After That Day

After That Day (Trip Mate Sequel)

After That Day


That faithful day, the day that brought Seohyun to her new destiny, would always stay in her heart. She thought that only a dream, but man! That was 100% real! He met her mate in her random escapade. Jung Yonghwa. Beautiful stranger which now fill her day.

“Hey, Joohyun..”

Someone greeted Joohyun. She looked up from her laptop, abandoning her job for a while.

“Oh, Jinwoon ssi.” She said sternly. Yup! Jinwoon was her former fiance who left her for her best friend, Nicole.

They were work mate and it really bothered her because they were still meet everyday. Joohyun never ever considered Jinwoon and Nicole as a friend anymore. She completely ignored them and they too realized their sin. So they never talked to Joohyun again. But this day was exception.

“Uhm.. sorry for bothering you, i just want to give this.” Said Jinwoon.

“Okay. Just put it on my table. Will read it later, i’m kind of busy.” Said Joohyun and back to her laptop again.

“Okay.” Jinwoon put something on her table then left.

After Jinwoon left, Joohyun took it. That was a card written, “Jinwoon and Nicole wedding invitation.” Oh.. so they get married, huh? Joohyun flipped the invitation and found that the wedding was this weekend.

“Geez, do i really have to come?”

Joohyun threw the invitation to trash bin and continued to work. But her phone intruded her work again. It really irked her.

“WHAT?” Joohyun snapped rather loudly.

“Woah! Calm down, Hyun-ah.. What’s the matter?”

“Yonghwa?” Joohyun looked at her phone to make sure that the person in the phone was him, “Omo! Sorry.”

“Seems in a bad mood i think?” Asked Yonghwa.

“You’re right.”

“Let’s have a good meal tonight, then.”

“That’s good idea!” Joohyun squealed.

“And.....” Yonghwa said with a sly tone.


“I’ll make you in a good mood all night long.” Said Yonghwa seductively.

Seohyun knew what he mean. She instantly blushed. “Will wait for that.”




It wasn’t something new that they ended their day in each other’s arm, under the same blanket. They often sleep over in each other apartment. Tonight, after they had dinner together, they went to Joohyun’s apartment. It didn’t take a long time before they kissed each other and ended up in bed.

Yonghwa sighed as he tighten his hug on Joohyun. He felt so content and grateful. He could hold the woman that she cared so much.

“Hyun-ah..” He called.


“Want to talk to me? Why you so angry back then. You haven’t told me anything.” Asked Yonghwa as he her gently.

During their dinner, Joohyun just eating and refuse to tell Yonghwa anything. Yonghwa didn’t insisted her and just let her be. After they arrived in Joohyun’s apartment, Joohyun started to kiss him and everything became less important. Their intimate moment was the priority. Now, Yonghwa thought this was the right time to talk to Joohyun.

“It just....” Joohyun started.


“Jinwoon.. You know, my ex fiance, he give me his wedding invitation.”


Joohyun snorted, “He is such a jerk! He love to rub the pain right into my face!”

“Aniya.. maybe he just try to make friend with you again.”

“Yah! You’re on my side or his side?” Joohyun snapped and bit his collar bone. She intend to ‘punish’ him but seems her action lead to another thing.

“Joohyun-ah~” Yonghwa groaned. He hooked his legs on her body and kissed her neck.

“Yong..” She a breath and bit her lips. Oh, wow.. she could feel him came alive again.

“Of course, i’m on your side and... inside of you.” Yonghwa said as he on her.

Joohyun moaned and bucked her hips to make him deeper.

“Well, just attend their wedding together.. with me.” Said Yonghwa.

“Jinjja? Uhm.. that’s good.”

“What’s good?” Yonghwa asked mischievously.“The idea of we attend their wedding together or this?” Yonghwa hit her even deeper.

“Both..” Joohyun smiled. She pulled Yonghwa closer to her and kissed him deep.

“Let him see that you can move on.” Yonghwa said, “Plus, you have this handsome guy as your boyfriend.” Yonghwa grinned playfully.

“Cham!” Joohyun hit his chest playfully and pulled him again for another kiss.

That night indeed was one of their good night. They silently promised to be there for each other. For the good and for the bad.




“Yonghwa, do i really have to come here?” Asked Joohyun.

Yonghwa sighed, “Hyun-ah, you already ask that for more than ten times. We have arrived in his wedding and you still ask about that?”

“But...” Joohyun looked at Yonghwa concernedly.

“What makes you so afraid?” Asked Yonghwa.

“It just.. he ever become my fiance... and i’m not sure that i can...”

“Enough!” Yonghwa cut her. Joohyun was together now with him. Looking at Joohyun hesitation really hurt his pride. His gaze on her was stern. Joohyun could sense that Yonghwa felt annoyed.

“Yong..” Joohyun whispered. “I’m sorry.”

“We’ll go inside and meet that damn guy, whether you like it or not.” Said Yonghwa. He grabbed Joohyun’s hand and dragged her with him.

Joohyun didn’t fight him and just followed him. She was really sorry for him. She shouldn’t have any feeling again for Jinwoon. She had Yonghwa. She had him in her lowest period and now she hurt him. Ah, stupid Joohyun.

She looked at the dais in the front of the wedding hall. There, her ex fiance and her ex best friend stood side by side. They looked happy. Why didn’t she? She must had her happiness too, right? Joohyun tighten her grip on Yonghwa’s hand. She really need him to hold her. It wasn’t fair that she easily attached to Yonghwa but she still had a burden feeling towards Jinwoon. Joohyun was a bad, bad girl.

“Jinwoon ssi, Nicole ssi. Congratulations.” Said Joohyun.

“Oh! Joohyun-ah..” Said Nicole.

The way Nicole called Joohyun in a casual way made Joohyun twitched. How could Nicole call her just like that? Joohyun just faked a smile.

“Thank for coming.” Said Jinwoon, “I thought you won’t come.”

“Of course she will come. Joohyun is your friend after all.” Said Yonghwa.

It made Jinwoon looked at Yonghwa. “Ah, and you are....”

“Jung Yonghwa ibnida. Joohyun’s fiance.” Yonghwa offered his hand to the couple and shook them both.

Joohyun took a glance at him but Yonghwa just ignored her.

“Well, maybe we can’t stay long here. We have something to arrange..” Said Yonghwa.

“Ah, never mind. I’m glad both of you come.” Said Jinwoon. “And Joohyun, thank you.. for everything and i’m sorry.”

Nicole too asked for her forgiveness in silent by looking at Joohyun. She smiled at her genuinely.

Joohyun just nodded. Yonghwa bowed to the couple and brought Joohyun outside. They didn’t talk until they got in to Yonghwa’s car. As she closed the door, Joohyun escaped a sob. She cried and cried hard. Yonghwa just looked out the window and let her cried without even try to console her.  

Yonghwa drove and brought them to his apartment. They still didn’t say a word. Joohyun just sat on his couch and hugged her knee. She had stopped crying and just tried to calm herself. Yonghwa put his suit and loosened his tie. He grabbed a glass of water and put on the table in front of her. Then, he sat beside her. He was just there without saying anything. Yes, he was upset. But, he couldn’t bear her tears.

“I’m sorry.” Said Joohyun without looking at Yonghwa.

Yonghwa didn’t answer.

“I’m just...too emotional.. i..”

“Have i already there, Hyun?” Asked Yonghwa so suddenly.

“What?” Asked Joohyun confusedly.

“Have i already reach your heart?” He said, “What am i in your eyes? We touch, we kiss, we hug, we make love. Do those mean something for you? I genuinely cared for you... i love you.”

His words stabbed her heart like a million sharp knife. Her heart bleed but she knew, his heart broke even more than her.

“I don’t care that you use me to forget your ex fiance. I always hope that someday you will give your heart to me. I always hope you will see me as a real man, not your toy.”

“Yonghwa!” Joohyun snapped. She shed a tears again. Damn it! She felt so ugly. She turned to Yonghwa and held his hands. “Forgive me. I’m the one who being stupid.”

“Yes, you are.” Said Yonghwa. “You haven’t realize yet? Can’t you see their smile back then? They are happy. And you? You can be happy too. Not moping around and being their shadow. I’m sad when i see you broke into tears. I thought you have move on, but i was wrong.” Yonghwa reached her cheek, “Am i not enough for you?”

“You are more than enough for me, Yong. You are more than i asking for. You are too perfect.” Said Joohyun. “Honestly, i feel bad for you. You are always there when i need you, but i still can’t move on from my ex fiance.”       

“I hope i can say ‘I understand.’ But those words is hard to say.” Said Yonghwa.

“You don’t have too. It’s me who have to understand you more. I promise i will make it up to you.” Said Joohyun. “Tell me... what i have to do?”

Yonghwa thought for a while, “If i ask you to move in and live with me, would you say yes?”




Joohyun agreed to move in to Yonghwa’s place. She already left her apartment and moved all her things to his apartment. Yonghwa’s apartment was quite big. It was consist of two bedrooms with bathroom in each , one huge living room, kitchen and dinning room, plus balcony with great city view. Joohyun brought her trunk to the empty bedroom beside Yonghwa’s room.

“Wait, wait.. i think you use wrong room.” Said Yonghwa.

“Huh? I’ll use this room right?” Jooyun pointed at the empty bedroom.

“No.. no..” Yonghwa shook his finger, “You’ll use mine.”

“Neeeee????” Joohyun squealed.

“Yah! Like we haven’t share one room before. Tsk!” Said Yonghwa.

“But.. but..”

“No buts. Okay, i’ll help you to put your clothes on my wardrobe.”




“Yong...” Joohyun called Yonghwa. They were sleeping in his bed. All lamps turned off. Joohyun snuggled to Yonghwa’s chest as he her back gently.

“Hmm?” Yonghwa answered.

“Yongi-ah~” Joohyun called him cutely.

Yonghwa chuckled, “Ne, Hyunnie~”

“Thank you.. for everything.” She said.


“You don’t know how grateful i am. The day i went to Busan back then was one of the best day in my life. Glad that i meet you.” Joohyun confessed, “Since then you always be with me. Make strong, make me live my life until now. But i’m sorry, i made you down yesterday.”

“Shh... never mind, Hyunnie..”

“You make me realize that i can make my own happiness too.” She continued, “Yes, i admit that i use you to forget Jinwoon but i never see you as a toy. When we kiss, when we touch... all of those thing make me happy. I need you unconsciously. I need you at the point that if you aren’t here... i don’t know anymore.”

Yonghwa listen intently at her confession. He smiled so widely even though Joohyun couldn’t see it.

“I love you.” Joohyun said.

Yonghwa rolled on the top of her. Joohyun opened her eyes and looked at him. Yonghwa her cheek lovingly and said, “I love you too.”

Then Yonghwa kissed her affectionately. He kissed her with all of his heart. The kiss was so sweet and gentle. Joohyun hugged him closer and tilted her head to kiss him back. They enjoyed each other taste. Pecking, and biting with abandon. They didn’t care whether the night would end or not. The most important thing was they had being honest to each other.




It had been three months Yonghwa and Seohyun lived together. They sometimes had a fight but they could settle it quickly. Joohyun cooked him breakfast every morning. Yonghwa always hugged her tight when the night came. They spent week end together. Sometimes they went out or they just stay at home like tonight.

Joohyun was reading book as Yonghwa laid on her lap. Yonghwa watched intently at Joohyun, adoring her serious face. He was bored and wanted to do something but seems Joohyun didn’t want to leave her book.

“Hyunnie~” Yonghwa called.

“Hmm?” Joohyun answered him without looking at him. Eyes still focused on her book.

“Let’s get married..”

“Uhuh. Okay.” She nodded and then realization struck on her brain, “WHAT??”

“You already agree! You can’t cancel it.” Yonghwa grinned.

“Yong, but aren’t that too soon?” Joohyun had put her book and looked at Yonghwa on her lap.



Yonghwa got up from her lap and pecked her, “What?”


Seohyun couldn’t finished her words because Yonghwa already kissed her again. And again and again. Until she lost in his charm. His hands fondled her body all over made Joohyun moaned on their kiss. She straddled him and kissed him madly.

She broke their kiss and looked intently at him, “You don’t give me a chance to give the answer properly, Yongi-ah~” She said, “Okay.. let’s get married.”




That was the beautiful sunset on Heundae Beach. Joohyun stood to feel the fresh sea wind on her. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth enveloped her from the back. Yonghwa’s hands circled her waist as  he leaned his chin on her shoulder. Joohyun held his hand with hers, made their wedding ring clinked together.

After their wedding day, they went straightaway to Busan. Busan was their faithful place. Where they meet each other and made a strange beginning of their story. Who ever thought that two desperate stranger who escaped their life would find each other then make them complete? Destiny was truly exist.

“Do you remember the day when we met for the first time?” Asked Joohyun.

Yonghwa chuckled, “Of course. You really annoyed and always scolded me.”

“It’s because i wasn’t in a good mood.”

“But you agree to spend your day in Busan in my villa. How could it be?”

“I’m too desperate so i was willing to follow you. Sneaky namja!” She chuckled, “You took advantage from me!”

“Ah.. Glad you are so desperate. Unless, you won’t be here in my arm..” Yonghwa kissed her shoulder and hugged him tightly. “That was an amazing trip with an amazing trip mate. For now on, let’s get on a trip together. Just the two of us.” Said Yonghwa.

“Eh? You mean three of us...”

Yonghwa frowned, “Three?”

“Yes. Three..” Joohyun guided his hand to her stomach and let him rubbed it.

Yonghwa got the message, “Omo! Hyunnie?” Yonghwa looked at Joohyun in bewilderment. Joohyun nodded at him.

Yonghwa smiled so wide and back hugged her again, hand kept rubbing her belly with a little bump on it. “Yes, of course. Three of us will make more amazing trip.. or maybe next will be the four of us.. or maybe five? Six?”

Joohyun slapped his hand lightly and chuckled. She leaned on him and tilted her head to kiss him. “Six of us? Sounds good.”

Yonghwa nuzzled his nose to her hair. “Yes. That’s awsome.”

How perfect it could be? Him and her. Two different people with same destiny. A random trip mate which lead to an infinite journey. They clashed into each other randomly but now they ended beautifully. Their trip would never end. It would continue.. on and on.. forever and always.        





Is it good enough? i don't know... heuheu.

long time no writting fic, i'm kinda rusty. kkk~

ps : dee unnie, i hope you like this one :)


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Chapter 1: like this
cnsdbaby #2
Chapter 1: Authornim you are d best yongseo author!!
Kianarain #3
Chapter 1: Nice and lovely story.. Please update your other story..
Chapter 1: awesome unnie...
ur love for yongseo and ur skill to write are never rusty dear..

i love the ending.. hope we can hear something like that soon..

n i wish u will update ur other fiction..
flirty idol, clingy fans ,, and LA times too..
can't wait too long..
Chapter 1: This is more than good enough. It's great! I was worried about the angst part but yey! They got married in the end and having a baby. This is really sweet. Thank u for this sequel. :)
SeiraAiren #6
Chapter 1: Aaaaaw... akhirnyaaaaa!!!

They married!! Wohoooo~ But YongSeo... please just say you married each other already.. we a goguma no need a clarification that you are dating each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

unnie..unniee.. I sarang you <3 *throw Jonghyun* #heh
Yes a sequel! When are you going to update Flirty idol, clingy fans? I really miss that story! But anyways thanks for the sequel, will be waiting for your next chapter. Daebak :)
heavenlysins #8
Chapter 1: Awhhhh the mild angst made the story even better. What a beautiful story u had made authornim.
Fighting, always ^^
blue48 #9
Chapter 1: kyaaaaa unnnieeee super like ittt :3333
more more moreeee hhi
Ay_yongseo #10
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaa usel usel ceu mel~~~
hot euy d pagi hari kkkk
gomawo for update...