Temptation 5:


Temptation 5:

It was pass eleven by the time they got back from their schedules that night and Yongguk couldn't help but slump on the neat sheets of his bed, the day’s events coming back to memory.

After his encounter with Jongup in the gym he knew he could no longer deny that he was attracted to his band mates, finally confirmed when he ran into a freshly bathed Zelo wrapped only in a towel and perspiring Daehyun whose tank top was sticking to him in all the right places.

He was ashamed for conjuring up such lewd thoughts about his dongsengs in secret but he couldn’t help it. The last thing he wanted to do was reveal such a secret and ruin whatever bond he’d formed with them.


A voice all too familiar to him came from the bedroom entrance and soon he found himself staring at the giant baby faced maknae of the group; the teen was only deck in a pair of blue basketball shorts and an extra-large bear printed T-Shirt that just screamed cute in the leader’s mind. It also didn’t help that the younger was holding onto his pillow in a childlike manner.

“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

Before Yongguk had the chance to reply the pale skin blonde had crawled into his bed and lodged himself in his muscular arms.

Rather than feeling a surge of arousal as he felt for the others, the 24 year old found himself smiling fondly at the younger who had already closed his eyes and was drifting off to sleep.

There was something about Zelo that made his heart swell with warmth and pride. The boy looked up to him in many ways and would do any and everything in he can to make him proud. Whether it be listening to him, following his lead or using whatever guidelines and advice he could offer and applying them in everyday use, Zelo was like that little brother he wished he had and the person he hoped his further children would grow to be.

Similar to Jongup, the 16 year old became a beast on stage but it was moments like this, with him curled up next to him and breathing softly into his chest that he remembered that Zelo was no more than a young teen with the dream of becoming big in the world of music…just like the other 4 in the band.

That night Bang Yongguk realized that he felt more than just ual attraction towards his dongsengs; that each was unique and had affected his heart in one way or the other. True he had a lot of unresolved ual frustration towards them but if he could have moments like this then he didn’t mind one bit.

“You guys are something else…” he whispered as he the baby smooth face of the teen before drifting off to his own dream world.


“So do you think it worked?”

“I don’t know; he probably kicked him out. I mean he’s been avoiding us like a plague for the whole day..."

"And Hyung’s really good at hiding his emotions so it’s kind hard to tell right .”

“If that’s the case then where is Zelo? He was supposed to be here if he didn’t get through.”

Just then the Visual of the group’s phone lit up indicating an incoming text.


I think he’d finally accepted his fate, we’ve got him ;)


The four blondes read the message before looking up at each other; mischievous smirks plastered on each one’s face.

The End


To my readers: Thank you for taking your time out to read this fic. Hope you enjoyed it ^u^

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 5: Lol the other 5 have yongguk in the palm of their hands lol
Chapter 5: Omooo X3 Jongup running shirtless /nosebleed/
The other 5 planned it? DAEBAK! XD
So the rest like boys and they're making Yongguk to accept his fate lolololol XD

I need sequeellll!!
chibiiELF #3
err.. sequel ? :DDDD
chibiiELF #4
i enjoyed reading :D fighting and hwaiting to your other stories as well ! ^^
Thanks for reading my story story and pointing that out(and here I thought I had cover all my mistakes). Hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters.
Scourgey #6
Chapter 2: Hello! ^-^ You just got yourself a silent reader, hehe~. I enjoy this story and am thankful to come home and find a great chapter waiting for me! Also, please know that even if I don't comment (but I'll try to), I'll read the chapters for sure. But it seems a mistake sneaked in here: “Well singing isn’t the only thing my only talent you know". Just wanted to point that out ^-^ I overlook things like those too sometimes, hehe~