
Bedtime Stories

Taeyeon smiled at the people walking past her on the hallway. The nurses, the doctors, she knew them all.

She was just a kid, at the age of seventeen, diagnosed with anemia that kept her in the hospital almost her whole life, and that would most likely keep her there for a long time. She hated it, she hated the fact that she wasn't normal and that she couldn't necessarily do the things people her age usually did.

But she had something, someone, that made everything bearable.

She glanced out of the window and to the small garden behind the hospital and smiled when she spotted the person she had been looking for. She literally ran down the stairs, her smile never left her face. Once she reacher the door, she took a deep breath, fixed her dishevelled hair and pushed the door open, continuing her way to the girl sitting on a wheelchair.

''Hi.'' Taeyeon said and sat down on the bench.

''Hi.'' the girl replied. They both smiled at each other before Taeyeon broke the silence with a sigh.

''The weather is nice today, don't you think?''

''Hmmm...yeah, it is.''

''The cherry blossoms look nice on the grass. And the smell,'' Taeyeon sniffed the air, smelling the fragrance that she knew really belonged to the girl right next to her. ''It's amazing.''

The silence continued, both of the girls watched how the people walked past in the distance.

''Hey Tiffany,''

She looked at Taeyeon.

''Should we eat lunch here today?''

Tiffany smiled and nodded. ''Yeah, that'd be awesome. Wait, are we even allowed to do that?''

Taeyeon shrugged, ''Don't know. And I don't care. I shall make it happen.''

Tiffany shook her head while laughing. ''I know you will.''

The wind kept blowing, and the way it made Tiffany's hair sprawl around was like watching a slow motion movie for Taeyeon. She was amazing. She looked amazing. Her hair, her side profile, those lips that she always chewed on when she was nervous, that nose she told Taeyeon she hated and those eyes that never failed to make Taeyeon feel all giddy in her stomach. Tiffany was perfect in her eyes.

When the lunch time neared, Taeyeon stood up and walked behind Tiffany and her wheelchair and began to push her back inside. She smiled down at the girl, she couldn't see Tiffany's face but she had a feeling she was smiling too.

Taeyeon reminisced the times, the times before she met Tiffany, and how awful they were. How unhappy she was. But she had held on to her faith and suddenly, she met the most amazing person on earth.

She could only laugh when she remembered how they met. It was in that same cafeteria, just a few months ago.


Taeyeon dragged her feet on the floor, her white slippers were slightly dirty from walking in the garden this morning. She followed the line, holding the wooden tray in her hands, picking out the food she wanted to eat, and then made her way to the table she always sat at.

She walked and walked, deep in thought until she felt something against her legs, and before she could comprehend, she was already falling down on the floor.


The food, the plate and everything was splattered on the floor. Taeyeon quickly looked up and gulped. She had tripped onto someone's legs.

''I'm so sorry!'' Taeyeon shrieked, getting up as fast as she could. The girl in the wheelchair held a hand out for her but the moment Taeyeon saw her face, she could feel herself turn as red as a tomato.

''Oh god...I'm so sorry, I didn't look where I was going!'' Taeyeon panicked, the girl looked shocked as well.

''I-it's okay! Don't worry! You're the one that fell!''


As they walked past that same spot where that incident had happened, Taeyeon heard Tiffany start giggling.

''Oh my god, Tae you remember—''

''YES.'' Taeyeon said, rolling her eyes. ''How can I forget that...''

Tiffany turned her head and snorted. ''That was the best day.''

''Whatever.'' Taeyeon muttered under her breath and turned Tiffany around so that she was in front of the table. ''Glad you're still having fun with that memory.''

''It was the best day though,'' Tiffany repeated. ''Because that was when we became friends!''

''Yeah because I was clumsy.'' Taeyeon retorted.

''So you regret it?'' Tiffany asked, her brows raised. Taeyeon knew she knew the answer already, but she liked to tease Taeyeon.

''I like to think being clumsy sometimes leads to good things.'' Taeyeon answered.

''Oh really?''

Taeyeon nodded. ''So therefore, my clumsiness is the seed of our friendship.''

''Oh wow, you and your big words Kim Taeyeon.'' Tiffany said and rolled her eyes.

Taeyeon laughed. ''So, what should I get you?''

''Hmm,'' Tiffany pondered and looked over at the menu list that was displayed on the table. ''Whatever you're getting.''

Taeyeon nodded and went to get their lunch. Tiffany sat there, patiently waiting for her friend to return. At times like these she felt helpess. Helpess because of her state.

She stared down at her legs, they didn't move. They were so skinny, the pink hospital pants were too big for her.

There was always someone that had to get her food, get her stuff that she couldn't simply walk to and take it. She hated it so much.

''I sure hope this awful smelling jajangmyeon is good enough because the others looked way worse than this.'' Taeyeon returned, holding a tray that had two bowls and two glasses of milk on it.

Tiffany laughed at her remark, ''Thanks.''

The tray laid on her lap, her hands were making sure nothing would fall out as they made their way back to the garden. The nurses tried to stop them but Taeyeon didn't give a damn and ignored them.

''Oh god, when will we finally get normal food in here?'' Taeyeon grunted under her breath and began to eat while sitting on the bench.

''What are we doing today?'' Tiffany asked, cringing her face at the taste of her lunch.

Taeyeon shrugged, ''whatever you want to.''

''Can you take me to the rooftop?'' Tiffany bit her lip and poked her chopsticks in the food.

''Sure.'' Taeyeon flashed a smile at her.


Taeyeon was sulking in her room. The nurse had told her to rest because her vitals weren't right on the spot.

''Tiffany must be waiting for me already...ughhh!'' Taeyeon jumped off her bed and walked up to her door. The opened it slowly and made sure that the hallway was clear, except from a few patients here and there. She quietly thanked the Lord that Tiffany's room was right next to her own.

She knocked on the door and quickly got in, closing the door behind her.

Tiffany looked up and smiled. She was sitting on her bed, the blanket was covering her legs.

''Hey, sorry I took long.'' Taeyeon walked towards the bed, giving an apologetic look.

''It's fine. I assumed something was holding you back.'' Tiffany answered.

''Mmm yeah...'' Taeyeon nodded.

''What was it?''


''What was holding you back?'' Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon laughed awkwardly. ''Nothing...''

Tiffany squinted her eyes as Taeyeon sat down on the chair next to the bed.

''Your vitals were bad again.''

Taeyeon lowered her head in defeat and nodded.

''Taeyeon!'' Tiffany whined and placed her hand on Taeyeon's forehead. ''Are you feeling cold? Nauseous? Tired?''

Taeyeon peeled her warm hand off her skin and shook her head. ''No, no and no. I came here so we can go to the rooftop.''

Tiffany sighed. ''You're making me worry.''

''Don't'' Taeyeon simply said. ''I'll be with you the whole time.''

Tiffany smiled meekly. ''Yeah...''

But I wouldn't be able to help you if something happened to you...

Taeyeon helped Tiffany on the wheelchair and then sneaked out together with her to the elevator. There was a doctor in there who gave them a questioning look, while Taeyeon pretended not to even acknowledge his presence.

The moment Taeyeon managed to get Tiffany to the rooftop, they both smiled. The sky was blue and the sun was shining. The rooftop was their special place, ever since they discovered how to get there without anyone spotting them.

She pushed the wheelchair further, until they were close to the edge. Taeyeon walked in front of her and leaned against the edge, closing her eyes to enjoy the weather.

''I'm glad we made this our place.'' Taeyeon said, a small sigh escaped her lips.

She opened her eyes and saw Tiffany looking directly at her. Her hands were resting on her lap and her eyes squinted from the bright light.

''Do you want to come up here with me?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Mhm.'' Tiffany nodded.

Taeyeon walked over and helped Tiffany to stand up, her legs gave in but Taeyeon wrapped Tiffany's arm around her own neck and slowly walked over to the edge. Tiffany sighed, she was already being a burden to Taeyeon, but she really wanted to see what Taeyeon always saw when they spent time on the rooftop.

''It's beautiful...'' Tiffany said quietly. Her hands grabbed the ledge tightly and Taeyeon stood behind her, holding her up.

''I know.'' Taeyeon replied. But she wasn't looking at the scenery, she was looking at Tiffany.

''Taeyeon, I feel so helpless. Especially now.'' Tiffany said, her voice was heavy.

''You aren't.''

''I am. I mean look at us, you have to hold me up just so that I can stand.''

''I don't care.'' Taeyeon said, her heartbeat quickened as Tiffany turned her head to meet her gaze. Their faces were dangerously close and every small detail of Tiffany's face could be seen.

She heaved a sigh and then smiled.

''Thank you.''


The clock hit nine and Taeyeon was once again planning to sneak out of her room. She observed and listened if anyone was near her room or trying to come in. The nurse had already given the medicine for the night and checked her vitals.

She tiptoed to Tiffany's door and knocked.

As she stepped in, she smiled at the girl who was already in her pajamas, waiting for Taeyeon.

''Hey.'' Taeyeon greeted.

''Hey there.'' Tiffany said and gestured her to sit down. ''What is it going to be this time?''

Taeyeon could see the excitement on her face, it was the highlight of the day for both of them. The bedtime story.

''Hmm...Let me think...'' Taeyeon seated on the chair and got comfortable.

''A story...between...two people....who fell in love?'' Taeyeon pondered outloud. ''Yeah, that's it.''

''Tae.'' Tiffany looked serious.

''A happy ending this time, please.'' she demanded.

Taeyeon laughed and nodded. ''Okay.''

She cleared and opened to speak, ''So there was a girl and she fell in love with her friend. She was her bestfr- wait no. There was a guy who fell in love with his friend.''

Tiffany sighed, Taeyeon had a habit of changing things about the story all of a sudden.

''The guy was very poor, and the girl was the daughter of a rich man who owned almost the whole world.''

Tiffany laughed, ''the whole world?''

''Shut up...''Taeyeon shot a glare at the girl.

''Anyway. Because of the different lifes they both lived, the guy felt self conscious. He loved her dearly, and sometimes he was afraid the girl would choose someone else over him. Someone better than him.''

Taeyeon adjusted in her seat. She was telling a story that was familiar to her. Too familiar.

''Tell me how did they meet.''

Taeyeon nodded.

''They met in a peculiar way.''

Just like we did.

''They met because something clumsy happened.''

''Kind of like we did?'' Tiffany asked, her eyes were closed now. Taeyeon gulped and nodded even though Tiffany couldn't see it.

''So, somehow they continued to meet each other in random places, and the guy found himself falling for the girl. But he knew what her status was so he never told her anything about his feelings.''

''The girl was awfully sick, she had a condition where her heart was failing on her and finding a new heart was difficult because she had a rare blood type and all.'' Taeyeon continued.

Tiffany frowned at that.

''But she—I mean the guy never left her side. Unlike other people, he was always there for her.''

I will never leave you.

''They did everything together. They ate breakfast everyday, they had lunch and dinner together everyday, they walked outside together and all those things were special to him. But the girl only saw him as a friend, and that made him feel sad.''

''The guy was so scared to confess so he just kept his mouth shut. He saw that girl was happy so he decided he wouldn't take any risks to ruin that. Before he met her, he was unhappy. A mess and just...unhappy.'' Taeyeon paused to look at Tiffany, she had her eyes still closed.

''The world was a strange place for him, he felt like it had nothing to offer him. Like he was blind to everything, until he met her. Oh the happiness he felt whenever he had the chance to be around her.''

Tiffany's lips curved into a smile at that, so Taeyeon continued.

''Time passed and he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with that girl, he had no control over that. Not at all. She was the mooooost amazing girl in the world in his eyes.''

Taeyeon smiled at the thought of that. Tiffany was her saviour, she wouldn't have survived this time in the hospital if she hadn't met her.

''So then one day, the girl finally got a new heart and she had to undergo a surgery. A dangerous one. He wanted to tell her his feelings before she went in there, but the girl said that he could tell her after the surgery.''

''Oh no...'' Tiffany said quietly, she was probably sensing something horrible coming up.

Taeyeon ignored that and continued, ''So he waited. The girl was in the surgery and died.''

Tiffany snapped her eyes open. ''What?''

Taeyeon burst into laughter, throwing her head back.

''Seriously Tae, not funny. I was really getting into the story and imagining it in my head and everything...'' Tiffany said, her tone was annoyed.

''Sorry.'' Taeyeon cleared .

''Alright so, the guy was waiting for the girl and he randomly put his hands into his pockets of his jacket and felt a note there.''

Tiffany closed her eyes again and bit her lips together in anticipation.

''He opened the note and it said :

I'm probably in the surgery when you're reading this..You wanted to tell me something but I know what it is already.
I know because I want to tell you the same thing.''

''So yeah...'' Taeyeon ended her story.

''That's it?'' Tiffany asked.


Tiffany opened her eyes. She smiled.

''It was good. Even though you didn't give me my happy ending.''

Taeyeon knew it wasn't good, it was just a random story she made up. But Tiffany loved it. She loved all of the stories she told her. She didn't understand why, but Tiffany always praised her.

''I'll continue it some day.'' Taeyeon said.

''Are you sleepy?'' she then asked. She brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly.

''Not really,'' Tiffany answered and looked out of the window. The moon shone brightly in the dark sky, the stars had appeared here and there. ''Do you ever want to leave this place?''

''The hospital?'' Taeyeon asked and she nodded.

''Mmm, yeah. One day.''

''I don't wanna leave.'' Tiffany admitted, her gaze returned back to Taeyeon. ''There's nothing for me out there.''

Taeyeon was taken aback for the sudden sentimentality Tiffany had.

''What are you talking about?''

''Taeyeon...Sometimes I wish I didn't have these legs, these legs that are just a burden to me. The doctors keep saying they can't find a way to cure me, to cure my inability to walk and that it's harder because of my situation. I wish I could just get rid of them. So that I could get fake legs or whatever and just...just run away.'' Tiffany sighed, her knuckles were turning white from squeezing the blanket.

''I want to be like you. I want to stand as high as you stand. I don't want to feel so useless.''

She wanted to be able to stand on her own, on the same level Taeyeon was at. She wanted to hug her, she wanted to run with her in the hallways, together instead of Taeyeon pushing her stupid wheelchair and running behind her.

What would she give just to experience that with her.

With her bestfriend.

Taeyeon swallowed hard, she knew how Tiffany was feeling but she didn't know what to say, fearing it would only make everything worse.

''It doesn't bother me.'' Taeyeon said, almost in a whisper.

''Stop Taeyeon.'' Tiffany sighed.

Taeyeon swallowed the lump in , she hated seeing her bestfriend like this, in this vulnerable state. Tiffany slid down on the hospital bed, and turned her back to Taeyeon.

''Good night Taeyeon.'' her voice was quiet and Taeyeon knew she was holding her tears back.

''Night Tiffany...'' Taeyeon replied, brushing her hand on Tiffany's bare arm and left the room with a heavy heart.



She didn't know how it happened but all she knew that Tiffany became her everything. Her condition, she didn't care about it. She would go to the ends of the world to be with her. She was willing to do anything for her.

Unlike Taeyeon, Tiffany came from  a rich family. After her tragic accident when she was just fifteen, she couldn't walk anymore. Something in her spine got so badly injured that even the best doctors couldn't fix it.

Her dad was a wealthy man, he had money, he had contacts and he did everything he could to get her daughter a chance to walk again. But time just kept passing and no cure or alternative was found.

And for Taeyeon, she was alone. Her condition was worse when she was at home, so she had to stay in hospital. Continuous check ups and trying to stabilize her vitals was the things she experienced every day. She didn't know if she would ever get out, and if she did, she wanted to take Tiffany with her.


On one particular day Taeyeon wasn't feeling too good. The weather had gotten colder and she forgot to take a coat with her when she was outside with Tiffany.

Because she was anemic, she caught a cold and was forced to lay in her bed. But she could only think about Tiffany and worry about her.

The door opened and a familiar figure rolled through. A weak smile crept on Taeyeon's lips, she was feeling a hundred times better already.

''Hey.'' Tiffany said and used her hands to push herself near Taeyeon and her bed.

''Hey you!'' Taeyeon replied, the smile never faded.

''Sorry I couldn't—''

Tiffany held her hand up. ''Stop.''

''You are so stupid Taeyeon. I was worried to death, literally! Damnit Taeyeon, you need to look after yourself.'' Tiffany's scolds echoed in the room. Taeyeon just sat there and took the scolding like she always did when she did something to endanger her health.

''I forgot, okay! Get off my back Tiffany...'' Taeyeon sighed, the smile had already turned into a small frown.

''How can you forget Taeyeon? God, I can't even explain the worry I had when you didn't show up this morning.'' Tiffany explained, her hand was squeezed into a fist.

''I know you're okay now but...bad things happen sometimes and God knows I wouldn't be okay if something bad happened to you. So please, start looking after yourself too.'' Tiffany's words sunk into Taeyeon's brain, she hated to see her bestfriend worried like this.

She sighed and nodded. ''I'm sorry Tiffany. I promise to look after myself.''

''And you better or I will kick you,'' Tiffany threatened. ''don't think just because I am in a wheelchair that I wouldn't find a way to do that''

Taeyeon let out a laugh. ''Okay, okay you're scaring me now.''

Tiffany leaned back and sighed. ''Anyways, what did the doctor say?''

''I just need to be sitting here all day, probably. I hate not being able to leave this damn room. And these freaking tubes going in my arms.'' Taeyeon grunted and lifted her arm up for Tiffany to see.

She frowned.

''That's what you get.''

Taeyeon clicked her tongue.

''Anyway. You're alright now, right?''

''Yeah. I just need to rest, but tomorrow we can go do things together again.'' Taeyeon said.

''We can do things together today, I can stay here with you.''

''You would be bored.'' Taeyeon reasoned out.

''But you would miss me too much if I left.'' Tiffany retorted.

''Clearly you missed me more to come here.'' Tiffany rolled her eyes and smiled.

''Let's just admit that we both missed each other very much.''

''Right.'' Taeyeon replied and grinned widely.


They spent the day together, just the two of them. The nurses knew better than to try to separate the two girls so they allowed Tiffany to stay in Taeyeon's room all day.

There was a small tv in Taeyeon's room and they were watching an old romantic comedy when the door opened and a doctor appeared, holding a stack of papers in his hands.

''Ms. Hwang?'' he said. ''Sorry to interrupt you girls but your father is here. I think you should come and hear what he has to tell you.''

The smile on the doctors face made both of the girls anxious. They looked at each other and Taeyeon nodded.

''Go. Come back if you can.'' Taeyeon said. The doctor came in and began to push Tiffany out of the room.

''I'll bring her back here afterwards.'' the doctor said kindly.

Once they left, all Taeyeon could do is wait and stare at the paused movie until Tiffany would return.


Tiffany was nervous. She rarely saw her father because he was constantly away on business trips, or working. So the only times he visited her was if he had something important to tell.

The moment Tiffany's father saw her, a smile appeared on his face.

''Stephanie!'' he said, he was happy and Tiffany wondered why.

''I found it Stephanie. I found the cure.'' he said. The doctor joined into the smile but Tiffany was baffled. Was her dream finally coming true?


''There's a doctor in America who is exprienced in these cases and he has been studying yours for a while now. He's willing to an operation on you to fix your spine...''

Her father kept telling Tiffany more about it and the doctor tried to explain the details of that surgery.

She burst into tears. She couldn't wait to tell her bestfriend those good news.

She was finally going to be able to stand. Stand right beside Taeyeon.


Taeyeon felt uneasy.

''Are you sure about it?'' she asked. The wind was cold but Taeyeon had a jacket on and a grey beanie to keep her ears warm.

''Yes Taeyeon. I have never been so sure about anything in my life.'' Tiffany said, her smile was so bright.

''But the chances of surviving is just 60 percent...'' Taeyeon said. She was scared. The mere thought of losing Tiffany made her heart clench.

Tiffany closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. ''I'm taking the risk.''

Taeyeon wanted to tell her no, she didn't care if Tiffany couldn't walk, it didn't matter to her at all. She was in love with her, not her freaking legs.

''I'll be there.'' Taeyeon said and Tiffany smiled.

''I'm kind of scared though.''

''Me too,'' Taeyeon blurted out, she couldn't hide that fact anymore.

Tiffany looked at her, she could see the fear in her eyes.

''But I will be there Tiffany.'' Taeyeon said again, as reassurance for Tiffany.


The day came too soon, too soon that Taeyeon began to panic. What if this was the last day she would ever see Tiffany?  What if those smiles, those laughs, those moments would be taken away from Taeyeon all of a sudden? It scared her so much, she couldn't bear the thought of Tiffany being gone. It pained her so much that she cried in her room last night.

And she hadn't even told Tiffany about her feelings. Maybe she should, maybe she should tell her and Tiffany would survive the surgery. She hoped for that, no she wanted that.

She sneaked to Tiffany's room again when it was dark outside. She was going to tell her now or never.

''Hey Tae.'' Tiffany was skipping the channels on the tv.

''Yo,'' Taeyeon said in a playful tone and did a gangster pose.

''Your weird hip hop gestures never seem to disappoint me from a good laugh.''

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and hopped on the hospital bed, sitting right beside Tiffany. She wanted to be like this with her for the last time, just in case.

''Are you nervous?'' Taeyeon asked. Tiffany turned the tv off and nodded.

''Almost ting bricks.'' Tiffany's remark earned a laugh from Taeyeon.

''You better come back to me or I will hunt your down.'' Taeyeon threatened.

''And you better wait for me or I will kick your !'' Tiffany threw her own threat back at Taeyeon.

''I'll be expecting that.'' Taeyeon laughed.

Tiffany smiled and rested her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. She instinctively took Tiffany's hand and fiddled with her slim fingers.

''I have to tell you something.'' Taeyeon started.

''Okay, what is it?''

She took a deep breath and started, ''It's pretty serious...''

Tiffany then took her head off her shoulder and looked at her.

''Wait Tae,'' she inhaled deeply. ''Tell me tomorrow. After the surgery.''

Taeyeon knitted her brows together. It sounded strangely familiar.

''Please...'' Tiffany pleaded. Taeyeon gulped, what if she would never be able to tell her if she...if she didnt...didn't come back to her?

But she nodded, and Tiffany went back to her original position, her head on Taeyeon's shoulder and her hand trapped between Taeyeon's shaky hands.

I need you to come back to me Tiffany, please.


They met one last time before Tiffany was being moved away in her hospital bed. Taeyeon was on the brink of a nervous breakdown, she couldn't sleep last night and she doubted Tiffany did either.

She walked back and forth in the waiting hall, her nerves were making her sweat and heartbeat increase. Her thoughts felt heavy on her, the thoughts of Tiffany and what could happen. She was so worried, oh so worried.

The feeling of losing Tiffany made Taeyeon bite her teeth together tightly, she tried to divert her thoughts to positive ones instead.

One hour.

Three hours.

Five hours.

She kept waiting. The operation never seemed to end and that only made Taeyeon feel even more anxious. And she regretted not telling Tiffany.

Why...why didn't I tell her?

She pushed the door open to the garden and inhaled the cold air.  

She could hear Tiffany scolding inside her head about not wearing warm clothes. Worrying about her health, worrying because she didn't wear a damn jacket outside.

She shoved her hands in the pockets and furrowed her brows when she felt a piece of crumbled paper against her fingers.

She took it out and gently opened it.


I'm probably in the surgery while you're reading this. You wanted to tell me something but I already know what it is.
I know because I want to tell you the same thing.


A teardrop fell on the paper, wetting it and causing the letters become a bit distorted.

That story she told Tiffany a few days ago...

It was reality now. And the only thing Taeyeon could think of was how she intended to continue the story.

A happy ending, just like Tiffany wanted.


Hope you enjoy this oneshot<3

The feedback I got from my last oneshot was just MINDBLOWING. So thank you for those who read it and upvoted and commented on it :D

Love ya!



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Chapter 1: A happy ending it is. :)
Chapter 1: why you stop it right there~~!!! I need to see Taeny sweet happy ending! Please write us a sequel? Please please please!!!
Chapter 1: its probably good you stopped a bit early because if you gave us a sad ending you'd have an angry mob to deal with lol XD its a beautiful story though ^^ Stepho shall walk right into Tae's arms~
brontese #4
Chapter 1: What an amazing writer you are, authornim! This story made me cry...
Can we have a sequel, please??
infinitysky #5
Chapter 1: Yes, definitely need a happy ending just like tiffany wanted.
taenyeveryday #6
Chapter 1: dont hang it up there authornim T,T it's such a great story tho. sequel jusseeeyoo! kk~ nice story thornim!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #7
Chapter 1: So?? The ending is fany died? So sad :( sequel please T.T
Chapter 1: So sad. I was really hoping you could change the ending. T.T
Chapter 1: Beautiful. I was really afraid on what's about to come after the operation and I couldn't think of the 'ending' for them. But since Fany wanted a happy ending, I would want that too~

So thank you for this beautiful shot!