(Bambam) Perfect fit

Got Them! (GOT7 Oneshot Collection)



Perfect fit

You walked along the path towards the park that you’d agreed to meet your boyfriend at, not being able to stop smiling as you did so. So many things were great right now. The weather was lovely, you’d just bought a load of new clothes, your nails had turned out nicely for once when you painted them and of course, you and of course you were going on a date with your much loved boyfriend, needless to say everything felt amazing. Your hair bounced in with each step you took as you entered the park, looking around for your boyfriend. He was quiet easy to spot with his signature pink streak in his fringe as he sat on a bench, waiting for you patiently. Your smile grew wider and you quickly made you way over to him. He noticed you approaching and stood up, smiling and waving to you. As you got closer he held his arms out, welcoming you into a hug and pecking you on the cheek. “Did you wait long?” you asked but he shook his head in response. “No, not at all.” He paused for a second, admiring you. “Wow, you look so beautiful.” He placed his hands on his cheeks. “Oh my, I’m such a lucky guy!” he exclaimed. You pouted playfully and hit him lightly on the arm. “Don’t over exaggerate!” You warned before linking your arm with his. “So, shall we get going?”


You two began to stroll around the shops. There wasn’t anything in particular the two of you were looking for; you were just enjoying spending your time together. “Look at these!” you giggled, picking up a pair of extravagant novelty glasses and placing them on your boyfriend. He posed dramatically. “Do I look good?” he asked as you continued to giggle at him. “Of course, I’m in awe right now!” you teased and he pouted, taking them off. “You try them!” he demanded, putting them on you. You let him do so and as soon as he took a good look, he burst into laughter. “Hey!” you moaned, pretending to be upset with how he was laughing at you. He took another pair of the shelf and put them on before taking out his phone and snapping a picture of the two of you. Removing the glasses, you both looked at the photo and laughed again. “Wow, we make a really ugly couple.” He joked, staring at the picture. “The moustaches really suit us though.” You commented, referring the moustache attached to the glasses. “Oh definitely.” Bambam seconded.


As the day went on, more laughs were to come and go. There was never a boring moment when you and him were together. You two continued to walk around and browse the shops before stopping to have some lunch. “So, what’s the plan after this?” you asked, nibbling at your slice of pizza. “I don’t mind.” He smiled. “Whatever you want to do.” You thought for a moment, glancing out the window of the restaurant. “Hmm, the weather’s at its hottest point now.” You commented. “So, we could go back to mine?” Bambam suddenly added in. “I mean, there’s air conditioning.” He chuckled. You nodded, liking the idea. “Yeah, let’s do that!” And so after you’d finished eating, you both headed back to his.


Switching on the TV, Bambam crashed down onto the sofa, patting the spot next to him. Dropping your bag on the floor, out the way, you went over and cuddled up next to him, the fan blowing directing on the two of you, keeping you cool. There wasn’t anything of much interest to you on the television but resting your head on Bambam’s shoulder was all you wanted. His hands slowly made their way over to yours, tugging on your fingers gently. You looked up at him to see his eyes pleading you. He was so cute when he did that. Rolling your eyes playfully, you opened up your hand and allowed him to slip his fingers in-between yours, holding your hand gently within his. “They fit perfectly.” He cooed, making your cheeks heat up. “I hope we can stay like this forever.” His voice became quieter, like he was getting shy. “We’re perfect together.” You bit your lip, smiling uncontrollably at how sweet your boyfriend could be sometimes. You hugged him tighter, pressing your face into his shirt to hide your red cheeks. “Well, we will stay like this forever, then.”


Forgive me for this horribly written short piece >.< I'm very unhappy with it but don't have time to write anything else T.T Yeah, I've been really tired so ideas just seem to not want to happen in my head >.< I also kind of feel annoyed with myself for writing about hot weather as I'm just constantly reminded how freaking cold and rainy it is here T.T haha

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Chapter 10: love love love your storiesssss~~~~~ especially all Mark's part~~~ keep up your good work~ xoxo
Eaglestorm17 #2
Chapter 5: OMG THIS WAS ADORABLE. I cannot with Youngjae. Thank you so much for writing this!!
how do I request??
i_love_exo_xoxo #4
Chapter 7: More fluff please OMG especially Bambam fluff. Yes.. Bambam fluff
kimmietaeyeon769 #5
Chapter 10: oh my gosh i loved the mark s!!!
B2stapink #7
Chapter 10: Can u plz do more fluff less ? But really good work though
Hirnfresser #8
Chapter 11: OMG IM JAEBUM WHY ARE YOU SO EFFING SWEET? D: My bias list...noo everything is ruined D:
Author-nim you're awesome. I love your oneshots.
Chapter 4: eooo... i didn't read them like seriously. but u really have a lot of ideas to make fanfic O.o I just started making a fanfic like 2 days ago. And I just finished only "ONE CHAPTER" :(
Chapter 5: Hahaha oh my gosh youngjae XD