Chapter Three

Dancing is illegal?

Eunhyuk's POV


"Your hair looks fine, now let me see myself from the mirror" Hyoyeon whined and tried to push me away from the mirror.

"Yah, you said earlier that I have to do something to my hair.. Find another mirror" I said and tried to fix my hair. Aish, I should have woke up earlier.

"But really, believe me. You look good now, so move!"

"Okay, okay.. By the way, has Amber an own car?" I asked and tried to find my car keys from my pocket.

"Yes, she left awhile ago, soooo you have to take me to the school too"

"What?! I don't even know where your school is and I actually don't have that much time to wander around the town..."

"Calm down, it's only about five minutes from your school and I'm ready now. Let's go~" Hyoyeon said and start to skip to the outdoor.


I stepped out of the car and and breathed deep. This is it. I watched my school and people who walked there. Some students throw small glances towards me, but most of them just were chatting with their firends. After wandering around the school, I found the student counsellor's room. I was just going to knock the door when I heard someone to speak behind me.

" You must be Eunhyuk, I heard that you prefer to be called by that name. I'm school's student counsellor Mrs Park. I was just taking some papers from the principal. I hope you haven't waited too long" said a women smiling.

"No, I just came here. Nice to meet you Mrs Park. " I said and bowed.

I listened when she told me about the rules. We don't have uniforms and we can go outside the school area, but of course it's not appreciate to skip classes and go to the mall instead.

"And here is your schedule. The letter means the area where the class is and the number which floor and classroom. I'm sure that in end of the week you don't have to watch classroom codes anymore since it's pretty easy to learn the system where is which class" she said and smiled. "Your homeclass is C2-04 and your homeroom teacher is Mr. Park, he teaches math. Do you have any questions?" she asked me while she gave to me a pile of papers.

I shaked my head and watched my schedule. I have history next.

"Well, you can ask me anytime if you have something on your mind. But now you should leave, your class is about to start in five minutes" She smiled and I bowed to her.

I watched my the classroom code again, A1-08. Even my old school was bigger than this, there was easier to move and find classrooms. In here it's so many stairs and when I watched the map I was even more confused. It's like it doesn't matter where you are, you always can go almost everywhere. Then I bumped to someone.

"Hey, watch out!" some boy snapped to me

"I'm sorry, I didn't saw you.."

"Do you think I'm stupid, I don't think your hobby is bump to people, wait a minute.. You are that new kid from Seoul. Scrub that, I'm not so sure is it your hobby or not..." The boy said.

"Hey, I already said that I'm sorry" I said annoyed.

" Yeah, and I don't give a about that."

"Well then it's not my problem then" I started to turn around but the boy gripped my arm.

"Come on Kyuhyun, is this really necessary? We should go to our class now" said the other boy.

The boy, Kyuhyun, let go my hand and stared. "I let you go this time, but there is not gonna be the second time" he said and they walked off. Great, I have someone who hates me already and I have been at school about fifteen minutes.

When I finally found my class there was a lot of students already. When I stepped to the class everyone went silent and looked me. I didn't know, if I should talk or something but when they started to talk again, I just sighed.

"You must be our new student. Everyone, here is Lee Hyukjae and he is your new classmate." Teacher said when he noticed me.

"It's Eunhyuk" I corrected him. "I don't really use my real name."

"Oh, okay. You can go to sit with Mr.Cho" he said. When I recognized who he meant, I was ready to curse. Of course it has to be that boy. When I sit down, Kyuhyun didn't even look at me. He focused to play on his phone or something like that.

"Sorry, I'm late" some boy yelled when he stepped to our class.

"What the hell is wrong with his hair?" Kyuhyun muttered.

" I don't know. He looks like he would have slept upside down in a freezer" I said and try to hold my laughter.

Kyuhyun turned towards me "Hey, that was a good one. Maybe you aren't that bad as I thought. I should properly introduce myself, I'm Cho Kyuhyun"

"Lee Eunhyuk, but you probably know that already." I said and shaked his hand.

"Yeah, it's not a secret. So tell me, who is your homeroom teacher?"

"Mr. Park, I heard he teach math" I said

"Yap, he's okay. But never ever sleep on his class. Mine is Mrs. Kim, she teach English"

"Oh, so basically we don't have own classes here since you are in the same lesson with me now, but we have different homeroom teacher" I asked confused. In my old school I was with the same students in every lesson.

"Well, you have P.E with your own class and in your case math too. They try to arrange our schedule so that our homeroom teacher teaches us." Kyuhyun told. "But usually they mix classes for lessons. Try to create team spirit between classes or something like that."

I talked with Kyuhyun on the break and I have to say that I get along with him well. I learned that he's one year younger than me but he has skipped one grade. And he really loves games. Like a lot.

"What do you have next?" he asked after he has showed me some places like cafeteria, gym and auditorium.

"Math, you? I asked and started to think where the classroom is.

"I've chemistry next. It's actually in the same area where your classroom is, just at the first floor" he said and started to walking towards A area.


"So, you wanna eat with me and my friends?" he asked when we were in front of his class.

"Sure, I don't know much people here" I don't count Siwon since I haven't seen here today and I don't know if he was just nice to me yesterday.

When I walked to classroom I saw Siwon and Donghae sitting there. Siwon was reading some book and Donghae was chatting with his friends. "You must be Lee Eunhyuk, right? My wife told me that you prefered to call by that name" said the teacher, Mr. Park.

I watched him confused and nodded. And then it hit me. Mrs Park, the student counsellor, she must be his wife.

"Well, welcome to our class. You can go sit with Mr.Choi" he said to me.

I try to think who is Mr. Choi beacuse there were a lot of empty desks in the class since there was still couple of minutes left before the lesson start. Then I notice that Siwon was waving to me

"I forgot to tell you last night. My surname is Choi, not Lee" Siwon smiled.

"Oh, okay" I said and sit next to him. The bell rang and everyone started to come inside the class. Some of them glanced me, I can feel that, but I was focusing to take my books. When the teacher started to speak I watched my surroundings. There were couple of students who I recognize from my morning lesson, but I don't remember their names.


"Do you wanna go eat with me?" Siwon asked when the lesson ended.

"Actually, I already promised to someone else" I apogized. And started to look Kyuhyun.

"Hey, hyuk.. Oh, hi Siwon. Ready to go to eat?" Kyuhyun asked when he came towards us.

"Yeah, sure." I said and turned towards Siwon but he was faster than me to speak.

"I go eat with you guys, you didn't know that I belong to same group as Kyuhyun?" Siwon smirked.

"Yeah, Yesung already went to cafeteria so we should go now" Kyuhyun said and started to walking.


I was introduced to Kyuhyun's and Siwon's friends. I recognized some of them and there was also that boy who was with Kyuhyun on this morning, Yesung the name was. I also saw Amber, who was walking with her friends, and waved to her. 

"How do you know Amber?" Krystal asked when she noticed that.

"She's my cousin and I live with them, jealous?" I asked while smirking.

"Of course" she rolled her eyes "Just asking, I thought you didn't know people from here"

"Well, I knew three person from your school before this morning and that's not so much" I answered.

"Three?" Hangeng asked confused.

"Yeah. Amber, Siwon and Donghae. Well, I can't say that I know Donghae since I haven't talked to him that much."

"Our parents are friends and we met yesterday" Siwon complained when he noticed that everyone were confused.

"Oh, okay. Siwon, did you know that your father found out about our meetings yesterday?" Krystal asked.

" Yeah, he wasn't were happy about it. And he also found about Changmin too so.. I'm not jealous for Donghae" Siwon said.

"Can I ask you something?" I said to Siwon.


"Why don't you eat with your brother?" I asked.

"Well, you can say that we don't belong to the same group. I mean, it's not like we hate each others. Sometimes I eat with them, but I have feeling that I don't belong there " Siwon answered with smile.

"Yeah, and you are smart enough to realize to not hang out with my cousin unlike your brother" Kyuhyun told.

I was just going to ask what Kyuhyun mean by that but then I saw Donghae walking towards us with his friend. And I wasn't the only one who was puzzled by that. The whole table just stared them when they stopped in front of us.

"Sungmin wanted to see new kid, so here he is" Donghae said to us when he saw our faces.

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Sungmin. Donghae you could have said that he's good looking" Sungmin said to Donghae and pouted. Donghae just shaked his head and chuckled.

"Eeeh... nice to meet you too" I said a bit embarrassed. Sungmin smiled to me and then dragged Donghae away.

"Am I the only one who thinks that that guy is a bit weird?" I asked when they went.

"Well, he is just.. Sungmin. You'll used to that. He's really nice guy but sometimes he acts really weirdly. Is not that I would demaind that, You're good looking" Victoria smiled to me.

We continued to chatting. Yesung and Kibum were arguing about should they go to the mall after school or not and Victoria and Krystal were talking about the some new movie.

"Hey Eunhyuk, do you wanna see town today? Yesung and I could show you the places you should know" Kyuhyun asked when we were leaving the cafeteria.

"Why not, I don't know this town so well" I said.

"Okay, let just meet at the parking lot after the last lesson" Kyuhyun said and I just nodded. Then we started to go to the next lesson, in my case, it was English. I just sighed. I'm not good at all with foreign languages.

"C'mon Hyuk, lesson is going to start" Krystal said when she and Kibum started to walking towards our class.

I started to walking with them. I never had thought that I would make so many new friends at the first day at school. I didn't have so many friends in Seoul, most of them were at the same dance group with me so I have known them from the kindergarten. But at school I was shy and didn't speak easily to people and well.. When you already have a role in your school is not easy to change that afterwards. Here, I can start from the new page so it's easier to start conversations with new people. Maybe this moving to the small town wasn't a bad idea, I thought and smiled to myself.




A/N: Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter~ I'm not so sure when I can update the next chapter since on Tuesday we will go to the vacation and we will be there about two weeks. We're going to travel to the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden^^ In some places I will be able to use wifi but I'm not so sure if I have enough time to update *pout* But yeah.. I hope everyone has had a good summer so far (:


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Sorry I haven't been able to update>.< I've been busy with school. But I try to update longer chapters ^^


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Chapter 2: Its interesting so far....