
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

  7  years ago

   "Let's build a snowman!" I said enthusiasticly while dragging him outside of the grand castle."Okay, okay.Just stop pulling my arm.It hurts." He whined and I laughed at him as he pretended to be angry and threw a snowball at me."Hey! We're going to build a snowman not snowball fight." I retorted as I dodged the continous snowballs he threw."Enough of that.Let's go!" It was my turn to whine.He chuckled as he grabbed my arm and brought me to an empty site of the castle, where snow is all over the place.

     "Help me push this.I want to make it big.Really big.I want to make the biggest snowman ever known to mankind!" Elis exclaimed.I smiled and helped him push the snowball around the site.When he was finally satisfied with it, we continued on making the body and head of the snowman."Elsa! C'mon now.Don't just sit there.We need to decorate and give it a name!" He said happily while bringing a basket full of little stones, a carrot, an old scarf and a hat.

      We arranged the stones on it's body as buttons and also put some of it on it's face as the eyes and mouth.Elis lifted me up,so I could stuck the carrot on it's face as a nose and also put the scarf around it to look like it's human.When we thought we're all set, we heaved a heavy sigh and sat next to it, leaning our backs on it.

"The hat! Elsa, the hat!" Elis panicked."Calm down." I muttered and let him lift me up as I stretched out my arm a little bit more, trying hard to put the hat on the top of the snowman."Almost... al...most..." I whispered to myself.

     "Are you done yet? My arms are hurting here." Elis complained."A bit more." I assured.Just then, we heard the sound of dogs barking which shocked both me and Elis.Elis couldn't help but move, making me lose my balance and fall right on the snowman.The carrot stuck onto the snowman poked my right eye. making me scream in pain.The snowman was now nothing but a large pile of snow and the decorations scattered all over the place.It wasn't a pretty scene.

    "Where am I?" I slurred, my head spinning as I looked around."Oh, you're awake." I heard and looked up, seeing Mother and Father smiling at me while my hair softly.They didn't answer my question, however."Where's Elis?" I continued to ask as I realized Elis was nowhere to be found.

     "He'll talk to you soon.For now you will have to be here and rest.We'll be in the next room if you need anything." They assumed and left me all alone in the room.

 I slowly stood up, walking towards the door, hoping that I could at least see Elis.I opened the door and peeked outside.That was when I heard something.I heard it loud and clear, Elis was crying.

    "But, I want to play with Elsa!" I heard Elis said.

     "Look, sweetie.This is for your own good.I know you want to play with her but you can't." Another voice said, probably Mother.

      I was about to get out of the room and go in front of Elis, saying that he can play with me but Father noticed me peeking and listening to their conversation so he walked to me.

      "Elsa, honey.What did we say about getting out of the bed? You need to rest.Go on now." He said sweetly, patting my head.He frog-marched me to my bed and locked the door from the outside of the room.Now, I am literally trapped inside and grounded for nothing.

          "Why did Mother said Elis can't play with me anymore?" I thought.

          "Is it because Mother and Father hates me now? Are they planning to replace me?" I gasped mentally at the thought of being replaced with another girl.

           "I am the future Queen of Arendelle! No one can replace me. No one..." I sobbed.

       "Elis, do you want to build a snowman? Come on, let's play!" I sobbed, knocking on his bedroom door lightly.I have been trying to do that every single day but he isn't coming out.Did something happen?

        "It doesn't have to be a snowman." I heard him speak.For a moment there I thought he was already dead.I mean, he has been trapping himself in his room for weeks and weeks.I'm not even sure how he snucked food and water inside.

          "I never seen you anymore.Please, come out the door, it's like you're gone away." I continued to say, leaning against the door, slowly sitting down on the floor.

         "We used to be best buddies, and now we're not." I pouted."Elis, do you even hear me?" I stifled.

         "Do me a favor and go away.Go away, Elsa." I heard him say with a cracked voice.I could feel he's hurting, just like I am now.

          "Okay...bye..." I said and stood up, walking away from his door.To where? I don't know.Nobody knows.

          Elis/Chanyeol's P.O.V

         I stared at the burnt mark on the alchemy table, that was caused by me.During training, I accidentally used my magic powers, fire.Yes, fire.Weeks ago, the last time I seen Elsa and she fell on top of the snowman we made.That was when I discovered I had magic powers.I didn't know at first, but I noticed it by seeing a mark on her arm.

   When the incident happened, I didn't realize I was holding her arm all the time, and casted the fire spell on her.I bet she still had the mark on her arm.


      "Why, Mother? Why can't I play with her?" I asked as she leads me to the basement.

      "You're a bit different from her, Elis." She sighed.

      "Different? What do you mean? She's my twin.But she's not a boy like me." I almost cried.

     "You'll understand soon enough, my dear.Now go to your room and wait for us to come." Mother kissed my forehead and I was left walking back to my room.

        "Wear these." Father stated as he gave me a pair of gloves.I shot him a confused look while putting it on.He kept quiet and pushed me lightly."Now, Elis.You are going to be  trained how to control your powers.You cannot go out of the castle, or this room either.The windows will all be closed and most of all, you can't open the door for anyone but us." He declared.

        "Not even..Elsa?" I frowned.

         "Not even Elsa." He repeated.

         "But.." I was about to protest but seeing him staring at me sternly I couldn't finish my sentence.

           "I'll come back later to check on you.Until then, try to control yourself." He said as he left the room.I sat at the corner of the room, hugging my knees.

           end of flashback

                Everything just seemed to replay again and again in my little 7 years old head.But now I at least know why I can't play with her anymore.They're afraid if I'm going to hurt her or something.They also said Elsa can't find out that I have the powers to summon creatures made of fire, or even let out random fireballs from my fingertips.

       I feel terrible for shooing Elsa.I just couldn't bare the fact that she's trying so hard to make me open the door for her but I just made her throughly disappointed.

  I'm sorry, Elsa.

    8 years later (Elsa's/Sulli's P.O.V)

     "Do you want to build a snowman?" I said in front of Elis' door, hopefully he could get out of there.

         "Don't bother me." I heard his voice from the other side of the door.

       "If you don't want to make a snowman then, let's ride our bikes around the halls, yes?" I said, trying to cheer him up because he sounded really sad.

         "I'm serious, Elsa.Don't bother me." He spoke up, sounding a little bit frustrated.I heard him mumble something but I can't quite figure out what he was saying.It's like he was saying mantra or something.

       "I think some company is overdue." I continued to say, despite him shooing me all this time.

         "Since the day you were trapped in there, I started to talk to pictures hanging on the walls.Especially the picture of Mother and Father.They don't hear me, neither do you but ... at least the pictures doesn't ignore me." I cried.

         "It gets a little lonely,you know.All these empty rooms are here and I have no one whatsoever to play with.It hurts me both emotionally and physically.But then again, there's nothing I can do about it.Mother and Father are already gone and you're ignoring me like I'm just a talking puppet who leaves whenever you tell me to.Am I even human to you now? After all these years..." I sighed,wiping the tears that started to form at the corner of my eyes.I couldn't finish what I was going to talk to him and left disheartened.

    2 years later (Elis'/ Chanyeol's P.O.V)

      Like usual, Elsa calls out, "Do you want to build a snowman?" and I will just reply to her coldly or stay quiet.

             "Elis? Please, I know you're in there...don't ignore me." I heard her continue to say.It really hurts my heart to hear her speak like that, honestly.She sounds so sad and sincere.The rule of not letting anyone in, even Elsa, is killing me.

                    "People are asking where have you been... you know.They're searching for you."

           "They say, have courage."

             "And I'm trying to.."

                       "I'm right out here for you, just let me in." As she speaks the last sentence, she began to knock on the door, hard.As if she's trying very hard to break it, just to see me.

         "Elis... please open the door.I miss you, okay? Please just open it!" She cried, her knocks are becoming harder and harder every time.

            "I wish I can, Elsa.But I can't." I bit my lips and stood up, staring at the door, where the sounds of loud knocks are coming from.

            "Why? Don't you miss me? It has been years.I miss you.I really do." I heard her sob.

                 I kept quiet.I was afraid if I say anything I will accidentally expose my secret.

               "Fine then! If you don't want to open the door I-I-I'll just leave you alone." She shouted.I could hear her footsteps slowly fading.I disappointed her, again.I don't know how many times I have been doing that.I want to open the door, but I can't.I simply can't.For a reason that I'm not actually sure of.Is it because of Father's saying?

  Don't let them in, don't let them see.Be the good boy you always have to be.Conceal don't feel, don't let them know.

        If I didn't have these stupid powers, I would've been there for her, taking care of her, be someone that could light up her life more than anyone else can.Tell her that she's a part of the royal family and make her believe that although she's adopted she isn't a stranger.She's the queen.The queen that owns my heart.

  A year later (Elsa/Sulli's P.O.V)

      Today, the windows are all opened,  the ordinary people are all invited to the castle for a grand ball tonight.And most of all, I finally got the chance to see Elis again.I walked gracefully and properly, like a royalty should, greets everyone, even the ordinary people and tame animals.

         "It's the queen!" I heard and turn around, seeing a bunch of little kids running towards me.I smiled and shook hands with them, hugging them one by one.I chatted with them for a bit and excused myself to leave and explore the rest of Arendelle.

     The bell tower, located in the middle of the kingdom rang, indicating the coronation ceremony is about to start.I run hurriedly, bumping into several objects along the way.

      But then, instead of bushes and random stuff, I bumped into a man.A man with nice chestnut hair along with proper of dressing.

       "Excuse me." He spoke.

        "N-no.It's fine." I replied and walked away, slightly flustered.

        But he grabbed my arm.

          "W-who are you?" I stuttered as I tried to get his grip off me.

         "Prince of the Southern Isles, Hans." He released me and bowed low.

          "And you are?" He continued.

          "Future Queen of Arendelle, Elsa." I introduced formally.

         "Oh? I'm so sorry,your highness." Hans bowed again.

            "It's okay." I assured.

          "You're not going to punish me or anything?" He asked.

                "Of course not." I giggled.


        author's note

 Idk. I just felt this is like the first chapter of this. I really wanted to make it a oneshot but I'm afraid I'm quite busy with school and stuff so .. this is a twoshot (or maybe three?) I can't decide.

        Although I said this is going to be the remake version of Frozen's Do You Want To Build A Snowman, I featured more stuff from the movie and my own lines.No no no, this isn't going to be an exact copy of Frozen I'm just going to tweak some parts of it. I'm not going to write til the end of the movie.

       I still haven't watch this movie til the end just yet. I don't have time to go to the cinema or buy the DVD. ugh.

     I'm outdated. //slap

          well, no one has been subscribing but I guess it's because I didn't give the story full details of it in the description.

          I'm really not intending for my stories to get featured actually, although if one of my stories do get featured somehow. (or maybe not) I'll be so happy that I'm going to cry tears of joy. (why am I writing this) ._.




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