] An Uncanny Hint

Flight 191


An Uncanny Hint



Luhan was in the doorway, soon along with Xiumin.

‘He won’t do it,’ bellowed Luhan, his voice loud and clear.

            The attacker turned to face the two, a dubious grimace appearing on his ferocious face; he was silent. Yoona’s eyes widened, then dared for a second to look at Luhan only to show him disbelief.

             Luhan lowered his chin as if to tell ‘trust me’, whereas Xiumin was unable to stay still; behind Luhan’s broad shoulders, he stirred. In the end he proceeded to seize his gun, but before he could go on to point it at Kris, Luhan stretched his arm to hold him back.

‘I’ll take care of it,’ he breathed.

‘Then do it fast!’ Xiumin whispered, at wits’ end.

            Luhan took a step into the room.

‘Stay put!’ bellowed Kris.

            Luhan walked on; Kris’s arm shook. It was a subtle shake, but Luhan saw it.

‘I said stay put!’

            Luhan soon stood before Kris, so serene that he appeared ferocious in his own restrained way. He smiled; it was his slight smile.

‘I’ll give you three seconds to disappear,’ said Luhan. ‘Three seconds and you’ll never be back here.’

            Kris stood unmoved. Luhan glared at him

‘One,’ started Luhan.



            Kris’s face struggled to hide what Luhan could read into; his jaw was tight, eyes alert.

‘Three,’ breathed Luhan, his eyebrows jerking upwards.

            Kris’s gun dropped with a thud to his feet. He breathed heavily, eyes wide. All of his face wrung at once, his gnarled fingers coarsely hunting to hold his aching head.

            Like thunder, Luhan gripped the collar of his shirt, then flung him high against the wall behind the desk. Yoona gasped, Xiumin motionless in the doorway.

‘Who are you?’ Luhan asked, but didn’t expect an answer. He knew what horrifying ache went through the man’s head that instant. Kris struggled, his head swinging from side to side. Those eyes that once shot mortifying gazes were now shut tight and wet with tears of pain.

            An awful shriek filled the room.

‘Please…’ he cried. ‘Please…’

            When Luhan let him fall to the ground, he rushed away.



It was still Saturday morning when there was no one in the Chief’s office except for him and a gentleman who had requested a special meeting. In the light of the current crisis, the Chief was about to deny him the privilege of meeting him, but he quickly gave up the thought when he heard that the visitor came all the way down from the United States.

‘Please have a seat, Mr. Mayer,’ said the Chief, with a chuckle.

            Mr. Mayer sat upright in his seat, serious. On another occasion he would have been amused by the NIS Chief’s English, but not today.

‘I thank you for having me here, Mr. Jang,’ started George Mayer. ‘I have word that the investigation is underway already – I am talking about Flight 191, of course.’

            George Mayer had large jowls that hung down much like they did on a pig ready to be sacrificed. The Chief grimaced – he had indeed hoped it was something more exciting than this nuisance.

‘Ah, yes… We’re doing all that we can, and hopefully soon, we’ll be able to find answers,’ explained Mr. Jang.

            George Mayer shifted in his seat.

‘I should inform you that I am talking to you as the United States’ emissary on the issue of this missing flight, and I should be therefore glad to propose the involvement of the United States in the search for the missing plane, as well as the investigation regarding the causes.’

            That took the Chief by surprise; he didn’t expect such heartfelt help from foreigners; he grinned wide. Mr. Mayer looked away.

‘There is, however, a condition,’ Mayer said.

‘What would be that, Sir?’

            George Mayer looked the Chief in the eyes now; a convincing man he was.

We will be leading the investigation.’



‘You!’ bellowed Xiumin, grabbing Luhan by the collar. ‘Who are you, huh?!’

            It was one of the very rare occasions when Xiumin lost his temper; whoever this Luhan was, he had just proved himself dangerous.

‘Xiumin,’ pled Yoona.

            Luhan’s face looked composed, but he shivered. His careful hands caught Xiumin’s, then removed their grasp on his shirt.

‘Someone who just saved you and your superior from a dangerous situation,’ he told him calmly. He puffed. ‘Instead of doing this, you should be thanking me.’

            He turned to Yoona. She had things to say and questions to ask, but by the looks of her, she was too scared to mouth anything. One step and he was right in front of her. Eyes soft, he set his hands on her shoulders.

            Yoona looked him in the eyes. More than the warmth of his skin, she could feel the cold of his ring. This ring, and what she had seen earlier were indications that there was more to Luhan than he let her see.

‘Don’t be afraid,’ he whispered, ‘Yoona.’

‘I’ll be watching you!’ said Xiumin, a finger pointed towards Luhan.

            The Chief made his uncanny appearance in the doorway just then; his mouth fell open, for the floor was covered in what seemed a carpet of papers and pens and clips.

‘What on earth happened here?’

            All eyes turned to him.

‘Luhan, are you alright?’ asked the Chief.

            Luhan nodded once, a frown in his brow. The Chief looked around few more times before clearing his throat to speak up.

‘I came with relieving news, Ms. Im,’ said Chief Jang. ‘You’re now free from the burden of this case. I received word from officials in the US that they are to lead this case from now on. Luhan, I am sorry to have brought you here on a whim and then send you back like that… I’ll be talking to Mr. Mayer, see if – ’

‘No!’ Yoona interrupted.

‘What do you mean “no”, Ms. Im?’ said the Chief. ‘I wasn’t asking you about – ’

‘Don’t, Chief… Please, leave this case the way it is,’ pled Yoona.

            The Chief shrugged.

‘I’m terribly sorry, it’s already done.’

It was almost noon and Yoona sat in her office all alone. Luhan was away trying, with his undoubted charms, to convince the Chief to leave the case on their hands. She had sent Xiumin earlier to go fetch the voice recordings from the control tower and the CCTV recordings from the airport.

            Now, in the quiet of her empty office, she thought – although she shouldn’t have – about her mother. Did she know Sehun was on the flight? Was she awake yet? Was she worrying?

            Yoona grabbed her phone. When she pressed the home button, her heart raced faster.

            Two missed calls in the last hour.

            Caller – Sehun. 


 Author's Note


Again, thank you for continuing to read this fanfiction. I smile whenever I see one of you engaged in the story, trying to figure out the plot and the characters. In the comments, I noticed most of you are smart. This is it - the author and the readers are creating the story together. Thank you for all the subscriptions, upvotes, endearing comments and for all the support! I hope to do better with each chapter and deliver a story that will stay with you for a long time! Do tell me your honest opinion - criticism is encouraged!

Yours Sincerely,


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saseumi90 #1
Chapter 7: update soon
jcd2004 #2
So excited for the next chapters. Awesome story! :)
Chapter 7: nice, thanks for updating! mystery is indeed, still.. mystery xD
cheysa_deer #4
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating! This is really awesome! XD
Chapter 7: All hail this story!!! Mystery and still mystery!
I think that Luhan and Kris are included as the men who captured (?) Sehun.... Maybe that's why Luhan hesitated! And yes they want something from Yoona!
Love this so so sooo much, author-nim
HiAndGoodbye #6
Chapter 7: REALLY excited for the next chapter. This one really kept me on my toes wondering what would happen next. Hoping for LuYoon scenes soon <3
idkwhatsgoingon #7
Chapter 6: Wow that ending for this chapter was really exciting.
Looking forward to reading more ^^
cheysa_deer #8
Chapter 6: Update soon! This is awesome!
saseumi90 #9
Chapter 6: Who is that??
Update soon