IILWMTA - Chapter 3

I'm In Love With My Teacher's Assistant

Chapter 3

Ryeowook sighs as he walks into his kitchen. It was finally Saturday and he had to go to the dinner at Hangeng’s and Heechul’s house. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go but that he didn’t want to be teased about liking Yesung, as Heechul has been doing to him the past few days. But Leeteuk would be there so it shouldn’t be too bad.

The other day he turned down Yesung’s offer to ride with him because he knows if they were to arrive together it’ll just give the others more fuel. Thinking about this make Ryeowook sigh. “Why me?” he asks. Walking to the refrigerator, opening it he pulls out a bag. Hangeng had asked him to bring a few things for him.

Closing the refrigerator back, Ryeowook sits the bag on the table. He then sighs again. “Okay, time to finish getting ready.” he says to himself. He then walks out the kitchen and to his room. Walking to his closet, Ryeowook opens it. “Now what to wear?” he asks. “I want to look nice for him.” he whispers pushing through the outfits hanging up.


After half an hour Ryeowook walks out of his room dressed. “Yeah, this will do.” he says before walking to the kitchen. Grabbing the bag, Ryeowook walks out the kitchen, turning the light off behind him. After running back to turn off the light in his room, he walks to the front door. Sitting the bag down, Ryeowook puts on his shoes before taking a jacket off the coat racket and putting it on.

Ryeowook looks himself over in full length mirror that hung on the wall next to the coat racket. “Okay I look great.” he whispers. He then picks up the bag from turning off the living room light and walking out the door. Locking the door, Ryeowook took a glance at Yesung’s apartment door before sighing. Turning away, he down at his watch. “Okay, I have time to get there.” he says before walking down the staircase.

Looking at Yesung’s apartment once more, Ryeowook begins walking down the street. As the wind blows, Ryeowook shivers a little at the slightly chilly air. “Wah, I don’t know why I didn’t just send for a car instead of choosing to walk.” he whispers to himself as he turns down a street.

Looking around as he walks, Ryeowook noted that not many people were out. It was maybe too chilly for most. And all the children were already probably inside already, getting ready for dinner. It was quiet and Ryeowook found it relaxing. “Hey sweetie.” He hears someone say breaking the silence he was tries to enjoy.

In front of him, Ryeowook could see two guys. One leaned against the fence to a house and the other just stood next to him. Ignoring the two, Ryeowook continues to walk straight past them. The two guys immediately move to catch up with him. “Come on don’t be like that.” one of them says. The other one leans forward. “Oh wait I know you.” he says. “One of our friends used to live next door to you.”

Ryeowook stops and looks at the two. He then frowns remembering that they were some of the guys that always used to hang around outside the apartment. “Yeah you’re that little cutie that went to SM.” the first one says draping his arm around Ryeowook’s shoulder.  A look of disgust flashes over Ryeowook’s face.

“And since you two are here. I guess that means someone was stupid enough to let that idiot live in one of these houses.” Ryeowook says pushing the guy’s arm off him. “Now if you’ll move out my way.” he says. As he tries to take a step forward the other moves in front of him. “So, do you still not have a boyfriend?” he asks.

Ryeowook looks at him. “What does it matter?” he asks. The guy smiles. “Ah, well how about we give it a go sweetie.” he says. Ryeowook frowns. “I don’t think so. I’m not into whatever type you are.” he says. The two guys look at each other. “So you are single?” the other asks. “You’ll never know if you think it until you try it.”

“Ryeowook.” Ryeowook turns along with the other two to see Yesung walking toward him. Blinking, Ryeowook watching as Yesung walks up to him. “Ah, Yesung, what are you doing here?” he asks. The two guys look at each other. “Who’s he? The boyfriend?” one of them asks in a whisper. The other shrugs. “Don’t think so.” he says back.

Out the corner of his eye, Yesung looks at the two before looking back at Ryeowook. Leaning down he moves until his lips connect with Ryeowook’s. As he pulls away he could see a blushing Ryeowook staring wide-eyed at him. “Aish, you worried me. You left before I did. I called the others to see if you were already there but they said no.” Yesung says taking Ryeowook’s hand into his.

“I guess I should have called you directly.” Yesung says. The two guys frown. “Guess he does have a boyfriend.” one of them says. Yesung smiles at Ryeowook. “Ah, come on. The others are waiting for us.” he says before pulling Ryeowook away. It wasn’t until they were at the end of the street did Ryeowook notice Yesung’s car.

Yesung pulls Ryeowook over to the passenger’s side and opens the door. Ryeowook mumbles thanks as he gets in. After closing the door, Yesung walks around to the driver’s side and gets in. A second later they were driving down the street. Yesung looks at Ryeowook out the corner of his eye to see him touching his lips lightly with his finger tips.

For some reason, Yesung couldn’t help but smile to himself. “Ah, Ryeowook, you shouldn’t walk around at 7 something at night.” he says. “Especially by yourself.” he adds. “You were talking with those guys, did you know them?” he asks. Ryeowook nods slightly. “Yeah, well kind of. They were friends of my old neighbors. They always hung around the building.” he says.

Yesung nods. “Well please don’t do that again. I asked you to ride with me because I didn’t want you to be walking around by yourself. When you said no, I thought you had another ride. Ah, you don’t know how worried I was when the others called and asked if you were with Me.” he explains. Ryeowook nods. “Sorry, I won’t do it again Yesung.” he says.

Yesung smiles as the car stops in front of a lavender house. Four other cars took up the driveway so Yesung just parks in front of the house. “Okay, we’re here.” Yesung says turning off the car. The two move out the car before walking up to the house. Ryeowook stands slightly behind Yesung as he knocks on the door.

It wasn’t long before the door opens revealing a smiling Heechul. “Ah, our finally two guests have arrived. And you’re on time too.” he says stepping aside to let the two in. Heechul closes the door as the two takes off their shoes and hangs up their jackets. As Yesung follows Heechul into the living room, Ryeowook walks down the hall to the kitchen.

“Good evening Hyung.” Ryeowook greets Hangeng. Hangeng turns from the stove and looks smiles. “Ah, hey Ryeowook.” he greets back. “Your face is a little red. Are you okay?” he asks. Ryeowook nods. “Yeah I’m fine. It was just a little chilly outside.” he says. Hangeng nods.

“Oh, here are the items you wanted.” Ryeowook says holding up the bag in his hand. Hangeng smiles as he took the bag. Ah thank you Ryeowook.” he says. Ryeowook nods. “No problem.” he says. “Do you need any help?” he asks. Hangeng shakes his head. “Nope. You’re a guest so go chat.” he says pushing Ryeowook out the kitchen.

Ryeowook sighs. He couldn’t blame Hangeng. Ryeowook was just the same way whenever the others decide to randomly gather up at his apartment. Both of them loved cooking for the others. Sighing Ryeowook turns and walks down the hall. Ryeowook stops before coming to the living room. He then takes a deep breath before walking into the room. “Hey guys.” he greets the 16.

Four couches sat around in a square to where everyone could sits and face each other. Moving, Ryeowook sat on the couch with Zhoumi, Shindong, and Raina and Minako, Samona’s sisters. “Ah, Ryeowook, you’re face is a little red.” Shindong says. Ryeowook looks at him. “Ah, it’s nothing.” he says smiling.


It wasn’t too long before Hangeng called them all into the dining room. The group filed out the living room and into the dining room. Once everyone was settled into a seat, the group begins to eat and conversant amongst those around them.

After a few minutes, Heechul, who sat in between Hangeng and Yesung, loudly clears his throat. The others quieted down and turned their attention to him. “Okay since it seems no one else will ask that question that most of us are thinking of…” Heechul says looking around at the others. His eyes stopping on Ryeowook. “Ryeowook, why don’t you come out and truthfully tell us why you’ve been blushing since you got here.” he says.

Shaking his head, Ryeowook look down at his plate. Yesung looks at Ryeowook before looking at Heechul. “Um, actually it’s my fault.” he says. The others stop and look at him. “Want to elaborate on that please?” Leeteuk, who sat on the other side of Yesung, asks. Yesung looked at him. “Oh, I kissed him.” he says.

Yesung watched as the others broke out into small laughs and smiles. “Ah and why did you kiss him?” Donghae asks.

“When you guys called me I was on my way out the house. Since you guys said that Ryeowook wasn’t there yet, I decided that I’ll look out for him on the way here. True enough, I found him. Some guys were holding him up, trying to hit on him when Ryeowook was trying to get around them. So I decided to come to his aid.” Yesung explains.

“Aw, Wookie finally got his first kiss.” Minako says as Samona pinches Ryeowook’s cheeks.

“So why did you kiss him?” Zhoumi asks.

“Because the guys said something about being Ryeowook’s boyfriend. So I thought if I acted like his boyfriend they’ll leave him alone. So I kissed him.”

“Ah look at that Ryeowook; you got a knight in shining armor.” Sungmin says.

Yesung shakes his head. “Okay, I wouldn’t take my actions that f-” Yesung immediately stops when something registers in his mind. He then looks at Minako. “I’m sorry, but did you say ‘first kiss’?” he asks. Minako nods. Eyes widening, Yesung looks at Ryeowook. “I was your first kiss?” he asks. Ryeowook nods. “Ever?” he asks and Ryeowook nods again.

“Oh…” Yesung says a blush slowly creeping onto his face. The others let out small laughs. “Ah, they’re both blushing now.” Kangin says only making things worse.


Ryeowook lets out a sigh as he sits back in the car seat. The night had finally ended, not quickly enough if you asked him. All night he was being teased about finally getting his first kiss. It wasn’t his fault, he just never thought about it. What made things worse what that someone would always come up to him and ask him how it felt. And at one point it was Leeteuk!

A few minutes ago everything came to an end. Including the teasing, for now. After saying bye to the others, Yesung and Ryeowook got into the car and were now on their way back to their apartments. Ryeowook looks at Yesung. He then looks out the window, wondering if he should say something.

In the end he said nothing and the whole ride home was silent. It didn’t take long for them to reach the apartments. Once parked, the two got out the car. Still in silence, the two walk up the staircase.  Stopping in front of his door, Ryeowook unlocks it and opens the door, not stepping into the apartment.

Ryeowook takes in a deep breath before letting it out. “Just do it.” he whispers to himself. He then turns to Yesung who was unlocking his door. “Umm, Yesung…” he calls. As Yesung turns to him, Ryeowook instantly moves over to him and moves until their lips met. Before Yesung could react, Ryeowook pulls away and runs into his apartment shouting “Good night”.

Yesung stood there blinking, staring at Ryeowook’s door in confusion. “What the…” he says. Shaking his head, he opens his apartment door and walks inside. In the other apartment, Ryeowook sat on the floor with his back against the door. “Ah, I can’t believe I did that.” he says, his heart beating rapidly.

Standing up, Ryeowook removes his shoes and jacket. “Ah, I can’t believe I did that!” Ryeowook shouts ruffling his hair as he runs to his bedroom.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And that is chapter 3. :D

That’s right! They kissed. Don’t worry there’s more to come. ;) XD

Ah, how cute is Ryeowook. ^_^

I can truly imagine him blushing all day because he got kissed by his lover. :D

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. ^_^


Update :D

So, I'm updating all my stories except for Encounter and Schooling In America.

Those two stories will be going on Hiatus.

Sorry for the trouble. :/

Love you all. <3


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Chapter 12: waaaaaahhhhh..seriously??? Hahaha best ending ever!!
Chapter 10: waaahhhh . I wish this really happen to them..thank you for this.
Chapter 9: oh..Siwon!! Hahaha *i borrowed it* that is so frustrating on Ryeowook's part..hahaha bad Yesung!!
Chapter 6: awww that's so sad and hurting..
Chapter 3: Hahaha Wookie is so cuteeee!!
..waaahh.you're.on.the.right.choice.of.making a YeWook.story,
Chapter 2: I like it... Yet I don't like how you pair yourself up with Henry. And make everyone protective. I like OCs who are happily forever alone and totally love and push the characters together. ^.^
i just finish reads all of your chappie, and its really great job author...
i'll be reads the sequel too
Chapter 13: Oooh I like! Please write a sequel ;u;
Chapter 13: Mind blown! :O you troll xD anyway, great story! Sequel please!