
Hate to Like to Love

Oh Sehun, you can call him Sehun the Devil. Of corse, the nick name that only and always used by Gwon Raewoo, Raewoo the victim.


Little Raewoo walks to a bench in a small park right in front of her house, she smiled giddily with her new book "3 Little Pigs and The Wolf" which just given from her parents.

She sat there and start reading. Too absorb in the book, she didn't even realize that the spawn of Devil sneaking behind her. The next things she knows, she is chasing after Oh Sehun.

"You dwarf! Chase me if you can ~~" Sehun looked back with the biggest smile he has.

"I'm not dwarf! You devil!" She speed up and Sehun eyes widened. She is so small yet she could run that fast.

He run for saving his own life, of course, she won't stop until she gets the revenge. High willed people always win.

Oh Sehun wen't home with dirts all over his body.




Today is the first day for Raewoo to enter a middle high school. She looks around and smile proudly. She manage to enter to this middle school which is impossible to Sehun to get in as well, since the boy's parents said they're moving to Seoul.

*Oh Sehun free life is coming~* Raewoo smile giddily as walks in to the school. She walks with light feeling imagining she'll got new friends or even has a boyfriend. When she is deep in her own thought, someone lightly tripped her with his legs. She looks up with deep frown and about to shout the hell out of him for disturbing her heavenly imagination.

She looks up just to welcomed by a smirking Sehun.


"Hey victim~"


She is having a real bad mood today. Everything seems not going along with her plan. She has so many homework and groups project, yet nothing finished. To make it worse. She is in the same group as Sehun and other 3 lazy asses. Sehun can cooperate, but not after they have several bickering. The other 3... they didn't even came to group meeting to do these projects. So it's always her and the devil. Once they met in a cafe, they end up getting kicked out. Blame Oh Sehun.

Now she is sitting on her in her class.... Maybe the world really loves aginst her will, she is in the same class with Oh Sehun and Oh Sehun is sitting next to her.

She sighed, opening her to-do list. She seems perfectionist, but really she isn't, she needs to write so she won't forget.

"You looks whipped" Sehun appeared standing in front of her with his hand on her desk and other one is holding a can of coke, in addition... Smirking. Raewoo rolls her eyes, not replaying and Sehun frown. He is not used to with this Raewoo. So he tried to again.

"Aww, you're looking scary like that... Well, you're usually scary tho" Sehun continue as Raewoo bite her lips. No matter how bad their relationship, every girl didn't want to hear those kind of words coming out from boys.

Sehun seems couldn't see the atmosphere around her, he is dumb, gezz. And keep saying she's will be a killer mother for being scary. Etc.
Then to make everything worse. Someone bumped into Sehun shoulder making the coke spill out and fall to Reawoo's book. Earning loud gaps from Sehun. No matter how bad he plays prank on her, he never want to deal with her books. Last time he remember he went to hospital because he semi-accidentally tore her new book.

All people there froze, Sehun didn't even let out a single breath when Raewoo stands up. Sehun closed his eyes, ready to received what ever she want to give him. And that would be painful.

"I hate you" She said and walk passed him.

Yeap. That was so damn painful.

Sehun didn't know why he likes to tease and make Raewoo mad at him. He thinks it's fun. Since they were little, Sehun can't find himself stoping from making the other cries, annoyed and mad. Even then, Sehun didn't find that she hates that. She took every prank he thrown at her. She will ran after him, shout out and got her revenge. Sehun got hurt a lot too because she always able to capture him and beat him up. So much for a girl.

When middle school about to start and he knows he won't be able to meet and play pranks on her once he move to Seoul. He feels sad. It's not like he has feeling or whatever, but he'll lost his eternal 'victim'.

Maybe it's because he is lonely. His parents just too busy to turn their attention to him. It's been like that since he was a baby. He was taken to a child care and keep doing things by himself since then.He tried to plays with his friends, but they're different. Sehun can't find himself being joyful, since his friends keeps leaving him in the end.

After that, he met her.Gwon Raewoo. Then he instinctively plays prank to her and he won't forget his first prank on her. Put 5 ice cubes into her clothes. Yeah... That was so amusing, He laugh stop just when she throw him a stone strike to his teeth. Sehun lost his baby teeth early.

He actually prepared if one day, Raewoo will say she hates him. If she actually said that, Maybe he'll find another 'victim'... or maybe he won't find another. Maybe he is going to be left again.

When the shcool ends, Sehun went home with grumpy face. He told his friend about Raewoo said she hates him and his friends were like

"Of course"

"What did you expect ?"

"If I were her I would feed you s"

How considerate his friends are.


3 days passed, yet Sehun can't even stole a glance at her. He wants to apologize but, Oh Sehun haven't learn how to apologize.

"Ya Oh Sehun, you should said sorry to her and start being nice" Jongin said munching his lunch.

"I'll apologize.... But, why would I have to be nice-" Sehun didn't even finished his words when Jongin, Baekhyun and Luhan slam their spoons and forks, glaring his soul out off him.

"Let me snap one fact for you" Baekhyun pointed at Sehun with his fork. "It's an obligation for every boy to treat the girl he likes!"

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked. And luhan rolled his eyes.

"He won't understand that Baek"

"Fine" Baekhyun huffed "you like Raewoo, so treat her nicer" he finished. Sehun need several seconds before his face reddening

"Why would I like her?! She is not even a girl!" Sehun shriek. But seriously, he keeps having bad lucks these days, because Raewoo walks passed their and he was sure she heard that.

"Well done Oh Sehun" Jongin claps ignoring the groaning young male.

"I don't like her" ...............




 Okay, maybe he is. He just keeps denying his own feeling. Maybe that's why it's hurt so much when she said she hates him.

Sehun deserve that.

He rubs his temple, this feelings thingy are complicated. For now, he'll just find a way to talk to her.




High School.

Again, Gwon Raewoo and Oh Sehun stays stick in one school one class. Being a seatmate. For 9 and now going to be 10 years in school they're always together.

Raewoo didn't know why their fate... Her fates become like this. Raewoo close her face with both hands and taking a deep breath.

*Him again.. Oh Sehun.... Oh Sehun.... Oh Sehun...*

He appears

*god* Raewoo shook her head at the coincidence.

"It looks like we're going to stick along... Again" Sehun said in low voice. Years passed, but Sehun can't find himself saying sorry to her. And there they're being so awkward sitting each other in class.

"So..." Sehun clear his throat and looks at Raewoo from the corner of his eyes as Raewoo sighing.

"Just spill out Oh Sehun" she said seeing Sehun face and his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Sehun froze.

Raewoo notice all the changes on him, everything about him. Every. Single. Things, too obvious that her friends said "he likes you, that's why"

At first, she denied that, since he always bullied her and calling her she is not girl, speaks hurtful. But her point of views change when Sehun changed. Suddenly. The day after she said she hate him in middle high school, she felt guilty, she wanted to says sorry but she can't and explain if that's because she was in total bad mood.

Right after that, Sehun stops played pranks on her. And he treat her nicely, he even take her home if they went home late after school. Asked her if she was okay or not. And he even the first person who freaked out when she fell into swimming pool and drown. Additional note, he was the one who gave her CPR. She blushed at the thought.

She thought he was reflecting on his actions and she actually appreciate that. But she never heard him saying sorry for the whole pranks he gave her, the pranks that haunted her for like 10 years.. more? damn. But It's not like she hates him for that, she always got her revenge and that's feels so good.

"Umh..." Sehun fidgeting on his seat and Raewoo looked at him waiting intensely. Sehun never feels so nervous before.

"S-sorry" Sehun whispered loud enough.

"I can't hear you" she teased and Sehun make a face at her. He was sure he said it loud. Raewoo tilt her head and Sehun found she's kinda cute... He blushed *hold yourself Oh Sehun*

"It's okay tho if you didn't want to said it now" She smirk and about to leave her seat but Sehun grabs her right wrist.

"Sit" He said looking right in her eyes. She sits obediently, stare back and somehow she drown into his stare. Her heart thumps in anticipation. She never talk properly like this with Sehun. With Sehun voice that she actually find it gentle.

"Listen, I'm not going to repeat this again" he said and she nods.

"I'm sorry" he said and her heart beats even faster. "I'm sorry I always plays pranks on you and speaks hurtful, yes, I'm a jerk. You can hate me for what I did. But I just want to said sorry. I'm sorry....." He breathed "and..." He added and he could feel his face warm up. He gulp.

"And...?" She asked, she wants to hear more.

Sehun blushed, breaking the eye contact and let off his grip on the wrist that he just realize he keeps holding it.

"Andyouarenotscary...andIthinkyouarec-cute" He blabbered off and he feels like he wants to hang himself right there, right now, so he'll die in peace. Sehun face went bright red as he left the class when the teacher coming in and calling the hell out off him, but he could careless as long as he could stay away from her for now.

*stupid mouth!!* he cried in his mind and run trough the corridor.

While in other side. Raewoo froze on her spot, she came back to her sense when the teacher shouted her name in front of her.

First period, Sehun didn't even come to class.


Oh Sehun is jealous.

Raewoo and her senior Choi Minho walking side by side while Sehun walks tailing them holing 6 big paper tubes for their projects. Sehun said they don't need this Choi Minho helps, but Raewoo insisted because they're doing similar projects with Choi Minho.

Sehun pouts all along the way, glaring the life out off them. Raewoo actually could feels Sehun digging hole on her back, but she stays cool.

"Okay, then.. Thanks for the helps, oppa" Raewoo said, and Sehun chokes on his saliva.

*Since when she called him oppa?!*

Raewoo bid goodbye wave and smiling sweetly and Choi Minho while Sehun just looked at the girl next to him, which her smile turned into tight line staring at him. He winched. He is the one who suppose to glare at her.

"you should've be more respectful towards your senior who was willingly tp help us" She said and trying to snatch one of the tube but Sehun won't let her take one.

"Give me one, you looks about to colapse bringing all those big tubes" she tip toes and trying to reach one.

"No, I'm fine, stop tip-toeing it's not helping either with your height" Sehun said between mocking and saying the truth. But the girl insist and he insist to.

"Just, give ... me.. one" She said while jumping, gabbing Sehun's arm for support.

"H-hey! we're going to fall-" Sehun breath stops when she unconsciously press her body againts his, he practically froze, face reddening. As she finally stops jumping and realize that their position isn't that good.

*too close!!* Her mind turned into chaos as she pushed Sehun away by his chest. They stood there with awkward silent for a few seconds.

"Y-you don't have to bring this! I don't want to be the responsibilities if your height decreasing" Sehun said walk passed her and she gapped at him. Sehun walk faster ignoring her nagging. *Damn, that was dangerous*




"Now I'm asking why aren't you just go and date her?" Luhan asked. He stops by borrowing comics from Sehun and return the last comics he borrowed after months.

"date who?" Sehun sat next to him on his bed, drinking.

"Raewoo" Luhan said calmly while checking the comic as Sehun choke and actually spurt out the water. Luhan just stare at him in disgust.

"Dude, you better clean that" Luhan pointed to a now wet floor.
Sehun wipes his mouth with his sleeves, and glare at the other.

"Why would I date her?"

"you both fall in love gezz! everyone in the school knows. It's not something new Oh Sehun" Luhan said and Sehun chokes again.

"Stop choking on your drink!" Luhan snaps

"Stop saying weird things!" Sehun snaps back.

"you are weird!"

"I'm not going to lend you my comics anymore" Sehun treathened as Luhan froze.

"Okay, sorry... now I'll borrow 10 comics.. See you tomorrow!" Luhan ran away and slamming the door close. And Sehun left alone in his house. He sigh as he put the cup on his desk and laying on his back, using his arms as pillow.

"Dating her...." He blushed and turn around burrying his face on a pillow.

He is sure, he likes her, but he isn't sure if she likes him back, earlier Luhan certainly said that he and Raewoo loves each other, well, Sehun didn't want to get his hopes up. He is fine with their relationship now. He didn't want to break it by being stubborn and confess.

This is actually a win win situation. There's probability too if she's going to accept his confession. But if she rejects.....

"I'll be hopeless in love"




Graduation day is coming in 2 days. Everyone busy with their own preparation while Sehun is sweating and can't sit still.
yeah. He is freaking going to confess.

He can't hold it anymore. He just can't hold himself being jealous if seeing her with another guy smiling a each other. It's a no! but at those whole time, Sehun is no one to her and he didn't has right to stops her from socializing with boys.

Raewoo walk toward to a corner that Sehun told her to go over. She could feel excitment and anticipation blooming inside her heart. She didn't know what Sehun wanted to talk about but, she just feel it. She notice it, Sehun holds her hand, with excuse the she will et lost if he didn't does so while the street that they're passing is only the way back home from school.

and another time, he just stare at her while they're eating on the park they used to play tom and jerry to eat lunch on weekend, and he wiped her lower lips. or he tucked strain of her hair behing her ears.

Or he'll just smile sweetly and lovingly at her, when she asked why, he would just said, nothing while smiling at her. And if she blushed, he will just pinch her cheek and saying she's cute when she is blushing.

Now, Raewoo even asking herself why she is still alive after those sweet little things he did to her. She could guess that Sehun was asking to go out on a date but, the other just said "I'm bored, so I asked you out"

Raewoo turn left as she found Sehun stading there on the corner, leaning on the wall with his hands in his uniform siut's pockets. If girls saw this, they'll die on the spot.

"Sehun" She called. And once Sehun turn his attention to her, her heart beates hunder miles. She gulps as Sehun signaling her to come closer.
She walk closer to him, just to be trapped between his arm in the next second. Her eyes widened looking up at Sehun with deep blush on her cheeks.
Sehun chuckled and pinched her cheeks stepping backwards a little.

"what are you want to tell me?" She asked trying not to shutter, but oh well, she fialed anyway.

"I want to asked you something, well... after what I did for that 10 years paled pranks on you, I don't think I deserve this" Sehun rubs his back head and he could feel his face heating up.

"I know this is might not be... good time, since you're.. we're so busy, but I want to say this soon. Because I just can't help myself to get mad... when you're smiling with other guys.. especially that Choi Minho" Sehun added and he feels he is going to gid his own grave when he saw her expressionless face.

"The thing is.." His troath closing up

"I want to say that..." He needs water

"I-I.." He lost his voice.

Sehun shake his head and clear his troath, he took a deep breath *Now or never*.

"The thing is, I want you to smile like that with me at me, I know I don't deserve you, but I'm being stubborn now, I want to be the reason for your laugh and smile, for you happiness. so I'm saying is..." Sehun looked at her eyes once again and he himself froze when he found her eyes looking at him softly, with smile that he never seen, the happiest smile of her. Sehun gulps and got his hopes up. real high. He steps closer and took her hands and link them with his.

"Gwon Raewoo..." He look right in her eyes "I love will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
Raewoo smile went wider and it looks like her smile wont fades even storm came to her.

"Thank you" She said at first. And Sehun minds travelled to manga that he read when the girl smiling at the guys, saying thank you for cofessing to her, yet the next word weren't good since the girl rejects the guy.

"You played pranks on me for the whole 10 years. It's not short time" She smiled and Sehun thinks the smile is kinda scary.

"I'm sorry" He apologize.

"you made me cried a lot too" She added. Sehun feels he just got stabbed right on the heart. He lowered his head in shame.

"I know, I was a jerk"

"you're still a jerk" She said and Sehun looked up at her, he changed for her, he is sure he didn't being a jerk. When he about to protest, Raewoo circle around her arms around his body and hugs him tightly. As he froze.

"A jerk that dare to stole my heart" She mumble on his chest.
Sehun's hand slowly reach up to hug her back with his mind still processing at what she was saying.

"So you're saying?" His voice doze off, still not believing what is happening right now.

"Yes, Sehun.. I'll be your girlfriend... and you're mine" She said. With that Sehun pulled her into a tigher hug. He is the happiest man in the world. He beats all the guys who have crished on her.

Sehun broke the hug and stare at her eyes lovingly.

"I'm not dreaming right?" Sehun asked her and she laugh shook her head "No"

"well, if it's dream, I'll not going to wake up. never" Sehun said.

"It's reallity Oh Sehun. It's happening. It's not just a dream because my feeling are real" She said.

Sehun smiled even wider as he automaticly lean lower and closer. Her eyes slightly widened seeing what is coming. Her heart palpitating, her kneess wobble and she hold onto Sehun for dear life, because if not, she thinks she'll fainted right there when Sehun kiss her.

She saw Sehun face went even closer with his eyelids half closed.

*w-wait... I don't know how to kiss! oh my god!* Her mind is in chaos and she stops thinking right away when Sehun tlit up her chin slightly as their lips just inches away.

"I can kiss you right" he whispered quietly, as Raewoo felt his hot breath on her lips *oh god*

"I'll take that as yes" Sehun added as he lean dengerously closer. When she saw his eyes slowly close she automaticly closed her eyes too. Her grip on Sehun's arms went tighter and she tip toeing slightly leaning forward.

"I love you" Sehun whispered as their lips met. Thousand firework in her mind, butterflies filled her stomach. Her heart pounding loudly on her ears.
Sehun broke the kiss and he smiled in satisfied. He looked at her and curled her hair on the back of her ear. He didn't know that kissing her will be so addictive.

"This is my first.. and you'll be my second" He peck her lips.

"the third" another peck.

"my forth times" he pecked her again. And Raewoo breathed, she can't think anything but Sehun, Oh Sehun.

"and my forever" He kissed her and bring her closer to his hug.

"you tease" She finally able to process her mind breaking the kiss and forcelessly pushed him

"you like it" Sehun smirk and kiss her again. She lost her ability to think.


Sehun never felt this luck and happy in his life. One thing he learn from this. He isn't really that unlucky. Because the day he choose to pranked her, it's the day that he choose to be ready to fall for her. Because in his other part of his hear, he knows, she won't leaves.











(P.S: My friend actually the one who request this.. so yeah.. blame her and my feels)



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Chapter 1: Well done, well done! Good shot!! Love it!
And as they kissed....I guess Sehun transmitted his 'dumb' to Raewoo as she became clueless after the kiss. Lmao. tall is she? Just asking, tho.
Chapter 1: Wah !!!!! DAE TO THE BAK !!! I love this story !! I LOVE YOU ATHOR-NIM !! ^_^