Chapter 7

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

Siwon is just so difficult. I just hope that I am not wrong in making him the SS. Why doesnt he get the message that I am not interested in him? Persistent fool! In the end he is the one who is gonna get hurt. He just keeps showing up no matter where I am and forces himself upon me trying to change my mind about him. And there is the And the worst thing was that I responded to it too! But I couldnt help myself as I was in an emotionally broken state.

As I was feeling flustered, I headed downstairs to get alcohol into my system. Soju was the perfect companion whenever I felt confused. Good thing dad wasnt around tonight or else he would have thrown a fit if he ever saw me drinking.

"What a sad life! It hurts so much! I cc..cant live without them. I...I need mom and JJJ..Jino back" I said to myself and clutched my chest. I headed upstairs to my room and drank till I could drop unconscious on the bed and then I felt my eyelids droop as exhaustion took over.

Siwon's P.O.V

Will he be thinking about me? About the kiss? Gosh! I am going bonkers here. Despite having declared my feelings for him out in the open, he doesnt seem to be budging one bit and is firmly on his stand. Stubborn as a mule! Then suddenly Kyuhyun's striking face from the first day came to my mind. His brown hair that always appears to be dishevelled ,his beautiful forehead, his two thick eyebrows that always come together when he is annoyed of me, his two chocolate brown irises that sparkle in the sunlight, the two long and thick eyelashes that sway when blinking, his smooth and sharp nose, his glowing, soft and pale skin and the most striking feature were his sinful, soft lips that I would never get tired of kissing. If there was one word that could describe him it was "Perfection" but I couldnt help realise the fact that his life was far from being perfect. In fact it was totally messed up. I could deduct just this much from the incident that happened in the cafe. Though I am far from knowing the fact about his family and what prompted him to take drugs. And the only person who could help me with this was Zhoumi.

I suddenly heard a knock on the front door and got up to see who it was.

"Surprise!" dad exclaimed.

"Oh dear lord! Dad! I am surprised. I thought you said you would visit me during the weekends"I asked him and let him in. He was carrying two big bags along with him.

"And how many days are left before the weekend hmm?" he asked me keeping those big, heavy bags on the table. And then I realised that it was Thursday. Guess it could be counted as a weekend. It doesnt matter to me at all as I was just happy that dad was here with me.

"You seem distracted! Dont tell me that you have fallen for someone at school!" he egged me on.

"Hmm! There is someone that I am thinking about now" I told him as blush crept up my cheeks.

"Great news! Love at first sight huh? Care to share it with your dad?" he asked me.

"Dad tell me about how you met mom and when you knew that you had fallen for her" I asked him. I asked him about mom knowing that it was a sensitive topic as far as dad was concerned especially since my mom's death.

"Your mom probably was the most beautiful woman that I had ever met in my life even till now. She was a very vivacious girl and sometimes I have even wondered whether you got your liveliness from her. Although she was vivacious, she had always maintained a sort of shyness when it came to me. Of course who wouldnt get flustered from seeing this face huh?" he chided and I playfully hit him on his arm.

"No doubt that you got your looks from me Siwon. And she was a scholar while I was just average. The first word that she ever spoke to me was "I am sorry" after accidentally spilling her drink on me in the cafeteria during lunch one day. I was entranced by her beauty the moment I set my eyes on her. Of course, since she was pretty, lots of guys had courted her but she had rejected every single one of them. I guess she had her eyes set on me from that moment on. The next was when we were designated as partners for a project. She was quite excited about it and kept on explaining things while I listened on. Days passed by and we both had our first kiss in the school library. It was short and sweet and is still etched firmly on my mind. The next moment I had confessed to her and she accepted. We graduated together and after graduation I had asked her if she would wait for me till I came back after an important assignment in Thailand. And she agreed. Meanwhile she proceeded towards her Masters in Economics and kept herself busy and I was in constant touch with her. I returned from Thailand and went to meet her parents straight away to ask their daughter's hand in marriage. They hesitated at first and so did my parents. Eventually our love for each other won over their hearts and we got married within 4 months. Then two years later we had you and two years after the rest" he narrated his love story but I didnt fail to notice the slight shake in his voice when he concluded his story. Why wouldnt his voice shake? Afterall he did lose the love of his life to cancer. Although I didnt have many memories of my mom I had come to the conclusion that she was an amazing woman from the numerous tales that my dad had told about their school days.

"So I had brought snacks and instant noodles for you. Why dont just the two of us have a nice long father-son chat over dinner huh? Maybe you could tell me about your special person while we are at it!" He said.

"What? Really? You want to know about my special person?" I asked.

"Of course. Its only fair that you give your share of the bargain. You made me retell my entire love story after all. Now spill it" He insisted.

"Um. Ok. But you will be disappointed if I tell you about it though"I insisted.

"Oh come on. Just get on with it. Whats there to lose from sharing it with your dad?" he asked me.

"Well there are two things. One is that, that person doesnt love me back and the next is that, that person is a guy"I told him honestly.

"Well it does happen someti...Wait! What? Are you telling me that...that you..."he hesitated and I took that as a bad sign and already warning signals started flashing all over my mind.

"Yes dad. I am gay and trust me that I was just as surprised as you were when I found out myself. And dad...there is more!" I told him while he remained speechless.

"His name is Cho Kyuhyun. He is the son of the owner of my school and is the President of the Student Council. And he is simply the most beautiful person I have ever met dad. Seriously! I should get the two of you to meet someday"I exclaimed.

Suddenly my dad got up from the couch and headed inside the kitchen. What was that all about? Does that mean that my dad is against me being in love with a guy? I followed him inside the kitchen and found him cracking open two eggs on a pan. I mean what the hell! Here I am getting scared and nervous in telling my story and all my dad could think about was dinner!

"Dad! I am talking to you! Please say something." I pleaded but all he gave was a glare.

"I dont know what to say Siwon seriously. Ignoring all the beautiful girls in your school, you just had to fall for a guy. What more do you have to say to me?" he asked me frustratedly.

"Um! Well there is this fact that he is a drug addict and that I had already kissed him twice." I blurted out in all honesty to my dad while his jaw dropped at my confession. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the eggs burning and immediately turned the stove off, made my dad face me and told him with determination.

"Dad I know that you are clearly disappointed in me right now. But the fact is that I dont know if I could ever look at anyone in the same light as Kyuhyun. You can call it infatuation or whatever you may like! I still dont know if he is a straight guy and I cannot guarantee that he will certainly fall for me but he is all that I think about. He is the last person that I think about before going to bed and the first person while I wake up, he haunts my dreams, he torments my entire being and pushes me to edges of insanity. Its as if the world ceases to exist when I see him. Dad you dont have any idea how painful his life is. I have witnessed it for myself and he takes drugs to relieve him of his stress temporarily. And I simply cant bear to see him in pain and I want to help him in anyway that I can so that he will forget about drugs. Not only that, he is a bundle of talent. He has the most beautiful voice and plays the piano beautifully and is a scholar and a great athlete. I am hopelessly in love with him and I dont think that I can live if I ever saw him in pain. And even if he were to reject me repeatedly, I would like to be by his side as nothing more than his loyal confidante. I would be contented enough to derive happiness from his happiness and well being." I said and took a long breath while my dad stared at me speechlessly.

"Are you sure? I mean about your feelings for him? Because the last thing that I would want is for my son to end up like me. I wouldnt want you to lose the love of your life like I lost your mother" he said and this time it was my turn to be speechless.

"Then. Does that mean that you accept me being gay?" I asked him.

"Well seeing as how you had this spark in your eyes when you told me about it all, I guess I dont have any choice but to give you my blessings. I wouldnt want to see my son unhappy afterall. And about the "gay" part, that might take some time to digest. I am sorry!" he told me.

I was clearly overwhelmed with happiness and so I hugged him and said "Thank you so much dad! I thought you would shun me and my love away. You really scared me"

"You are welcome son. And no I wouldnt shun you away for the world." he told me and both of us had lots of fun chatting away, having dinner and pulling each other's legs.

The weekend passed by quickly as dad and I caught up on some movies, going shopping etc, etc. And I was happy and contented that I had a person like my dad with whom I could share almost everything.

The next day....

Normally people would curse as Monday arrived but I was super thrilled to see none other than the President as I had missed him like crazy over the weekend and also that my duties as the Sports Secretary started from today.

When I opened the door to my classroom, I found Kyuhyun's desk empty and got disappointed. Guess he was gonna take him time in coming to class. I sat at my place and after a few minutes, the door opened and I saw Zhoumi coming in.

"Good morning Siwon! You are early today" he said. I wouldnt get a more perfect opportunity than this to get friendly with him and so I began "Good morning Zhoumi. Ya in fact I always come early to school" I told him.

"Oh! Is that so? Dont tell me its because of Guixian!" he asked me.

"Huh? What? Who is Guixian?" I asked him in return.

"Ha ha! Its Kyuhyun's chinese name. Nothing more."he said cheerfully. Great! He sure is a smilie guy, completely the opposite of that douche-bag aka Changmin.

"Um well..Its..."I stuttered miserably.

"No need to feel so shy. I know you have a thing for him. I mean who wouldnt like him right?" he told me.

"Thats true but how did you know that I loved him?" I asked him curiously.

"Its obvious with the way you look at him, the way you talk to him and such. I wouldnt be surprised if everyone in school knows about it" he chuckled. I shot him a bashful look and ducked my head in embarassment while he laughed out loud.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked him hesitantly.

"You should be more worried about getting mugged by Kyuhyun's and your fans alike from now on"he kept insulting me while I gawked at him.

"What? You didnt realise that there is a fanclub brewing for you too? But of course, you always stay busy admiring Kyuhyun that nothing ever manages to catch your attention. I always manage to hear the girls talking about you and your awesome looks that they practically drool over you. And moreover you are now one of the secretaries of the council. Your popularity is bound to sky-rocket" he said.

"Do you have a fanclub?" I asked him.

"I like remaining modest but since you asked yes I do and its my fans who gave me the nickname "Gentle Mimi". The rest of the council members also have their own fanclubs" he stated.

"What? Really?" I asked him.

"Yes! Yonghwa is a talented guitarist and has his own school band while Changmin is the vocalist of his band. They were born rockstars you know. So its only natural that they have fanclubs of their own. I am a lyricist and I had composed some of their songs. But none of us come even close to how popular Guixian is. He is the super star of our school. Apart from being influential, he is smart, quite helpful, a great athlete, a scholar, a genius and an even more awesome singer. Oops! I wasnt supposed to say the last part" Zhoumi cursed himself.

"No need to panic. I already know that Kyuhyun is a singer so its ok. I accidentally heard him sing in the music room during the first day. I must say that I fell for him instantly after listening to his beautiful voice. But tell me Zhoumi why do you insist on keeping it a secret? It doesnt make any sense why a person would keep his own talents hidden from the world!" I asked him.

But before he could answer that Kyuhyun, Changmin and Yonghwa came in. Seeing them enter, Zhoumi came near me and said "I will tell you everything in time. But for now just lay low. You wouldnt want to blow your chances with Kyuhyun after all right?" and I nodded in agreement. Atleast I was making some progress. I turned around and looked at Kyuhyun and he tentatively glanced towards my direction and then turned away immediately. Aw! Shucks! He is still mad at me!!

Yonghwa came and sat near me and said "Good morning lover boy" and winked at me.

"What kind of a friend are you? You had told me everything about everyone at school yet you never mentioned you being a guitarist! I am pissed off you know" I pouted at him.

"The thing is my best friend! You never asked anything about me. You always only had one thing to ask me and that was about Kyuhyun. So if there was anyone who should be angry, its me!" he told me. And I realised how much of a pathetic being that I have reduced into. Pathetically in love with Cho Kyuhyun.

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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)