Chapter 13


“So how are things with Dongwoo?”

Hoya smiled sheepishly at Woohyun’s question and chuckled. “Everything is great. Thanks for asking. We’re about to hit our three month milestone.”

Woohyun’s face lit up in happiness. “Oh, congratulations! I’m happy to hear that! I’m so glad you two got together. You two match really well.”

“Thanks,” Hoya told him with a grin. “What about you and Sunggyu? How are you two doing after three months since that whole Key fiasco?”

Woohyun grimaced at the mention of that old incident. But he brushed it off quickly since Key and that reporter girl were facing appropriate punishments and charges. If anything, he was glad that justice had been served and that the park was now running smoothly. Everything was well and he couldn’t have asked for more.

But he brushed that all off and focused on the Sunggyu part of Hoya’s question. “We’re doing really well.” He grinned brightly. “Sunggyu finally settled down in his new apartment around last week. And I’m working on moving in with him this week.”

“Oh that’s good!” Hoya said with a smile. “Good for you two!”

Woohyun nodded. “Yeah, it’ll be really nice. We’re moving just ten minutes away from the park and there’s a pool at our complex! Oh, that reminds me – we’re having a housewarming party this weekend. Will you and Dongwoo be able to make it?”

“I think so.” Hoya looked up in thought. “We don’t have any plans I remember this weekend. We’ll be there.”

“Great! I’ll let Sunggyu know later. But first… we have to get you geared up.”

Hoya looked down at his wet suit and the snorkel Woohyun was handing him. Today was his first day actually getting into the water. He was still a veterinarian and he was nowhere near becoming a trainer, but for the last couple months, he had been hatching a baby penguin. Normally Hoya wouldn’t need to keep a baby penguin under such keen care, but the penguin’s shell had been broken by other penguins and it needed special care.

He was bringing the penguin back into the penguin tank now and was getting it accustomed to water. It seemed to be more afraid of water than a standard penguin, so Hoya had agreed to go into the water to help the penguin out until it was confident.

“You’re going to do great,” Woohyun told him enthusiastically. “And who knows – maybe you might actually become a trainer with us someday.”

Hoya laughed and shook his head. “As nice as that would sound, I think I’ll just stick to being a veterinarian. Besides, I’m not that strong of a swimmer.”

“Maybe you could get Dongwoo to teach you.” Woohyun winked.

There might have been a slight smirk appearing on Hoya’s lips as he shook his head and pulled the snorkel over his face. “That would be nice, but I’d rather him teach me personally outside of a professional environment.”

Woohyun’s eyebrows raised as Hoya hopped into the shallow water. “Smooth,” he commented.

“I know right? Dongwoo says the same thing.” Hoya laughed for a moment and then said. “Okay, do you want to try and coax Mika into the water?”

With a smile, Woohyun replied, “Of course I will.” He bent down to the penguin before him. “Hey, Mika! Let’s learn how to get in the water, okay?”








“Don’t give me that look, Myungsoo.”

“Okay, but you have to admit that this worked out really well.”

“I’m not admitting anything to you.”

“Oh, come on.”


“You’re not even going to give me a little bit of the credit?”


“Then at least give Sungyeol some of the credit.”

Sunggyu glanced up at the ceiling in thought. “Okay, maybe Sungyeol can get some of the credit.”

“But I don’t?” Myungsoo asked in mock disbelief. “After this whole time, I don’t even get a little bit of credit for setting you and Woohyun up?”

“Okay, first of all,” Sunggyu began as he lifted a heavy cardboard box, “neither you nor Sungyeol set us up. We just happened to meet through you and now we like each other.”

Myungsoo scoffed. “Yeah, okay – that’s totally what happened. Sungyeol and I set you guys up.”

“No, you really didn’t.”

“And now you two are moving in together!” Myungsoo exclaimed, pushing a box into a corner. “Wow, moving so fast. You two have only been together for half the time as Sungyeol and I and we only moved in together last week.”

Sunggyu set the box down on the shiny wooden floors. His new apartment was very nice – white ceilings and walls, light brown wooden floors and big windows. It was bigger than his old shared apartment with Myungsoo but still small enough to be cozy for just two people. It was going to be a lovely welcome change in his life. Myungsoo was helping him move Woohyun’s stuff over this week so that their home would be ready for their housewarming party.

“Hyung, where do you want this?” Myungsoo asked, holding up a pastel blue lamp.

“Oh, that’s Woohyun’s. Put it on the nightstand.” He pointed at the small table next to his and Woohyun’s bed. He took a breath of exhilaration – wow, he and Woohyun were going to share a bed. It was nothing they hadn’t done before but now it felt official.

“You’re place is going to be a lot cleaner with Woohyun around,” Myungsoo told him with a chuckle. “And you’ll be getting home cooked meals too. That’s the life.”

“And you can’t get that kind of life from Sungyeol?” he joked.

“Nah, we’re both taking cooking classes together since neither of us can really cook. I guess it’ll be fun but until we can put those lessons to use, we’re ordering take out every night.” Myungsoo laughed.

Sunggyu pat him on the back and smiled. “Hey, maybe you two can mooch off of our leftovers.”

“Really?!” Myungsoo said excitedly. “Sungyeol and I can live off of Woohyun’s cooking?!”

“Granted, if there are any left overs.”

“Deal,” Myungsoo said immediately.

With a laugh, Sunggyu continued unpacking the moving boxes. Pulling out Woohyun’s things and mixing it with his own items was so surreal but he really loved it. Even if he hadn’t agreed one-hundred-percent to keep his baby pictures in the beginning, he ended up putting his baby picture next to Woohyun’s on one of their tables. Watching their home come together before his eyes was so exciting that he couldn’t stop smiling.

He and Myungsoo made light conversation as they unpacked the boxes together. They talked about how they would miss each other but not the mess, miss the old times but not the stacked up pizza boxes. They both agreed, though, that this was a good change and one that needed to happen with them.

“So what about you and Sungyeol?” Sunggyu asked. “You guys have been going strong since your ‘breakup’ right?”

Myungsoo scoffed. “That wasn’t even a real breakup. We just fought more harshly than ever before is all. Nothing special.”

Sunggyu choked back a laugh, recalling Myungsoo’s tear and snot stained face. “Okay,” he agreed sarcastically.

“But we’re going really strong,” Myungsoo confirmed. “I’m… actually hoping to tie the knot soon.”

Sunggyu’s face lit up and his mouth dropped open in glee. “Really?!” he almost shouted in ecstasy. “No way, Myungsoo!”

“It’s happening!” Myungsoo nodded gleefully. “I have the ring and everything. I want to propose to him this weekend at your housewarming party. That’s okay with you… right?”

“Are you joking, that’s more than okay with me! That’s so exciting, Myungsoo. Best of luck to you two!”

Myungsoo laughed sheepishly. “Well, you know, that’s if he says yes.”

“Of course he’s going to say yes, you two have nearly been attached at the hip since that stupid break up you guys went through,” Sunggyu told him with a snicker. “Do you want me to ask Woohyun to make some sort of romantic ambience for you guys? Because Woohyun is definitely capable of getting that romance into the atmosphere.”

“Nah, that’s alright.” Myungsoo chuckled as he folded an empty box down. “I think I’ll be fine on my own. I’m nervous… but I’ll be okay.”

Sunggyu gave him a firm clap on the back. “I’m really proud of you buddy. Congratulations again!”

Myungsoo snickered. “Thanks, hyung. So when are you popping the question to Woohyun?”

“Oh my gosh– Myungsoo, we just moved in together.”

“So did Sungyeol and I!”

“We haven’t even dated for a whole year yet.”

“You guys act like you have been married decades.” Myungsoo rolled his eyes playfully. “Grandpas.”

Sunggyu squinted at him. “Watch your mouth there, kid. I’m still older than you.”

“Okay,” Myungsoo sang. “But I gotta say, you guys aren’t very far behind me and Sungyeol. Even if you haven’t dated for as long as we have, your relationship matured very quickly.”

“Not really,” Sunggyu said. He lifted a box up to hand to Myungsoo. “I mean, we’re only just living together now.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well… I mean…” Sunggyu stammered, his face flushing. “We’ve slept together in the same bed before but we’ve never really–…slept together. Before.”

A wide grin spread on Myungsoo’s features. “Oh,” he mused.

“Which is why our relationship isn’t even close to yours! And frankly, I don’t even know if either of us are ready to hit that kind of milestone.”
“I think you guys are ready,” Myungsoo said with an eyebrow wiggle. “I hope he doesn’t break up with you after experiencing you in bed–”

“Myungsoo, LEAVE.”







Dongwoo hummed to himself as he strolled down the park. He just got off of his lunch break and was heading back to the sea lion tank. He was having a great day so far. The sun was shining and he was just feeding off of all the positive energy going through the park. Maybe it was because he and Hoya had started dating, but lately, his days were so much brighter.

He was walking an undeniable spring in his step. Dongwoo almost wanted to swing his arms and skip but he couldn’t – at least, not here. He was taken by surprise, though, the moment a hand reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into a shadowy corner next to the sea lion tank.

“Whoa!” he exclaimed, losing his balance.

But it was okay, because the person who had pulled him and caught him was none other than Hoya. Dongwoo grinned up at him as Hoya his hair.

“Hey,” he said.

Dongwoo stood up straight and smacked his chest. “Well, hey to you too. Would it kill you to just call out my name?”

“Oh right, that would have worked to.” Hoya laughed to himself before bending down for a kiss. “That’s not as fun though.”

“True.” Dongwoo grinned and kissed him again.

Hoya smiled and laced his fingers into Dongwoo’s hair. “Anyways, I wanted to ask you something. We’re free this weekend, right?”

“Yeah, of course we are. Anything special happening?”

“We were invited to a housewarming party.” Hoya smiled and brushed his thumbs on Dongwoo’s cheeks. He delighted in the giggle that came out of him boyfriend – Dongwoo always seemed to like when he did that. “Sunggyu and Woohyun are going to be settled into their apartment this weekend and they invited us over.”

Dongwoo smiled and held his hands, swinging them. “Sounds like a plan to me. Pick me up?”

“Sure.” Hoya leaned down to kiss him again. “Now, I should let you go. You probably have lots of things to take care of.”

“I do…” Dongwoo mused. “But… it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a minute or two.”

“A minute or two for what?”

Hoya’s question didn’t really need to be answered when Dongwoo leaned up to kiss him a little deeper. Moments like this were what he loved.






Sungyeol smiled into his phone, the old feeling of butterflies floating in his stomach again. “Are you coming to pick me up now?”

“Mm-hm,” Myungsoo said over the phone. “Did you wear something nice like I told you?”

“I did,” Sungyeol replied, his fingers tracing over the couch cushions on his new couch. “You worked late today for a Saturday. They didn’t work you too hard, did they?”

Myungsoo chuckled. “No, they didn’t. I’m alright. Normally I’d look forward to coming home to see what you’ve tried to make for dinner, but we have somewhere to be today. What a shame – our fridge was full of stuff you could have experimented with.”

Sungyeol raised an eyebrow at their shared fridge. Living together was new, but their interactions were definitely not. “Do you mean the blue cheese, orange juice and frozen chicken nuggets?”

“Yes, those.”

“I don’t know what you’re hungry for, but I can assure you that whatever I’d come up with, with those ingredients, would be a complete disaster.”

“Just thought it would be interesting. But lucky for you, I’ve already decided to steal some of Woohyun’s leftovers tonight. Should last us about a week or so, right?”

“Just about,” Sungyeol agreed. “Why did you need me to dress nice again? Aren’t they having their party by the poolside? Which is weird, considering that it’s not even part of their house…”

“Just dinner will be by their complex’s poolside. I think we’re having wine and watching movies inside the apartment.”

“Sounds fun to me.” Sungyeol smiled. “How much longer until you get home?”

“Mm… seven minutes? I’ll be home real soon.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then. Love you!”

“Love you too, baby.”







Sunggyu held Woohyun’s hand tightly, his grin radiant as they surveyed their finished room together. They sat on their shared bed and were simply resting in each other’s embrace. At the moment, they were just waiting for their friends to come over for their housewarming party. But they had the entire place to themselves until then.

It was so surreal to Woohyun how Sunggyu had suddenly become the star of his life. Just months ago, Sunggyu was just some advertiser who was afraid of water coming to work for money. And now suddenly, Sunggyu was his boyfriend and someone he was moving in with. It could only mean that they were going to be a long-term couple, in Woohyun’s eyes. And he hoped and hoped that Sunggyu was the one.

“We’ve got some time to kill,” Sunggyu murmured into his neck.

Woohyun nodded. “Yep.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Well… is there anything that I need to do?” Woohyun asked, shifting his body slightly.

“Nah. The food’s warm, the wine is out and everything is ready. All we’re waiting for are the guests,” Sunggyu chuckled. He nuzzled his nose into Woohyun’s neck, earning a laugh. “Now the question is, what are we going to do for the next forty minutes?”

Woohyun shrugged, leaning his head against the wall. “Don’t know. What do you want to do?”

He heard Sunggyu snicker. “Well, there’s one activity I can think of when it comes to the bed we’re sitting on… but I’ll save that for another time.”

“Gross,” Woohyun laughed, smacking his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Let’s save that for another time.”

Sunggyu hummed in thought. “We could… watch a movie?”

“We could… That’ll kill time for sure…”

“Any other ideas?” Sunggyu asked nonchalantly.

Woohyun’s face suddenly perked up, as if a light bulb had lit up above his head. But rather than an idea, a memory had popped into his mind. “Wait! I forgot something!” He hopped off of their bed excitedly.

Sunggyu looked after him in confusion. “Forgot what? We’ve already finished all the preparations–”

“No, no, not prep. I forgot that I had gotten something for the two of us.”

“Woohyun, I know this is a housewarming party for our new home, but I don’t think we’re supposed to buy ourselves gifts,” Sunggyu joked. His grin faded into a look of curiosity as Woohyun returned with his hands behind his back. “…What do you have there…?”

The sparkle and gleam in Woohyun’s eyes were just too cute for Sunggyu not stare at as Woohyun approached him, surrounded with an air of excitement. “Well,” Woohyun said, “I figured since we were making this big decision to move in together, we should have something to remember it by… Or rather, something to remind us of this in the long run.”

“Woohyun, what are you talking about–”

“Ta-da!” Woohyun exclaimed, ing out his hand. Laying in his palm were two little silver bands with some engraved designs on the side. “I got us promise rings. It’ll be a reminder of this moment – the moment that we decided to move in together and be a serious couple. It’s a happy moment, so I wanted us to have these rings to look at just in case we fight or something. We’ll have a reminder as to why we’re here.”

Sunggyu blinked once, then twice. The rings weren’t expensive looking. In fact, they looked to be made of plastic – probably an afterthought that Woohyun had decided to buy at a nearby drugstore. They may not have been valuable physically, but Sunggyu believed that they were going to be very valuable keepsakes for him and Woohyun from that moment forward.

“Woohyun,” he murmured, “that’s so… that’s so sweet.” He chuckled to himself. “Sometimes I forget you’re such a romantic.” Woohyun sat back down on the bed with him, his hand outstretched. “They’re very pretty.”

Woohyun nodded happily. “And I even thought that maybe, in the future, if we ever decided to get married, we could transform these into our wedding bands.”

Sunggyu smiled at him, picking up one of the rings to inspect. “That’s so thoughtful of you,” he said. He leaned over to give Woohyun a sweet peck on the cheek. “So. Are you going to put this on me or will I need to do it myself?” he joked lightly.

Woohyun giggled and replied, “No, I can do it for you.”

So Woohyun took a ring and slipped it onto Sunggyu’s finger smoothly. Sunggyu did the same for him moments later and clasped their hands together. Neither of them needed to speak to understand what the other wanted to say. One look at each other’s bright smiles and sparkling gazes and they already knew.

“You think we’ll really get to turn them into wedding bands?” Sunggyu asked, admiring their hands from afar. “That would be lovely.”

“I think we will,” Woohyun said decisively. “I definitely think we will.”

Sunggyu turned to look at him with a playful smile. “You really think so, Woohyun?” Woohyun leaned up to capture Sunggyu’s lips in a long kiss. He pulled away with a bright grin appearing on his face.

“You better believe it.”



( A/N ) : 

that's it guys!! that's all!! really! i know i'm a few hours late, but here is the ending in honor of sunggyu's b-day and woohyun's solo teaser! :DDD

can you believe it? Believe has officially ended ; v ; it's been so long since this started, i almost thought i'd never get here haha BUT HERE WE ARE~!!! i hope you liked this ending :)) drop a comment below to lemme know what you think!! ^^ i definitely tried to wrap everything up and give you a little look on the whereabouts of each couple. think of it as a little epilogue ;) 

woogyu are so cute ugh-- i hope to write more for them in the future!! anyways until then, i hope to see you guys in my other fics! thanks for coming along with me on this ride! this is my second chaptered ifnt fic, did you know that? ahaha where has the time gone.

bye guys!! thank you once again! <3 love you all!

~ Quinnie | twitter

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698 streak #1
Chapter 3: still one of my faves 🥰
Chapter 13: This story is so nice! The character development too! I enjoy every bit of it! Thank you so much for writing and sharing it with us<3
ReshmaNair356 #3
Chapter 13: Why did I discover this gem only now? I love it!!
Woogyu as never seen before!
Myungyeol, their cute selves...Myung in particular.
And Yadong being so awkward in love..loved this piece!
Chapter 13: This is a great story! I love how Sunggyu and Woohyun came together. Myungsoo and Sungyeol's relationship is also nicely done. I like it that you show the realistic part of fighting and coming back together. Dongwoo and Hoya are just cute. Hahaha... Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed reading it!
shinjiteii #5
Chapter 13: I can't believe I had postponed reading this for so long. This is truly such a cute and amazing story that I regret not reading it earlier. Woogyu are cute and your description of a trainer's life also got me. Thanks for writing this <3
Chapter 13: awww~~~
I've had your story bookmarked for a long time now but for whatever reason I always pushed it aside.
But when I started reading two days ago, your story captured me with the first conversation Myungsoo and Sunggyu were having ㅋㅋ
I really love your writing style and how you build up the characters (especially Myungsoo... he's so perfectly weird xD) ^^ oh and the plot is just as good~~ I was really dieing to know who harmed the poor animals >.<
the cutest moment was when WooGyu sneaked into the park at night ♡ I was squealing so hard ㅋㅋ

aaaaanyways~ thank you for the story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 13: I was terrified an orca incident would happen the whole time but nothing did :D also adorable Hoya is adorable <3
BlaseBlanco #8
Chapter 13: I love WooGyu and I love you for writing this! The ending was so sweet!!!
Chapter 13: I think I suscribed to this since the start because I remembered the first chapters but till now I really read it all again with ending included. I almost cry at the end with that rings thing from Woohyun.... I hope my CD of Nam arrives soon, you don't know how much of a trouble the delivery got u.u Thnx for the fic. I really like it and hope to read your new stories in the future ^^