Eliston Academy

Cloud 9 Recommendations and Review Shop

Soo Min is a hardworking and plain girl. One who does not depend on her parents, but on her brave facade and her smarts. She finally gets accepted and recieves a scholarship to Eliston Academy, a famous, distinguished school where rich kids rule. What happens when she messes with the school's admired group BTS; seven boys who want nothing but trouble?


Meet Soo Min. Average, normal, ordinary, typical, standard. She wasn't pretty, and she didn't turn heads when she walked on the streets. She wasn't popular or rich.

She worked hard in school, and took on several jobs just to buy books that her classmates bought with their parents money. Finally, she recieved a well-earned scholarship to the world renowned, prestigious, Eliston Academy.

The thing was, Eliston was also known for its snobby, famous, rich kids who depended on their parents for everything.

When she encounters a reining group in the school, who called themselves the Bulletproof Boy Scouts, or BTS in short, she runs into trouble and finds herself caught up in the drama and the secrets behind the boys. Instead of being unnoticable and invisible here, she is suddenly infamous. Why? Because of the trouble she causes BTS.

Average has a whole new meaning.


This story is so cute and a great story for me to dream about! Considering that you're a new author, your writing is awesome! And you want me to keep reading each time!



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I don't know what us happening with the links and all that. I'm trying to fix it, but its still not working. I am sincerely sorry. - Lovebisous


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yogurt96 #2
Chapter 3: I love fan-atic's stories <333
Chapter 15: WOWOWOWOW. I'm actually really surprised that your review was so positive ;-; I was expecting some negative comment about the story x3 I'm extremely relieved! My heart was almost beating out of my chest haha. Thank you for taking your time reading and reviewing the story :) I appreciate it so much! Thank you.
Hello :) I'd like to recommend my story. I'll always update. Please check it out and ENJOY :D Comments, suggestions and recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

You have the softies I have read, you have such good taste!
Panda_landa #7
Chapter 11: Rainy Day by LeeSeungMi