Chapter 21

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

Yeon Hee and her son were being the least bit suspicious during the weekend. 


I just hope she hasnt discovered the fact that I had installed a CCTV camera in my dad's room.


Whatever happens now, I cant afford to let my guard down! It was a Sunday and I decided to show the video to my dad hoping that he would now get a clear picture of who Kim Yeon Hee is and what her intentions were! But when I was hoping to see him my butler told me that he had to leave to supervise the construction of the university. Damn! Just my luck! And so I was left to wait till tomorrow as he most likely would be staying in his makeshift van to get the materials for the construction sanctioned. What a bummer! 


Just then I saw Kim Yeon Hee and her son ushering me down for lunch. *sigh* this is gonna be a long day after all!


"Kyuhyun I hope you would be helpful to your brother from tomorrow. He needs time to get used to his surroundings at school" she said.


I just shot her a glare in return, finished my lunch and headed back upstairs. Logging on to my Skype account, I found that Siwon was still online. And so I called him up for video chat.


"Hey Wonnie! Miss me?" I asked in a sing-song voice.


"Hey sweetheart. Yes I miss you so bad! And might I say that you are y as wearing that low V-neck shirt" he said and smirked at me leaving a blushing mess out of me. I couldnt do anything but shy away from the monitor burying my face in my palms.


"Ah Kyu! You are so cute when you blush" he laughed.


"Stop it would 'ya! By the way, what were you upto all day?" I asked him.


"Oh well! Dad is at home for the weekend and is taking his usual afternoon nap. I went window shopping downtown with him this morning. And then nothing much. You tell me! How is your new family doing?" he teased me.


"Dont even start with me alright! Listen, I have something important to tell you."I said.


"Oh! What is it?" he urged me. "I think I might have the one and only footage evidence against Yeon Hee. Do you think it will be enough to send her to jail Siwon?" I asked him back.


"Um! That might be so Kyu. But in order to consolidate our stand against her, I personally think that if we could hire a private detective agency to track her down, that might be helpful" he suggested.


"You think so? But she is not an ordinary enemy. I suggest we hack into her mail-ID too. Just in case if we could get any clue!" I suggested.


"Alright we can do that at school tomorrow. Ah! Dad's awake! Kyu I gotta go. Dad said he would take me somewhere this evening" he said. Isnt Siwon just lucky to have the most loveable dad in the world? One who understands him and treasures him so much! Of course, Siwon is born to be loved and cherished in my opinion.


"Ok! You go ahead. Love you.." I said while he just smiled at me showing off his dimples.


"Ahhh! Kyu. Sweetheart I need a kiss too..Come on dont be shy" he said and puckered up like a kindergarten kid. "Ha ha! I'll give you all the kisses in the world tomorrow alright?"


"Really! You must promise not to go back on your word."he demanded. "Yah Wonnie! Just shut up and go already. Dont make your dad wait" I hollered, said my goodbye and logged off.


Of course I would shower you with kisses tomorrow Won! Its your birthday after all!'ll be just me and you Siwon! I'll make your birthday a memorable one.


Keeping the thoughts of celebrating Siwon's birthday aside, I copied the video that I recorded of Yeon Hee's CCTV footage onto an SD card and placed it in my bag to give to Changmin. I thought that considering the magnitude of the issue at hand, making as many copies of the video as possible and placing them in custody of my most trusted friends would help me leave no stones unturned whatsoever!


Yeon Hee's P.O.V

As I climbed upstairs, I heard faint talking sounds coming out of Kyuhyun's room. I was curious to listen into what he was talking about and who he is talking to!


"Do you think this might be enough to send her to jail Siwon?" I heard him ask someone.


Send her to jail? Was he talking about me? The nerve of that insolent brat! He thinks he can send me to jail?

And who is this Siwon? Siwon? Si..? Ooh! Its that boy whom I met during the fund raiser. Choi Kiho's son!

And Kyuhyun is in a relationship with him? Wow! This is great news! Just wait until his father knows that his precious heir is gay!


Oh! I am loving this. Kyuhyun seems like he is clearly smitten by this Siwon! Well looks can be deceiving I guess. I had thought Young Hwan's son was as straight as anyone could get. By the looks of things, Kyuhyun and Siwon might team up against me to expose me. And I wouldnt want that to happen! No way! I must do something to break them before I can get rid of Kyuhyun from Young Hwan's life! Tomorrow after Kyuhyun goes off to school, I will kick my plan into action and I must also ask Hyun Seung to keep a close watch on not only Kyuhyun but Siwon as well. Its only a matter of time Kyuhyun! Just wait and watch how I defeat you in your own game!


"Hyun Seung. You have to be alert around Kyuhyun from now. At any cost, he shouldnt be able to catch on to us."I told him.


"Of course mother!" he agreed.


Siwon's P.O.V


Dad sure was happy today. He was almost jumpy when I asked him where we were going. But he didnt tell me anything about it, instead he told me to be patient and that I would know when we got there. The place that my dad mentioned was supposedly very close to his heart and it was located on the outskirts of town. Well I wasnt complaining for once, 'coz its been ages since dad and I had gone on a long drive.


About half an hour later, my dad stopped the car in front of an old house somewhere in the middle of a farmland on the country-side. The place was serene and soothing for the soul, devoid of all possible hustle and bustle of the city. We approached the house and tapped gently on the door. An old man probably in his mid-seventies greeted us.


"Its been a long time Kiho! And is this who I think he is?" the old man asked rather excitedly.


"Yes father! He is your grandson Siwon" my dad introduced me to him.


He called him his father? But I thought dad's father had passed away a long time ago! And what is this about me being his grandson?


"Um dad! A kid standing completely lost here! Whats going on?" I asked him. Without further ado, the old man claiming to be my grandpa welcomed us in and explained it clearly to me. It seems that he was my mom's father and that my dad revered him as his own father and hence called him so instead of "father-in-law". He also told me that after my mom's death, he and grandma were so devastated that they didnt have the strength to live in their old house in town that had so many memories of their precious daughter and they had been living here ever since. This house was unbelievably cosy and warm. Sometime in future perhaps I can settle down with Kyuhyun living peacefully in a house like this free from all worldly troubles and harships!


"I am sorry son. I wasnt able to bring you over here earlier. Its because of the transfers that I get very often that I wasnt able to introduce you to your own grandparents!" my dad regretted.


"Its alright Kiho! Atleast you were courteous enough to arrange a meeting with my grandson now after all these years! And I must say that he resembles very much like you physically. Although, his eyes remind me of my daughter's! Ha Na would have been happy if she were alive to see her grandson today" he said while a tear drop made its way down his crinkled and sullen cheeks. I lifted my head up and saw a portrait of my grandma and grandpa hugging a smiling young girl hanging on one of the walls.


"That was your mom when she was 15 years old! She was quite the naughty little angel back then. And when she went to college, she fell in love with your father and was hell bent on marrying him. And then she gave birth to you and you were named Siwon as per her wishes. None of us expected that she would be diagnosed with a life threatening illness that would claim her life after 2 years! Nevertheless her death was peaceful although it scarred your grandma a lot. We had to live away...away from everything! And it was my wish not to visit you as Ha Na would go hysterical if she saw her grandson resembling her daughter! I hope you could understand this Siwon! I am terribly sorry" he confessed and by now he was crying out loud, letting out all the pent up emotions locked up inside him.


"Its alright grandpa! I am here now. And I cant tell how happy I am to have finally met you! And I am thankful to you dad" I said and hugged my grandpa as I let out tears of happiness. After so many years, I felt like my dad wasnt the only family that I had with me. And it felt great. The whole evening Grandpa, dad and I took our time for some quality family bonding. We didnt even realise that it had been hours since we came here and so dad and I decided to leave for home. Before getting into our car, my grandpa called me over to him for some reason.


"I have to give you this! This is my gift to you for your birthday tomorrow Siwon. I have always wanted to pass this one of a kind watch that I had held onto for many years down to you. Its a family heirloom and I am giving it now because there is no guarantee that I might live to see the daylight tomorrow! Take it and keep it safe with you my dear boy!" he said and handed the jewel encrusted 22 carat gold watch over to me.


As much as I considered it to be an extravagant gift, I accepted it wholeheartedly and hugged him for one last time. Thanking him again, dad and I drove back home. Upon reaching, my dad dropped me off at my apartment and said that he had to go back to his house and get things ready for an important meeting tomorrow. I said goodbye to him and climbed upstairs holding the gift that my grandpa gave me.


I simply cant wait to show this to Kyu tomorrow! BTW! Does he even know that it was my birthday tomorrow? I wonder!


Next day....


I excitedly got ready to go to school today. Not many in school know that it was my birthday today though. Heck! Why do I care? Though the only thing that I care about was Kyuhyun acknowledging it! Afterall he did say that he would shower me with kisses today!


Whoa whoa! Just hold your galloping horses Siwon! "Shower you with kisses?" Did he by any chance...? Does that mean..? No! I wont assume anything till Kyu initiates anything about my birthday today!


Skipping my way happily towards the classroom, I found no one inside it as usual! And so I made my way to the council room somehow feeling that Kyuhyun might be there. And my hunch was right as soon as I found him staring at the white board pondering about something while his back faced me. Slowly and carefully, I neared him without making any noise and hugged his waist from the back. He yelped surprisingly and turned to face me in my embrace.


"Jesus Siwon! *sigh* you scared me idiot! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?*sigh*" he sighed heavily while clutching his chest to calm down. I didnt have the mind to let go of him yet and chuckled slightly at his cuteness. Adoring and admiring him in my arms, I leaned forward till both our noses were touching.


"What do you think you are doing?" he asked me while his peppermint breath teased my senses. "Dont you think you are forgetting something?" I asked while raising my eyebrows.


"Not anything that I know of! Why are you asking?" he asked me with a cunning smirk. You sneaky little devil....!


"Perhaps you would wish to be ravished by me in the council room right now to jog your memory...Kyuuu~~" I said in a low-voice that surely would have sent shivers down his spine without a doubt. Squirming a little in my hold, he finally managed to free himself. He looked at me with a flustered expression that I found absolutely irresistible. Just when I got reminded of showing my gift that grandpa gave me yesterday, I heard someone calling out for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun practically jolted away from me as I turned around and saw Kim Yeon Hee's son standing in the corridor. But what was he doing here?


"Didnt I tell you not to follow me around? What do you want now?" Kyuhyun asked in an irritated tone.


"But hyung you kinda never informed me where my classroom was and about my schedule!" he said. Shuffling over to the table, Kyuhyun took a handout and gave it to him while he took it.


"We meet again Siwon hyung! My name is Kim Hyun Seung, Kyuhyun-hyung's step brother. I am transferring here today" he said. I flashed him a gentle superficial smile and turned away from him. "Now that you have your schedule, you can go!" Kyuhyun ordered him and he left immediately. "Kyu, since no one would be in the computer lab now, maybe we can get our job done right now!" I said and both Kyu and I hurried over to the deserted lab.


Making use of one of the computers, Kyu worked his magic and successfully hacked into Kim Yeon Hee's private mail-ID. There were tons of emails that showed evidences of her transfering important information to her manager who takes care of her businesses in Taiwan. Apart from those, lots of emails were sent to an anonymous receiver ordering them to hack into Mr.Cho's bank account for illegally transferring money over to her company's funds. The receiver had responded to her saying that it was not possible for him as the hacking software of his was outdated. After coming across several such messages, we laid our eyes on one such content that jolted the living daylights out of us. It would appear as though, Kim Yeon Hee had also hired a private spying agency from Taiwan to provide her with personnel in order to spy on Mr.Cho's business deals and also to provide her with a suitable alibi to exile Kyuhyun as well and give her enough reasons to recommend Hyun Seung as the future heir. Then there was more....She had also planned to murder Mr.Cho as a last resort and make it look like an accident in case her plans backfired at the last minute.


"Dear god Kyuhyun! She has hatched one whopper of a plan to extort money from your father by any means possible! I am afraid this is bloating up into a serious issue. We should do something before it gets out of hand." I said.


"So this was your plan Yeon Hee! First you seduced my father, separated him from his only family and now you also want me out of the picture! Tough luck and a good try but not good enough! Siwon, as soon as Changmin comes I will give this SD card containing the CCTV footage of Yeon Hee and also give him the necessary evidences that we collected today and ask him to arrange a lawyer or even file a criminal case against her! Chwang did say that his dad might be helpful in providing a qualified lawyer to deal with this" he said.


"You are right! We must not delay this at any cost!"I agreed. Suddenly I noticed Kyuhyun's body shaking and trembling and he had his head hung low away from my view. I panicked and scooted down to have a closer look. He brought both his hands in front of his face and stared at them intently for a while. I was puzzled by his sudden gesture and then he gently said "Is this really happening? Are my troubles finally getting lifted off my shoulders? Siwon, its not a dream right? Right?"


"Oh sweetheart! I assure you its not a dream! Finally everything is gonna be ok. You can be happy again! I cant tell you how happy I am for you Kyu" I said and hugged him tightly. Kyuhyun cried tears of happiness in my arms while I comforted him by placing kisses onto his soft hair and cheeks. A few minutes later we saw Changmin and we provided him with all the necessary information.


"Wow! This is excellent news Kyu! Dont worry I will ask dad to set you up with a legal advisor and a criminal lawyer immediately!" Changmin said.


"Thanks Chwang! I gotta go now. I'll see you both later!" Kyuhyun said and ran off to the council room. Then Changmin came near me and said "Well! Birthday boy. Seems like you made your sweetheart happy today! Happy birthday you big goof!"


"Thanks so much. It means a lot coming from you Sgt.Shim!" I while he punched me playfully. Following Changmin, Yonghwa and Zhoumi and several other students who knew about my birthday wished me except my sweetheart. And I was a little bit disappointed because of that but decided to not let it get to my head! After all that we had found out today, his head probably would be occupied by thoughts on how to take Kim Yeon Hee down.


Classroom sessions were quite boring but since it was my birthday today and that we had every reason to celebrate our successful defacing of Kim Yeon Hee, I was thrilled and considered that my birthday couldnt get any better than this. As soon as school was over, Kyuhyun asked me to accompany him somewhere. He said that he had arranged a meeting with a professional lawyer and agreed to drive us both to the designated place for the meeting. He was awfully quiet throughout the entire drive and all I could do was watch him from the corner of my eyes.


Finally we reached a place called "The Blue Tulip". It seemed like a shady nightclub to me but was a little less crowded as it was still only late evening. Getting down from the car I managed to ask "Um! Kyu~~~ Is this the place where he wanted you to come for the meeting? At this nightclub of all places?"


"Yup! Why? Does it bother you Siwon?" he asked me. "Um! No ~~ I...Never mind. Lets go inside!" I said and smiled gently.


Kyu and I were led to a table and made to wait till the lawyer came. We waited and waited but the lawyer didnt seem like he was coming. At some point, the crowd comprising mostly of teenagers, high schoolers and college students started thronging the club and were happily boozing away. Kyu ordered a mocktail and made sure that it had no alcohol while I ordered a chocolate milkshake. It had been almost 2 hours but still no sign of that damned lawyer! I asked Kyuhyun "Kyuuu~~~ come on! Lets go home! Obviously this lawyer or whoever he is isnt coming!"


Right when my patience was about to snap, Kyu grabbed onto my arm and dragged me to a secluded room that was dark. He led me from behind and by gently whispering onto my ears "Its time my Wonnie~~~" and clearly my sanity flew away at the moment when his low toned voice permeated my eardrums. Gently letting go of my arm, he separated from me ever so slightly and left me facing the dark room that seemed to have no end whatsover. A few seconds later, the lights were and I saw Kyuhyun standing beside the table on top of which was a beautifully decorated birthday cake, smiling at me radiantly like an angel from heaven. Looking around I noticed that the decoration of the room was rather unconventional. It didnt have all the cliche stuff that one would usually find on birthday parties like streamers and balloons but it had a rather romantic theme behind it with scented candles and red cushioned chairs and red roses pasted on walls in bunches.


Kyuhyun you troll! You~~~ are undoubtedly the most amazing thing that happened to me. Oh baby! You tricked me into coming here for a meeting when you had actually prepared a surprise for me~~~ A lot of landmark things happened on my birthday this year~~~ Dad gifted me a reunion with my grandpa, grandpa gifted me his vintage heirloom watch and ~~~now this!!!! Hands down , the cherry on top of a cake~~


Lifting my head up, I saw a glowing Kyuhyun approaching me by taking one step at a time while clapping his hands and singing a birthday song.


"Happy birthday to you~~~Happy birthday to you~~~Happy birthday to dear Wonnie~~~Happy Birthday to mmfff" before he could finish the song I silenced him with a mindblowing kiss by placing both my hands on his cheeks and pulling him closer. At this moment, nothing mattered to us, no Mr.Cho, no Kim Yeon Hee, just the two of us revelling in each other's touch and embrace.



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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)