Chapter 23

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Siwon's P.O.V


I woke up to the warm and welcoming rays of the morning sun creeping in through the window of my cozy bedroom. Snuggled close to my body lies the love of my life sleeping soundly letting out gentle, almost inaudible snores. Oh! What did I do to deserve to see this amazing spectacle first thing in the morning! The sight of my sweetheart sleeping beside me resisted me from moving away from my bed. And so I lied down on one side facing him. A smile worked its way upon my lips sub-consciously as I let my fingers roam around his gorgeous face as he scrunched his eyebrows lightly.


How cute! I would give up anything to be tied down to him for eternity. Gosh! I love him sooooo much....


My hands brushed away a few stray strands of hair that rested on his forehead and tucked those lenghthy strands behind his ears. Then I let my arm rest on his hips while he had his legs and arms around my body. It seemed like my gentle would have probably disturbed his sleep, hence he turned away from me and continued sleeping facing the other side. I straddled him and hugged him from behind and placed butterfly kisses on his back, shoulder and neck. He finally showed signs of waking up and squirmed against my advances.


"Tsk...Let me sleep Siwon" he mumbled cutely in his morning voice.


"Sorry sweetheart...Its almost 6:00 in the morning. You need to get ready and go back home. We have school later today..remember?" I said while nibbling on his soft ear lobe.


"You sure are eager to send me back to that hell hole!"he said with his eyes still closed.


Tightening my hold around his waist, I said " Thats not true Kyu! If I could keep you snuggled in my arms like this forever, I would but..."


He interrupted in between and said "I know I know! I was just pulling your leg!" Then he turned towards me and locked his eyes with mine. His gaze bore anxiety and a sudden nervousness that disturbed me a little. Placing my hand on his cheeks, I asked him "Whats wrong? Why the long face all of a sudden?"


"I..I really hope Changmin can arrange a criminal lawyer as soon as possible. We have to file a case against her before things get out of hand." he said and clutched my hand in return.


"I agree! And I am sure Changmin would have come up with something by now. Dont worry, everything will be alright!" I assured him while he smiled gently. Dragging my hand away from his face, he got up from bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. After a while, he dressed himself up in his yesterday's uniform and proceeded to leave while I got dressed up myself.


"Alright! I'll see you later at school" he said and headed for the front door. Grabbing his hand and pulling him towards me before he went out, I whispered gently "By the way, thank you for your surprise. I loved your gift" and smirked. He stared at me incredulously and poked my dimples with his fingers.


"Ha! Anytime Won...." and he brushed his lips slightly with mine before leaving.


While I got ready for school, I received a call from my dad. I wondered why he would be calling me at such rush hour! Picking it up, I answered it.


"Siwon-ah! We need to talk...I am coming there now" he said in a stern voice. This was the first time in my life that my dad sounded so grim to me and I couldnt say anything but agree silently before hanging up.


Kyuhyun's P.O.V


While driving back home, I got a call from dad. Hesitating to pick up, I let my phone ring till he disconnected the call himself. A few minutes later, Changmin called me and I picked up.


"Hello! Kyu...I've shown the emails, pictures and the CCTV footage to my dad and he said that he would consult someone from the criminal and research wing to have a closer look at this. I am sorry but that would take another three or four days atleast. Is that ok with you?"


"Well it cant be helped Chwang! I guess I'll have to wait then. Anyway thanks for helping buddy. It means a lot" I said.


"Hey enough with the overflowing gratitude already! And by the way, why do I hear cars honking around you? Are you driving?" he asked me.


"Ugh! Yeah actually I am driving back home from Siwon's house" I said.


"From Siwon's house? That means....Did you stay over at his place yesterday night? Did you any chance...??" Changmin stuttered while I clearly understood what he was coming at. Faking a cough I said "Ugh! I...I will ssee 'ya later!" and hung up without saying a word more.


I reached my house at about 7 in the morning. I parked the car and headed inside but didnt fail to notice the angry stares of my father in the living room. Shooting him a glare, I trudged upstairs towards my room and found Kim Yeon Hee smirking at me. Getting annoyed of the people in my house, I tried ignoring it but something was a miss. Why do I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen? I felt rather uneasy but thought that I would be able to let the uneasiness fade away by taking a nice, hot bath and get ready for school. Getting dressed up, I headed downstairs and noticed my butler getting certain things packed in a suitcase in a hurry.


I got curious and asked my dad "Whats all this packing for? Are you moving away or something?"


From behind I heard Yeon Hee respond to me instead of my dad, who was sitting on the living room couch. "Its not your dad who is moving away my dear! Its you"


"Ha! What nonsense? If there is anyone who should be shipped somewhere far off, its you! You pathetic leech!" I hollered at her.


"THATS ENOUGH!" my dad yelled and stood up from the couch in anger. He neared me and gave a tight slap across my left cheek that sent me crashing onto the floor. Feeling the sting from his slap lingering on my cheek and a narrow stream of blood seeping from the corner of my lips, I brought my hand up to wipe it away and stood up with a dumbfounded expression facing him. That snapped my patience that I had with my dad for so long. I couldnt control my emotions any longer as I stood up suddenly and charged at him for hurting the wrong person. The butler and the other house keepers pulled me back from landing a punch or two on him.


"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? YOU TRUST HER MORE THAN YOUR OWN BLOOD!" I yelled at him at the top of my voice that resonated throughout the house.


"Yes I do! I trust her more than I would ever trust a filthy son of a like you, you worthless, ungrateful prick!" he said. Now normally his harsh derogatory remarks wouldnt make much impact on me but after a long time, I cringed and flinched at those venomous words that I got to hear.


What could have possibly gone wrong? Why was he behaving so strangely? And why does he wanna send me away?


Seeing my bewildered state, Kim Yeon Hee threw a few photos in front of me on the coffee table. And the next moment, my whole body went numb. My eyes went wide with shock upon seeing pictures of Siwon and I being close and intimate with each other.


"Whats the matter? Too tongue tied to even defend yourself? This is just the teaser....Hyun Seung-ah???" she called out for her son while he brought a polythene cover containing something.


Grabbing a hold on something from inside the cover, she pulled it out and held it in her hands for me to see. If those photos were enough to make my eyes go wide, the current scenario had me freeze over entirely. Those were my anti-addiction pills. So she ransacked my room in my absence??


How could she have possibly known about my drug addiction? I thought I made sure not to leave any trace of evidence!! Glancing at the cluelessly standing Hyun Seung, I got my answer!


So Yeon Hee had planned this all along! She had her son keep a close watch on me to expose my weaknesses...Well played Yeon Hee...Well played...I guess you won....Mom, Jino, Siwon I failed all you guys...yet again! Please forgive me....


"Since when? You were taking drugs? And you're in relationship with a guy? YOU'RE A BLOODY GAY!!!" he yelled at me. And defending myself cant be possible at this point, I did the only thing logical. I confessed!


"HELL! YES....I AM A BLOODY GAY....AND I WAS A DRUG ADDICT....WAS....I...I have gotten over it now!" I said exasperatedly while he hissed in response.


"Oh really! Now that you have explained yourself regarding your secret to explain your purpose of hacking into your father's account and trying to transfer the money to an unknown account?" she interrogated.


"What? What are you talking about? Just because I dont have anything to defend myself with, it doesnt mean you can keep putting the blame on me for unfair reasons, you hear me!" I seethed anger.


"Then have a look at this! AND EXPLAIN RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" my dad demanded and handed over a piece of paper to me. Upon going through the contents of the paper, my hands shook and my breath hitched at my throat. Words ceased to escape my mouth as I noticed the IP address to my laptop getting tracked by the intelligence department claiming that I had illegally hacked into my dad's bank account to withdraw money. My hands shook and the paper fell to the floor.


"I wanted you to become my successor and carry on the legacy but here you are going against my word attempting everything in your power to defame me! How could you have even thought of betraying me?" my dad asked and for the first time in my life I sensed pain in his tone.


"Dad...I didnt think I would say this to you but I am sorry for keeping you away from my addiction and my relationship with Siwon. But I .....I..swear ...I have no clue about the hacking...please believe me!Its all her doing. She would have probably hacked into it using my laptop when I wasnt at home!" I sighed defeatedly.


"I am done believing you. It was my fault for leaving you to live on your own terms for so long. So I am reigning you in from now. I am gonna be sending you away to London tonight for a year under my collegue's tutelage. You will obey my word and take up business administration there in the finest business school. No matter what you say or do to escape this fate of yours, I'll make sure you change your mind and make you step into my shoes when the time comes." he said.


"What? London? Tonight? You cant possibly send me away now? What about school? I cant leave .......Siwon" I said while my knees gave way and I slumped to the floor.


"If you love him so much, you must learn to give up your love for him for the sake of his safety Kyuhyun."Yeon Hee said.


"Safety? You ! What did you do to Siwon?" I yelled at her.


"Now now. No need to get harsh on your step mom. I just spoke to his dad, Kiho and let him in on the details that his son was teaming up with you in hacking and extorting information from both our email IDs. It was a good thing I had Hyun Seung keep an eye on him at school! I told him that his son would face serious consequences and would immediately get rusticated so that he wouldnt even be able to transfer to any school in the country for that matter!But I refrained from doing that and warned his father that if his son were to even think about such a criminal activity I wouldnt think twice before handing him over to the police. And you wouldnt want us to take this so called "punishment" to your boyfriend to that level would you?" she told me.


"If you dont want him in trouble, you will do as I say and leave for London tonight!" my dad said.


"I cant believe you are siding with her! Cant you see how she has manipulated you? She is the one responsible for everything dad! She has even planned to kill you for her benefit" I said.


"You insolent brat! How dare you accuse me of such treason to your dad?"she yelled at me while my dad said nothing against her and silently went into his room.


This is it? Yeon Hee finally put an end to me?.....If only I had not involved Siwon in this! If only I had sensed everything right from the start...! I guess I am forever condemned to a miserable life.....


Picking up myself slowly from the floor, I felt every ounce of energy drained away from me. On the way to my room, I noticed Hyun Seung staring at me with a sullen expression. Ignoring his pathetic face, I made my way upstairs and locked the door to my room tight from the inside. Crashing hard on the bed I cried....I cried till my eyes stung, till my lungs collapsed, my head pounded and till I felt there were no more tears left for me to shed. My body finally gave way for darkness to engulf me.


Siwon....I...Sorry to ....let you down...I love you and forever will but now....I must let you go.....I cant afford to let...anything you..


And then everything went dark as my eyelids drew to a close and I drowned to the depths of despair.


Siwon's P.O.V


My dad arrived shortly and sat down beside me. The expression on his face suggested that something was bothering him. Urging him to speak up, I said "Whats wrong dad? Something's been eating you, I can tell"


Sighing heavily, he faced me and said "Siwon! I am 100% sure that you would hate me if I say this but I am in such a fix right now that I have to demand this from you at any cost"


"Ah! Come on dad. I know you better than that. You wouldnt hurt my feelings. Now tell me whats wrong, I am getting late for school!" I urged him some more.


After a dramatic pause for a few seconds, my dad stood up from the couch and said facing away from me. "I want you to promise me to let go of Kyuhyun and that you would break up with him."


"What? Did I just hear you asking me to forget about Kyu? I dont understand why you're doing this! I thought you had no issues in our relationship" I defended.


"Siwon I received a call from Mrs. Yeon Hee last night and she said that you had hacked into her account. She said that she wouldnt approve of your relationship and wanted me to persuade you to give up on Kyuhyun. She hoped to rusticate you but was magnanimous enough to retract all charges against you. You have to understand the fact that we are not as powerful as they are Siwon-ah. I might be a businessman but I value my only son's life more than mine. Please dont object to this son. Please do this for me!" he said.


Just what is it that I am hearing? My dad....telling me to give up on Kyu? He knows..that I wouldnt have the strength to continue living...without Kyuhyun! This cant be happening!


I confronted him and said "You can ask me to give up on anything dad but I am sorry, I cant leave him. I love him so much to leave him hanging at this point. And as far as Kim Yeon Hee is concerned, you dont have to worry about her. Changmin has agreed to consult with his father and slap a case against her for all the cruel things that she has done to Kyuhyun and his family. For all these years, I have blindly agreed to every word of yours dad. This time let me make my own decisions for a change. Although it hurts me to know that even you can be influenced easily by others!" and left him standing in the living room alone. I headed outside not wanting to continue this conversation any further and rushed to school to inform this to Kyuhyun.


Upon reaching school, I rushed towards the council room and found every one of the council members except Kyuhyun and that made me panic.


"Good morning Siwon! You seem like you are looking for someone!" Yonghwa asked me.


"Hasnt Kyu come to school yet?" I asked in a hurry. "No! In fact his dad said that he wouldnt be able to make it today. Its strange how his phone is out of reach as well. I got tired of trying for his number so many times" Changmin said to me.


What? But he told me clearly that he would meet me at school today. And why was his phone out of reach? Dear god, I sure hope he is safe!


"Guys, I think something is wrong! Kyuhyun wouldnt avail leave at such a short notice! And I have something to tell all of you" I told them the entire incident that happened with my dad earlier this morning.


"Damn! So she knows! And I was this close to consulting a lawyer too. They said they wouldnt be able to arrange anything for four days maximum!" Changmin said angrily.


"So what do we do now guys? I am really scared for Kyuhyun now. We have to do something!" Zhoumi added.


"First of, we have to know where he is and whether he is safe. Then we can think of something but we will have to make it fast!" I said.


From behind we heard a voice say "Then you guys have time till tonight! Better move it!" Turning around we noticed that it was Yeon Hee's son standing.


"What do you mean by that? And why are you helping us?" I asked him.


"My mom has persuaded my step dad into sending Kyuhyun-hyung to London by tonight! So whatever you guys are trying to do, better step on it before it becomes too late!" he answered.


"And why should we trust you?" I urged him. This is strange....Why is he helping us when his mom wants him to be the heir to Mr.Cho's fortunes? 


"Because not always do I agree with my mom. And because now you have no other option but to trust me!" he said and ran off.


They were sending Kyuhyun to London? No! I cannot allow that! Sweetheart, please be strong...For us...for me.....Stay strong!


And then I realised that it was hopeless to wait till Changmin's lawyer made his appearance. I did what I thought was the best way to handle things now...And that was to beg my dad into influencing his best lawyers out there as my dad maintains a cordial relationship with them.


Dialling him up, I told him "Dad! I want your help....Please help me....You're my only hope!"


A/N..Sorry guys for the angst but I assure you I will fix everything in the next few chapters....*sigh* it will be over within 2 chapters I guess...I am sure you guys would probably be having lots of doubts about the current track but you have to be patient till the next update for answers...See 'ya...and do comment on how you guys liked this cliffy chapter..Once again sorry for the angst!!!



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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)