Plan of action. Part 1

What is happening?

It wasnt until around dinner time that Changmin finally woke up. He was bombarded with questions and he couldnt decipher the words, and all the voices gave him a headache. Changmin let his head fall forward as he gripped it with his hands and it seemed that only Yunho noticed as he shooed all the others out of the room. No one, not even Yunho, noticed the glance back Micky gave the two. 

"Min.." Yunho started quietly, unable to continue out of surprise when Changmin suddenly hugged him tight and cried into his chest. With a soft sigh, he wrapped his arms around the boy, gently, and rocked them slowly until the younger calmed down with words of comfort being whispered into his ear. "Min, tell me what happened..?" He asked, just as softly as when he started before, trying to get Changmin to talk. 

The boy, however, only shook his head as he held onto the leader tighter as his stomach growled. The familiar sound brought a small smile to Yunho's face as he stood up, going to grab a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt from the clothes drawers. "Come on, I'm sure that Jaejoong has already finished making the meal for today..." he said and helped the boy up, hating to see the pained look he had when it came to walking. 

It broke Yunho's heart.

They walked out of the room with Changmin's arm on Yunho's shoulders, limping and keeping his head to the ground as his leader put him down in the kitchen chair. Jaejoong brought over the food and kneeled down next to the maknae, a hand gently resting on his thigh. "Minnie.." Jaejoong started out the same way Yunho had, but Changmin couldnt bring himself to look at his hyung's face.

"Minnie, after you eat.. please consider telling us what happened, nae?" He asked but Changmin shook his head slightly, starting to eat. He was trying hard not to cry, to be strong in this situation since he was in it alone. 

He was always alone...


Later that night, after all of the bickering between the members on trying to find out how to get the youngest to talk, they finally went to bed. But Changmin stayed up on his laptop, reading the Anti's comments about him and trying to find what he had to fix to be liked. He wanted to, no, he needed to stay in Dongbangshinki. It was his life, now. Clicking on one of their live videos, he started to read the comments.


"I dont like Changmin's voice."
"He looks weird."
"Can he even sing? It looks like his lip-syncing."
"Why is he so far from everyone else? Does he stink?"
"No wonder hes fat, he eats too much!"

He clsoed the laptop quickly and leaned back against the headboard. Sooman was right- no one likes him. He had to go work out.. Maybe appear in a drama. He wasnt fat and he had to prove it! Maybe he can get some singing lessons from their old teacher? But that wont mean his voice would sound better..

Shaking his head, he got up with a wince and flipped his hood up, grabbing his headphones and MP3 player before leaving the house to go to the gym. There was a gym not too far from there, perfect walking distance, that was open late. A lot of celebrities used it and Changmin only hoped no one would be there when he got there. 

As he entered the gym, he kept his head low and put his headphones in, playing his playlist of all of Dongbangshinki's songs. He had to listen to where his voice sounded so horrible, or he was in trouble...

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Arrgh I remember all of those rumours.. Although we do know Jae and Yun were hit I always hope that at least most of the stories aren't true... My poor baby Min ;-;
Chapter 5: Changmin!!! Dx no! *hug* omo... changmin please be okay!
Chapter 4: I have a bad feeling about this...
Chapter 3: oh Changminnie don't listen to them; your voice is beautiful and you have NEVER been fat ever! can't say the same for me though... xD
Chapter 2: NO Changmin! Dx Sooman I'm gonna kill you for hurting my baby!
Chapter 1: awww :( Poor Changmin! Dx *hugs him* my poor baby
moonlight77 #7
Chapter 5: update soon .
HominYC #8
Chapter 5: I do not understand how Some people can hate changmin?, he's so sweet and cute
For the first of everything changmin Must be loved by all he's Hyungs ,In front of the fans In order to make them understand the Strong relationship that linking them together as TVXQ , and learn to respect him and love him the way he's
My poor baby changmin , I love you so match
purewhite1981 #9
Chapter 3: please update soon