❄ || Pickup for mwongga || ❄

❄ || Solstice Poster Requests || closed, completing requests || ❄
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.. luhan in that picture -nosebleeds-

anyways, I'm done! c:

You can just ignore that last one with the bigger english words. I just found this really pretty font I
forgot I even had, and I thought it worked really prettyily with the poster, so I kinda just messed around with it.
You don't have to use it of course, just posting so you can see.. or something xD

please do tell me if there are any changes you'd like made!

I hope you like it! ❤

[ e n g l i s h   v e r s i o n ]

[ s p a n i s h   v e r s i o n ]

[ . . . t h e   o t h e r   v e r s i o n   v e r s i o n ]


[  s t o r y   l i n k  - e n g l i s h   v e r s i o n  ]

[  s t o r y   l i n k - s p a  n i s h    v e r s i o n ]

Luhan has just one year to life left, so he decides to go to school. He just
wants to stay away from home, but he didn't know that he will end up
meeting Sehun.

Everything is now messed up, and they are running out of time.


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Hey guys! I've been a bit busy recently, haven't had time to get on from a computer. I'm really sorry for taking so long for the posters :c


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I'm canceling my request.
Chapter 11: Hello there, I'm sorry, I think I'm going to cancel my request... thank you :)
Chapter 12: urmm~ i'm so sorry but i want to cancel my request
Hey~ Can you please cancel my request? I'm sorry for the inconvenience if any >_<
Chapter 2: Hello. I just requested a poster :)
I really hope you can finish it in a short time.

Hey its me.. I've requested for my one-shot complete HunHan fic..
I hope you can make one for me.. I've filled the form since 3 days ago..

Thanks in advance..
Where is mine? :-(
Hello~~ I have requested ^^.
Chapter 2: I really hope that you will accept my request.. Please...O.O>_<