iPhonus {1/3}





One, two, three.

It takes three seconds to fall in love.

And that was exactly how Donghae had fallen in love. As cheesy as it sounds, from the moment that Donghae had laid eyes on him, he knew he was in love.

Let’s take a moment to analyze Donghae’s crush.

His name is Kris Wu Yi Fan, but better known as ‘Kris’. Incredibly tall, Kris also had the looks of a model. He was the complete package; he was smart, good at basketball, rich, liked music and was popular. Kris always walked around with headphones – whether or not they played actual music, Donghae wasn’t sure – and he also always carries the same worn out black bag that had small tears on them. No one knew why Kris liked that bag so much, especially since he was rich and could easily buy a Gucci bag without having to think twice, but whenever anyone asks, Kris just smiles and doesn’t answer.

The thing about Kris that Donghae likes is that Kris was a mystery.

And Donghae liked solving mysteries.

Which is why, on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon, Donghae had been patiently waiting outside of the library for Kris to appear (Donghae doesn’t consider himself to be a stalker).

From Donghae’s knowledge, he knew that Kris liked visiting the library on Sundays. He liked the fiction section, and he’d always spend an hour to pick up a book and start reading it before deciding to borrow the book home. Donghae always sat a few tables away from Kris, choosing a book himself, but not really reading it since he’s too busy observing Kris and falling in love all over again.

Donghae had made this his daily Sunday routine, so when Kris doesn’t show up on that particular Sunday, Donghae is confused.

He’d been waiting for almost an hour; Kris always came at around three o’clock, so why wasn’t he here yet? It was already four o’clock and believe it or not, Donghae was getting impatient. And somehow, Donghae was angry even though he had no right to be. Like come on, it’s not like he and Kris had actually planned with each other to meet on every Sunday at the exact same location, right? Donghae was doing this out of his own will without the knowledge of the other, so what was there to be angry about? Being angry that Kris hadn’t turned up? It was ridiculous – and Donghae knew it.

Frowning, and not feeling that excited anymore, Donghae sighs and kicks a stone on the ground. He looks up from where he is standing at and stares at the huge windows of the library. He thinks about the coolness that the library would provide him and decides that since he was already there, he might as well just enter the library and enjoy the free air-conditioners that were installed in place even though he wasn’t really going to read anything.

As Donghae entered the building, the cool air that greeted him was enough to make him sigh out aloud in relief, making the librarian at the front table give him a weird look. Donghae noticed the look and coughed softly in embarrassment, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Standing in front of the now-closed automatic doors awkwardly, he shifts his feet around and lets his eyes roam around from the grey ceilings to the wooden floors. He then stares at the upper floors and shrugs.

Maybe Kris had already entered without him noticing.

So there he goes, walking up two flights of stairs to reach the adult fiction section. The floor was relatively crowded (full with students trying to finish last minute projects, yeah right, good luck with that) and Donghae had to maneuver carefully to make sure that he didn’t make a sound that would distract the already cranky and stressed out students who would probably throw books at him if he were to disturb their concentration.

Finding an empty spot in the corner of the library, Donghae quickly settles his bag down onto the table to show that he had claimed the table and then walks towards a bookshelf that was labelled ‘Authors A-D’.

Purposely picking out a book that had been sitting on the bookshelf, he pretends to flip the book open and read the foreword when in actual fact, he is sticking his head out like a meerkat, trying to see if Kris was in the same spot that he always went on Sundays.

Much to Donghae’s disappointment, Kris wasn’t there. Feeling incredibly down at the thought that he wouldn’t be able to admire Kris from afar on a Sunday, he dejectedly puts the book back where he found it and suddenly, out of nowhere, Donghae discovers a mobile phone on the bookshelf.

Had that mobile phone always been there?

"Who does this belong to?" Donghae ponders out aloud, grabbing the phone from the bookshelf and running his fingers onto the smooth surface of the sleek mobile phone.  

Turning the mobile phone around, Donghae notices that the phone has something engraved onto it in very, very small print right smack in the center. Donghae was certain any normal person would’ve missed it, but Donghae had very good eyesight.


"iPhonus? What kind of retard decides to call their phone iPhonus?" Donghae stifles a laugh, earning an unfriendly glare from the librarian as he did so. 

Looking around the half full (Donghae always liked to be optimistic) library, he doesn't find anyone who appears to be panicked about losing their phones and decides that it wouldn't hurt to keep the phone safe with him until the owner calls back or leaves a message. At least that way, the phone wouldn't end up to some creep who ends up stalking the owner's personal data.

“Time to head home, then.”


Grabbing his backpack from the table that he had claimed earlier on, Donghae quietly s it and drops the named iPhonus into his bag tenderly and zips it closed again. Through the gaps on the little millimetres of his ped bag, Donghae doesn't realize that the iPhonus is actually glowing in the dark abyss of his backpack.



Reaching home earlier than he always had on a Sunday, Donghae grumpily flings his backpack over to his messy, undone bed and hurries to the shower, wanting to rid himself of the sweat that had made his body feel sticky and uncomfortable.

His parents were out that day – as per usual – and Donghae had the whole house to him. Not that any of it was new to him, anyway. Being an only child had its perks, but sometimes, it just felt all too lonely. After getting out of the shower with his hair still dripping wet, Donghae considers calling his best friend, Heechul, but then remembers then Heechul hates being disturbed on Sundays.

“We’ll be seeing each other again at school on Monday, so don’t bother disturbing me on Sunday.”

Sometimes Donghae wonders why he has a friend like Heechul, a best friend at that, but when he thinks about it, Heechul wasn’t all that bad. Sure, he had his tendencies to be too witty and give sharp comments, but when Donghae needed it, Heechul would always have his back. Donghae liked that about Heechul. He liked how Heechul could be so different, yet the same.

Sighing while getting dressed, Donghae thought about how disappointing his Sunday had been and pouts.

Why wasn’t Kris at the library, anyway?

Deciding not to think about it any longer, Donghae makes his way to the kitchen to cook up some ramen for himself. He hums a random tune as he tears open the ramen packaging and it isn’t until he has put in all the ingredients into the boiling pot when he remembers the iPhonus.

Scrambling to his room and zipping open his backpack, Donghae’s hand searches the messy bag and grabs the iPhonus. Donghae raises his eyebrow at the phone and smiles to himself.

“What a weird name, really…” he says out aloud and tries to unlock the phone.

Strangely enough, it didn’t have a password. The owner clearly hadn’t thought that he or she would’ve lost their phone.

Shrugging away his thoughts, Donghae explores the phone and becomes more intrigued.

The wallpaper was of a brown dog with huge eyes (which was very cute, Donghae thought) but that wasn’t the most intriguing part. What was weird about the phone were the applications in the phone itself.

“Lumos, incendio, repairo…? Why do all these applications sound strangely familiar?” Donghae ponders, and as a small smile creeps up his face, “the owner must really love the Harry Potter series, huh? Explains the ‘iPhonus’ name too.”

Silently laughing to himself at the owner’s ridiculousness and obsession, he sarcastically comments, “So what, will the home button bring me home, then?”

Little did poor Donghae know that pressing the ‘home’ button would actually, really bring him home.

Right as Donghae clicked on the ‘home’ button, the iPhonus suddenly flew right out of his hands, and while the iPhonus was flying in the air with no strings attached or whatsoever, a beam came out from the iPhonus and scanned Donghae from head to toe. Then, after the iPhonus had successfully scanned Donghae’s full body, a programmed voice says, “Teleporting to – Home.”

And the next thing that Donghae remembers is that everything around him starts to swirl and his body starts turning, giving him a great big headache.

“Teleporting to – Home, complete,” the programmed voice says, snapping Donghae to reality (but really, he was still in a daze).

The iPhonus then flies back into Donghae’s back pocket and remains still while Donghae tries to make sense of what had just happened. Blinking his eyes repeatedly to make the dizziness go away, Donghae blabbers a few curse words and pinches himself.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” he whispers to himself as he winces at the pain from the pinch.

He takes a few minutes to grasp his situation. Currently, Donghae was in a room which resembled very much a dorm. Instead of the normal light bulbs, there were candles dimly lit and instead of a heater installed in place, there was a huge fireplace by the wall. But that wasn’t the worst part – instead of normal paintings being hung up on the wall, these paintings were actually moving and talking to – actually, more to ‘about’ – him.

“Where did he come from?”

“What crude language he uses.”

“I’ve never seen him before,” a quiet voice whispers in the distance, and suddenly, the voice grew panicked. “A muggle?”

“A muggle!”

“How did he get in here?”

“Poor child, he looks terrified!”

Finding all the surroundings to be all too familiar, Donghae racks his brains for ideas. Fireplaces, candles, talking paintings and huge logos of a green snake with the word ‘Slytherin’ sprawled onto it…

“Hogwarts?” Donghae barely manages to say it out loud, feeling his headache coming back. 



i originally planned this out to be a oneshot, but i'll make it a threeshot instead x) hope you liked it!!

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Chapter 2: Awh haehae is adorable lol I wasn't expecting the whole Harry potter thing but wow! I'm more excited for the rest of the story >.< thanks for updating :)
caramelswirls #2
Chapter 2: wow hahaha this is really interesting!! hahaha hae in hogwarts wonder whose dorm he's in 8)
Chapter 2: Whoa...hae go to place like hogwarts...i think..the iphonus belongs to hyukjae...
Anyway...its interesting :)
Looking forward to it, It seems really interesting :)
TheyAreBulletproof #5
I already enjoyed your story writing from just the foreword! XD The plot really interests me. Please update soon author-nim! ^^