1st Chapter

Oh God I think I'm Gay ...


"What if He's ugly though?"

Will this guy ever give it rest? I was unpacking my suitcase, and Key was sitting over on the bed complaining about my room mate. I knew he would be sad, and possibly annoy me; but I was actually quite surprised when he broke down and cried after finding out we wouldn't be rooming with each other this year.

"Then he's ugly." He sighed, getting up to hug me. Not hugging back, I patted his back.

"He's never going to be able to treat you like I can."

 He rested his head upon my chest. To be honest I never realised how much he liked me till now, and I must say I'm kind of scared... I mean its nice and all, but I don't do guys... at all..

"You need to relax" I walked away towards the bed.

"Jonghyun, you must call me every night." UH EL OH EL hell no.

I don't plan on calling him at all, Hes a creep. One time I woke up to find him laying on my bed, watching me.

So I'm pretty thank full that I don't have to share a room with him.

"Don't you have some clothes to unpack or something?" I ask, he shrugs.

"I guess, I'll come back later to check up on you... remember to call me !"


I say shooing him away, He walked over to the door staring at it; guess memorizing the number. I'll make a mental note to put something over it later.

---- MINJU'S POV (YOU) --

"what if he finds your pads what are you going to say?" Minho has been asking questions ever since we got on campus about what could possibly happen. 

"He won't find my pads Minho, I'm keeping them in the car." We stopped infront of a door... M213 huh. I guess this is where hes staying. I sighed.
"And what if one day you leak, and blood just starts shooting out from your va--" I shot him a glare

"Minho, shut up." laughing he pulled out a key to open the door, opening the door. 

"I'm playin--" We looked up to see someone already standing at the door.. the ? The biggest smile was on this persons face. Why was he so happy? Lord knows.

"I'm so glad you're here !" Minho stared.

"Um okay.." I watched as Minho wheeled his things over to the bed by the window, walking past the stranger without so much another glance in his direction.

 "I'm Minho.. thats is my brother Minju.." He had said lifting up the suitcase on to the bed, The person wasn't even paying attention instead he was fixing his bedside table of him and what seemed to be a friend? 

 Shaking my head I turned to walk out the door.

"Key you forgot your pencil case in my room." Wow... The guy who just showed up in the room was.. I don't even know he was I mean he is y .. We don't even have guys like this at my school.. well old school I should say.

 He walked passed me, over to who I'm guessing is Key and handed him a pink pencil case. 

"And stop sending me requests on facebook I'm not going to accept them."  Key just sighed, and took the pencil case throwing it on his bed.

 "Okay, but you'll still call me right?" The guy who walked in just shrugged, and flicked his fringe from out of his eyes.

"I have to go.."

I looked over at Minho, who looked at me and then at the picture frame on the desk. I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing, and turned around only to be knocked over by the guy on to the floor.

He just nodded, and headed out the door. How rude, he doesn't even ask if I'm okay. What If I broke my or something? what if I can't poo for like years and explode?! I shook my at my stupid thoughts and got up from off the floor.

"You okay?" Minho, cocked an eyebrow at me pushing down the handle of his suitcase while Key just straightened out his bed sheets.

"yeah, I'm okay.. thanks." I rubbed my , and gave a small smile. But In truth I wasn't okay; that hurt.

Minho nodded, and looked over at Key waving before walking to the door. "I'll be back later." Not that I think Key cared if he left or not.. but whatever.

"Lets go find your dorm now." and so Minho and I left for room M223.



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So nice! Good job!
But not literally, because I'm still in school.
Update more please!!!!
OMO very interesting story can't wait wat will happen next excited much ^______^ Love it soo far <3 hope you'll update soon
Nice one, interesting start
they are already in the dorm
and Key and Jjong lol
Minho, the caring brother *nice* likey
marshmellowbunny_owo #5
omai gosh I really like this story so far!!! o:
Update soon when you can please ^^