I'll Never Let You Go

Never Let You Go


Heechul groaned as he picked up his phone and looked at the caller display: Zhoumi. He answered the call and 'nearly' yelled at Zhoumi.

" Zhoumi-yah! You know I wouldn't want to be bothered today and you've been calling at least a dozen times now!..."

" Sorry hyung! I just want you to know that I'll be bringing an important guest back today. He really wanted to meet you. We'll be back in about 10 minutes. Do get ready. Bye~~"

" Yah! Zhou-" Zhoumi had already ended the call before Heechul could say anything.

That Seasoning actually hung up on me! He's so dead when he comes back, he thought to himself. He did say something about an important guest... Well who cares who that person is, one thing for sure is that he's going to have a piece of Heechul's mind when he visits, and that won't be pleasant to watch. Everyone knows not to bother Heechul on his birthday, unless you wanted to be shredded to pieces... 

You might think that birthdays are happy, well it was for Heechul, until a few years ago. Sadly, his birthday was the same day his lover, Hangeng left him. He still remembered that particular day when he woke up, finding the warmth beside him, gone. He nearly tore down the whole house searching, and all that was left was a note. 


I have to go back to China. I'll come back after I've settle things there, I promise. ...I'm sorry. 

                                                                                                            Love, Hannie. 

He cried a river of tears that day. At first he still held the hope that his lover would be back soon, but after days, weeks, months... He eventually lost hope. Since then, he never celebrates his birthday, and would wanted to be alone on that day of the year. 

Letting out a frustrated sigh Heechul started preparing himself. Whoever wanted to meet him better have a good reason. He almost fell asleep when he heard Zhoumi's voice echoing from the door. 

" Heechul hyung~ Open the door~~~" Zhoumi called out in a sing-song voice.

" Arasso! I'm not deaf you know! " Heechul shouted at him(again) while he opened the door. Standing in front of him wasn't Zhoumi, but someone else... Heechul stood there, stunned. I-it couldn't be... It couldn't be him... 

" Heechul-ah, happy birthday." 

That soothing voice, that familiar smile. It's him, it's really him... 

" H-Hannie? I-it's that really you...?" Heechul managed to whisper out softly. 

" I told you that I'll be back, didn't I? " The said man smiled once more before embracing Heechul into a hug while he stood there, still shaking slightly. When he snapped out of his trance, he pushed Hangeng away as he took a few steps back. 

" H-how can you suddenly come back like this?! You left me for five years Hannie. FIVE YEARS!" Heechul yelled, tears spilling out from his eyes, and ran to his room, slamming the door in the process. 

" Okaaaay...... I guess I'll leave you two alone." Zhoumi gave Hangeng an encouraging smile, and left. Hangeng sighed, and walked towards his lover's room. Heechul's room was locked shut, and he's positive that Heechul's crying his heart out while hugging the pillow he gave him during their anniversary. 

" Chullie-ah, open up." Hangeng tried knocking the door, and heard something thrown at the door as a response. Sigh, poor pillow... 

" ...Go away." 

" Please open up Chullie. At least you have to let me explain." He tried again, knowing his boyfriend very well. Sure enough, Heechul opened the door after a short while, eyes still puffy and teary. 

" ...Fine. You have 10 minutes." Heechul huffed and went back into his room, not forgetting to pick up the pillow he thrown just now. 

" Hangeng smiled and followed him inside, closing the door behind him. He slowly walked towards his now angry lover, and embraced him in a back hug. Heechul struggled at first but eventually softened and gave in to the man's tight grip. Seriously, that man would be the death of him one day. 

" So Hannie, aren't you supposed to explain? By the way, you have 7 minutes left." After he finally stopped crying, he returned to his own diva-self again. He turned around and looked Hangeng directly in the eye, hands on his hips. Hangeng chuckled softly, glad that his boyfriend had returned to normal, earning a glare from Heechul. He took a deep breath, and started his story. 


[Flashback: Five years ago...] 

9 July 2009. Hangeng sat on their bed, his lover's hair who was soundly asleep. He looked at the clock beside him and smiled to himself. 11:30. 30 minutes left till Heechul's 26th birthday. He already bought a present, and decided to surprise Heechul right after midnight. 

Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. That's weird. Who would be calling at this time of the night? Not wanting to wake up Heechul, he went outside and answered the call. His sister's panicking voice rang though his ears. 

" H-hangeng! Hangeng gege! Something happened to Pa!" 

" Calm down sis. What... happened?" His voice trembled a little as he asked his sister. 

" T-they found us! They kidnapped Pa! and our dumpling restaurant... It's gone... They... They threaten to hurt Pa if... If we don't give them what they want... Ma fainted at the spot... I... I don't know what to do... I'm scared gege... Please come back..." His sister managed to choked out between sobs. 

" It's gonna be ok sis... I'll be back as soon as possible." 

" Please hurry gege! Please..." Her voice trailed away as she hung up. Without a second thought, Hangeng hurriedly took his luggage bag and started throwing clothes and stuff into the bag. 

Packing halfway, he stopped. What about Chullie? He couldn't just leave him like this! But time was running out. He had no choice... 

After he finished packing, he hastily wrote a note to Heechul, and placed it beside their bed. Before leaving, he slowly walked to Heechul's side, still soundly asleep, and bent down. 

" ...Heechul-ah, I have to go... I'll be back, I promise... ... I'm sorry Chullie and... Happy birthday..." He whispered into Heechul's ear softly, voice a little shaky by now. He brushed his lover's bangs aside, and gave him a soft peck on the forehead, a teardrop escaping his eyes...

Just as he was about to leave, he froze when Heechul mumbled something in his sleep. 

" Mmm... Hannie, you mean so much to me... Let's be together forever~... I love you..." 

Unable to restrain himself any longer, tears streamed down his cheeks like broken strings of beads. He walked to the door... 

" ...Goodbye Heechul. I love you." He gave his lover one last look before closing the door. The bell of the clock was striked. 10 July 2009, 12:00. 

[End of Flashback] 


Hangeng finished his story and gazed at Heechul intently, waiting for his response. Silence hovered in the air. After what seemed like forever, Heechul opened his mouth to speak. 

" I... I didn't know you left because of your family... Why didn't you tell me? I can help you too... You don't have to carry everything by yourself..." 

" I'm sorry Chullie, I didn't want to worry you. Oh, before I forget..." Hangeng took a box out from his pocket, "...happy birthday, my princess." 

 Heechul opend the box in anticipation and his eyes widen when he saw a ring inside. He squealed in happiness when Hangeng slided the ring onto his finger. 

" Umm... this was supposed to be your birthday present five years ago but..." Hangeng stopped when Heechul hugged him tightly, smiling happily. 

" Nothing matters now, as long as you're back..." Heechul whispered. 

" I will never leave you again, I promise." 

" Oh you won't alright..." Heechul smirked and pushed Hangeng onto his bed. He leaned in closer, and closer... 

" You know Hannie, since you're back now... I'll never let you go." 




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Sapphirechan #1
Chapter 1: Aww... To cute I love it wedding time which means sequel sequel