i'm here, baby

Flawless melodic

“honey~ I’m home.”


Chanyeol open the door and enter his house. He put the ramyun that he bought just now on the dining table. Chanyeol’s leg started moved to find his wife.      


He seek at their room and saw Baekhyun’s back figure, he was wearing an earphone. Chanyeol walked straight to him, giving him a back hug.Then, Baekhyun turn his head to back. Chanyeol gawked when he saw his wife’s face. Tears were flowing without a pause.


Chanyeol took out the earphone from Baekhyun’s ear.


“honey, why you’re crying? And why your face seem pale? Are you okay?  Stop crying Bakkie, tell me what’s wrong?” Chanyeol curiously asked. He wipes his wife’s tears away and cradle his face gently.


“nothing, baby. The song that I heard just now is too sad, so I cried. I’m not sick.” He exclaimed.


Realizing that some tears were still welling up in Baekhyun’s  eyes, Chanyeol hug him. Baekhyun hide his face in his husband’s embrace, some tears fell again. Again, Chanyeol wipes his tear away and kissed his forehead.

“Baby, what will you do if I leave you..?” Those words slipped out from Baekhyun’s lip. His voice broke the silence.


“why you’re talking about this nonsense thing? I know you’ll never leave me. you’ll never…  but if you do, I’ll just……….. could cry. Why? Do you have someone else? ” He shot back with some worry face.


“no honey, you’re my only one.. I just have you.” Baekhyun kissed his lip.


Chanyeol kissed he’s lip back..


 Chanyeol said “I’ll prepare our dinner, waited a few minutes okay?” Baekhyun nodded. Chanyeol body’s entered the kitchen.


 “Yeollie, I’m sorry. I will leave you.. I have to, there’s no choice..” Baekhyun whisper to himself.


He lay on the bed while putting the mp3 and the earphones into a box. And he put the box beside him. His face was very pale, like a dying person. His forehead sweating, like he was fighting with a real pain.

Yes, it true. Baekhyun was dying, and he was fighting the pain alone..  This time, the tears flowing unconditionally, and he shut his eyes slowly.

‘it hurt so much, I couldn’t breathe…’


and his heart stop beating..


Chanyeol entered the room and cracked a smile when he thought his wife was sleeping. He sat beside Baekhyun while trying to wake him up. “Honey, the dinner was prepared. Let’s eat together..” he shook Baekhyun’s body. But there’s no respond..


He hold his hand and checking his pulse.. ‘it stopped..?’ his mind blank.
Chanyeol cannot find the use of his tongue.. his mouth opened slightly, but nothing came out from it.

He cried, but nothing was changed. Chanyeol can’t stop his tears. He keeps crying more and more..


 it has almost been four day Chanyeol crying. He sat on the bed, where Baekhyun died. ‘Honey, you broke our promise to never apart’ he thought himself.


Then he saw a box. Chanyeol open it and there was a folded paper, mp3 and earphone. He unfolded the paper and read it silencely.


The tears fell again. Chanyeol put on the earphones to his ears and hear to that mp3..


Baby don’t cry
 Just don’t hesitate anymore, okay
please just take out my heart
like a very piercing light
Even the moonlight of the night,
close your eyes.

if it isn’t me,
but rather another man
if it’s only a line In a comedy
when it all burns,it will stop

I’m willing to exchange
scars with your love
baby don’t cry tonight
when the dark night lights up again

Baby don’t cry tonight
just pretended it never happened
you will never become foam
Did you not know?

so baby don’t cry, cry
my love protects you
and won’t leave you

please just accept this fate
I think I love you more than
all your lovers have combined
and still love you twice as much

when you smile, sun shine
so dazzling that make me speechless
my entire heart is giving off waves
they only stop when it breaks

Baby don’t cry tonight~


After 45 years..

"Hannie! i found something interesting in our new house. come here!" Sehun shouted.

"what's baby? what's so interesting about this old house?" Luhan asking with a not amused face.

Sehun hold a box and opened it  " i found this box under the bed.see? there's some paper. look like a letter let read it together." 

Luhan nodded. and they read silencely.


 To my love, Park Chanyeol
from your love, Byun Baekhyun

        Yeollie baby, I love you. I had leave you right? I’m sorry for leaving you, lying about my brain cancer, making you missing me, breaking our promise.. Baby, do you still crying? Stop shedding your tears and wipe them away. Because I can’t do it to you anymore.

You must know how to wipe them away because you always used it to me. Do you eat well? You have to be strong! Park Chanyeol, i’m still not ready to leave you.. I still want to hug you tightly. I still want to sink in our kiss. I still want to sleep in your embrace. I still want to hold your hand. I still want you to cradle my face. I still want to laugh together.  I still want you to wipe away my tears. I still want to call you ‘baby’. I still want to hear you call me ‘honey’ . I still want to be your wife. I still want to live with you…

Baby, my tears keep rolling.. and I can’t stop them. Like when I cried because of that sad song. I left a mp3 in that box, you have to hear to that song..
‘Baby don’t cry’, it was the song that I always listen to. Understand the mean
of that song, because it was also my message to you. If you miss me too much, just remember that I’d always be by your side. Even though you can’t see me, even though you can’t hear me, even though you still miss me.

            I wonder that will you miss me?  If you miss someone so much that you want to cry, close your eyes. Imagine their smiling face. You have to eat well, because your body will be weak if you take easy about them. I know you’re a little good in cooking, so I left my cooking book in the kitchen. I hope you’ll can cook more for yourself, like I did when I was alive.

              I don’t want to see you lamenting on me. I want you to keep smiling. Please never change because of me.. Just be yourself, be the happy ‘Chanyeol’ that can spread the ‘happy virus’ to other people. You always said that you’re trying to be happy forever, smiling forever.. never be sad..

               Baby, you have to find a new wife. I don’t want to see you suffering and lonely. I want you enjoy your life. I will be okay, because my parents are waiting for me. If you suffer, I will more suffer to see you like that. Lift your head, baby. Open your shoulder and tell the world that you’re strong.

             if you want to find a soulmate, it have to be the right one. The one that will never hurt you. The one that can make you smile. The one that can make you live blissfully. And I believe that one day, you will meet the person.

            Truthfully, I am still worry about you. If you feel unwell or you had a fever, take your medicine. If you’re hungry, cook yourself because instants food aren’t good for your health. You have to remember those advise. Because this is the last time I could nag at you. I don’t have so much time.. my hand shaking. Feeling like I’m dying.. yes, I am dying..

              My head hurt so much right now. I had gathered all my strength to write this letter to you, so please not to waste my last strength. Please, do not cry. You have to hear to that song.. I can’t bear this anymore, it hurt too much that I can’t explain.

Park Chanyeol, I love you



Your wife,
Byun Baekhyun

"there's one more?" they read again. Luhan's tears welling up in his eyes, trying not to cry.

Dear Baekhyun,

               The song that I hear just now, it means that you want to tell me to stop crying. Whenever I want to cry, I’ll listen to this song.

Honey, do you know that I love you too? I’m also doesn’t want to let you go. Why do you go? I still want to hug you, I still want you to sleep in my embrace. I still want to call you ‘honey’. I still want to hear you call me ‘baby’. I still want to be your husband. I still want to live with you.
         Do you know how much I had cried. Do you know how ugly my face now? Do you know how much I miss you? How will I live tomorrow, without you..? who will make my day if it not you.. how I will life without Byun Baekhyun, my wife?  all of our together memory.. it was playing in my mind. How soft your kiss was. How tight you hug me. How beautiful your smile when you’re with me.. How pretty your face when you’re singing. How much I admired your melodious voice. How much I don’t want to apart with you. How sweet was our first meet. How ugly our face when we cried together.
Byun Baekhyun, why you’re so stupid? It must be so pain, fighting the cancer alone. But if I’d were you, I’ll also do the same. Hide it from the people we love..  
I  am stupid too, right? It was so uninteresting to asking many question but no one can answer it. Honey, do you know there was a possible that the guy who spread ‘happy virus’ is also can cried. He also can angry. He also can jealous. He also can sad. He can feel everything as he has a ‘heart’.

         I’m glad, you know? You’re worry about me. you’re loving me. I’m gald to have meet Byun Baekhyun. I’m glad to had married with Byun Baekhyun. And I will never replace you with other person. please, just give me I more day.. to cry.. to lamenting on you… just give me one day and I promise after that I will spread those ‘happy virus’ again.

Byun Baekhyun, I love you too..

Your husband,
Park Chanyeol


"that was so sad.." said sehun with some teary eyes. He look at Luhan that can't stop crying. Sehun hug him and saying "don't worry, baby. it just their story, not us. we will never apart... i promise.

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Chapter 1: can we have a hunhan sequel??? ;.;
OhMyra #2
Chapter 1: I'm crying . :(