Chapter 1


Placing her birthday cake on the dining table, she blew the candles out and wished herself a 'Happy Birthday'. The table was filled with letters and postcards from all over the world, but she had no idea who were they from. Sluggishly, she picked up a yellow-colored postcard with pictures of fallen leaves which signified the season of autumn. There was a quote at the bottom of the card that read 'Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all'. She flipped the card around and read its content.

To:         Kang Min Jung

From:    Joanne Nolan

                23 Caroline Street (Waterfront Hill)

                Dublin, Ireland

Hi there!

I'm an avid reader of yours from Ireland. Even though I could foresee that you might not come across my card, I still wanna tell you how much I love all the novels you've written so far. Genuinely. All those modern romance, those overwhelming touching moments, and some with a pinch of magical in them, it deeply affects my emotions. I couldn't even comprehend how someone could make use of simply words and twist them into novels that could leave one gasping for more. No fanciful words are needed for your flawless writings. My favorite book has to be 'Tomorrow Onwards'. It's really beautifully written, and I sincerely thank you for bringing such a wonderful joy into my life. I will definitely be waiting for your new work, and hopefully anticipate another captivating and splendid story from you.


Minjung poured some freshly brewed coffee into her mug and walked into her room, with the postcard in her hand. She pinned the card onto the bulletin board beside the window, which was filled with other different postcards similar to the one she just read. Putting down the mug on her work desk, she switched on her laptop and resumed what seemed to be like her usual routine.

Kang Minjung is her name, and she just turned 26 on that day. She's an english novelist staying in Korea, has been writing since she was 19. Her novels could range from romance to comedy, or adventure to tragedy. It seemed like she could write anything down in pen and paper, and that had gradually led her to becoming one of the most known novelist around the world. People liked her for her on-going creativity, captivative style of writing, never ending out-of-the-box ideas, and surprises that kept them wanting for more. Out of her own bedroom door, people had imagined Minjung to be a sophisticated young lady who's living in a nicely polished house of her own, enjoying life with her friends and family and being loved dearly by her boyfriend. Her intelligence in her writing assumed so. But you see, imagination and reality can be two different thing. Yes, she does live on her own.

Nicely polished house? No.

Enjoying life? Not really.

Friends? Don't have.

Family? Too far away.

Boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend three years ago you mean?

This is her current life, just her and her microsoft word. Minjung have always been alone, not because she doesn't like people around her, but it's her obsession for writing that kept her to herself. She had isolated from everyone in order to comply with her obsession, but luckily for her, her obsession was able to turn into a profession. It seemed like writing had already became a segment of her life, and other things outside her bedroom door were of no significance to her. She is lonely, very lonely.


It has been five months since she last wrote. Her latest novel had took her two full years to finish, draining out all her ideas and energy. But now, after a short break, she has decided to start writing again. But then again, she don't know what to write.

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Oh my gosh, your story sounds so awesome~! :D And it's about a writer too, so that just makes it even cooler! :3 I'm reminded a bit of the Stranger than Fiction movie. I honestly don't know what to expect, but I absolutely love your first chapter! Imagination really is quite different from reality. I hope her muse returns soon. I'd wanna read more~ :D
xoxo_mei #2
This looks interesting, can't wait to read more!! ^^
I love it so far~ <3 I'll be waiting for the next chapter =)