the Conflict

Break of Persona
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The next week I was awaken by loud knocks on my door. In my head I thought it was Kiarra, I quickly tore off my shirt then dashed to the front door. "Oh, I didn't expect you'd be wanting it this early." I said with swagger and leaned against the doorframe. To my surprise, it was my brother Jackson and a girl standing beside him.

"What the hell? Why are you shirtless?! And want what?!" I quickly slammed the door shut, breathing heavily trying to get oxygen to my brain. What was he doing here? "Hello, we're still here!!" He yelled. I sighed and slowly opened the door.

"Uh hey, Jackson. What's up?" I fake smiled and let the both of them into my home. When I looked closer, the girl he was with was an old girlfriend of mine, Jieun. Which made me immediately become scared of what might come, but curious at the same time.

"So this is where you've been living these past few years. I kinda thought you would be living in a dump, but this is actually kind of nice." I rolled my eyes, he hasn't changed at all. He was the kind of person who would say bad things indirectly and then say it as a "complement" at the same time.

Then there was a knock on the door. I knew that it was the person that I was expecting in the first place. I hesitated from opening the door, but my brother had already gotten to it. "What's the matter with you? Don't you know its rude not to answer then door?"

I was too late. He opened the door and there she was. She was standing there in awe, looking around at the strangers in my place. Jackson and Jieun both looked at me, indirectly asking me to introduce her.

"Um, hello. I'm Kiarra, I live just next door. I'm Mark's-" She went ahead to introduce herself. But I interrupted her, to keep her from telling her our relationship. Even if it wasn't official.

"She's my neighbor! That's what she is! Kiarra this is my brother, Jackson and that is Jieun." I stood beside her, sweating nervously. I could feel her eyes beaming on me, but I was too scared to look her in the eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you, my dear Kiarra." Jackson pulled her by the hand and kissed it. My face turned red with anger, he surely must have known that she was mine. He looked back at me with a smirk and held Kiarra's hand a bit longer than I had wanted him to. "Could you possibly show me your apartment?"



The man that held my hand was Mark's brother, the man that he hasn't told me anything about. I barely knew him yet he wanted a tour of my house. I looked at Mark for a second and thought that he wanted to be rid of his brother for at lea

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ayannar480 #1
Chapter 14: I loved this book and it would be really nice if you made a sequel
Saliecia #2
Chapter 13: Plz do a sequel!! <3
Saliecia #3
Chapter 8: Oh my lord
751 streak #4
Chapter 14: It was a quick, but cute story. A sequel would be nice, to give an update on the characters, and their new life together.
Chapter 13: so beautiful!!!!! T^T
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 6: Well hello Mark....SURPRISE!
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 2: Nobody can resist a firm mother no one so sit down you two lol
Hahaha111 #8
Chapter 13: Do you have a tumblr??
Chapter 13: Yesssssss!! You finally finished it.
Chapter 13: Cries tears of mush and happiness... so beautiful