Chapter 25

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Kyuhyun's P.O.V


I had the pocket knife in my hand. And approached my wrist to slash it and end it all once and for all. But then I thought about how Siwon had taken so much effort into bringing me out of self-mutilation. Suddenly I thought...Was everything worth it? If I do this now, wouldnt I be inflicting life long pain to my mom, Jino and Siwon? I know that they wouldnt be able to handle things if I committed suicide. And I wouldnt want that to happen! I gently let the pocket knife drop to the floor with a loud clang. Then I heard all sorts of noises downstairs. Sudden rushing of people, their footsteps, and then I decided to have a look outside.


I unlocked the door and headed outside. I heard voices of men commanding the butlers and the maids to stay still and not leave the premises till the interrogation was over. As I thought of heading downstairs to have a closer look, I happened to pass by my dad's room the door to which was ajar. I thought of taking a look inside and opened it fully to let myself in. The sight that I met with the next moment drained all the blood from my face. I stood still as I witnessed my dad's body lying limp in a pool of blood on the floor. I stepped closer and found a kitchen knife planted firmly on his back. Slumping to the floor, I sat down heavily and kept looking at the corpse without bearing any sort of feeling.


Siwon's P.O.V


As soon as Yeon Hee was taken away by the Inspector, Hyun Seung came towards us and said "I ...I guess I should be sorry for everything. I wanna say just one thing. I never had anything personal against Kyuhyun hyung and tried everything to earn his respect but I had no choice. My mom was way too imposing and just wanted to make me the heir at all costs. Greed clouded her rationality. And it was time she learned her lesson however hard way thats gonna take!"


"I am happy to know that you are not blindly taking your mother's side in this" I said.


"So, what are you gonna do now?" Changmin said.


"Well...I wanna take some time off from everything. Head back to Taiwan and probably have a fresh start. After all there is our MNC that badly needs revival."he said.


"Anyway we better go Changmin. Lets check up on Kyu!" I said and dashed inside while Changmin followed. All the butlers and maids were made to stand in a line while the Inspector carried on with basic investigation. We excused ourselves from him and headed upstairs towards Kyu's room but we found it empty. Goodness gracious! Now where has he gone to? I started to panic and beads of sweat formed on my forehead.


"Siwon dont worry! He must be here somewhere! Lets search" he said. We searched the common balcony, his bathroom and his closet. Nothing! He clearly wasnt in his room at all. We then headed outside and heard someone sobbing gently from inside his dad's room. The sight that lay before us when we stepped into his dad's room clearly knocked the wind out of our system. Changmin immediately ran outside to let the officials know and left me standing there looking blankly at the dead body of Mr.Cho lying on the floor and Kyuhyun sitting beside him sobbing and clutching his hair. I saw a knife that was embedded on his back and the wound was still bleeding profusely.


Dear god! I cant believe....Mr.Cho...has been ...murdered....I've got to take Kyuhyun away from here.....NOW!


I crouched down beside Kyuhyun and whispered "Kyu! Sweetheart?? Just get" He faced me with his bloodshot and tear laden eyes and said " mm...murd...murdered himm"


The Inspector came rushing inside the room with a horde of other personnel and demanded me to take Kyuhyun away from there. I gently lifted him from the floor and supported his weight on myself while Changmin made him sit on the couch. He clutched his head and sobbed uncontrollably while I hugged him tightly and brought his head closer to my chest. When he was offered a glass of water to drink and calm himself down, he refused it as well.


"Shhh! Kyu! Please dont cry! I wont let anything happen to you! I promise!"I mouthed words of comfort as tears made their way from my eyes. his hair gently and hugging him tightly I continued saying soothing words although it didnt make much of an improvement. I know that this is a trying time for him and the least thing that I could do is be with him and give him moral support. After hours, he finally managed to cry himself to sleep. I made him lay his head on my lap and Changmin was busy narrating the entire tragedy that happened in the Cho residence to Zhoumi and Yonghwa. I saw the forensic experts taking away Mr.Cho's body to the morgue while my dad came upstairs and sat down infront of me.


"He has gone through a lot at such a young age! How awful!" he said in a hushed voice not to wake Kyu up.


"Hmm. I know. It gives me all the more reason to be with him at all times dad. I hope you realise why I simply cant let go of him" I said as I shifted my gaze from the sleeping face of Kyuhyun to face my dad.


"I was wrong. I was selfish! I didnt want to lose you like I lost your mom. And now I am happy to know that you went out of your way to help him out!" my dad said sincerely.


"Hm! Funny how the love that parents have for their children can turn fatal at times. Yeon Hee made the biggest mistake of her life for the sake of her son, Mr.Cho kept Kyuhyun all to himself in view of making him the heir and though unconventionally, he loved him with all his heart." I said.


"Being in love has made you quite insighful I see!" he claimed.


"Well its not only love dad! I realised that its just a way of life! Its how we take that one step that would probably make the much needed difference!" I said and he nodded in agreement.


"I am proud of you today! You didnt give up and didnt even flinch for a second" he said.


"Well! I am your son after all! And honestly if it hadnt been for you arranging for Mr.Lee in time, this wouldnt have been possible! So thanks dad" I told and felt Kyuhyun fidget slightly on my lap.


He blinked his eyes a few times and then looked up at me while a single tear dropped from his eye. I gently wiped away the lone tear with the back of my hand and said "Hey Kyu! Just go back to sleep. I'll wake you up later"


He gently shook his head in disagreement and lifted himself off my lap and sat up straight on the couch. He buried his grief stricken face into the palm of his hands and said "Its all my fault! I shouldnt have been harsh on him all the time!I shouldnt have been on the pursuit of revenge from him! I should have just listened to him and he would have been alive right now!"


Placing my hands on his shoulder, I said "Kyu! Dont blame yourself. It was all Yeon Hee's fault. And now she is gonna pay for her crimes inside jail!"


He refused to listen and so I made him look at me. "Kyu! You shouldnt be the one to break down now! Instead, you should be the one giving strength and support to your mom and Jino. And you should know that every one of us is proud of you here. If it hadnt been for your hacking, your CCTV footage, we wouldnt have been able to nab Yeon Hee at all. She would have gotten away with everything right under our noses! Unknowingly much, you had already claimed revenge from the root cause of all your troubles. Yeon Hee and her allies are behind bars for eternity thanks to you! However much we regret the loss of your father, just consider that it had to happen one day and move on! Take your time and think about how you will rise from this tragedy and I will be with you always, guiding you in the right path!"


"He is right Kyuhyun! In fact even I wouldnt have put it through to you any better than him. It is time for you to take a stand" my dad agreed with me.


"Alright! Now can we have Mr.Cho Kyuhyun give his statement if he is ready?" the Inspector asked us. Kyuhyun then immediately forced himself to gain composure and headed downstairs to give his statement. After the enquiry was done, Mr Lee told us that Kim Yeon Hee would be booked under charges of extortion, murder and illegal possession of property and would face a life imprisonment. Being contended with the magnitude of punishment she was about to get, Changmin said "Siwon, I think it would be best if Kyu stayed the night with you. Its already late as it is and I wouldnt want to upset his mom this late at night! We can tell her everything tomorrow morning!"


I said "Agreed! Come home with me Kyu. You cant stay here as they have marked this place off limits."


"I guess you are right!" he said nothing more and headed towards my car and made himself comfortable inside it. I followed suit with my dad and Changmin towards the car. All the while, he didnt speak a word and I gave him space considering all that had happened tonight. I dropped Changmin off at his house and then my dad said that he would be going back to his apartment after dropping Kyuhyun and I at my apartment house.


"Alright Siwon-ah! I'll be on my way now. Take care of him."he said and I agreed and took him upstairs. I made him sit on my bed while I sat down on a chair in front of him. He refused to look into my eyes and continued to stare down at the floor.


"Kyu! Whats wrong? Say something sweetheart. I cant see you broken like this. Please!" I said while my arms held him tightly on his sides.


" head is pounding! Can I get an aspirin please?" he asked me. "Oh! Of course...Just wait here.." and went in search of aspirin in one of the kitchen counters. A minute later, I brought the medicine along with a glass of water. I saw him sitting on my bed in a curled up position supporting his head on his knees. I neared him and gave him the medicine while he took it and popped it in his mouth.


"You take rest on my bed. I will sleep on the couch tonight. Alright!" I said and got up. Suddenly a hand stopped me from leaving.


"Won....stay..please. I need you beside me...tonight!" he said. As much as I had wanted to give him all the space he needed tonight, I had to oblige as I couldnt see him suffer any more. So instead of leaving, I sat down beside him while he looked at me with his doe eyes that seemed too tired from all the crying. His nose and cheeks were flushed red. Staring deep into his orbs, I held his cheeks gently and pressed a chaste kiss on his ruby red lips. I pulled back immediately and said "I wont go. I will stay by your side tonight"


He seemed to have calmed down considerably and fell asleep beside me while I hugged him by his waist and drew him closer to me. Pressing a light kiss onto the back of his head I decided to get some shut eye myself.


The next day....


I woke up and searched for the familiar warmth beside me but was met with a cold and a rather empty bed. Squinting my eyes and blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light creeping inside my bedroom, I looked around whipping my head to and fro. Suddenly I heard the door to my bathroom getting unlatched as it revealed a gorgeous and a rather wet Kyuhyun stepping out from it dabbing his wet strands of hair with one of my towels while another one covered his lower body. Gulping down the saliva that accumulated inside my mouth I cursed at myself mentally for getting shamelessly aroused first thing in the morning and especially at a time like this. He smiled at me gently as his eyes made contact with mine and began searching for clean laundry from my wardrobe.


"Ugh! Good morning Kyu!" I muttered as I rose from bed.


"Good morning Won" he said and I didnt fail to notice his apparently pleasant tone of voice.


"Um..How do you feel today sweetheart?" I asked while he replied "Much better...And Won you need not be so fidgety around me. I...*sigh* am ok. Really!"


Wearing my T-shirt and jeans that were a size too large for him, he settled down on one of the chairs and faced me while I sat back down on my bed. He seemed like he was deep in thought supporting his chin on his arm.


"What are you thinking about Kyu? What do you plan on doing?" I asked him.


"Well.....what do you think I should do now Won?" he asked me back and I was suddenly taken off guard. Staring at him incredulously I said "What? How could I possibly tell you to do anything? I dont have a clue"


"I have one...but I am afraid you wont like it" he said and that confused me. What was he trying to say? What's he thinking of doing?


I urged him to go on and he sighed heavily and looked at me with firm conviction gleaming from his eyes. "I am thinking of going to London with mom and Jino immediately after my dad's funeral."


Now that certainly hit me like a bolt of lightning straight through my body. I stood up, flailed my arms as words ceased to form on my tongue and raked my hair a couple times from disbelief. He is thinking of leaving me behind? Why Kyu?


"See...Thats why I asked you to give me advice 'coz I know that my decision wont go down well with you!" he said and stood up as well.


"But Kyu! Why? And what about High school? You still havent graduated. There are still two whole freaking months for it to end! Cant you wait till then?" I asked with utter desperation as even the mere thought of Kyuhyun going away was devastating.


"So many grave things have happened Won. I cant surely continue to stay in that house while thoughts of my dad keep haunting me for the rest of my life." he said and held me to calm me down.


"If thats the case then you can move in with me. I wont mind!" I said.


"Won, you dont understand! Thats not the only case here....I.... want to take some time off from everything...I wanna move out of here with my family just to clear my mind so that I can think things through without haste.."he said


"What about me Kyu? Have you ever thought of me? About us??" I said dejectedly.


"Come here you big baby!" he demanded and I obliged. He hugged me tightly in his arms. "Me going to London has nothing to do with our relationship! Like I said before, I love you and only you and I am sure that if the feeling is strong, our relationship can survive even the longest of distances. But you have to understand that I need to do this if you ever wanna see my succeed in life. You do want me to succeed right?" he said questioningly.


"Of course sweetheart I do want you to scale the heights of glory. And I guess I have no choice but to put faith in our love since you have already made up your mind to leave. But promise me that you will call me, send emails and video chat on Skype every weekend." I demanded.


"I promise Won....And I wanna tell you something else" he said. I urged him to continue and he said "You know when my dad wanted to send me off to London, I even thought of putting an end to everything right then. But I just couldnt go on 'coz I wouldnt be able to see you hurt and that stopped me, you know!"


As much as I shuddered at the thought of Kyuhyun attempting something as grave as suicide, I was relieved that he had the will power to fight it out instead of going forward with it. Tears formed in my eyes sub-consciously as I pulled him closer to me by his waist while the other hand found its way around the nape of his neck. Both our eyes locked and gazed at each other while we felt the distance between us getting smaller and smaller. Until I felt our noses touching and our breaths mingling with one another, I held him closer like this and said "You are the most beautiful person I've ever met and I love you Cho Kyuhyun, with all my heart and soul"


Then the remaining miniscule distance between us faded away as both our lips locked in the most fervent and passionate kiss ever. His hands gripped my shoulder for support and made their way up towards the nape of my neck while the other messed up my hair while one of my hands travelled down from his waist and settled on one of his cheeks. I simply couldnt get enough of him at this moment and the thought of him leaving just made matters worse. I felt my senses being over powered by strong possessiveness for the most priceless possession of mine. I , and bit down on his pair of plump lips and asked for entrance into his hot cavern. He consented to my action and welcomed my hot and probing tongue into his sweet mouth. The abuse on his lips was long forgotten and I ducked my head and began devouring his beautiful long neck that smelled of fresh soap and aftershave and I found it quite addictive and arousing. After marking him in a few places, I heard him say something unintelligible. I lifted my head up to listen to what he was saying.


"Wonnie....As much as I am dying to make love to you....I cant do it coz of the funeral later this evening and I need to start with the  preparations for it." he said breathlessly.


"I'll come with you then.." I offered and he nodded in agreement. We along with Changmin, who joined us a while later, went to meet Kyu's mom and break this devastating news to her. She was quite shocked and almost collapsed from it while Kyuhyun held her securely in his arms. Her cries of grief broke us from the inside and we did whatever we could to provide her with the emotional support that she badly needed. Barely hanging on to herself, she called up a few of her close friends and broke this news to them. Fortunately Jino wasnt at home when all this happened but he had to know about this as soon as he came back from school. We booked a prayer hall for the ceremony and then the downtown cemetery where the funeral proceedings would take place later in the evening. His dad's body made its way to the prayer hall locked securely inside a coffin. Zhoumi, Yonghwa, Jonghyun, Minho and some of the students and teachers of our school had come to pay their last respects. Kyuhyun was dressed in an immaculate three piece suit and held his calm until the end of the ceremony. A moment later I saw my dad making his way inside the hall. He carried with him a wreath of fresh white blossoms and paid his last respects to Mr.Cho and stood beside me.


"I hope he realises now how foolish he had been to have trusted that woman and for having left me fending for myself and my family! But Young Hwan, I would be lying if I said that I had moved on because I've always loved you no matter how disloyal you were to me. May your soul rest in peace, my love" Mrs.Cho said and broke down in Kyu's arms once again and he held her steadily. It was almost time for burial and Kyuhyun asked Changmin to go and fetch Jino from school and come straight to the cemetery. We moved the coffin inside the large Limo that they had provided us with and rode off towards the cemetery.


The priest precided over the last rites before lowering the coffin in the pit. By that time, Changmin arrived with Jino and we told him about the entire incident. While he had always resented his dad for having been so cruel to them from the start, not even he was able to handle the apparent grief that made its way through his eyes in the form of tears. He tightly hugged Kyuhyun while Kyuhyun mouthed words of comfort to calm him down. The coffin was lowered and in no time it was buried, forever in the memory of Cho Young Hwan.


My dad said that the trial was going on for Yeon Hee and that she wouldnt be able to influence even the greatest of the political powers to bail her out from this criminal offense. It was quite a relief for us to hear that she was getting the punishment of such huge magnitude for her evil deeds. Kyuhyun moved all his stuff from his house that beheld so many of his bittersweet memories and decided to move in with his mother and his younger brother. He had also relieved all of the butlers and maids off their current jobs and said that he would contact them and avail their services when he needed them and booked three tickets on the afternoon flight for London the following day.


While I drove him to his mother's house along with his stuff, he sat beside me and noticed the limited edition wrist watch given to me by my grandfather for my birthday.


"This looks so gorgeous and priceless Siwon. When did you get this?" he asked me.


"Oh this! This is a family heirloom gifted by my maternal grandfather who lives in the country-side for my birthday this year. Honestly, I wanted to show it to you but so much happened within a short span that it kinda slipped from my mind!" I said.


"I see..No biggie..Better be careful with it since its an heirloom!" he said and looked out on the road.


"Kyu! What have you planned to do once you get to London?" I asked him. He snapped out of his thoughts, paused for a while and said "I have decided to rent out my house as soon as its ready for an occupant, hand over the control of the high school to the government and with the rest of the money, complete the construction of the university that my dad worked so hard for, cancel the affiliation with Yeon Hee's MNC and demand a hefty sum as compensation for the damages, pursue music in the London School of Music and Arts, open a chain of Music schools after my graduation, take care of Jino's higher education, do some research on how to handle my dad's business successfully and hopefully revive the lost pride."


"Whew! Thats a lot of things to do. Which means I wont get to see you in atleast five or six years, am I right?" I asked in a sad tone.


"I am sorry....But believe me Won you dont know how much I am dying inside for leaving you like this..."he defended himself.


"Hey! Its...its perfectly fine. Though I would be lying if I said I was ok with sending you off, I dont have a choice but to have trust in our relationship. And so I will wait.....I will work hard for the University entrance exams, pursue medicine in the country's best med school, become a successful doctor and manage my dad's chain of hospitals and pharmaceuticals. I will keep myself busy as much as I can so that I wouldnt know how time would fly by and then one fine day you would be standing before me welcoming me into your warm embrace. Years would pass by and I wont even know about it"


We reached his mom's house where Mrs.Cho was busy packing stuff up and readying them for tomorrow. I helped him unload his stuff from my car and placed them inside his house. Mrs.Cho offered me dinner tonight but I excused myself as I had to go home early tonight. Before leaving Kyuhyun and I stood outside as the cold wind played with our hair. I saw him flinch slightly as the cold wind grazed his skin and so I offered him my coat. Draping it over his shoulder, I held his hands and started his fingers gently causing friction to warm them up. He smiled gently and locked his eyes onto mine one last time. Feeling tears pricking my eyes, I hung my head low refusing to meet his eyes.


"Do..Dont look at me like that. I cant say goodbye to you if you continue looking at me with those eyes of yours!" I said as I felt him step closer to me and embrace me for the last time.


"Siwon stop being so difficult! And you did say that you would send me off tomorrow right? Everything is gonna be ok"he said and tightened his hold on me while my tears fell freely from my eyes.


"Why dont you save him the trouble and hang out with him tonight? Cant you see how much he is suffering Kyukyu?" his mother's voice echoed from inside the house.


She came outside with Jino and said "Just enjoy your last night with him.....Go out on a date or whatever and dont you come back home so soon" I glanced over at Jino and he gave me a thumbs up in response. Smiling from ear to ear, I pulled him inside the car and thanked his mom for giving me permission to have Kyu all to myself tonight. He stared at me smirking slightly and poked my dimples and said "You, your cheesiness and your goddamn deep dimples always enable you to have your way, dont they?"


"Well you cant blame me....So tell me my love, name the place where you wanna go and I am at your command to take you there!" I made a request.


"Anywhere you want! There is nothing that we should be afraid of now afterall!" he said and flashed his most gorgeous smile at me.

A/N..Whew! Almost 5000 words of pure filler...I wanted to continue but it was getting awfully lenghthy...And so you guys are in luck! Coz I have decided to end it with an epilogue chapter....So stay tuned...Thank you to all of you wonderful friends and fanfic enthusiasts for having subscribed to my very first venture into asianfanfics and for all your wonderful feebacks and comments...Trust me I have gone through each and every comment that this story has received so far and have taken them all in my stride to better my style of writing for the upcoming fics that I would be writing. It really means a lot guys seriously! And I sincerely would like to apologise for the sloppy writing if any at any point in the story that would have irked my readers and raised confusion!!! I hope you would continue to support my story and subscribe to my next one which would go on floors by god knows when! Hopefully it would be soon...hopefully! Thank you guys once again and a sincere request to all my readers to leave your final thoughts on how you felt reading my creation in the comment box....Pwetty pwease with a cherry on top!  *shooting my best aegyo* A big sarangheyo to all my lovelies....Be happy!!!..*mwah*



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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)