
Good Boys Like Good Girls

But Good Girls like Bad Boys.

He clenched his fists, his finger nails digging into the palms of his hands. But the sharp pain was nothing compared to what it felt watching you cry in front of him and not being able to do anything but sit and stare.

Doubled-over, as if your insides were in pain, you cried into your lap while sitting on his couch, in his living room, in his apartment. Everything of him was there surrounding you, even his heart and love that tried to reach you for years. But you would have none of it as your mind was solely on that guy and that

Bad Boys like Bad Girls.

"I knew..." You said through your tears and sobs, still not revealing your tear-stained face to Daesung, "I knew there was something... someone that he was..." You choke on the words, not even wanting to say it out loud, "Why am I such an idiot?!"

Daesung bit the inside of his mouth, preventing his words from barreling out, spewing strings of curses towards the bastard that made you this way. For not cherishing you like you should've been cherished.

"He doesn't deserve you..." Daesung settles with this way of phrasing what was only the harsh truth, "He's selfish and doesn't care about anyone else..." Not even you. He wanted to finish, but kept it to himself. It was not something that should be said at a time like this.

At these words, you slowly lift your head to look at him through your tears, "But I loved him, Daesung-ah... "

Daesung doesn't even flinch although the stab of pain hits his chest full force and it feels like someone was slowing turning the knife embedded in his heart since you and that guy had started dating.

He's had enough practice hiding his feelings in front of you.

Instead, he looks at you with gentle eyes and nods, "I know you do... but would a person who loved you make you feel like this? If he loved you, he wouldn't hurt you like he did."

You take a moment to take in Daesung's words before turning your attention to the floor, your tears now falling on their own from the rim of your eyes, "How would you know?" You say rather defensively, even though you knew it was true yourself.

Another stab into his chest. "Because..." Because I love you "I would never let the girl I loved cry."

His heart was hammering against his chest. His words almost ringing too close to the truth as his eyes focused on you, waiting to see if you'd notice.

He watches as a bitter smile form on your lips. You lift your hands to your cheek and wipe your seemingly endless tears away, "I guess your future girlfriend would be lucky. Since you're such a good guy, Daesung-ah..."

I love you like this
But why can't you see my feelings for you.

A faint but painful smile reaches his lips, "Of course! Why can't you ever meet a good guy like me, hm?" He says with a comical twist, something he always did to lighten the mood, but also to hide the torment inside.

To your surprise, you let out a small chuckle. But little did he know, he always had the power to make you laugh in the worst of situations. It was something you cherished about him.

"I think there's no other guy like you, Daesung."

Hearing this, he wanted to yell. He wanted to grab you by your shoulders and shake you awake from your nightmares and illusions in hopes that you will be able to see who has been the one standing beside you all this time.

I'm so good to you
You love him but his kiss is a lie

He wanted to say how long he's loved you. How long he's cared for you since the day you two met and became friends. He wanted to pull you into his arms and show you what it really meant to love and be loved in return.

But he did none of these things and instead left you two in dead silence, leaving each other deep within your own thoughts.

"Is it okay..." You begin speaking suddenly, he stares back at you, admiring the beauty which only he seemed to cherish, "Is it okay if I stay here for the night? It'd be too hard to go back to the apartment right now..."

He gives you a smile and a nod, "Of course. Where else would you go, right?" He tried to joke, but his feelings were so raw that the bitterness ended up slipping through the seams.

It doesn't get past you as he sees you frown and your brows furrow, "Is there something wrong?"

"No! Of course not, I was just joking with you, silly." He quickly tries to recover, but his voice was shaking. Too much was trying to burst out of him after so many years of suppressing. You were right in front of him, hurt and vulnerable, yet he couldn't do anything to make you see him and only him.

You used your sleeves to wipe off the last of your tears as you stood up and made your way to him. He watched you carefully and curiously before you stopped right in front of him. He was just about to ask you what you were doing when you leaned over and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.

His whole body froze at the contact, but soon his arms wrapped around your back pulling you closer, taking the chance and not wanting this precious moment to end.

"Thank you, Daesung..." He hears you whisper against his chest, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

He wasn't able to respond to your words that made his heart hurt and flutter at the same time, so he just remained silent memorizing every dip and curve of your body and how it fit perfectly with his.

You pull away from the hug, much to his dismay, and look up at him with a hint of a smile. His eyes instantly fall on your swollen red eyes and red nose, making him frown at the sight.

"Here, let me get you a change of clothes to sleep in... and some water." He coughs through the awkwardness he was suddenly feeling before walking away. He hurried to his closet in his bedroom, grabbing a plain white T-shirt and some sweats for you before heading to the kitchen to fill a glass of water.

"Here you go. And I'll go get you a blan--" He turns the corner, but only to find you already laying on the couch and asleep. Quietly, he tip-toed the rest of the way and placed the glass of water on the table in front of you. He went back to his bedroom, threw the clothes on his bed and exchanged it with a fluffy blankets and a pillow.

You were right where he left you as he kneels beside the couch, carefully lifting your head to slide in the pillow and pulled the blanket over your body completely. As he carefully inches away, he notices just how close his face was to yours at this very moment.

He noticed your soft skin, the little freckles at the tip of your nose and apples of your cheeks, the little mole just below one of your eyes. He smiled to himself, happy that you were able to escape the pains of reality for even a moment.

"__________-ah..." Daesung spoke. His voice cracked a little, reflecting his nervousness just being so close with you, "I..."

He pauses with the words at the tip of his tongue. He's never said it out loud, not to anyone, not to any of the other BIGBANG members, and most certainly not to you.

But over the years, what started off as a mere crush or interest, grew bigger, and the secret of it grew along with it to the point where every day Daesung felt like the words could slip out any moment.

His eyes scan your face carefully before his self-control couldn't hold him back anymore. Placing one hand on the edge of the couch to keep him steady, he pushed himself up onto his knees before leaning over slowly.

With his face just inches away from yours, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against your forehead, and whispered, "I love you."

Daesung's face flushed immediately from his words. Embarrassed, he quickly turned away and was pushing himself up his feet to leave, when... something warm grabbed ahold of his hand.

"D-D-Daesung-ah..." Your quiet by shy voice reached him, making his heart stop and his blood drain.

Slowly, he turned to look at you, still laying on the couch, but your eyes were wide open in surprise... and something... hopeful. His eyes glance at the tight grip your hand had on his fingers, it gave him such warmth.

"Daesung-ah... Y-You..." You stuttered and that's when he noticed the blush slowly creeping to your cheeks.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, his nerves jittering throughout his body as it finally sinks in: You finally know. You know that he loves you.

And with that, he gives you a nod and a guilty but relieved smile.

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Chapter 1: This was adorable. Absolutely perfect. You are one of the few writers who actually seem to capture Daesung's personality perfectly. Really excited for whatever else you come out with :)