Rescued By Them

Waiting at the Rain



A loud noise came from outside the room, where I was tied up. The guy on top of me, immediately got up and went to see what had made the noise. When he opened the door, I heard grunts and wails from the guys outside the room. I tried to get up and see what is going on but the rope they tied me us was just too tight. I gave up trying and lay back on the bed and tried to save my energy to fight if the guy returned again. I prayed really hard they won't come back again. I still could hear some punching noises coming from outside the room

"Hhmm.. That's weird. Are they hitting on each other or is there someone here to rescue us?" i thought to myself and prayed hard that it is someone to rescue us.

After what seems like ages, I heard footsteps coming towards the room that i was tied in and also other footsteps heading towards the room my friends were tied up. I was praying hard it was not the guy that tried to me just now.

"JiYoon?!!!!" exclaimed a familiar voice

"Who? How do you know me?" i whispered hoarsely and tried to open my eyes.

I opened just big enough to see Niel standing beside me and untying the rope that i was tied up. After releasing me, he immediately took off his jacket and covered me with it. I realized all those time he was untying me, he didn't even glance at me even when he was handing me his jacket. He was just looking away from me. I didn't understand why did that until he gave me his jacket. I realized that my T-shirt was torn and it revealed a lot of my skin.

"OhMyGod!" i breathed in

I immediately took the jacket and covered my body with it. I was on the verge of tears when I remembered about Insyi and Sai. I got down from the bed and tried to walk but my knees gave away and I almost fell when Niel caught me just on time before I fell hard on my knees

"Where are you going?! Your too weak to walk! Just sit down." said Niel in a firm voice

"But but but.. my friends! I need to see them! Are they alright? Please Niel! Take me to see them!!" i begged Niel while taking hold of his hands. I didn't realize that I was crying till Niel bent down and wiped away my tears. I was so shocked by the gesture that I almost flinched and I immediately regretted it when i saw pain and understanding flashing through his eyes.

"Don't worry... They're fine. Joe and Leeteuk went to take them. Come on, let's go. We shouldn't stay here too long. The police might come any minute now. Come." said Niel while taking and pulling my hands. He supported me by slowly holding me and guiding me through the door. When i came out of the room, I saw Joe bringing Sai while Leeteuk bringing Insyi. I was so relieved when i saw them all alright and not hurt. The relief that washed over me was almost painful.

"Oh guys! I'm so glad your all okay!" I said and went and hugged them.

"Yes! Us too! Oh, JiYoon! That was really scary! I'm still really scared. Please let's get out of here. I'm really scared that those guys will wake up anytime and try to do something to us again." said Insyi

"Don't worry... They won't get up anytime soon. We have that taken cared of..." said Leeteuk angrily

"How dare they lay a finger on you girls......... I wish i can kill those guys who did this to you....but Niel and the others stopped me" said Joe while kicking a guy who was lying on the floor.

"Stop that, Joe. Now is not the time to get angry and to do something drastic. We have to take this girls home and make sure they're safe and sound. Come on, JiYoon... I'm taking you home." said Niel in a cold and calm voice

"Wait! You're taking us home?!!!! NO!!! DON'T!!!!! If our parents see us like this, they'll freak out! We can't go home like this!!! It'll be very bad! If we go home like this with you guys, they'll jump to conclusions... Please! Don't take us there yet!!!!" exclaimed Sai

"Wow! She is still keeping her cool even in a situation like this...... I'm so glad someone has their cool." I thought to myself

"Yes! Your right, Sai. If mum sees me like this, she'll have a seizure again! We can't let her get scared just because of this! Please Niel. Don't bring us there... yet!" i said to Niel

"Okay! Okay! If you don't want to go home yet then when are going to go home?! Eventually, you girls have to go home...." said Niel

"Yeah! Okay, let's say you don't want to go home yet.... Then where do you want to go? You girls have to change and freshen up. You can't stay like this forever!" said Leeteuk pointing to us where we covered our body with the jackets that they guys gave us.

"We know that, Leeteuk... but if we go home now, our parents will start to panic and what's worse is that JiYoon's mum might get another seizure and we don't want anything to happen to her! This involves JiYoon's mums life! We can't risk it! Besides, we can go to a hotel or somewhere and freshen up. After all, we did go shopping and we did buy some clothes that are almost similar to the clothes we wore when we wore at home. I really hope you guys understand.... If anything happens to JiYoon's mum, she will surely go into a mental disturbance and we don't want that!" said Insyi very firmly.

"Oh, guys.... I'm so grateful to have you guys as my friends...." I thought to myself while sending a silent prayer to God saying thanks for giving me such good friends and for saving our ity that day.

"Well, she's got a point there, Niel.. Leeteuk... We can't risk it. Anyway, we have to take this girls out immediately before the police arrives.... Come on! Let's go!" said Joe while taking Sai hand and guiding her out of the cottage.

"Yeah, we don't leave much choice. Let's go, Insyi."said Leeteuk and took hold of Insyi's hand. Niel came to me and instead of taking hold of my hand like how Joe and Leeteuk did to Sai and Insyi, he just lifted me and carried me out of the cottage. I was so shocked by Niel's gesture that I almost jumped away but luckily Niel lifted me before he could see my reaction. It would have hurt his feelings again for sure. He brought me out of the cottage and went straight to his motorbike and slowly put me down on his bike. Then he got onto his bike and started it without a word.

"Hold on to me, JiYoon." said Niel in a cold voice

"Huh! Urm, okay.." i said. His reaction towards me was really surprising and it really hurt my feelings. He followed Joe and Leeteuk to a hotel while behind us Cap, Chanjo, Chunji and Ricky followed close behind. We went to a five star hotel and checked in. The guys brought the clothes that we bought at the town just now. I wondered when they picked that up. The guys waited at the lobby while we girls went to our room and freshened up. I stood underneath the hot shower which washed off all the shock, fear and surprise that was still in my gut. It felt really good to shower. I stood there for almost 10 minutes. Then, when i finally felt mostly myself i cleansed myself with soap. I scrubbed my body so hard that my skin turned red because of the vigorous scrubs. I still can feel that drunken man's hands and lips on me. The very thought of the guy almost me was like a big blow on my guts. It took me a while to recover from that blow but eventually i recovered thanks to the hot shower. After bathing, I covered myself with the thick towels and went out of the bathroom and chose something that covered my whole body not leaving much of my skin revealed except for my hands and my face. Those clothes were totally different from the one I was wearing earlier.

"Oh, who cares! Anyway, my mum and dad were not at home at the time i was going out. So I doubt they would ask about it." i thought to myself

After changing, I took the clothes I was wore earlier and stuffed them in a bag. I planned to throw them away when I see a trash can. I went out of the room and headed straight to the lobby to find for Niel and the whole gang. My head still blur and foggy. I was still confused but I was better than before. That's for sure. At the lobby, I saw Sai and Insyi waiting for me with the others.

"Oh!! I suppose i'm the last one. Well, it's okay. I hope they understand." i thought to myself

"Oh, there you are, JiYoon! We were worried that you might have fainted in the bathroom..... We were about to go to your room when you showed up. Good thing you showed up! Niel was freaking out just now..." said Insyi sounding like herself again.

"Yeah! So true! Man he scares me when he freaks out like that." said Chanjo

"Oh... Don't worry, guys..... I was just taking my time and trying to calm myself down. It just took me some time. I'm sorry if I made you guys worried...." i said apologetically

"Oh! It's okay!! We understand....." said Cap with a sympathetic smile. I just gave him a shaky smile.

"Urm, do you guys have any idea where i can throw this? This clothes are a total wreck and I doubt I can sew them so they might as well go to the dumpster area." i said to Sai and Insyi

"Oh, we were thinking the same thing! Wow! We must be physic's if we can think the same thing.... Hahaha!" said Insyi

"Hahaha! Your right. Come, let's go look for one after we checked out." I said

"Yeah, come...." said Sai

We went to the counter and checked out.... The guys were following us till we found a dustbin to throw away the clothes we wore. After that, we went to the parking lot to get on the guys bike. Before we got on, Niel asked me

"Wouldn't your parents realize if you wear something different when you go home?" asked Niel

"Urm.. well, no because my parent's weren't at home when we went to town.." i said while rummaging through my shopping bag looking for Niel's jacket. When i found it, I took it and gave it to Niel.

"Urm, Niel... Urm... Your jacket... Urm, thanks for lending it to me......." i said stuttering.

"Oooohh!!!! I'm so bad at saying a thanks to Niel! I should appreciate it! But i just don't know how to say it!!! I'm just so bad at this!!!" i screamed inwardly

"Hhhmm... Keep it... I will not take it when it's still dirty..." said Niel in a cheeky voice

"oh! I'm sorry if I dirtied it... I will wash it and give it back to you..." i said feeling a little bit guilty

"Hey! I was just joking... Don't take it seriously okay!!!" said Niel looking panicked.

"oh.. hahaha! okay... Urm, Niel...." i said

"Yes?" said Niel with a hopeful voice. I wondered why his voice is so filled with hope

"Urm...... Thank you for saving me today.... If you hadn't come... I don't know what would have happened! I would have been or worst killed by those guys! My mum and dad would be devastated! Oh gosh! What would have happened to you!! You would have..... *breathed in sharply*" i said then realizing what I was saying and stopped immediately. I could feel Niel's eyes on me and I squirmed uncomfortably under his bewitched stares.

"You don't have to worry about it..... I am always by your side when you need me.. I would always protect you from far even when you are in another country." whispered Niel in my ears

Instead of replying anything to him like thanks or like "oh! you're so great" type of dialogue, I just stood there dumbfounded and blushing. I was tongue tied by his sincerity and I was really touched by it. All this time I was testing him and wondering if he would give up on me. But I guess I was wrong. I was right to fall in love with him at the very beginning. I knew deep down, that he is not a playboy like I thought before. I regret thinking of him like that. Then, without realizing what I was doing, I just hugged him tightly. It took Niel by surprise because I could feel his whole body shudder when I hugged him. It was obvious he was not prepared for that and so was i. When he shuddered like that, realization dawned upon me and I immediately pulled away from him. I couldn't believe myself that I would do such a thing. I turned away and blushed really hard when i realized that I had hugged him.

"I Love You, JiYoon." whispered Niel and turned me around and hugged me.

At first, I was so shocked that I couldn't move for a moment but then I hugged him back and whispered to him the words that I held back for so long since the first time I saw him and fell for him.

"Saranghae, Niel....."

It felt good to express my feelings which were like a huge hurricane within me. After expressing myself, I felt better. But now..... Niel has seriously a lot of things to explain to me... especially how did he come at perfect time when my friends and I were about to be but I thought against it and planned to ask him another time since being in Niel's warm and safe embrace really was nice.

"Man! Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow! Hey! What are you guys doing?!!!!" exclaimed Ricky who showed up suddenly.

"Whoa!" said Niel and we pulled away from each other. We were blushing really hard and I felt like I don't want to get away from Niel's embrace. It was really nice to be in his embrace. Then suddenly, Niel wrapped his hands around me and smiled.

"What? Oh, we were just talking, Ricky" said Niel while winking at him

"Oh! What a weird way to talk to each other... Hhhmmm.. Whatever!! Anyway, let's go. We don't want the girls parents to freak out and call the police..... Well, I don't want to end up in jail because of you...." said Ricky in a worried tone

"Hahahaha! My parent's won't do that! hahaha! So don't worry!" i said while Niel said

"So much for you trust within me! How could you not trust me?! My heart just broke!"

"Err... Your crazy, Niel! By the way, I do hope so, JiYoon." said Ricky. With that he turned around and went to get on his bike.

"Okay, Hop on! I'm taking you home." whispered Niel

*Sigh* "Okay..." I said while I got onto his bike. I still wanted to be hugged by Niel but circumstances didn't allow.

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Chapter 51: the ending is so very cool vari XD now, i think its time to think about YOUR real love life, if you know what i mean ;) i wanna sincerely say thanks for letting me be a 'co-star' in this fic~ kekekeke~ hope u'll write a new fic soon! miss ya!
love, insyi <3
Chapter 51: i very l0ve your st0ry very much.!i hope u make new story about teen top n super junior!
pleaseman #3
so cute..
;) Thank u, Syirahimei! hahaha!~ wait for it!~ ^_^ can't wait to see your reaction at the ending.. hehehehe
wow!~ riri! i like your style of writing!~ <3 ;)
YAY! ice-cream!~ LOL! XD
Hahaha!~ Thank u!~ i have just updated some of it!~ ^_^
Urmm, Can I know when will you update a new chapter of this? :) I like your fanfic :))
syirahimei: hahahaha!! what for?? O.o