When Jin & Kame Stumbled on AFF (One-Shot)

When Jin & Kame Stumbled on AFF (One-Shot)

During the Gokusen 2 Taping

The five male main cast of Gokusen 2 are waiting around for the next scene they need to tape. Kazuya Kamenashi also known as Kame is playing with his phone. Then there’s Jin Akanishi who is on the laptop searching for something to do. Mokomichi Hayami and Teppei Koike are looking through some magazines while Keisuke Koide is playing with his PSP.

Jin Akanishi is bored out of his mind and decides to check out some fan-fiction that his friend mentioned about. He goes to the US version of Google and searches for ‘Asian Fanfiction’ and the first thing that pops out is the website ‘www.asianfanfiction.com.’ He clicks on it to see what it looks like. He is surprised to see the picture of KAT-TUN on the top left of the screen. He gets so excited and he starts calling his co-star. “Kame!”

Kame looks up from his phone and looks at Jin. “What?”

“Check this out! It’s our group picture on this site.” Jin says.

Kame stands up and walks towards Jin to check out what he is babbling about. He looks at the website and his eyes get big when he sees his picture on the site. “What is this site?”

Jin looks at him grinning. “It’s a fan-fiction site.”

“A what fan-fiction?” Kame asks.

Jin shakes his head. “Haven’t you heard about fans making up some stories about their favorite stars?”

Kame stands up straight trying to think. “I think I heard of something like that.”

“Well, this is the American version. It’s all in English.” Jin says. “We even have fans in the US!” Jin says with too much excitement.

“I see.” Kame says and then he asks, “What’s that popping sound?”

“What popping sound?” Jin asks.

“You can’t hear it?” Kame asks, “See, there it is again.” Kame says trying to find where that popping sound is coming from.

Jin looks around the site and then he sees this chat box on the left hand side. “I think that popping sound is coming from that chat box.”

“You are right.” Kame says. “What are they talking about?”

Jin looking at the Chat box sees a bunch of conversation. “They are talking about NEWS.” Jin says since Kame only knows few English and can’t read fast enough to understand it.

“NEWS?!” Kame asks, “How about KAT-TUN?”

“It seems like they like to talk about NEWS more than us.” Jin says.

“That’s not fair. We need to tell them about us!” Kame says.

“I have a great idea!” Jin says.

Kame just watches as Jin signs up for the chat box.

~~~~~~~ Chat Box ~~~~~~~

Yukino78: Who are the NEWS again?

AsianFanFiction: lol @ yuki

Yukino78: What? For real…who are the NEWS again?

Yamapine: I can’t believe you keep forgetting who they are yuki!

Yukino78: Sorry, not really into J-pop…lol =P

OoperTali: That’s fine Neechan. We still luv you!

Yukino78: Awwww…thanks Tali Mei Mei

Blossy: Okay for the last time yuki I will tell you. The News are Tomohisa Yamaa, Ryo Nishikado, Yuya Tegoshi, Hiroki Uchi, Shigeaki Kato, and Keiichiro Koyama.

Blossy: My favorite is Ryo!!!! Ryo my love!

Yukino78: ahhhh..okay! I’ll probably just gonna remember Ryo and Yamapi…since I’ve seen their drama before. I never thought they belong in a boy band.

Yamapine: You and your K-ent!

Yukino78: What? I like K-Ent more right now…=P

Yukino78: Though, I’m a big fan of Orange Range and Asian Kung Fu Generation


“What are you doing Jin?” Kame asks him.

“Shhhh, I’m trying to concentrate here.” Jin says.

“Concentrate on what?”

“I’m trying to think of a screen name.” Jin says. “Ahh! I got it.”

~~~~~~~ Chat Box ~~~~~~~

~Anon1234 logs in~

Yamapine: hey Anon!

Blossy: Anon!!! come join us here!

Yukino78: Hey Anon! yes! Join us, we don’t bite…unless you want us to! Lol

Asianfanfiction: Hey Anon!

OoperTali: Yuki Neechan, don’t scare them away!

~JJ logs in~

JJ: Hello

Yukino78: Ohhhh!!! A new nick!!! Hello JJ!

Yamapine: Hey JJ!

Blossy: Hi JJ!

OoperTali: Hello JJ!

Asianfanfiction: Hello JJ! Welcome to AFF!

JJ: Wow, thanks!

Yukino78: So, JJ, where are you from?

JJ: Japan

Yamapine: I love Japan!!!

Blossy: Me too!!!

Yukino78: Ohh. You’re from Japan? Are you M? or F? or Shemale? Lol

JJ: Male…what’s a Shemale?

Yamapine: JJ don’t mind Yuki…she’s crazy.

JJ: Oh okay. lol.

Yukino78: How old are you JJ? Also, how did you find this website?

Asianfanfiction: yes, I want to know too how you found this site. Also, just call me Annie.

JJ: I’m 28 and I googled it and this site is the first one that pops out.

Blossy: Awesome!!! We’re getting popular!

Yukino78: Your English is pretty good. Are you really from Japan?

Yamapine: Yuki!!! Stop grilling JJ…you gonna scare him away.

Yukino78: What? What? I’m just curious! Nothings wrong with that right? Right?

JJ: That’s fine. I studied English in the US for a year or so.

Yamapine: Ohhh, that’s why it’s good.

Yukino78: So, JJ how tall are you? And do you like sports?

Blossy: Ohhh yeah, good question!

JJ: I’m 5’10” and I don’t really like sports much…but I do go to the gym and exercise.

Yamapine: oh that’s good. We need to do that too.

Yukino78: I guess I don’t need to ask this question. You definitely into J-Ent since you’re from Japan.

JJ: yes I like J-ent

Yamapine: Yes!!!! One more in my camp!

JJ: I’m sorry, but I have to go. My friends are calling for me now.

Yamapine: awww… Okay! do come back okay?

Blossy: Yeah! Come back again JJ! Tell your friends about us okay?

JJ: Okay I will. Ja ne!

~JJ logged off~

~Anon1234 logged off~


“Jin! Kame! Hurry up!” Mokomichi shouts out loud.

“We’re coming!” Jin says while logging off the chat box and closing his laptop, but saving the website.

“That was an interesting experience.” Kame says.

Jin grins, “Yes it is.”

“Are you going back to that site again?” Kame asks.

“Yes, I will.” Jin says smiling while walking towards the set to start filming.


The next day

Kame is hanging out with Jin since it’s their day off from filming. “I’m bored.” He says.

Jin comes out of his room carrying his laptop. “Want to check out that site again?” Jin asks Kame.

Kame sits up straight and says, “Sure, but this time try to mention KAT-TUN.”


Kame notices Jin frowning. “What’s wrong?”

Jin looks up at Kame and says, “Someone is pretending to be me.”

“Say what?” Kame says and he sits beside Jin to see the conversation.

~~~~~~~Chat Box ~~~~~~~

~jj logs in~

Yamapine: Hey JJ! Welcome Back!

jj: Hi

Yukino78: Oh! You came back! And here I thought I scared you from last time.

jj: yeah

Blossy: How are you JJ?

jj: Okay

Yukino78: hmm…JJ where are you from?

Yamapine: Why are you asking that again?

Blossy: Yeah, we know that already.

Yukino78: JJ are you still here with us?

jj: yeah

Yukino78: Where are you at?

jj: US

Yamapine: Huh?

Blossy: What?

Yukino78: I knew it! That’s a different jj from yesterday.

jj: no. I’m the same.

Yukino78: Oh puleaseeeee! You just said you’re in the US, but the JJ yesterday was from Japan.

Blossy: nooo way!

Yamapine: he’s probably confuse…lol

Yukino78: he is lying to us. Are you even a He? Maybe you’re a she? Or a shemale?!

Yamapine: oh stop that yuki!

jj: I got to go. Friend is calling.

Yukino78: he’s running away…lol

Blossy: oh okay jj, come back again.

Yamapine: yeah, come back again!

Yukino78: yeah, when you’re not confuse anymore! Bye byeeee!

~jj logged off~

Blossy: Awww…he left.

~previously known as JJ logs in~

Yukino78: who cares? We know he’s an impostor.

~loki logs in~

Loki: has JJ been here?

Yamapine: Hey Loki!

~Asianfanfiction logs in~

Blossy: Hey Loki!!!

Yukino78: Hello Loki! Where you from?

Loki: Hi…I’m from Singapore. Have you seen JJ yet?

Yukino78: Ohhh nice! Singapore! And the fake jj just left

Yukino78: Hey Annie, Hello Previously known as JJ!!!

Yamapine: Hello previously-known-as-JJ!!! Hey annie!

Asianfanfiction: Hello everyone!!!

Loki: I think that JJ is Jaejoong

Yamapine: Huh?

Blossy: Jaejoong? DBSK Jaejoong?

Loki: yes, I was here yesterday and I saw the conversation and whatever he said is exactly about Jaejoong

Yukino78: Loki how old are you? Are you female?

Loki: yes I am female and I’m 17. I really think that’s Jaejoong.

Yukino78: Okay kiddo, why do you keep insisting that’s Jaejoong? Unless…you were jj earlier.

Loki: sorry, I have to go. My brother is coming. I’m using his laptop he’ll be mad if he sees me here.

Loki: If you see jj again, can you tell him I want to talk to him and I have so many questions.

Loki: I got to go. Bye.

~Loki logs off~

Previously known as JJ: Hello!

Yamapine: hey! You finally said something!

Blossy: Hello you! You have a long name.

Previously known as JJ: You can just call me JJ. I was here yesterday.

Yukino78: Are you the one from Japan?

~Previously known as JJ logs off~

~JJ logs in~

JJ: yes, I was the one here from yesterday, but when I was about to log in I saw someone logged in as jj.

Yukino78: ahhhh…the fake jj who was here earlier. I think jj is loki too.

Yamapine: why do you say that?

Yukino78: well, when the fake jj logs out then loki logs in…isn’t that suspicious enough…and not even saying Hi or Hello…shemale starts saying about JJ being Jaejoong…c’mon now…we’re not that stupid.

Blossy: that is true.

Asianfanfiction: I don’t think she knows that we can tell if they are one and the same. There is a way.

Yukino78: yes there is!!! Lol

JJ: wow, you guys are scary.

Yukino78: only when people starts making a fool of us. Hehehehe…don’t worry JJ you’re fine.

Yamapine: So, JJ, have you heard of NEWS?

JJ: *rolls eyes* of course. Have you guys heard of KAT-TUN?

Yukino78: KAT-TUN????

Blossy: YUKI!!! I can’t believe this! You never heard of KAT-TUN????

Yukino78: guilty as charge. Who are they?

Yamapine: *rolls her eyes* Yuki you said you’re watching Gokusen right?

Yukino78: Yes!!! I luvvvvvvv Gokusennnnnnnnn!!!!

Blossy: you are so funny! You know who Hayato and Odagiri there?

Yukino78: Yes, they are the main guys…they are soooooo adorable!!! I just want to eat them!!! why?

Yamapine: Hayato is Jin Akanishi and Odagiri is Kazuya Kamenashi from KAT-TUN

Yukino78: Whoa!!! For real?!!!

Asianfanfiction: I didn’t know that either

Yukino78: Yey!!! Annie didn’t know it either…I’m not the only one!

Yamapine: But Annie knows the NEWS and you don’t!

JJ: What do you think about those two guys?

Yamapine: I think they are gorgeous!

Blossy: I like Jin! He is sooo y.

JJ: Yeah, I think Jin is y too.

Yukino78: I like Kame better. Oh hold on! JJ!!! Omg! You swing that way?!? I mean you batting for both teams?! Omo…Omo.!!!

JJ: Nooooooo!!!! I’m straight!!!

Yamapine: Pi is still the iest of them all

Yukino78: Whew! Glad to know JJ.

Yukino78: Chri, I still think his is a bit saggy from those Anan pics

Yamapine: Yuki!!!! It is not!!! It’s firm!

Blossy: Have you seen Jin’s Anan pics? It’s too sensual.

Yukino78: I wanna see! I wanna see!!!

Blossy: Hold on…let me look for it.

Yukino78: I wonder if Kame have one too…let me google it.

Yamapine: Kame has one too I believe.

Yukino78: OMG! I just saw Jin’s Anan pics…I don’t like it! It looks like …my eyesss!!!! My eyessss!!!!!

JJ: ?!?

Yamapine: JJ don’t worry about Yuki…she’s always like that.

Yukino78: Ohhh…I like Kame’s Anan pics…much much better!!!! My violated eyes can relax now…

JJ: My picture…I mean Jin’s picture are all about iness.

Yukino78: I don’t see y there…I see .

JJ: *rolls eyes* you don’t know art Yuki.

Yukino78: hahahahaha…I take pictures JJ…I know what good photos are.

Yamapine: okay…that’s enough of the pictures. JJ how are you today? Not busy at all?

JJ: no, we finally get a day off.

Blossy: That’s good!

Yukino78: JJ tell us more about yourself.

JJ: what if I say that I’m Jin Akanishi what will you do?

Yamapine: I wanna be your friend! And plssss introduce me to Yamapi!

Blossy: I wanna be your friend too and plsss introduce me to Ryo!

JJ: you guys are too funny!!!

Yukino78: I would say…hmmm…those Anan pics are ! What were you thinking!?!

Yukino78: Then…can you introduce me to Kame? Also please tell him that if he wants he can fly me over there and he can do me anytime and anywhere he wants!!!

Yukino78: Better yet, tell him to fly over here! lol

Blossy: Yuki!!!! Your’e soooo naughty!!!

Yamapine: Yeah! I like it! *thinking of doing some stuff to Pi*

JJ: You girls are crazy! But fun!

JJ: for the last time Yuki, those are not !

Yukino78: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say JJ. I still see it as …lol

Yamapine: Yes we are fun! It’s only make-believe anyway. Lol

Blossy: It will be amazing if they actually stop by here and talk to us!

Yamapine: I know! I wish Pi can come by here!!! I’ll shower him with my loveeeee!

JJ: okay ladies I need to go. My friend is getting hungry and we’re supposed to meet our other friends.

Yamapine: Okay JJ!!! Come back again!!!

Blossy: Yes do come again!!! It’s fun talking to you.

Yukino78: Yes JJ, come again! It is fun chatting with you! Bring your friends next time! More guys more fun! Lol

Asianfanfiction: Bye JJ! See you next time again!

JJ: Okay! Take care! Byeee~

~JJ logs off~


Jin sits back after logging off AFF. “I think I’m getting a headache. Those girls can talk and type fast.” Jin mumbles. He looks at Kame who is still grinning.

“I think I’ll sign up for that chattango thing.” Kame says.

“Those girls are a bit wild.” Jin says, “I like it.” Jin the side of his mouth.

“I like that Yuki girl.” Kame mutters.

Jin rolls his eyes, “Of course you do. She likes your Anan pictures and wants to bang you anywhere and anytime.”

Kame starts laughing, “I can’t believe she calls your pictures from Anan !”

“Oh shut up!”

“What time are we meeting Pi and Ryo?” Kame asks.

“They said at seven pm.” Jin looks at the clock, “We have 30 minutes.”

“Hey, isn’t that girl Yamapine likes Pi and that Blossy girl likes Ryo?” Kame asks.

“That’s right.” Jin grins, “Should we tell them about that chat room?”

“Yeah, let us do that and see what reaction they have when they go in there.” Kame says

“This is going to be fun.” Jin says.

“As long as they don’t mess with that Yuki girl I’m fine. That girl is mine.” Kame says with a smirk.





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Jahsa4 #1
Chapter 1: This so funny that couldn't stop laughing.
Chapter 1: LOVED IT!! It was so much fun, as if it was real.

This is Poptart or Poppie *wave hand*

I am glad I found this in the 'random story'
GGsuju #3
sterlingpaper #4
nice!! :DDD

foundationgirl #5
Chapter 1: cute~~~

i really like it!!!!
@ boku_ikemen...i was thinking of doing a sequel...but i kind of forgot about it...maybe i'll think of that again...hehehehe
@ Mistral: hahahaha...i know huh?! if they read the fics first they might get scared...lol<br />
@ Nizzyool: hahahahaha...yeah...nice seeing you here!!!!