
Can i be your Oppa?

The sun was slightly entering the room through the sheets. Taehyung was sleeping deeply maybe dreaming about sweets because he had a really happy face.

Hoseok woke up and dressed. He kissed Taehyung’s forehead and ordered some pancakes with chocolate for breakfast.

 He exited the room and walked out of the hotel. He asked the receptionist where was the nearest flower shop.

“What do you want? We have roses and lots of other flowers.”

Hoseok looked around, he didn’t liked flowers but thought they were perfect for Taehyung.

“Ugh.. I don’t know.” He said scratching his head.

“Who is it?” the lady asked.


“For who are them?”

“Umm… my b-“ he stopped. “Girlfriend”

The lady smiled. “Guess he’s a really handsome one”

“Huh… how did you?”

“It’s ok I’m a sensitive.”

Hoseok gave her a confused look.

“Oh I’m joking! Come come! I have something for you”

The lady was wearing a yellow t-shirt and green pants. Over them there was an apron with different flowers on it. She had short red hair and smelled like a rose. She was overage but the perfume she had was really good.

“Here! I have some lilies! And those are tulips and that ones are lavenders!”

Hoseok watched weirdly the lady. There were other flowers in the shop why was she showing him only that ones.

“Ugh.. the lilies have a really strong perfume” Hoseok said.

“Yes they do.. they’re just as good looking and perfect as him.” She winked.

Hoseok took a little to think then decided to buy the lilies.

“Don’t worry he’ll love them” the lady said giving the change to Hoseok.

“Thank you!” he bowed.

He returned in the hotel. Taehyung was still sleeping when he entered the room.

“Hoseok…” Taehyung mumbled.

“Yes?” he hidden the flowers.

“…what are those?” he spoke.

“Umm… lilies..”

Taehyung smiled.

“I LOVE LILIES!” he yelled hugging Hoseok.

“How did you know?” he asked but Hoseok only gave him a shocked look.

“Anyway! I want to go to the beach but it’s about to rain so what will we do??” Taehyung asked impatiently.

“What do you want to do?” Hoseok asked.

“I want to go to shopping! I need some new hiphop cds- Taehyung winked- and a new hair dye.”

“How do you want them now?”

“Pink! Cotton candy pink!” Taehyung said biting a pancake.

“Oooh that will be nice!”

“Yup..” Taehyung stopped.

“What if I do them lily?”

Hoseok giggled. “You can do them whatever color you want, they’ll be great anyway.”

Hoseok exhaled. He caressed Taehyung’s thigh then gave him a pancake.

“They’re really good! I want more!”

“You’ll get sick”

“No I won’t!”

“Yes you’ll do” he said kissing his lips.

“I w-won’t!” Taehyung said while slowly laying on his back.


Hoseok breathe.

“Can you hear that?” he immediately laughed getting up from Taehyung who remained confused.

“Can I hear what?”

“Your diabetes is screaming help!”

Taehyung pushed Hoseok off of him and ate other pancakes.

“Yah I told you to stop!”

“I WON’T!” Taehyung yelled while tucking in some chocolate.

Hoseok grabbed Taehyung’s waist and pulled him a little causing Taehyung to shiver and fall on his back, his head in Hoseok’s lap.

“Go and wash you face, it’s full of chocolate” Hoseok giggled.


“Oh my god just go”


Taehyung said childishly.

“I’ll pinch your cheeks!”

Taehyung covered them with his hands.

“Yah! You can’t escape!”

Hoseok tried to take away Taehyung’s hands but in vain.

Taehyung got up and smeared some chocolate on Hoseok’s face.

“Not fair!” Hoseok said while trying to avert Taehyung from putting other chocolate on his face.

“Stop it!” Hoseok tried again to calm Taehyung this time having more success than first.

He hugged Taehyung tightly and kissed him strongly.

Taehyung gave up on trying to get up from Hoseok’s hug.

“Did you stopped?” Hoseok smiled.

“Maybe..” Taehyung got up and went to the bathroom.

When he came out he was dressing a black sweater and some jeans.

“Let’s go out!”

He said.

“But it’s raining!”

“Who cares? Let’s go!”

Taehyung grabbed Hoseok’s hand and walk out the hotel.

“What are we going to do?” Hoseok asked trying to avoid the big drops of rain.

“Let’s run!” Taehyung proposed.

“WHAT? I’ll don’t run… not with this rain!”

Taehyung though started running on the sidewalk. Hoseok started running behind him so he’ll be sure he won’t get hit by a car.

They ran for some time before stopped and sited on a bench.

“Aren’t you feeling better?”

Taehyung asked resting his head on Hoseok’s shoulder.

“We’ll get a cold”

“I don’t care… since I’m with you”

“Well I won’t wipe your nose”

“Why?” Taehyung pouted.

“My nose’s beautiful”

“Yes it is”

“Then why wouldn’t you wipe my nose?”

“Would you wipe mine?”


Taehyung hugged Hoseok.

“So you’ll wipe my nose ok?”


Taehyung sneezed.

“Then do it, now”

Hoseok smiled, then returned in the Hotel.

He helped Taehyung to change his clothes then dried Taehyung’s hair with a towel and placed him in the bed softly kissing his forehead.

“You’ve got the flu”

“I didn’t”

“Yes you did”

“Mnoooo” Taehyung complained.

“Hoseok I want to go to the mall..” he slowly said, his eyes half opened.

“No, you need to rest.”

“But I need to re-dye my hair!”

“Just sleep we’ll go tomorrow”

“How did you knew I like lilies?”

“They’re nice, just like you..”

“Yeah… nice..”

He quickly fell asleep.

He had fever and his cheeks were all red. He was sleeping peacefully.

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I came for yoonseok and I'm honestly feel so attacked right now bc I understand what suga means. And tae is just the perfect protagonist who makes it easier for him to hate .-.
Caramel_lover369 #2
Chapter 13: Their watching "the croods"?

Chapter 17: the song and the ending, i love your stories!
amkristao #5
Chapter 17: soooooooooooo cuteee omg
Chapter 17: omgg ssoo cute!!!
Chapter 17: Awww so cute and adorable love the story and the ending.:)
Chapter 17: Oh my god this is so great and the ending was awesome because you repeat the story from another chapter like i was 'wth you put this on this chap' and now i know the reason hahaha

Well sophia is uri lauren? Great choice!

Thanks for making this story!
Chapter 16: inh update and aw I want suga and v to hang out!
Chapter 16: Wait... I cant understand the last part like..

They make up and then living on a same house and suga is moving out? Am i right?

Update soon!