
A Secret Kiss

I walked toward the baby as soon as I saw him. I asked his father if I can hold him. He didn't fuss as I took him away from his father and I held him close as the meeting was about to start.

"Who volunteers to pray?" They asked and the lilts guy screams and raises his hand. Everyone finds him adorable and chuckles at his cuteness. Someone else volunteers and the room goes quite. I close my eyes like everyone else and the baby readjusts himself in my arms as we prayed and I felt this warm lips touch my own. Did the baby kiss me? Most likely.

"Did you kiss me bunny?" I open my eyes real quick and ask and he smiles and looks over to SeHun.

"Amen." We say all together and we have the discussion. I didn't pay much attention as I just played with this playful guy who keeps giggling whenever my finger goes near his neck.

"Are you ticklish?" I ask him and he shakes his head and points to his older sister. I test him and keep put my finger near his neck and he brings his chin down to protect his ticklish spot. I bounce and walk outside the circle. I twirl around and just play with him and his sister drags in SeHun, who is their older cousin.

"Oppa." She points at what I was doing to his younger brother. He lifts her up and bounces and throws her up in the air. I let go of the boy and chase after him. He runs pretty fast for a shorty. Then his older sister joins in and chases after like she was tiger. She growls here and there. The little guy grasps my leg and falls over since his hands can't stick to my pants. I try picking him up, but his sister pushes my and I fall over. I hold onto the baby as he lies on top of me. SeHun comes over with his perfect hair and a smile on his face. He bends over to offer a hand, but the other little one with lot strength for a five year old pushes him and falls over me. Before he crushed the baby and me, he puts his arms on the ground and escapes crushing the tired baby who decided to take a nap on me. Not to mention, SeHun is right above me and his face close to mine. He gives me a quick peck and I was so stunned. He quickly rolls over and runs after the baby tiger. He scoops her up and heads over to the group. I slowly get up not to wake the baby up. I take him back into the crowd and look over at SeHun who was beside me and holding the tiger.

"You kissed me earlier too didn't you?" I whisper and all a sudden his ears turn red and cheeks become rosy. Caught.


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AliceLiang #1
Chapter 1: I dont understand it~~
yaniane #2
Chapter 1: i was looking for kris in the story XD

but soo cute!!!!!!! more oneshots!
YeollinaMae21 #3
Chapter 1: Waaahhh sooo nice! <33
hey there , nice story you have here ! I love it although it's short X)