3 Days Before Christmas

I look in my mailbox. I've got mail. I take out the envelopes, and discard junk mail. I go back into my house, and read my mail. The first one's from Soohyuk.


Hope your job's going well. Kai's going to live with you. He'll be there three days after Christmas.


I re-read the letter. Kai's going to live with me? I can't help but smile. In three days, it's going to be Christmas too, so he'll be here in about a week.

The next one's from Sulli, written in feeble writing. My smile droops, but immediately comes back.

Merry Christmas Sehun! Remember to smile for me!

-Sulli :)

I fold her note and put it into my pocket. The third envelope is a fancy one, with a gold letterhead. I opened it suspiciously.

Invitation to Mr. Semin from Ms. Krystal

You have been invited to attend Ms. Krystal's second Christmas Jubilee.

This event will be held at Creme House, on Christmas Eve, from six in the evening to twelve at night.

Please dress in formal attire.

I read it over and over in my mind. Creme House... I'm guessing that's Krystal's house (after all, it is creme coloured). Christmas Eve is in two days. I have to dress in formal attire. Formal wear...

I rush to my closet and fling open the doors. To my relief, I have a suit that fits. I look around once more, and I find a thin black tie. Although it isn't really Christmassy, I guess it counts as formal.

I need to get Krystal a gift for Christmas. I'd feel bad if I went to her jubilee empty handed. Kai too. I think I'll give him a video game. He'll like it. As for Krystal, I don't know what she'll like. Honestly, I think she'll like anything good I give her, but, well... I don't know.

I head to the shops and purchase a video game for Kai. I choose Assassin's Creed, after all, we're real assassins, so let's see what he thinks of it.

I look at things to get for Krystal. I could get her chocolates, flowers, jewelry, anything. But it all seems really generic.

Finally, I get an idea. A terrible idea, but an idea nonetheless.


Christmas Eve, 6:30pm

I arrive at Krystal's house, a bit late. There are a lot of middle-aged people that all look rich and well dressed. They frown at me. I also recognize a few people from school. I look around, feeling out of place, holding my gift in my hand. I spot Krystal, who is surrounded by a small group of people. She sees me and waves, then comes towards me.

"Hi," she says, slightly breathless.

"Hi," I reply, "You look really nice in that dress." She's wearing a gold and white dress with white flats. There's a holly branch in her hair.

"Thanks," she blushes, "You too."

"Nice party," I say.

"Thanks," she laughs, "Again."

Then I remember the gift I'm holding.

"Oh, uh, Krystal? I got you a gift," I say, handing it to her, "But don't open it until midnight."

"Okay, thanks," she replies, taking the box and looking at it with interest.


"Okay, it's time for dinner!" shouts Krystal "Please proceed to the dining hall and sit at your designated seats!" 

"It sounds like you're their mother or something," I chuckle

"Shut up," she says, rolling her eyes at me, "Go find your seat."

"Yes Mother."

I duck behind some guests in order to avoid her angrily amused face. I follow the wave of guests to the dining hall, and find my seat. It's beside Krystal's. Her friends are with us too. They stare at me and whisper to each other. I smile at them, and attempt conversation. They continue to whisper and giggle, ignoring me.



Finally! Dinner's over!

During dinner, there were a lot of speeches and stuff like that. I nearly fell asleep. Krystal had to do a speech too, but it wasn't that long. She has a very captivating voice. But now, it's time for dancing. An orchestra plays soft music, and couples start to leave the dining hall to hit the dance floor.

Krystal's friends have already left, leaving just me and her.

"So..." she starts.

"So..." I mimic.

"So what do you think of this jubilee?"

"It's pretty nice."


"But there's a lot of old people."

Krystal looks around nervously.

"I hope no one heard that," she whispers.

"I don't think they did," I reply cheerfully.

Krystal looks thoughtful.

"Say, do you want to dance?" I ask.

"Well, I..."


"Okay, since you asked so nicely."

I help her get up and offer her my arm. She takes it and clings on to it. We head to the dance floor. Ballroom, whatever.

The orchestra strikes up a merry waltz. I feel relieved, since it's one of my more manageable dances (as in I won't mess up big time, or step on my partner's feet). I place my hand on her waist and hold her hand. I can feel something close to a jolt of electricity while we dance.

Finally, after what seems to be an eternity, the music stops. I Krystal to a chair.

"How aren't you dizzy?" she laughs, holding a hand to her forehead.

"'Cause I'm me," I reply, smiling, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No, it's okay. Just let me sit for a while."


Krystal pulls me outside. The guests are all starting to go outside as well. I don't see how she can stand the cold, wearing only her dress. I shrug off my jacket and place it on her shoulders. She smiles at me and pulls it closer to her.

"So why're we outside?" I ask.

"Just watch," she whispers.

The other guests are mumbling excitedly. They look at the sky. I look up. Fireworks! There are so many too. I'm awed by the colourful display. I've never seen so many fireworks.

"They're beautiful," I whisper to Krystal, "Just like you."

"Thanks," she whispers, her eyes still transfixed to the show.


It's finished. All the guests are leaving. Krystal says her goodbyes to each of them. I watch her from a distance. Finally, everyone's gone, except for me. The servants are starting to clean up. She comes up to me.

"Well?" she says.

"Open your gift."

Her eyes show confusion, then they clear up.

"Right! The gift!"

"Can we go somewhere more private?"

Her face turns very pink. She ducks her head down so that her hair covers her face.

"We can go into my room," she offers.


We go up the stairs and into her room. She takes my gift from her vanity, and then opens it and pulls out a necklace and a small roll of paper.

"Here, I'll help you put it on," I say, taking the necklace and clasping it around her neck, "Now read the note."

She unrolls the paper and reads it, looking into my eyes every now and then.

"Krystal, even though we haven't known each other that long, will you please be my girlfriend..."

Then she breaks out into a smile.

"Of course I'll go out with you!" she exclaims, flinging her arms around me.

"Only one thing- Keep our relationship a secret. I don't be a new topic of gossip and whatnot," I reply, hugging her.




"I love you."

She kisses me.

"I love you too."

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 13: please update soon!!!!!!
Chapter 13: Okay no problem authornim.. hehe
Although a month indeed very long time but ur story always make me excited and curious waiting for a month I think this story worth it... *^O^*
jahey7910 #3
hi everyone This is one of your authors jahey7910 :P thanks for liking our story and we hope you'll continue to like it :P We'll trying to post on a regular bases, once a month. I know a month is a very long time but we have so much stuff to do these days so that's all we could manage :( sorry :(...
helloimyna #4
Chapter 11: so bad. he's falling in love with his target. dont kill her sehunaaaa ;-;
Chapter 9: Very good story! Keep going and never stop :)
uwaa great story!