Chapter 5

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Siwon's P.O.V

Ah! I am so happy right now that its driving me nuts. Finally I got the chance to be with Kyuhyun all day long. I am sure that he will find my qualifications impressive enough to appoint me as the next Sports Secretary. He wouldnt be able to say no.

Is it alright to be in love with a person that you've hardly known for a couple of days? Will people call me crazy to think about that person each and every second of my life even if the concerned person doesnt give a damn about my existence? Kyuhyun has managed to have a profound influence on me within just two days. I suddenly remembered the way I met him yesterday on my first day of school. Everything about him had me spellbound in a few seconds flat. His big round chocolate orbs, his ever so soft, supple and kissable lips, the smooth and pale expanse of his soft skin, his straight, silky and messy hair, his thin and lanky frame and his golden voice that manages to send shivers down my spine and fill my entire being with a warm feeling.

Sometimes I wonder how could a person with a heartwarming voice like his be so cold and ruthless in real life? There has got to be something major going on in his life thats troubling him somehow. Perhaps thats the reason for his aloofness and for taking drugs. I need to get to the bottom of this before he hurts himself more than he already has. But how? That jerk Changmin has built an invisible and impenetrable wall around Kyuhyun and always sticks with him wherever he goes. And now thanks to the kiss, Changmin hates my guts now and will do whatever it takes to keep me away from Kyuhyun.

Even if I get close to Kyuhyun somehow, how will I get him to open up to me? As far as I have noticed, Kyuhyun always likes keeping things to himself and Yonghwa himself has said it to me. Even if I beg Changmin, he would never tell me anything regarding Kyuhyun's background. That leaves only Zhoumi. Maybe I can get close to him somehow. Afterall according to Yonghwa, he isnt called "Gentle Mimi" for nothing. But I have to be careful not to rush things otherwise there is a possibility of him suspecting my intentions.

But what I dont get is Changmin and Zhoumi have been around Kyuhyun since forever! They are bound to know about Kyuhyun's drug addiction, even then they werent able to do anything to make him withdraw from it. Whatever it is, I can know about everything once I get into the council. Kyuhyun, you better watch out! You can run away from me, but you can never ignore me as things are about to change from tomorrow. My mobile beeped indicating that I had received a text message. It was from Yonghwa reminding me to bring my certificates tomorrow without fail. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting indeed and I want to be at my best to impress Kyuhyun right away. I better be at my best behaviour so that I dont piss him off like I always do.

The next day.....

I got ready, had my breakfast and headed straight for school with the certificates in my hand. I reached school early and thought that I would be the only person in the entire campus until I reached the first floor. I was swept away by the resonating sound of the piano once again and my legs followed the music again on their own accord towards the music room. And there he was again, playing the piano and singing along. I wished that time would stop and that no one existed in this world except for Kyuhyun and I. It was blissful both to look at him and hear him sing. His face seemed to be completely devoid of all sorts of pain and seeing him I thought nothing could ever go wrong. A pure angel who exuded warmth and harmony when he sings and a completely different person who has his heart caged away in the farthest corner!

I heard the music stop and the door opened revealing a visually desirable Kyuhyun stepping out and shooting a glare at me. It took a lot out of me to control my overflowing feeling towards him. If it werent for my self-control I would have just devoured him and taken him there.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" he asked me.

"Trying to find ways to make you mine!" I said teasingly. He shot me an incredulous look and demanded " Then you better not try 'coz its impossible anyway!"

He was about to go away when I extended the certificates in my hand towards him. He stopped in his tracks and asked me "What are these?"

"These are the certificates that you asked for yesterday" I said.

"Keep them with you for now. I will look into them at today's council session. You can come along if you want" he said to me.

"Alright! And thanks for considering me. I didnt think that you would welcome me so soon"I said.

"Hn! Keep dreaming. I am doing this only because there is no time left for electing a Sports Secretary and for the council" he said sarcastically.

"Even so you did consider. And I am sure you will be impressed and appoint me as the Sports Secretary right away. I would be looking forward to working with you for the betterment of the school"I said to him. He started walking towards the classroom and I followed.

"Dont get ahead of yourself. I still havent selected you. Over confident much!" he exclaimed.

"Have I ever told you that you look so beautiful that you almost seem like an angel when you sing?" I asked him.

"Flattery wont get you anywhere Siwon" he told me. This guy is so impossibly stubborn that you cant impress him so easily. Just when we were climbing up the stairs towards our classroom on the second floor, Kyuhyun suddenly stumbled and was about to fall. But I was quick to react and grabbed onto his waist before he hit the ground. He had his eyes closed in fear of getting hurt and his brunette bangs fell over his eyelids delicately. I carefully brushed away his bangs and he opened his eyes gently as he made eye contact with me.

This guy was literally pushing me over the edge of sanity. Just one mild provocative gesture and I might land my lips on his soft ones once again. He placed his hands over my chest to push me away but I could hardly move away from his magnetic personality. I slowly neared him and at one point I could feel his breath fanning my face. "You possibly cant kiss me again. Let me go!" he said and started squirming under my hold. I on the other hand, held his slim waist even tighter and brought his body near mine.

"Why? I cant seem to break free from the spell you've casted on me since the first day. I am head over heals in love with you Kyu and I am surprised that you can even resist my good looks for so long. Anybody would die to be in your place" I confessed again. With a firm push he broke free from my grasp and furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"Ok listen buster! Firstly, you dont know what you are getting into by declaring your so called undying love. Secondly, it takes more than just good looks and constant persuasion to impress me as I am not like everybody else. Thirdly, you dont know me well enough to call me "Kyu". You are to address me as Kyuhyun or President and finally, which part of "Stay away from me" dont you understand? Listen to me carefully and you better listen good. Just back away before your so called "good looking" face becomes hardly recognisable!" he ranted on angrily and headed upstairs leaving me dumbfounded.

Might as well kiss that Sports Secretary post goodbye. I promised myself that I would be at my best behaviour but now I have pissed him off even more. God knows what might happen today!

Yonghwa came and sat beside me and asked "Whats with the long face this morning? Did you bring your certificates?"

"Yes I did! Gosh Yonghwa I am so mortified right now that I cant face him at all"I said and hung my head low. I explained the entire incident and he asked "Jeez! You and your raging hormones! Are you for real Siwon? I mean you hardly know him and you've already professed your love for him. And here I thought that you were a pretty straight guy"

"I dont know anymore. In fact I myself wasnt sure that I was gay until I met him" I declared.

"You are in deep my friend! Neck deep in !" he said jokingly. Changmin chatted away with Kyuhyun during the entire class. Finally it was time for the council session.

Kyuhyun approached me and said "Council room in five" and left with Changmin and Zhoumi in tow. Guess I still get to have a shot at this. Thank god!

Yonghwa placed an assuring hand of his upon my shoulders and said "Just go for it. Everything will be ok" and took me to the council room.

The room had a big round table in the centre surrounded by chairs and a large rack stacked with various files and a lengthy white projector screen hung over one of the walls. It was like any other classroom to me. I stepped inside and Yonghwa offered me a seat. I handed over the certificates to Kyuhyun and immediately his eyebrows knit together in concentration as he glanced over the papers. After discussing something over with Changmin he finally spoke "You do boast quite an impressive resume, you have been the Sports Secretary, the captain of the Basket ball team etc,etc. But.."

"But? But what? I didnt know there was a "but" clause anywhere!" I asked nervously.

"You need to prove yourself. How about a race? With me? Just one shot"he asked me.

"What? You seriously wanna race? I didnt know that you were athletic!" I said.

"Looks can be deceiving but Kyuhyun is the fastest runner there is and if you can defeat him, you are in"Changmin said and Zhoumi acknowledged his decision by nodding his head.

"Just give it a shot Siwon."Yonghwa demanded.

"Alright! Since you insist I will do it. Game on!" I said and got up to get ready for the race.

Upon reaching the race track, Kyuhyun removed his overcoat and neck tie and loosened the top two buttons of his shirt and rolled up his long sleeves. He began warming up and Changmin and Zhoumi were helping him. I did the same and asked Yonghwa to take care of my belongings.

Kyuhyun and I stood beside each other and shook hands. The race course was 400 m long and the objective was to complete a single lap. We got ready and shot off as soon as Changmin blew the whistle. I was the champion in my school when it came to races but never in my life have I ever met someone worthy of a challenge like Kyuhyun. Hate to say it but he is exceptional. This guy probably was good in everything that he laid his hands on. But I simply refuse to accept defeat and I am gonna prove it to him that I am worthy.

I picked up pace and both of us were neck to neck. When we were about to reach the finish line, I sensed him slowing down considerably but my momentum made me cross the finish line and I won the race. It was an exhilarating experience. Just when I was about to head towards Yonghwa and celebrate my win, Changmin and Zhoumi along with Yonghwa called out Kyuhyun's name panicking like crazy. Only then did I notice by turning around that the person that I loved the most was lying down on the ground unconscious. His white uniform shirt now browned at the front due to the dirt. Changmin carried him in his arms and rushed towards the infirmary while the three of us followed.

At the infirmary...

The doctor examined him carefully and said that he had not been eating properly and was suffering from dehydration. He said that he needed rest for a few days and prescribed him a list of medicines to take to recover and even said that he could leave for home as soon as he regained consciousness. While Changmin and Zhoumi had gone to purchase medicines, Yonghwa said that he had to get home soon and he left leaving me with a serenely sleeping Kyuhyun. His long and thick eyelashes brushed over the tiny mole under his right eye. And I found it extremely adorable. He was sleeping so peacefully and I couldnt bare to realise that he had a tremendously weak body for an athlete. He stirred lightly and his eyes fluttered open.

"You are awake. I was worried sick! How do you feel right now?" I asked him.

That earned me a scoff. Instead of replying to me he asked me "Where are Changmin and Zhoumi?"But before I could answer that both of them returned with the medicine.

"How do you feel now Kyu?" Zhoumi asked him.

"I am fine. I think I should go home now. Its just the fatigue. I havent run in a long time afterall"he said and was about to get up when Changmin insisted that he stay put on the bed for a while.

"Sooo....I guess I lost the race and the SS post"I exclaimed and looked at Kyuhyun who let out an exasperated sigh.

After thinking deeply he said "You can join the council from tomorrow."

"But Kyu are you sure? I mean you were sick so the results of this race probably dont count" Changmin stated.

"You are right but he was close. And so he is worthy and besides we wouldnt be able to find anyone who fits the post more than Siwon" Kyuhyun stated

"But I thought that..." I said while Zhoumi added "Just consider yourself lucky. If Kyu had been in form you wouldnt have had a chance of winning"

"Thank you so much. I will make sure not to disappoint you" I said to them and thought of all the wonderful moments that were yet to follow.


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)