Chapter 9

You are Mine
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Chapter Nine

I apologize for any mistakes and any typos or any grammar or whatever errors in this chapter. Please bear with me.

Next day, I arrived at my office about 7.15 in the morning. Miss Sooyoung already left the office for a meeting with Telco Cooperation, so I decided to clear the backlog of my work. I looked up at the wall clock, it showed 9.30 in the morning. Miss Sooyoung will return from the meeting anytime now. I felt lonely without Miss Sooyoung. She’s the one who always made me busy like hell at the office.


Suddenly my cell phone rang. I took out my cell phone of my handbag and looked down at the caller’s name. No name.


“Hello, may I speak to Miss Jessica?”


“I’m Jessica, who is this?”


“I’m Robert from BomBom Printing Company. I want to ask about your wedding invitation card. I wonder, when can we start printing? I tried to call Mister Taecyeon last Saturday, but he didn’t pick up,” said Robert who always called me to ask about the invitation card of me and Taecyeon.


I sighed, “well, actually.. our wedding has been cancelled. You can cancel my order.”




I snorted in annoyance, “nothing. You can cancel the order. Thanks for calling Robert.” I quickly hang up because I don’t want to hear any more question from him.


Why? Robert’s voice played again in my ears.


Because Taecyeon is dead. He is dead. Dead!!!


Dead.. I shouldn’t use that word for Taecyeon. But, Taecyeon’s already dead. He isn’t here in this world to live with me anymore. Il Woo oppa’s word last night start to play again in my mind. This time, it’s not just the voice that I could hear, but I could feel it in my heart too.


From that second, my mind froze. Everything I do is wrong, I can’t get it right. I felt stressed, as if my soul was rebelling. Why do I have to bear all this? Why does my loved ones have to leave me? Why does the person I loved must leave me drowning like this?


“Miss Jessica, see me please.” Miss Sooyoung’s voice echoed through the intercom speaker.


I sighed. Without wasting any time, I headed into her room. She seemed angry.


“How do you type this letter?” she asked as she threw those papers in front on me. That’s harsh.


I just kept quiet while taking a deep breath.


“Go do it again,” she ordered, so arrogantly.


I complied and collected those papers immediately. Without looking at her face I walked out her office. The intercom kept on ringing. I didn’t have any mood to answer it. All executives had gone, doing their business out. The only left were me and the other two clerks. They both were talking on the phone.


Now my intercom rang, I don’t know for how many times. I got stressed out every second. But it’s just an in-office call.


“Busy?” I heard Hyoyeon’s voice from the telephone receiver.


“I don’t know.” After that I went silent for a moment before telling her the heartbreaking news.


“Hyo, Taecyeon isn’t here anymore. He’s dead.”




“Yes, he is. Because of an accident.”


“Then, what the heck are you doing here?”


When I just about to answer that question, another call came in. This time it came from Miss Sooyoung's direct-line, “hold on, Hyo. I have to answer this.”


I pressed the ‘hold’ button to answer the other call, “hello, Miss Sooyoung’s office.”


“Is Sooyoung there?” that voice sounded flat to my ears.


“She’s here. Who is this?” I asked.


“This is Jungnam,” he said, introducing himself.




“Just pass me to him!” the caller start to get impatient.


And it triggered my anger, “Mister Jungnam, I am her secretary. I need to know who you are and from which company you are calling from.”


“Who are you?” he asked, he sounded so arrogant and proud.


“I am Miss Sooyoung’s secretary - Jessica Jung.”


“Miss Jessica Jung, I am her father. So can I talk to my daughter now?”


Oh my God!!! I am so dead!!! I whispered. Why I never thought about it? “I am very sorry. I will pass the line to her immediately. Hold on please,” I quickly pressed the button that connected me and Miss Sooyoung.


“Yes?” Her voice echoed in the end of the telephone receiver. I knew she answered my call without picking up the receiver.


“Miss Sooyoung, your father is on the line,” and I released the line to her.


I sighed. What I have done? So stupid. Then I pressed the ‘hold’ button to talk with Hyoyeon back.


“Call for Miss Sooyoung, from her father. He pissed off when I asked more,” I complained.


“I can’t believe it. How can you be here? You should take a few days leave.”


“I just got here last night,” but I can’t even get to continue our conversation and breathe, Miss Sooyoung’s voice once again echoed.


“Miss Jessica, how do you pass the line to me?”


I’m puzzled. Speechless with what I just heard.


“See me please,” her voice sounded rough.


I couldn’t guess what gonna happen to me once I enter her room as she ordered me to. But, there’s one thing that I am certain; she will scold me, “Hyo, I have to go now. My boss calls me. I will call you back.”


I rushed to Miss Sooyoung’s office once I hang up the call.


“What’s wrong with you today?” she asked loudly when I entered the office. Her eyes clearly showed her flame of anger.


“I am sorry, Miss Sooyoung. I am very sorry,” I replied slowly. One tear finally fell down to my cheeks, another one when being scolded like that.


“If you have a personal problem, don’t bring it to work. I hire someone to work with me, not to show that she has a personal problem,” she continued.


I know I’m just an adopted, but my foster family never scolded me like how she did. She’s even yelling!


“I don’t want my secretary to make unnecessary mistake,” she stated.


“Is this kind of secretary SMU has trained?” she asked.


I was trying so hard to stop the tears from falling, but it’s so easy to fall down.


“Your performance is not up to my expectations,” she said.

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alright, chapter 26 is up!


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Chapter 28: Hi authorsshi!!!! Its been years already.. when are u coming back huhuhu... I miss ur updates...
Chapter 28: Fluffy!! I hope jessica can accept sooyoung already... Date next chapter!! Cant wait anymore~ kekeke
meecelup #3
Chapter 28: This story flows beautifully it makes my heart flutterrr
Chapter 28: Sica, don't be too hard headed okay?
Chapter 28: Finally they are going out on a date!!
Chapter 28: please update soon
Chapter 28:
rukia13 #8
Chapter 27: I really like conversations between sooyoung and jessica, sooyoung so professional and caring at the same time. I hope jessica will accept sooyoung feeling soon, fighting soo...thank you author for the update
Chapter 27: Oh? Sica mad at sooyoung now? Uh oh