Of restless nights and new feelings

Tainted Love [Broken]

Kyungsoo weaves his way through the human traffic on the streets, eager to get back and start painting Jongin. The latter intrigued him because he actually wanted to know more about this boy, which had never happened before. This was a whole new experience for him; curious about other people was something Kyungsoo never was, so for his curiosity to be spiked by a guy that technically didnt exist confused and excited him.

Finally reaching his apartment, he let himself in and strutted straight over to his studio. Talking with Baekhyun this morning had really motivated him to begin his new painting. He took a seat in front of his 'planning desk' and picked up a pencil, lightly sketching a rough outline of Jongin, trying to make it as accurate as he could remember on the white paper. He wanted to draw Jongin like he saw him yesterday, yet the theme of the painting came to mind.

Love. He needed to draw Jongin in love. He stopped lightly sketching and put down his pencil. He needed to see him again, he wanted to see him again. He stood up and wondered to his bed. He found that he was spending quite a lot of time in bed lately, and briefly wondered if his body was trying to tell him something.

Settling himself under the duvet, he willed himself to sleep.

Tonight however, his body decided otherwise. He tossed and the comfortable mattress, his sleep eluding him almost tauntingly, and it wasn't long before he sat up, pulling his hair in frustration.

"Whyyyy?!" He whined to himself. Kyungsoo looked at the time on his phone laying on the bedside table. Only 7pm; 3 hours after he had tried to sleep. He stomped his way to the kitchen, maybe sleep would come more naturally if he's eaten.

He hunted the cupboards for ingredients to make his favourite dish; kimchi spaghetti. He got to work chopping and slicing and boiling everything. Though his passion lay with art he also fancied himself as quite a good amateur chef. 

When you spend time alone you get good at things you do often.

After setting the table, he placed his dish on the lonely placemat at the end of the square dining table. He didnt have guests round often, and though people may think the size of the table is a bit small, he thinks it's perfect. 

Twirling the spaghetti round his chopsticks, he thought about how pitiful it would look if a stranger walked in now. He shakes his head. No, he likes being alone, it's good for him. He wonders what Jongin thinks of him.

Great, there he goes again, thinking about that damned boy. What is he even talking about? Of course Jongin can't really think. Can he? 

Finally reaching the bottom of his bowl, he wonders when he became so..interested? Obssessed? For once Kyungsoo couldn't quie find the perfect word for it. He washed up his mess and returned to his planning desk, the white paper still donning Jongin's vague outline. He wanted to sketch it better, he wanted it to be perfect hence why he plans his paintings by drawing them first. 

He sighed heavily before trudging back to his room. He peered down at himself finding that he still hadn't changed out of his earlier attire. Quickly fixing that, he washed up and slid under his duvet again. He closed his eyes and let his breathing even out.




Familiar. The first feeling that washes over him is familiarity. It doesn't take any searching for the male he was anxious to see, he was strolling by the waves, just out of reach of the water. Kyungsoo wants to call out to him, but what if he doesn't answer? What if the dream ends like the others? After all, it was always when Jongin spoke that the dream seemed to end.

"Jongin!" He calls, a little hesitantly. Said male turns round, features displaying surprise and then relaxing into that amazing smile. Kyungsoo makes his way over to him and for a moment the two say nothing.

"Um, hi?" He says, the greeting coming out as more of a question. He almost thinks Jongin won't reply but the tanned male does.

"Kyungsoo" he says, giving Kyungsoo the cutest brightest eye smile. He begins walking again, Kyungsoo following without making the conscious decision to do so. The two boys stood at the edge of the see, looking out onto the sunset. Kyungsoo was staring, eyes side at the beautiful colours painting the sky. It kind of reminded him of his city dawn piece.

"Beautiful" he heard Jongin whisper. Not taking his eyes off the sky, he smiled.

"Isn't it?" He said, glancing at the other. He was surprised to see Jongin looking at him, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Im going to paint you" he blurted out. Embarrassed by his sudden out burst, he turned away feeling his cheeks heat up.

"You paint?" He asked, Kyungsoo nodding his head.

"I-I..uh...is that okay? With you?" He stuttered not really understanding why he was nervous.

"Deffinitely" Jongin replied, husky voice sending shivers down Kyungsoo's spine.

The latter headed further away from the water, spotting something white laying on the ground. He picked it up.

"What.." He trailed off, staring at the sketch pad and pencil in his hands. He didnt hear Jongin silently approach him from behind.

"It's your dream" he said simply, shrugging. Kyungsoo looked up at him with big eyes.

"Do you mind if I..sketch you? Since its here and all..." Jongin didn't reply straight away, seemingly lost in the sky.

"You can, if you want" he said, sitting down. Kyungsoo followed suit and began tracing his features with his eyes, translating them onto paper with experienced hand movements. They sat like that for a while; Jongin gazing at the shrinking sunset, Kyungsoo sketching him. 

"Done" he muttered to himself. The outline of Jongin was done, and he was proud of his work, usually it takes a few tries before its perfect, but he seems to have got it right first time.

"You're really talented, I feel like I'm looking in a mirror" Jongin said. Kyungsoo blinked. Once, twice and then he was falling forward into darkness. He smiled as he realised that he spent a long time with Jongin this time, the tanned make had even spoken a full sentence rather than his usual limited words.




He rolled over, smiling gently as his eyes were deciding to open. He sat up and yawned, he felt like he'd gotten a good nights sleep despite the restless start last night. And better still, he could remember having a dream about Jongin again, though the details of the dream were hazy, he was sure the tanned skinned make was there.

He got dressed and grabbed some toast, not wasting anymore time than necessary. He approached his planning desk and looked at the outline of Jongin. He screwed his nose up and abruptly scrunched up the paper, grabbing the sketch pad.

He let his hand glide over paper, the movements flowing perfectly like he'd already done it before. Flash backs of a sunset and a dazzling smile surfaced in his memory and he smiled unconsciously. 

After a good few hours bent over his paper, he finally deemed the rough sketch as a success. He stood up and cracked his back, he could finally move on to the good bit.

He could finally start to paint Jongin.



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Chapter 11: Oh snap just got real .so does that mean jongin is really out there?so much suspense XD author-nim Can't wait for the next chapter
sueetful #2
Ah! I was reading this and forgot to subscribe!
Catching up now~
saQ1998 #3
Chapter 8: does that mean that there is a real life jongin out there? please make it true author-nim.
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