Consultant and restrictions

The suits

Lee Minho a former FBI agent for the elite group, Collars, had gotten a call about Park Shinhye escaping prison. Catching miss Park already before he thought it would be great to give it a shot again, he ran through the last possible places Park would hide in and hurried to look sending out his partners. Yonghwa, Jaeyeon, and an American transfer, Jones.

They went through all New York never expecting the place they thought of first.

"Alright people report to me soon," said Minho. "Where are you miss Park..." He mumbled looking at the evidence he held from his case with her. 


Shinhye and her best friend Mozzie were relaxing now, taking a break and even going clubbing while the investigation for her went on for days, until a case came in for Shinhye, her old boyfriend. Jang Geunsuk.

they haven't spoken for a while, and he only visited her in prison once, but Shinhye knew he gave her a message somehow. "Mozzie, I can't take it anymore I'm going to see him." She said and left.


the FBI still on the hunt for miss Park ended up watching silent old footage of the last time she saw Geunsuk.

"He doesn't look happy." Said Minho as he eyed the footage carefully. 

"How long until the lip reader gets here?" Said Mr choi an old FBI member.

"I'll save you the trouble," said Minho, "adios, it was good seeing you for the last time Park." 

"Looks like we have to go find us Mr Jung." Said he as he put his coat on and left the room.


Shinhye walked inside her old boyfriends apartment and looked around, everything was being freshly thrown out.

silence filled the room, except for her heels that clicked and echoed. She saw a bottle of empty wine on the ground and grabbed it then slid down on the ground leaning on a pillar, her back on the door. 

"It's been a long time." Minho said as he walked letting a big gap stand between them. Shinhye didn't turn but spoke, "yeah it's been a while, like, what four years?" She said.

"Did he leave a message in the bottle." Minho joked bitterly.

"The message is the bottle." She retorted. silence lasted for minutes and Minho just enjoyed having caught her again.

"Come on, we will save that for you." He said and walked closer to her cuffing her up and taking her, she didn't fight, it would be useless to run. She was caught again. Or was she.

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