
Waiting For Superman

She’s watching the taxi driver, he pulls away

April 25th

Baekhyun stepped out of the taxi and bowed politely as he handed over the cash.

“Thank you, have a nice day.” The taxi driver smiled kindly, the crow’s feet more visible. The taxi driver gave a small wave, and he drove off, leaving Baekhyun in front of his apartment. Baekhyun had waited hours at a cafe where he had first met Sehun, but his boyfriend never showed up for their anniversary. Now, he stood in the rain, soaked to the bone, crying and not caring about the odd stares he got from onlookers.

She’s been, locked up inside her apartment a hundred days.

May 25th

“Baekhyun, get out of there.” Chanyeol desperately pounded on his best friend’s door. “C’mon, it’s been a month already! How do you eat?”

Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun was broken, probably broken beyond repair.

“Let’s go shopping, eat out, something! You can’t stay in there forever you know!” Chanyeol had just about abandoned his stubborn friend. None of his efforts had convinced Baekhyun to leave his apartment.

She says, “Yeah he’s still coming, just a little bit late. He got stuck at the Laundromat washing his cape.”

May 28th

“He’s not coming Baekhyun. Please, just come out and talk to me.”

“He will come! I’m certain of it! Some people are just really busy, but he will come!” Baekhyun sobbed, leaning against the door. He was a mess. His hair was disheveled and he had dark bags under his eyes. There was no way he would leave the room and let people see how hideous he looked, especially Chanyeol. “He will come… just wait.” Baekhyun covered his eyes and cried.

She’s just, watching the clouds roll by and they spell her name, like Lois Lane

Reluctantly, Baekhyun had opened his door and allowed Chanyeol in.

“Oh God, Baekhyun...”

Without hesitation, Chanyeol opened Baekhyun’s closet and started pulling out clothes, finding the perfect outfit.

“Chanyeol, what are you doing.”

“Go take a shower and wash your hair. We’re going to go out and eat.”

And she smiles, oh the way she smiles.

Baekhyun smiled weakly and obeyed, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on. If Baekhyun wasn’t absolutely perfect, then Chanyeol didn’t know what was. Even though his best friend looked like he had been put on a rollercoaster more than once, which was partially true, the said boy still looked stunning. It pained Chanyeol to see his best friend in such a horrid state.

30 minutes later, Baekhyun walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped tightly around his body, waiting for the next instruction.

“Here, change into these.” Chanyeol tossed Baekhyun a pair of jeans and a thin, baby blue sweater. Nodding, Baekhyun dropped the towel, quickly grabbing some underwear, and put on the clothes Chanyeol had picked for him. Just briefly, Chanyeol had noticed Baekhyun’s thin frame from the lack of food.

“Ready?” Chanyeol asked, holding his arm out. Before taking his arm, Baekhyun straightened his sweater and frowned.

“Chanyeol, this color doesn’t look good on me.”

“It looks perfect.”

“You really think so?”

“Of course, you always look beautiful in blue.”

“I’m ready now.” Baekhyun smiled, ignoring the last part of what Chanyeol had said.

Chanyeol had taken Baekhyun to their favorite park that they went to in grade school, sprawled out on the grass, and making shapes from the fluffy white clouds. It felt like they were back in grade school where it was only the two of them and no one else, no Sehun, no broken Baekhyun. Just, pure bliss.

She’s talking to angels

Counting the stars

Making a wish on a passing car

June 2nd

Before Baekhyun turned off the lights, he clasped his hands together and prayed, with all of his will, that Sehun would come back to him.

“Please, I know he’s a good person.”

Baekhyun opened his eyes and slipped under the covers, staring out the windows. The stars shone brightly that night, even with the light pollution from the city. Every night had been like that, Baekhyun lying awake and counting each of the brightest stars. Occasionally, he would make a wish as a car zoomed by his window. It was the best he could do since he hadn’t seen a single shooting star in his life.

She’s dancing with strangers

Falling apart

Waiting for Superman to pick her up

In his arms, yeah, in his arms, yeah

Waiting for Superman

June 20th

“Baekhyun, open the door!” Chanyeol couldn’t believe that Baekhyun was still locked up in his room. A month wasn’t good and about two months was bad for one’s health. When he heard the familiar click of a lock, Baekhyun opened the door, a bit wobbly. There was a strong smell of alcohol around him and his eyes were half open. “Have you been drinking?” Chanyeol shouted.

He wanted to escape the pain. It was too much to bear. The only option that came to mind was drinking his feelings away. So, he walked into a bar and ordered one drink. Soon, he lost count of how many shots he had, and he was even doing drinking games with other drunkards at the bar. After a few more wins and shots, Baekhyun staggered to the dance floor, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, a hand was groping his rear end. If he wasn’t drunk, he would’ve slapped the man, but he just let the man slowly squeeze his rear. He didn’t remember when, but soon enough, he was grinding against the man and whispering seductive things.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun hiccupped, falling onto his best friend. Then, he burst into tears, gripping onto Chanyeol’s shirt. “I miss him; I just want him back… I want him to hold me in his arms and tell me everything is alright!” Baekhyun sobbed. He was lost, as if he were in a maze. From the start, he had kept his hand onto the right wall, not willing to let go. He was sure that holding on and waiting was the right thing at first, but he realized that the right wall was evil and deceiving.

She’s out on the corner trying to catch a glimpse

Nothing’s making sense

She’s been chasing an answer, a sign lost in the abyss

This Metropolis

August 3rd

“You wouldn’t believe it, Chanyeol!” Baekhyun squealed, throwing his arms around his best friend’s neck.

“What’s got you so happy?”

“Sehun called me yesterday and apologized. He said that his family was on vacation and didn’t want him to skip out.”

Chanyeol frowned, it seemed like a lie and if it was, it was the worst one he had ever heard.

“Baekhyun, don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious?”

A pained expression crossed Baekhyun’s face as he dug his face into Chanyeol’s chest.

“I just want him back… I don’t care what he’s been doing; as long as my Sehun is back.”

Chanyeol ran his hands through his hair in frustration. How could Baekhyun be so blind? It was almost four months since Sehun had last contacted Baekhyun and it was obvious that Sehun just wasn’t into the relationship as much. All too soon, Chanyeol felt the warmth leave him as Baekhyun let go and into the bathroom.

“You can stay here, but I’m going to meet Sehun in an hour.” Baekhyun smiled, but it was obvious that he was truly hurt inside.

She says, “Yeah he’s still coming, just a little bit late.

He got stuck at the Five and Dime saving the day.”

She says, “If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this,

Left without a kiss.”

“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol spotted his best friend on a bench, head resting on the metal arm rest. The said boy slowly opened his eyes and blinked. It was already night time and the stores were closing, saying goodbye to their last customers.

“Chanyeol, what time is it?”

“It’s 9 o’clock! Have you been out here since 5?!”

“I was waiting… He will come! He must’ve gotten lost, or stuck! It’s very hard to find such a secluded place!”

“Baekhyun, this is the most popular spot in the park, I don’t think he would get lost.” Chanyeol said, sitting down next to Baekhyun and wrapping him up in his own jacket.

“If this were a movie, he definitely would come, no matter what the circumstances… And he wouldn’t forget to kiss me…” Baekhyun whispered, more tears came to his brown, beautiful eyes.

“This isn’t a movie, Baekhyun.”

“Let me just pretend for a little while…” Baekhyun cried, leaning his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder.

She’s talking to angels,

She’s counting the stars

Making a wish on a passing car

She’s dancing with strangers

She’s falling apart

Waiting for Superman to pick her up

In his arms, yeah, in his arms, yeah

She’s waiting for Superman…

August 17th

After being abandoned yet again, Baekhyun had gotten into the routine of spending his days, sometimes even nights, at clubs dancing with other men and letting them touch him wherever they pleased. Although no matter how many times Chanyeol would try to convince him otherwise, it usually ended in Baekhyun yelling at him and storming out of his apartment.

Chanyeol didn’t know what to do anymore. He had tried, on countless occasions, to get Baekhyun to stay home. Eventually, Chanyeol moved in with Baekhyun since the broken male came back with a hangover. Sometimes, he would even hear Baekhyun throwing up into the toilet.

… To lift her up and take her anywhere

Show her love, and fly her through the air

Save her now before it’s too late tonight

Oh, at the speed of light

September 2nd

Baekhyun, as usual, staggered into his apartment and collapsed onto the couch, absolutely exhausted. He had a rough time at the club, being forced into kissing a disgusting man who obviously didn’t shower.

“Oh Baekhyun…” Chanyeol said, rushing over to his best friend’s side. After living with Baekhyun for a couple weeks, he still wasn’t used to seeing Baekhyun coming back, completely destroyed. Carefully, Chanyeol picked Baekhyun up and carried him into his bedroom, setting him down on the bed. Then, he climbed onto it and lay next to him, wrapping his arms around the smaller male’s frail body.

“I just want him back… I want to hug him, kiss him… Chanyeol, why doesn’t he love me?” Baekhyun sobbed into Chanyeol’s shoulder for the umpteenth time.

And she smiles

September 13th

“Baekhyun, you must stop this. Please, stop going out to drink. Just forget about Sehun.

” Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun’s waist. Carefully, Baekhyun detached Chanyeol’s arms and turned to look at him and smiled sadly.

“I can’t, he was the one who loved me more than anyone. When we were together, he always cared for me and put me before himself. I can’t let that go… Not just yet.”

She’s talking to angels,

Counting the stars

Making a wish on a passing car

She’s dancing with strangers,

She’s falling apart

Waiting for Superman to pick her up

In his arms, yeah, in his arms, yeah

She’s waiting for Superman…

“Baekhyun, he’s not the only one who cares for you…”

“Then tell me, who does? My parents are gone, my relatives won’t take me in, and there is no one else I can turn to.”

To lift her up and take her anywhere

Chanyeol sighed in frustration. How could Baekhyun be so blind? He had been there for his best friend through this entire thing and now Baekhyun was saying that no one else cared for him? This enraged Chanyeol to the breaking point. Roughly, he pushed Baekhyun up against the wall and pressed his lips against the younger’s plump ones; tasting the lips he had wanted to for a long time.

Show her love, oh, and flying through the air

Chanyeol pulled back, panting and met Baekhyun’s shocked eyes with his own. Maybe now, his best friend would get the message.

Save her now, before it’s too late tonight

“I love you, Baekhyun. Forget about Sehun. I’m here, I care about you. I hate seeing you cry. He doesn’t deserve to be cried over. Someone like him doesn’t deserve you love. It’s too precious to waste. I… I need your love, Baekhyun. I want to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings into your ear before we drift off to sleep.”

“Chanyeol-” Baekhyun swallowed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

“Baekhyun, I need you more than anyone else right now. I will give you anything you want. So please, please, just stop crying and only love me.” Chanyeol loosened his grip on Baekhyun’s shoulders, fiery determination in his eyes.

How long had Baekhyun waited to hear those words come from someone’s lips? It was too long. He had waited all those years for Sehun to say those things to him and promise him the world. Finally, he let go of the wall and realized something; the left wall was really where he needed to be. It was where the love, warmth, and light shone; it is where Chanyeol was.


She’s waiting for Superman



Guys, my feels... Just..

Please contact xxx-xxx-xxxx if you can help.

Lol. Baek... So adorable... Yeol is so lucky...



I think there is this girl who doesn't like me too much at school... She has tried to pull my bookmark out of my book on multiple occasions. She also says stuff like, "Ugh, I have to sit next to you." If she has a problem with me, she can just:

It's so annoying. I wish that she would tell me if she had a problem with me. 

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i upvoted ü btw <3 ~
Chapter 1: Chanyeol omg. Authornim how could u do this to me omg omg omgaaaaaa
My baekyeol feels are out of control someone h0ld me
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, getting his heart broken again and again by meanie Sehun. But Chanyeol stuck with him till the end^^ What a nice happy ending<3
Loved it<333
Chapter 1: I loved that fic! It was perfect^^