★ Bambam 4

Come and Get It, GOT7! // ★ scenario collection
Just Between Us
>> requested by Baploves

“Okay, are all of you ready?”

“Ne!” The students of JYP High yelled in excitement. “Go in, we have to go before lunch.” The teacher ordered, motioning them inside. The students piled in happily and chatted excitedly amongst themselves while sitting on their desired bus seats. Minji gripped her backpack, just as excited as everyone else. “Gosh, Minji! I’m so excited!” Her friend Harang squealed beside her. “I am, too. This is my first time camping,” Minji murmured to herself.

“I can’t wait to arrive at the campsite! We’re going to roast marshmallows, have a campfire, sing songs and get to see the night view! I can’t contain my feelings!” Harang rambled, clasping her hands together. Minji agreed in her mind. I hope this will be a good camping experience. She wished with a content smile.

Hours after, they arrived at the campsite. “Okay, students! Listen up. We arrived at Yuryeong, Dongdaemun. Take a look at the campsite. We’re going to have a lot of activities, so I hope you guys are all energized! Get your bags and no pushing around! Exit carefully!” The teacher warned. The sleepy students stretched, gripped their bags and exit the bus. Once they saw their surroundings, they started to wake up and cheer excitedly.

Minji took a good look around the campsite and smiled, her stomach bubbling excitedly. “Woah! We’re going to do a lot of exciting activities here! Where are we going to set up our tent?” Harang started looking around. “Harang-ah!” She ran to her friend. “Where are you going?” Minji chuckled. “I think this is a good place already.” She beamed. “Arasseo, we’ll set it up here.” Harang approved; her smile widening.

“Students! This is your campsite. Start looking around and pick a place to set your tent up! Then we’re going to have a meal!” The teacher whistled.

After setting up the tents and eating, they went for a hike. Hours later, the sun was setting, and they had to go back. “Wow… the sun is beautiful…” Minji admired. “I hope I get to see this every day.” Her friend grinned. “Wash up! There’s a river near here, and when you see that, you can use the water. Don’t do inappropriate things here; this place is not your house.” The teacher eyed the couples, sending the students to laugh. “After washing up, gather here and let’s set up the campfire.”

At the sound of the word campfire, they started chatting excitedly to themselves. “Ssaem, do we get to eat roasted marshmallows and play games?” A daring student asked. “Well… we don’t have anything to do for tonight, so… okay.” The teacher approved. At that, students cheered. Minji couldn’t contain her happiness and jumped up and down. “Harang, did you hear that?!” She grasped her friend’s hands. “OMG, yes I did! I’m so excited!” Still chatting, they headed to the river like the rest of their classmates.

After assembling everything, they all sat down around campfire and started to roast mallows, talking amongst themselves. A student suggested playing a game, and they started playing truth or dare. They played a lot of games, and that knocked their energy out of them after yelling, laughing and doing a lot of tiring games. “That’s it for today. Tomorrow, we’re going fishing.” The teacher clapped, also tired. “Oh, yes, before I forget, tonight, there will be a full moon,” He informed. The students mumbled an ‘okay’, too tired to even listen. They started going inside their tents.

Minji and Harang, also tired, lied down on their sleeping bags. “Night, Minji,” Harang mumbled, shutting her eyes. “Good night.” Minji wished, also closing her eyes. They both dozed off.

A few hours passed by. Minji got awoken by her thirst. She groggily sat up, clutching . “Water…” She blinked drowsily. Minji went out of their hot pink tent, looking around. The river popped in her mind. She remembered her classmates drinking from it, so she headed towards it. Barely ten steps were walked, when a howl from the direction of the river startled her, waking her up from her sleepiness. She jumped, clutching her shirt. “What was that?” Minji looked around, horrified. A lot of thoughts circled in her mind. What if there’s a ghost? Or a tree monster? Or a wolf? She became more terrified at the thoughts.

It seemed like she was alone, because no one was in sight. Another howl and she stepped back. Should I not get water anymore? Minji bit her lip. But she came back to her senses. Don’t be crazy, Jung Minji. There’s no ghost. And your throat is killing you. What’s stopping you? A mere howl? Minji started gaining confidence. She thought she was crazy. She continued heading to the river.

Minji started seeing the river, and no howl was heard. See, you’re just delusional. She started calming down and cupped her hands to get water from the river. A figure of an animal appeared on the water. It had black-colored fur, and had two gleaming red eyes. It startled her. “Oh my gosh!” She fell back in surprise, her heart thumping loudly in her ribcage. What the heck was that? Was it my imagination?! Minji blinked several times, looking around. There wasn’t any animal.

She turned around, finding a… werewolf?! Before she could yell, the werewolf turned back to a boy, whom she recognized as Bambam, the famous kingka in JYP High. “Ssh!” he covered both her eyes and lips. “Yah-” Minji, surprised by the sudden blackness, started trashing. “Stop! Wait. Wait. Jung Minji, stop. Let me explain.” Bambam carefully breathed out.

Minji followed his instructions. “Don’t open your eyes, I’m not fully clothed,” Bambam informed. She reddened. Not fully clothed?! She turned away. “Don’t speak, and turn around.” He instructed. Minji followed him. A few minutes passed by. “Okay, you can turn around now,” He said. “Do you have a question?” Bambam calmly asked, but his eyes were nervous.

“Yes, of course I have! A lot, actually!” Minji half-yelled. “Ssh!” He put a finger on his lips. “What if someone hears?!” Bambam lowly said. “Okay, okay, arasseo. What was that back then?” Minji put her hands on her hips. Bambam started explaining how he was a werewolf and how he turns into one when a full moon shines. “Why?! How?! That’s impossible.” Minji crossed her arms. “Just believe me, and don’t tell a word to anyone. Even your friend. This is top secret. Please, Minji. I know we’re not close, but please, keep this from anyone.” Bambam pleaded.

She heaved a sigh. “Okay, fine.” She agreed.

“Thank you.” He sighed. “But… I’m surprised how you’re not flailing right now and taking this calmly.” Bambam smirked. “Psh. I’m expert at these kinds of stuff.” Minji chuckled. She didn’t know Bambam well, but she didn’t know why she was already comfortable around him. “But really, thanks. Friends?” He held a hand out. “… Friends.” Minji shook his hand with an amiable smile.


author's note:
★ for Baploves! I'm sorry for the late update! I hope you liked your scenario 
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B2stapink #1
Chapter 20: member: bambam
Name: park eunmi
genre: cute/sweet
Scenario:Eunmi is a normal girl and got7 is the kinka. Bambam likes her but doesn't know how to confess or ask for Mark's permission. One day eunmi is attacked by thugs and bambam comes in and beats them up and Eunmi offers to take him home is treat his scars. Bambam confesses when she is wrapping his arm and stuff. Can u make up something for after to?
Extra: Eunmi is Mark's little sis and he is VERY protective of her. Bambam and eunmi are 1-2 yrs apart.
MyungGyuForever #2
Chapter 21: Member: Mark
Name: Lee Minji
Genre: fluff/romance
Scenario: JR forces Minji to go on a blind date and Jackson forces Mark. They meet their dates but end up together instead.
Extra/s: JR is Minji's best friend who demands Minji to get a boyfriend this year. Minji has never had a boyfriend. Jackson wants Mark to quit playing around with girls and settle down with someone who can change him.

thank you so much (:
member: Yugyeom
name: Na Hyunju
genre: Fluff
scenario: Hyunju is a very petite girl - in fact, she only stands at 1.5m (and she very hate it). Yugyeom, on the other hand, is very tall and is often hang out with the boys who akways picked on Hyunju. So when one day Yugyeom suddenly confesses his admiration towards Hyunju, Hyunju immediately rejected him because what he and his friends had done. However, Yugyeon decided to not give up and did various romantic stuff to capture the petite's heart.
extra/s: Hyunju is only younger than Yugyeom by a month. And uh, a scene where Yugyeom insists that she calls him oppa?? keke and lots of cute scenes?

thank u ♡
Alex27948 #4
I have a request :) when your uncle JYP put you into an arranged marriage with someone from YG to bring the two companies together, but you're dating Jackson in secret.
Extra: lots of drama and romance
Thank you!
Alex27948 #5
Chapter 20: Omg... Bambam //cries;
wonwoosgurl #7
member: Choi Youngjae
name: Nam Joohyun
genre: angst
scenario: When Youngjae mad at Joohyun because she is rarely hang out with him and really often hang out with Nam Woo Hyun. Youngjae didn't know that Woohyun is Joohyun's brother
extra/s: Joohyun is 97Liner, the ending is up to you~
Thankyou!!! ^~^
-_K-ai #8
Chapter 19: Nahh, its okay!! This isn't really unfair. :D I can wait, :)