


Youngjae is currently playing with his Ipad when Daehyun decided to interrupt him, to ask about something the latter already knew what younger one’s answer will be.

“Jae ~ don’t you think this will be the perfect time to tell everyone about us?” Dae started.

“Dae … Our members already knew about us.” Youngjae answered without even lifting his head to look at Daehyun, and just continue with the game his been playing.

“I know you know what I mean Jae.” Dae replied.

“And I know that you know what my answer will be Dae.” Jae retorted.

“But Jae~” Dae whined. “Can you tell me then, when would be the perfect time to announce it to everyone?”

“There’s no such thing as perfect time Dae … Whether it’s sooner or later, everyone’s reaction are the same … And I’m telling you, you wouldn’t like it” Jae explained.

“I don’t care! You’re just thinking too much!” Dae retorted.

“Nope, I’m not … Will you stop being a child Dae and try to use your head for once” Jae replied. “It’s not just about you and me … When the public founds out about us … Our group will be affected, TS will also be affected, do you want that?” He added.

“No, but --”

“Stop being selfish for once … I don’t want to argue with you Dae … So please, stop it.”


Youngjae’s POV

Just like Dae, I really want everyone to know about us, but I just can’t afford the consequences. Our member is kind enough to respect our relationship, and I don’t want to take the risk of involving them when the public founds out. And now I’m more worried about the things I found out in the internet. People are talking about Dae and I’s real relationship.

“Ohhh myyy Goddd … Are we really that obvious? … I really need to do something.” I mumbled to myself. I tried to find things that might help make everyone’s attention from DaeJae to something else. And it hit me. Yepp you got it, I decided to keep my distance with Dae and try to get closer to someone else.

I explained to Dae everything about my idea, and yeah, he’s so against it.

“Jae … I don’t want to see you clinging with someone else … I just can’t” Dae complained.

“Dae … I’m not going to be clingy with someone else, we’ll just make everyone think I does.” I explained. “I already ask Zelo about it, and he’s okay with it.”

“Wait … Why does Zelo mentioned here?” Dae questioned.

“Well … I think JaeLo will be a cute couple … so I decided that the perfect someone will be Zelo.” I answered.


“Dae … It’s not like Zelo and I will do cute stuff and like … It’s just that Zelo will keep on emphasizing about my clingingness towards him every chances he have, which is actually not true, so that everyone will stop thinking about me and you dating.”

“Why are you so against it anyway, I mean, what everyone thinks of us.”

“Because I’m scared … I don’t want them to find out … Every time I read about us it creeps me out, like they had this hidden CCTV camera inside our dorm.”

“I’m still not ok with the idea though”


Daehyun’s POV

And so, Youngjae’s stupid idea begins. I’m still so against it though. Here we are being interviewed, and it’s Zelo who is currently talking, and yeah, he’s really doing everything that Youngjae told him.

He’s currently complaining about Youngjae kissing him. Yeah~ like that will ever happen, HE’S MINE.

When we get back to our dorm, I keep on convincing Jae that the idea was really stupid but when he read this thing on the internet about JaeLo, he said that his plan is actually working.

I still showed Jae that I’m against with the idea by telling everyone during our fansigns that I like/love him, every chances I have. I saw Jae, from the corners of my eyes that he’s glaring at me. He looks like he wants to tell me that ‘What do you think you are doing? Everything is going according to plan. Stop it Dae.’ But I ignore him though. I want everyone to know about us, if he doesn’t want to help, I’ll do it myself.

Then it happens, Youngjae decided to ask Zelo to do cute stuffs with him, which sends me to my limit.

“NO!!! You two are not doing any cute stuff in front of me, Arraseo?” I shouted.

“But Dae ---” Youngjae was about to explained something but I decided to cut it.

“No is no, Jae, stop this … This time you’ll listen to me.” I said and as a finalization I decided to leave. I ended our conversation just like that.

After the incident, Jae and I never talk, except when we were in public of course. Jae still continue the in denial mode though, he still keeps on answering negative things when the question involves me. He still asks Zelo to help him.

And it caught me off guard, Himchan decided to be a troll and ask a question Youngjae and I never thought he would ask.

“Why do Daehyun and Youngjae keeps on arguing lately?” He asked, with that signature stupid smirk on his face.

“Ahmmm… Daehyun should answer that.” Youngjae passed the mic towards me.

“Well …” I really don’t know what to say. I hate you Himchan.

And as if he’s not contented, he decided to add another spice. “Is ZELO the reason? Huh? Is it Zelo? It’s Zelo right?”

I don’t know what to say. Well, actually I want to say the truth but I don’t think Jae will like it so… “It’s Himchan.” I answered jokingly.

“Yes! It’s Himchan” Jae agreed.


No One’s POV

“You know what? You two are both stupid” Himchan started as the three of them, Dae, Jae and himself, was sitting on their couch, one time during their break. “Don’t you think you two are thinking too much … Why don’t you enjoy life and stop worrying things that are not inevitable?”

“Not inevitable? … Can’t you see that babys are already starting noticing about me and Daehyun’s real status? … Are you not worried?” Jae explained looking at Himchan confusely.

“What I meant is that, it is not right to think that it is certain that everyone will hate you if they found out about you dating Daehyun … they might be shock a little … But I know they will both accept you … And maybe, some will hate, it’s just that haters are hateful, and we really can’t do anything about that” Himchan said.

“I agree with Himchan” Dae said. Youngjae just glared the two of them.

“You two just don’t get it … Everyone will accept Dae, because everyone loves and likes him. But me? They’ll hate me for sure. I will then be labeled as someone who stole their Daehyun’s heart.” Jae explained trying to stop his tears from falling. “They will then say that I’m a witch and I use some love potion on Daehyun to make him fall in love with me.”

“And if they do or say that, I will not going to forgive them.” Dae said as he scooted closer to Jae and lifted him to make him sit on his lap. “But I guess your right, I think it’s still too early to tell everyone about us … I love you Jae, and I don’t want to rush you … But please, this one thing, listen to me for once.” He added.

“What is it?” Jae asked finally decided to look at Dae.

 “Stop the JaeLo thing. It’s kinda irrating. Ok?” Daehyun said.

“Ok.” Jae agreed while giggling. Daehyun then leaned closer to plant a lovingly kiss on his cute fluffy boyfriend’s lips.

“I love you so much Jae” Dae said after they part.

“I love you too Dae” Jae replied. The two of them decided to have another kiss.

“Whatever … I’m outta here.” Himchan said while raising both of his hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

And with that the couple made their day with full of cuddle moments and sweet kisses.


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Chapter 1: wahhhhh!!!!
why don't daejae be like this in real life?
cheesecakesoulmusic #2
Chapter 1: Cute!!!! Is banghim real in this fic? Teehee love your fic daejae' just amazing
Chapter 1: This made me smile.,thinking about them trying hard to denied the fact that they was