"Sehun, we need more material in the third floor" 

"okay, i'll go and tell them" my job consist on supervising everything in the construction site, they say im to young to work a forklift so they gave this job. I dont mind, it actually works out perfectly for me; I run to the other side of the building thats being built when i see a black car parking infront of me.

The door opens and Baekhyun comes out with the school uniform, "Baekhyun? what are you doing here?" "Joonmyun told me where you work, so i brought food" He looks behind him, and a food truck parks behind his car. The smell of warm bread, and other delicious food enter every worker noise, which it didnt take long for them to join us.

"you shouldnt have Baekhyun"

"hey friends do this for friends no?" I scratch the back of my head, as i try to nod. "hey you might showing me around?" "uhm, sure" Baekhyun follows me two steps behind, "well this building its going to be apartments, the rooms are really wide" Baekhyun nods, "they might be done by next year, so im really hoping to see this"

"they look like their going to be really popular" I chuckle, "yeah, i guess" "hey so, Chanyeol made me join the drama club and now i have to be in a play, would you like to see me perform?" million times yes, but of course i keep it cool. "yes, sure" "its today, at 7"

"its perfect, i get out at 6"

"and Sehun" Baekyun takes a step closer to me, i feel my inside starting to burn. "i told Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol" then a big wave splash me, "oh----how they react?" "at first they thought i was kidding, but then they realize i wasnt, Chanyeol did the overrated questions and Kyungsoo just listen"

"but did they act it any differently?" Baekhyun snorts, "no" "see i told you" Baekhyun smiles to me, before he puts his arms around my waist. I hug him back, making the hug tighter.


I enter to the school auditorium, and there was alot of people. The play has a funny and romantic tone, which everyone loves. Plus everyone wants to see Baekhyun act. I start to look around to see if i could catch Baekhyun, before the play when i feel a hand in my arm, "come" Baekhyun takes me to his two friends who are in the first row.

"you guys know Sehun" Chanyeol just scoffs, but Kyungsoo shakes my hand. "glad you can join us" he didnt sound like he was, but i nod anyway. "okay guys, i have to get ready, see you later" Baekhyun walks away, and i just stand there all awkward. I should've ask Joonmyun to come with me, so i wouldnt be the only freak in here.

"so Sehun"


"you knew about Baekhyun sickness before us?" i put my hands inside my pockets, "yeah" "so your the one that told Baekhyun to be honest with us?" Chanyeol almost shouts, but his deep voice stops him. "what?" comes out as a chuckle, "are you telling me you prefer to live in a lie?" "yeah, at least i dont have to be remind it, that my best friend is going to die" Chanyeol passes by me hitting me with his shoulder.

Kyungsoo makes a sign for me to ignore him, and just sit down. Which i do. The lights turn off, and a girl comes out first. She's very beautiful with her blonde long hair, Baekhyun comes out and says his funny line which cause the laughter to run around the auditorium. Kyungsoo slightly hits me on my should, so i stop laughing, but then i see his face coming towards me as he whisper something to me.

"you like him dont you"

I look at him, trying to deny it when Chanyeol comes back and sits in the middle of us. I can still see Kyungsoo snotty smirk, was i so transparent that he can see my feelings? or was i to obvious? from that point on, i couldnt concentrate on the play anymore. I was afraid just thinking, if Kyungsoo can see that i like Baekhyun, then Baekhyun can notice my feelings too.

Then a rush of 'im not good enough' enter my body like venom. I slouch on my sit, hoping no one would notice me anymore. I put my hand in my eyes, so i couldnt make eye contact with Baekhyun.

Is so wrong being me.


The lights from the auditorium turn on, and the cast come out to take a bow. Everyone stands up to cheer for them, no one could really stop clapping which made the cast very happy. Chanyeol pushes me to move, as people start it to leave the room.

It feels like two minutes pass when we finally leave the auditorium. I continue to walk when Kyungsoo pulls me to the side, "we have to wait for Baekhyun" "uhm, no i have to go" i take a step but Kyungsoo pulls me back, and right when i was going to make my excuse Baekhyun comes back. "so? did you guys like the play?" "yeah, especially the part where the girl slaps you" Chanyeol comments, before he leaves.

Maybe Baekhyun wasnt totally honest when he said his friends didnt act any different around him.. God knows it was a lie. "well i have to go after Chanyeol before he does something stupid. Amazing acting Baekhyun" Kyungsoo laughs at the end, but not in a bad way. "okay, well i obvious lie about my friends" "yeah i notice"

He starts to chuckle and i end it, like when couples finish each other sentences. "hey you want to come to my house? just to hang out" "uhm...sure" Baekhyun grabs my hand, and i dont pull it away. Even when my head is telling me to do so. His perfect fingers cross path with mine, making them close perfectly. "get in" he tells me when we stand infront of his car. Im getting used riding in a sport car.

"your parents wouldnt mind?"

"their not home" he says when he starts the car. Our of nowhere i start to get nervous, alone in a empty house. Im such a loser. Baekhyun turns on the radio, and the first song is a dance song. But that doesnt stop Baekhyun from dancing while he drives. "your a dangerous driver" Baekhyun hits me in my chest, "shut up" the rest of the ride its just us hearing music, except when Baekhyun sings his heart out.

He parks infront of a big house, that it can touch the sky if it want it to. "come" he opens his door, when i continue to look at the house. It seems like it grows everytime you look at it. "come" he chuckles, i open the door and i follow him. He opens the door of his home, and everything looks like gold. "this is my house" instead of hearing a happy tone, it was the tone of a kid who is tired of his toy.

"wow, i can literally hear my echo around your house" that brings a smile on Baekhyun's face, which i intent to do everyday. "hey you want something to eat?" i nod. We go to the kitchen, but we dont turn the lights on. Baekhyun walks like he knows every detail, and every right step. I follow waving my hands around, so i wouldnt fall.

He opens the refrigerator, and takes some ice cream. "chocolate or vanilla?" "chocolate" he gives me the chocolate tub, and he takes the vanilla one. He grabs two spoons, and sits down on the floor as the refrigerator door continues to be open. As its our only light. "come sit" he hits the spot thats next to him, i look at him one last time before i sit on the floor.

The floor its cold, but i dont mind. He gives me a spoon, "so where are your parents?" i start to eat the ice cream, "i dont want to talk about
that," he says, I open my mouth to say something funny but Baekhyun interrupts me "so what did you think of the play?" "you want the truth?" he nods, but doesnt stop eating the ice cream.

"nah i dont want to tell you" he hits me with his elbow, "tell me" "when you got slap by the girl" i hear Baekhyun gasp, and i start to laugh so hard. He laughs too, but his laughter sounds like sickness. He starts to hit me, but it doesnt stop me from laughing. "wow Sehun your showing your true colors" he stops hitting me, leaving a chuckle out of his mouth, before he continues with the ice cream.

"yeah, well when im with you i show my true colors" i didnt realize how my words come out, and before i could justify them i feel Baekhyun putting his head in my shoulder. I look down at him, and he has his eye close. He look so tired, and pale.

And all i can say, its "i like you Baekhyun" as his snoring takes my words away, moving them along with the air that fills this room.

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i love this story's discription more than alot of books?❤
Chapter 12: Is not really easy to make me cry ... but I'm crying now it was a very beautiful story ,. You are very talented author .
Chapter 11: Crying crying...
Chapter 9: Oh I feel so sorry and confused, about what his mom done , seriously and after this she have the courage to blame him skipping his work , and insult him , peff , I feel so sad for Baek and sehun
Chapter 6: Ah nooo ,
Chapter 5: I think I will read all your stories , no im sure
Chapter 4: I don't even know what I should choose if I was in Sehun place ,
Chapter 3: It's so sad
I Love Sebaek! <3