
Endless hope

It was a sunny bright evening. The tempereature was a little bit higher than usual that evening but it was a really nice day. Really.


My language class just ended exactly at 4.30pm. It was indeed a long day for me. I got scolded by my language teacher over a little simple mistake that i did on the half year test earlier. Yes, maybe my mark was the worst in the class but how came 85% could be really bad? I felt terribly sad and dissapointed of myself and of course, angry too...


" I just can't believe someone like you can be this hopeless" Mrs Lee aka my language teacher, snickered. I just lowered my head and nodded slightly at her statement. 

"You're the worst student I ever teach" She pointed her long old index finger at me. I swore, I heard some of my classmates laughed their asses off right now. I  fixed my eyes on my shoes, not dared to look up to meet her eyes. I never felt so embarassed like this. Then, Mrs Lee turned her body faced the students. 

"Who gave you the permission to laugh?! Do you know how serious this matter is?!" She eyed one by one the student. It looked like her eyes would come out of her sockets soon. The audible word "yes" could be heard. The students just stayed silent and nodded their heads.

"I really dissapointed with all of you, especially you Layla" she shot me a glare. " I want you guys to submit 9 essays to me tomorrow as the punishment" she said "...and it must be more than 500 words  " she added before she headed out of the class. I sighed heavily.


What a day.


The class was completey desserted and I was the only one in the class. Did I mentioned that my classmates punish me too? Yes they did. I needed to clean the class for two weeks straight. It was my fault at first so I've to responsible. I hoped they would forgive me for causing them got punished by Mrs Lee.


After 30 minutes cleaned the big class alone, I sat on the chair beside the windows. I looked around. A satisfied smile cracked on my face. I mentally and physically tired. I inhaled deeply and rested my head on my arm. I looked through the transparent windows. I just realized how breathtaking view I could see from here. The garden looks beautiful from this angle. I loved to see how the sun could give a really amazing affect behind the tall trees. Another smile formed on my face.


Later, my attention shifted to a group of boys at the court. They were playing basketball happily. I eyed one by one the boys. To be actual, they were 12 flower boys. This was the first time I met them actually. They were so energetic and focused on the game. I just admired the way they moved, how fast the ran and how good they aimed the ball. However, there was a boy that got my attention the most. I got admitted, his face is really handsome. His features just too perfect. He looks great eventhough he just wore a simple white t-shirt and a black trousers. Is he even a human? I stared he for a while dazzled by her perfectness. 


I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Then, he looked up. Our eyes met. His eyes are indeed beautiful, his dark brown orbs are really something. I kept staring into his eyes. Neither one of us want to break the eye contact. I rarely make eye contact especially with strangers. In this case, it was definately different compeletly. I didn't felt shame or awkward. I felt warm. I loved that feeling.









We hold the eye contact for 4 seconds. Wow. When suddenly someone interupted us. Perfect timing

I broke off the eye contact with him. I stood up from the chair. I searched for the owner of the voice. Whis was not other than my best friend, Hana.

"Yah! What were you looking at, huh? I called you thrice" she spoke out or rather, yelled

"Oh, nothing actually" I gifted her a smile and tried my best to hide the truth. " I'm sorry I was busy... erm watching the birds?" I tried to gave an excuse. The lame one. Her right eyebrow raised and suspicious expression writen all over her face.

"Nah never mind... take this and let's go home. You must be really tired." she handed me a bottle of cold fresh orange and patted my back.

"Yeah, right. Let's go" I grabbed my bag. I secretly glanced at the boy tried to find his eyes back but apparently, he was too focused on the game again. Then, I walked out of the room with Hana.


I just couldn't wipe off smile on my face that day. I would like to know him more. 

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