Two months later,

“Wow! Congratulations, sir! Finally u found your way home.” Myungsoo said, clapping his hand.

His father looks at Myungsoo, a smile draw on his face. “Aigoo, someone is mad right now.” He said as he ruffles Myungsoo’s hair while hugging his son.

“Stop it, dad.” Myungsoo pull away from the embrace. “I thought u already lost your memory. You left me with that grumpiest, craziest and most evil girl on earth. I can’t even take good care of myself and I have to ‘babysit’ that monster, alone!” He said with a trembling voice.

“Are you okay, son?” Kim Jinsoo touched his son’s shoulder but he avoided him.

“No. I’m not okay.” Myungsoo said. His face is all red.

“Alright. Let’s have a seat first.” His father suggested as he drag Myungsoo sitting in front of him and he give Myungsoo a glass of water. “Drink this.” Myungsoo let out a sigh before he finished the drink.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. I know I’m not supposed to let you do this by your own.” His father looks down. “I thought u will be doing fine.”

“I can’t handle this anymore. U should bring her away from me or else u might found your own flesh and blood’s lifeless body on the street in future.” Myungsoo said. “I’m lucky she still spare me my life till today.”

His dad chuckled. “Doesn’t u think you were overreacting just now?”

“No, I’m not.” Myungsoo said. “Every single day, she tries to cut my throat dad. Every time she talks straight to my face, her big brown eyes make my heart pumping like crazy like it can burst anytime. And when her hand touches my skin it sends me a kind of electric jolt straight to my heart and entire body.  It felt like my life is at the stake every second she’s with me.”

“Herm?” His dad look at Myungsoo in disbelieved. “Don’t tell me you already fall in love with Eunjung?”

“What? Hell no!” Myungsoo protested as he stands up. 

“Okay, okay. Just relax no need to act like that.” His dad giggled. “Well, it’s just the way you describe the touch and stare lead to falling in love situation.”

“Am I?” Myungsoo blink his eyes in confusion. But then, he snapped back into reality. “Are you out of your mind, dad? She’s a yakuza. I would never fall in love with her. Geez. Like who’s on earth will..”

“Yakuza is also a normal human being, Kim Myungsoo.” His dad cut Myungsoo off and its turn him into silence. “They have the same feeling like us anyway. So does Eunjung. Did she give u any trouble?”

“A lot. There’s too many that I can’t list all of them. But there’s a few times she try to threw Hoya off from our school’s rooftop.”

“She did? Seriously?” His dad asked, disbelieved.

“No kidding.” Myungsoo shook his head, while he make a ‘swear’ hand gesture. “And she even broke her principal’s in front the entire congregation on her first day at school.”

“Wow. That’s hurt.” His dad burst into laughter.

“It’s not funny, dad. She got expelled.” Myungsoo said.

“Oh.” His dad stops laughing. “But there must be a reason why she did that. Like what Hoya did to her that led her doing that throw off things?” his dad asked.

“Hoya pats her head?” Myungsoo answered.

“That’s why she acts like that.” His dad said.

“It’s just a pat, dad. Not a knock.” Myungsoo paused. He knit his eyebrow. “Why it feels like you were always on her side. Like everything she did is nothing wrong in your eyes. What’s wrong with you?”

His dad looks at Myungsoo as he pat his head. “This thing is normal to us, but not to Eunjung.” His dad stops patting his head and smiled. “Nobody ever do that to her, so what do you expect from her?” His dad sighed. “Please give Eunjung one chance, and u..” His dad paused, touches his hand. “Don’t look at her as a yakuza, but think of her as a normal girl.”

“I…I don’t know if I can handle it anymore, dad.” Myungsoo shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“What do u mean?”

“I don’t need a car or that contract anymore. Just take her away from here. I don’t want to involve in this thing, u have to settle it up by your own. I have my own life. I’m sorry.”


“We are home!” Their conversation was interrupted by the loud voices and laughter from the living room. His dad looks at Myungsoo with puzzled look.

“My friends and Eunjung.” Myungsoo said.

“They were together?”

“My friends were stupid. I told them she’s yakuza but they don’t believe it. Plus, Eunjung is a great actor. She knows how to act like a normal people around them. So they kept coming here every day to hanging up with her and even bring her along to our secret places. Ughh. And she can’t refuse them since they are stupid, can’t read her devil eyes.”

“Uncle, you are back!” Sungyeol greet as he saw Myungsoo’s dad.

“Myung! You have to see this.” Hyun Woo rushed to Myungsoo but paused for a while. “Eh? Hi uncle. How are you? Long time no see.” He asks as he flashed an awkward smile.

“I’m good. Thanks. Where are the others?” 

“Where’s Eunjung?” Myungsoo asked.

“She’s here.” Sungyeol pointed to his back but he realizes there’s no one behind him. “Eh? Where is she? Hoya –ah! Come here. Bring Eunjung along.”


 “Come on Eunjung. Can u please move your lazy ?.” Hoya persuaded Eunjung who sit still at the couch, crossing her arm.


Eunjung strike her death glare. “What do you say? Watch your mouth or I will tear it away from your ing face.” Only if she can shut the human creature in front of her up right now she would kick his and break his bones with her karate moves. Hoya is the most Myungsoo’s friend who is really like to mess up with her. Hyun Woo and Sungyeol were sometimes burn her heart with their words and acts too. It was really annoyed her damn much at first but the longer she know them the lesser her urge to kill them for real. She learns how to laugh. The feeling was good. Does she feel happy? She really don’t know.

 “You are so gangster Eunjung-ah. But, it suits your new hair style by the way.” Hoya laughed. “Come on, cutie gangster.” Hoya said as he pat her head like a kid.

Just now he messed up with her hair and now he pat her head like a dog. She doesn’t like it. “Yah! Do you really want to die?” She shouted at him.

“Yes, I am.” Hoya said as he sticks his tongue out.

‘This kid really never learns from mistake.’ Eunjung bite her lower lip. In a quick second she pushed Hoya down on the sofa and she grasped him around the neck with her hand. “I’m going to kill you.”

“Help me! Eunjung’s trying to kill me! Guys!” Hoya shouted.

Hoya panic shout make all of them run towards living room and the scene of Hoya struggling from Eunjung’s captured their eyes.

“What is going on in here?”  Kim Jinsoo asked in shock. They quickly separate both of them before someone lost their life.

“Mr Kim. H- Hi.” Eunjung says as she gives him a bow. But before she’s fully lift up her head, a hard slap met her right cheeks makes her unstable and fell on her knee. 


“If you want to act like a ing yakuza, then return to your home. This is not your place.” Myungsoo said.

“Yah, Kim Myungsoo! What are you doing?” His dad shouted as he tries to lift Eunjung up, but she resist to.

 “Are you out of your mind?” Hyun Woo asked as he and the others approaching Eunjung.

“Myung, Eunjung didn’t..” Hoya is going to explain when Myungsoo cut him off.

“This Yakuza almost killed u just now and dad, you see that by your own eyes. But all of you are still on her side? This Yakuza? I can’t believe this!” Myungsoo yelled as he running into his room and slammed the door.

 “Eunjung-ah, are you okay?” Hoya says his face full of worries.

“I’m okay. Don’t worry.” She flash a weak smile as she stand on her feet and walk out from the house.

“Where are you going?” Sungyeol ask as he follows her from behind.

Eunjung froze on her track. “Leave me alone.” She says before she resumes her walk.


“Kim Myungsoo, we need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say and we are done.” Myungsoo says without bother to look at his dad. He pulled the blanket over his head. “Take her with you since you love her so much.” He added.

“What’s wrong with you? I never remember you were this rude before.” His father asked but only the silence answered him. He grabs the blanket and pulled it away from Myungsoo. “Kim Myungsoo! I’m talking to you right now.”

“You asked me what’s wrong with me? I’m the one who should ask you, what’s wrong with you? Can’t you see she’s choking Hoya earlier? He might die if we weren’t there. I can’t risk my friend’s life over this stupid yakuza protection program!” Myungsoo shouted.

“But Myung, I’m still alive. See?” Hoya interrupted in sudden.

“It’s because we stop her, you idiot! Or else you already a dead meat in my living room.” Myungsoo hissed.

“No. it’s because Eunjung never meant to kill me. We were just playing around.” Hoya explained.

Myungsoo sighed in anger. He walk toward Hoya and said. “She’s a Yakuza. Yakuza never play killing people. They seriously kill people.”

“But Eunjung is not a..” Hoya’s word was cut off by Myungsoo.

“She is a Yakuza! YAKUZA! I’m not ing kidding you when I told all of you about who is she.”

“Yes! We knew she is a Yakuza. Can’t you stop mentioning about who is the real she?” Sungyeol yelled back.

Myungsoo smirk. “Only now u believe in what I’m saying about her? Before this all of you mindlessly listen to her and fell into her acting.”

“No.” Hyun Woo said as he touched Myungsoo’s shoulder. “We believed she’s Yakuza when she admitted it by herself.”

“What?” Myungsoo and his dad said in unison.

“S-since when?” Myungsoo asked in disbelieve.

“Last month. You weren’t around since you are too busy avoiding her. If she wants to kill you, she can kill you on her first day here but she didn’t.” Sungyeol explained. “She said she don’t want to lie to us anymore since we are her friends. We are the only one who wants to befriend with her. She’s a lonely kid.”

“She may not act like other girls. But have you listen to her first laughter? It’s cute like a little kid. And if you see her smile, it’s pure. not fake as before. Doesn’t mean she’s a yakuza she don’t have a feeling, Myung.” Hoya touched his neck. “I didn’t feel any pain, she just touch my neck. Not choking me. It’s because a friend won’t hurt her own friend.”

Myungsoo fall into silence. He look at his trembling hand, he still can feel the sting from the slap. The anger had completely controlled him. ‘She must be hurt.’ He runs to the living room, his eyes roaming all over the room.

“She’s already left.” Sungyeol paused. “And we are leaving too. See you soon, Myung.” He pats his shoulder before he walk away from there.

“W-Wait. Where did she go?” Myungsoo asked.

“Nobody knows. She said she want to be alone.” Sungyeol shrugged.

“You two are leaving too?”

“We came here because we want to show you something, but…” Hyun Woo paused.


“She’s already gone. It’s on her that we want to show you. Never mind, you can see it later. When she come back home.” Hyun Woo said as he leaving.

“Myung, doesn’t u see any difference in me?” Hoya asked, flash his white tooth.

Myungsoo knitted his eyebrows. He scans Hoya from head to toe. “What happen to your hair?”

“Bingo!” Hoya giggled. “Eunjung did this. She was really mad when we make over her hair, so as a punishment I have to sacrifice my own hair.” He looks at his reflection on the mirror and touches his new hair.


“But I think it’s not that bad. See ya!”

One hour later,

Myungsoo walk back and forth at the living room, waiting for Eunjung. But there’s not even her shadow appears. ‘The clouds looks like it will be raining soon.’ Myungsoo thought.

“She’s not return yet?” His dad asked.

“Nope.” Myungsoo answered. “Dad, I’m worried.”

“Don’t worry, she will be fine. Plus, she’s a yakuza. Nobody can harm her.” His dad chuckled.

Myungsoo look down. “Dad.”


“I’m sorry.”

His dad pats his head. “You owe Eunjung, not me.”  He smiled.

“You are leaving again?” Myungsoo asked as he saw his dad bring a luggage. His dad nods. “Where?”


“What for?”

His dad sighed. “Look. It’s a secret, okay? Promise me you won’t tell Eunjung.”

“What is it?”

“Eunjung’s grandfather is dying. I came home to give Eunjung something, but I can’t wait here any longer. Doctor says his condition is worsened. And I have to return back to Japan ASAP since there are a few things I have to settle down.” His dad fished out a box from his bag. “Here, give it to Eunjung. Tell her, his grandfather miss her and love her so much.”

The box was passed to Myungsoo’s hand. He nods his head. “I’ll deliver it to her. Please take good care of yourself, dad.”  

“You too, son. Remember, Yakuza is also a human being. Just look at her using your heart, not your eyes. It may deceive you.”


Eunjung is lying on the grass, counted the clouds above her. It was before she fell into deep slumber. After a while, drop by drop rains touch her milky skin makes her awake. But it didn’t budge her from the position. She closed her eyes as she enjoys the feeling of rains touching her tired body. “Ahh.. it feels so good.”  It’s been long she didn’t touch the rain and she kind a miss it. She used to like it when she’s a kid.  And suddenly her grandfather’s face appears on her mind. “I miss you,Boss.” She sighed.

She recalled the memory before she walked out from the house after been slapped by Myungsoo. Then she bites her lower lip. “It was the first time I saw him that mad. I thought he’s just a . That kid got a ball, finally. ” She smirked as she touches her right cheek. “, it’s damn hard. Is he trying to kill me? Ergh. ”

A moment later, Eunjung startled over no rain drops on her face anymore but she can feel it on her lower body. Once she opens her eyes, a man figure with black umbrella caught her. “Huh?” She quickly stands on her feet. “Who are you?”

“I thought someone dumped a corpse in here, so I just wanna take a look. I’m almost calling the police when I heard she mutters random words.”

Eunjung knitted her eyebrows. “What did u heard?”

“Well..” He plays with his chin. “It begins with ‘Ahhh…’ and end up with ‘ergh!’” he said as he mimicked back Eunjung’s facial expression. “And there’s also..”

“Ok, enough.” Eunjung close his mouth by using her palm. “I’m not a corpse and you may leave now.” Eunjung said as she walked away from him.

“Wait!” He ran over her. Eunjung rolls her eyes without stop walking. He catch her up and stand in front of her make her froze on her track. “Now what?” Eunjung ask in disgust.

“You might catch a cold since expose to the rain for quite long time.”


“So why don’t we have a cup of hot chocolate?” He suggested as he draw a smile. She give him a death glare.

“No worry. I don’t have any bad intentions. I just reached Korea a few hours ago and I have plenty of times to spend on. And you looks like a fun person..”

“Forget about it.” Eunjung says as she walk passed him.

He tries to catch up with her again. “How about dinner? It’s on me!” he said while running.

Eunjung stop walking, she let out a huge breath before she voice out. “I want to eat ramen.”

“Ramen? Okay! No big deal. By the way, I’m Nickhun.” He said as he extends his hand for a shake. She just gives him a poker face. “Where’s your car?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s over there.” Nickhun pointed at the black car in front of them.

“Okay.” She replied as she resumes her walk. “It’s Eunjung.”


“My name. It’s Eunjung.”




Author note: I’m really sorry for late update. I promised for an update on February but I can’t make it since I further my master study. But I’ll try updating this story and my other stories. And I hope u guys wouldn’t leave me here alone and please keep supporting my fiction. Thanks a lot in advance. And love ya!

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 4: We miss ur story.. Please update soon :(
Ramjung #2
Chapter 4: It's been a long time since you update this story :( hope you will comeback and update it ^^
1136 streak #3
Chapter 4: Wahh Khunjung or myungjung don't care as long as it's one of them... hehe
Mickey01 #4
Chapter 4: OMG, I really love your story <3
myungjung, khunjung and eunjung with boys it was so cute, funny oh i love it. but it's so bad that eunjung grandfather was died. update soon :)
Princess910603 #5
Chapter 4: Wahhh.. update more please
T-araFans #6
Chapter 4: OMG!!! Nichkhun stop!!!!
Nice update ^^
yasminajung #7
Chapter 4: update soon please...
Ramjung #8
Chapter 4: Omg :o i'm so excited hehe ^^ update soon plz
hahmjungie #9
Chapter 4: i like your story.. please, next chapter.. khunjung or myunjung.. I love to both partners. a fun story..
Princess910603 #10
Thanks for the update..