Dark Angel

Dark Angel - Ravi

The sun held hands with the azure sky as it basked it warm, welcoming rays to all of those that were outside to enjoy it.

Finally getting out of the smelly, hot, and concrete jail was paradise as the sun welcomed him into the world after ten years. He looked back at the structure that he spent the last decade in and he couldn’t believe that he was out.

"I hope we don’t see you back here, Jinho!" One of the workers said as Jinho waved as he walked away from the jail just happy to be out after all of those long years.

Ravi left early for work as he left you sleeping peacefully in your shared bed. Giving you a final kiss goodbye, he looked down on his beautiful wife, you, as he pet your hair gently taking in your beautiful sleeping figure as he quietly left the room to head to practice.

Getting to a subway, Jinho moved through the crowd as he tried to find the man that put him in jail those ten years ago. With only a name, he rode the subway until he found the district that Ravi was in. With revenge fueling Jinho, he went to a phone book as he tried to find out where he lived.

Waking up a few hours later, you stretched and looked around the room as you gently rubbed your stomach from the slight morning sickness.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?" You asked the being inside of you as you patted it lightly before swinging your legs over the bed as you took it easy, finding your way to the closet you changed into some black jeans and a white sweatshirt that was a little big around the collar but you didn’t mind, the sleeves covered your palms as you smiled in happiness as you pulled your hair to one shoulder and tied it off into a messy bun.

Heading to the kitchen, you tried to find something that would satisfy you and the little one, but there didn’t seem to be anything around. Slipping on your shoes, you headed down to the market.

Jinho had asked one of the local businesses if they knew where Ravi was, one elderly lady told him as he smiled and thanked her.

Following her directions he came to a beautiful, small two story house. Slipping in through the gate, he came up to the electronic door as he picked the lock and slid in through the door as he waited for Ravi’s arrival.

After you filled your hands with sacks from the store, you headed home slowly. Softly humming to you and the little baby, your house was in sight as you smiled. Reaching the door, the lights for the combination were all lit up and blinked with a synchronized beat. Finding it a little odd, you pushed the door open as you thought you didn’t lock the door when you left.

Bringing in all of the bags you smiled as you walked into the kitchen and placed all of the bags on the island in your kitchen. Looking through the bags, you put away the perishables softly humming some of VIXX’s songs to yourself, but right before you got to Ravi’s part a cold hand covered your mouth as a strong arm wrapped around your waist pinning both of your hands to your side.

"Now listen to me very carefully." A deep, crackling voice said as your thoughts turned to your baby as you nodded your head against the force that he held you with. "You are going to do exactly as I say, no questions."

"Now stand right there, just like that." He said as he pulled out a twisted bandanna and put it in your mouth and one over your eyes as you closed them tightly, holding your hands tightly, he pushed you outside as the temperature began to dip. Goosebumps came to your exposed skin as you were pushed along as the road curved.

Several hours later, Ravi came home as he punched in the password of your wedding date as he came inside.

"Jagiya~ I’m home." He paused for a response but when none came he tried again. "Yeobo? Love?"

Ravi’s eyes darted around the house as he saw the groceries on the counter, half of them not put away. Finding that extremely odd, he went upstairs to see if you were sleeping, but he didn’t find you or any trace of you throughout the whole house. Pulling out his phone, he speed dialed you as he pressed the phone to his ear as he paced around the kitchen.

"Ah look who this is, answer it with a sweet ‘Hello’." Jinho said as he accepted the call as he put it to your ear.

"Jagiya?!" Ravi beat you to say something as you dropped your head as tears began to swell in your eyes.

"Hello" You followed orders as Jinho pulled the phone away from your ear and put it on his ear instead.

"Love, where are you?" Ravi asked as Jinho smiled evilly as you tried to wiggle out of your tight fitting restraints.

"With me" Jinho snarled as you could hear Ravi screaming on the other line.

"DON’T YOU TOUCH HER! DO YOU HEAR ME?" Jinho pulled the phone away from his ear as Ravi yelled through the phone.

"Don’t worry, she is here with me." Jinho said as he twirled your hair around his fingers. "Remember where The Black Wings’ hideout is? We are right across from that. Come quickly or she will be hurt." Jinho stared at you as he ended the call abruptly.

Ravi ran out the door as his heart pounded and adrenaline ran through his veins, trying to get to you as fast as possible.

"Don’t worry dear, I am not going to hurt you." Jinho looked into your scared eyes as he brushed your cheek with your fingers as you looked the opposite way. "I might hurt him though." Jinho walked up to the broken mirror as you looked at him and tried harder to get out of your restraints. Getting one hand free you pulled down your muzzle as you shouted at Jinho to not hurt your husband.

"Looks like you are too strong for those, we will have to try something else." Jinho picked you up and threw you over his shoulder effortlessly like a sack of flower as he brought you over to an old bed with an iron frame. Pulling out some handcuffs, that the cops had used on him, he handcuffed you to the bed frame with your hands over your head as your feet were tied together crossed over each other.

"Have fun with that." Jinho said as he walked over to a dresser and pulled out various weapons, you watched in horror as you could only hope that Ravi was coming for you.

Finding The Black Wings’ hideout, he looked across the street as bars were over the windows and he jogged over there and knocked on the front door.

Jinho happily skipped to the door, leaving you alone as you pulled against the restraints again with no use.

"Ah Wings it had been a while." Jinho said as you heard a struggle between the two men.

"Where is she? Where is my wife?!" Ravi shouted as he grabbed Jinho’s collar.

"I’ll show you." Jinho said without a fight as he lead Ravi into where you were. Ravi looked at you with wide eyes as he shocked to actually see you there, rushing to your side he sat on the old, creaky bed as he brushed his fingers over your skin. Jinho loaded a gun behind Ravi as your eyes got wide and moved quickly from Jinho to Ravi.

Getting the subtle hint, Ravi turned around and shoved the gun upwards as Jinho shot into the ceiling.

"What are you going to do with her?" Ravi snarled

"I was going to kill her in front of you, so I will let both of you say your goodbyes." Jinho said as he walked out of the room locking the door as you began to cry.

"Baby, don’t cry." Ravi came back over to your side as he pulled off the rag from your mouth and over your eyes. "I will get you out of this I promise."

"I-I don’t understand." You said through your tears. "Why is he after you, after us? What does he want?"

"Baby…" Ravi said softly, just like he would do when you two were at home. "I was in a group called The Black Wings. We were all Black Angels with a pure purpose, we just wanted to help everyone. I was the youngest and when he, Jinho became a threat all of us went and tried to fight him. I was the only one that defeated him and put him in jail and now he wants revenge."

"A-Are you a Black Angel?" You asked as you tried to understand as Ravi nodded his head.

"I am so sorry I had to keep it from you all of these years but I wanted to keep you clean if anything like this happened, but now I have no choice but to reveal my biggest secret." Ravi said as he looked into your eyes as tears rolled down your face.

"C-Can I tell you something?" You sniffled as he nodded and leaned closer. "If this is the end, you should know something." Taking a deep breath you tried to calm your racing heart but it didn’t help. "I’m pregnant."

The room went silent as Ravi’s eyes got wide as they trailed down to your stomach.

"W-When did you know?" He asked you as his eyes came back to yours.

"A few weeks ago and I confirmed it. I’m sorry I just couldn’t tell you til now." You began to cry harder as Ravi wrapped you in a hug as your head nuzzled into his neck as you smelled his scent and fluttered your eyes closed.

"I will get all three of us out of here." He said with a smile as he held you tightly.

"Time’s up!" Jinho called as Ravi pulled away and gently kissed your lips before he had to work.

"You just want me, leave my wife out of this." Ravi tried to convince Jinho but he knew that he was much hard headed than that.

"I don’t think I can, I don’t want a little Dark Angel hanging around after I kill you." Jinho said as he looked over at you and Ravi got ticked off, closing his eyes his wings soon appeared behind him as they wrapped around him.

"You’re battle is with me." Ravi said as Jinho smirked, they wrestled on the floor for a long time as you couldn’t bear to watch, humming to yourself you tried to distract yourself as there was a lot of yelling and hitting as you tried your best to stay strong.

"Once a family always a family." Jinho called as you heard something bounce against the ground as a mass quickly covered you as a blast suddenly went off making everything for you go black.

A soft yellow light welcomed you back to consciousness as you looked around, Ravi’s shadow moved around in the bathroom as he came out with the medical kit and some cool water for your burns.

"R-Ravi?" You asked as you tried to sit yourself up, with his hand he pushed you back down as he hushed you from speaking.

"You’re ok, we’re back home safe and sound." He said with a smile as he cleaned your wrists and put ointment on them before wrapping them.

"B-B-But what about…" You looked into his eyes as he finished your sentence for you.

"Jinho, he is in jail for the rest of his life and you and I can live in peace from my past." Ravi said as he carefully wrapped your wrists. "How are you and the baby feeling?"

"We are ok, a little tired but I think we are ok." You said as you rested your hand over your stomach as he smiled and put his hand over yours.

"I am so excited to be a father, jagiya." He said as he kissed your forehead gently as he wrapped his arms around you.

Silence surrounded both of you as you looked up at him as he had his eyes closed.

"Yeobo?" You whispered softly as Ravi lifted his head off of yours. "C-Can I ask you something?"

"Anything" Ravi said ready to tend to your every need.

"C-Can I see your wings?" Looking up at him with soft eyes you knew it wasn’t likely.

Ravi moved off of the bed as he pulled his shirt from over his head revealing his skin, with his eyes closed these beautiful, silken, ebony wings wrapped around his shoulders as he sat back on the bed, you sat up carefully as your hand gently moved towards it as you looked at Ravi for approval as he nodded his head as your fingers gently brushed down his wings as you smiled.

"Is our little one going to have these?" You asked him softly as he beamed at the thought of a little baby with wings.

"I don’t think so, I don’t want to have our little kids to have the same pain I went through to get these." Ravi said as he wrapped his arms and wings around you.

"What do you mean?" You looked up at him. "You weren’t born with these?"

"No, they were a gift for helping others." He said as you smiled and kissed his chest, right above his heart.

"I love you, I always will." You whispered as you leaned against his chest as he got comfy and pet your hair softly as he kissed your head and his hand rested on your stomach.

"I love you and the little one too so much." He said as he reached over and turned off the light so that all three of you could fall asleep and get some rest.

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sunfoolfinger #1
Chapter 1: I love it. This is nicely written and the story-line is awesome :)
Chapter 1: Love it! and I totally agree with the coment below :)
Chapter 1: Wow. That was an amazing story. I am always amazed by your creativity and I absolutely love it! Lol Good Job!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: That. Was. AWESOME!! :D I totally love this stuff and can't get enough from it.. <3
Chapter 1: You should make this into a full story!
pinkgrey28 #6
Chapter 1: What a nice story ♥ ravi is going to be a father. I think it would be nicer if there's sequel for this one kkkk :p
Chapter 1: Ahhh!! I love it! Very beautiful as always!! :D