Chapter 12

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

After the gruelling race, I decided to go to my locker and freshen myself up. I opened my locker and found a needle lying there in the farthest corner of the locker. So many thoughts flashed through my mind at one instant. I was a full-fledged drug addict whose happiness depended on those medicines, who found solace in the midst of difficult times in pumping them into his body. Right now, I am not even sure whether I would be needing these as I had Siwon now. My mind roamed about thinking about the one person who had broken all barriers that I had built around me, the person whose dimpled smile can make my heart race, the person whose constant nagging and persistence shook my heart and turned it upside down like an earthquake and whose kisses make me go weak in the knees and melt me into a puddle of goo. I cant believe that I am describing him with the sappiest and cheesiest of all adjectives known to mankind. I guess some of his cheesiness has started to rub off on me already. I cant help but chuckle thinking about how fast things progressed and how I found myself falling for Siwon. I have decided to close the addiction chapter of my life by consulting a good deaddiction centre. After all it was due to Siwon that I had learned how to live and now its my turn to return the favour by simply living my life to the fullest and facing the problems of my life with determination instead of running away.

I immediately threw away the needle into the dustbin and took out a towel from the locker to wipe my sweat. Just then I heard someone come inside the locker room. Typical Siwon! Cant handle being away from me even for a second! That hormone ridden, always , touchy-feely boyfriend of mine!

I closed the door to my locker and faced the entrance expectedly for Siwon but it turned out to be Changmin. My expectant smile turned into that of a surprise as he made his way inside.

"Oh! Changmin-ah! I was trying to talk to you all day long but you werent available at all. You looked rather gloomy today! Is everything alright?"I asked him. He stood in front of me crossing his hands over his chest and snorted sarcastically. He said "No Kyu! Everything is not ok! Everything is bloody ed up"

I went near him, placed my hands on his shoulders and asked "Why? Whats wrong? You can tell me. Did something happen?"

"Choi Siwon happened!" he yelled and slapped my hands away from his shoulder.

"Changmin-ah! Whats wrong with you? Did you two fight? I thought everything was ok between you two!"I exclaimed.

"You dont understand Kyu! Nothing can be ok between me and him as long as you are between the both of us!" he replied.

"I dont quite understand what it is that you are trying to say and it would help me a whole deal lot if you would elaborate instead of beating around the bush"I told him.

"I love you Kyuhyun! But you love Siwon! How is that for elaboration?"he asked me.

"What? How did you know about that? And Changmin I thought that you had gotten over me. And I made my point perfectly clear that day, didnt I?" I asked him as I was shocked to hear this confession from him after so many years.

"You did! And I know that but I cant help it. Especially not after knowing that you are in love with a person whom you have known for not more than 2 months!"he said.

That made me snap. He was seriously seeing himself and Siwon in the same light! How could he compare himself who has been my friend since forever and Siwon who is now the love of my life? Cant he understand that both him and Siwon are equally important to me?

"Changmin! You are seriously crossing your limits! Dont make me forget that you are my friend and prompt me to inflict damage on you" I threatened him.

"Ha! As if you havent done all that to me previously? If you have had even the slightest bit of regard you would have told me about you taking drugs instead of telling it to that bloody -kisser!" he yelled at me. Changmin came to know of my drug-addiction? But how?

"Thats enough! And mind your tongue! And FYI who goes around saying that one is a drug-addict to the whole world even if he was one?" I asked him throwing my hands up in frustration.

"But you told him nevertheless!" he added.

"Just listen to me carefully and listen good 'coz I dont like repeating myself! Siwon accidentally saw me taking drugs inside the music room on the first day of school. But I had intended to keep it a secret from everyone including you 'coz I didnt want to worry you! I was passing through an emotionally turbulent phase and resorted to drugs for relaxing my mind" I told him.

"You could have told me that you were going through an emotionally turbulent phase. You could have shared it with me instead of taking drugs. I would have been helpful more than those drugs"Changmin told me.

"I know I could have but things had already gone out of hand by then."I told him.

"Gone out of hand? For how long have you been taking drugs exactly?" he asked me.

"Ff..for..three years"I said to him hesitantly and he gasped.

"For ..for three years? I thought you had quit taking them ages ago! And you never told me? And you call me your "best buddy"? What if you died out of drug intoxication?" he asked me but I couldnt find any words to reply to him.

"I am sorry Changmin. You have no idea how sorry I am. You cant go on like this comparing yourself to Siwon. His position in my life cant possibly be compared to your importance in my life. You are one of the most important persons that I have ever known. Now if you will excuse me, I have a race to run." I said and proceeded towards the exit but got stopped by Changmin's hand that forcefully pulled me and crashed me onto the lockers with a bang. He forcefully made me turn my gaze towards him with one of his hands placed on my cheeks and the other pinning one of my hands on the locker door. I was petrified by the sudden strong hold and before I could interpret what was going on, he locked his lips with mine in a forced kiss.

It was nothing compared to the gentle and heartwarming kisses of Siwon. It was cold, bitter and signified more of Changmin's hatred for Siwon rather than the love that he had for me. I couldnt take it anymore as I felt my eyes stinging with tears. With my other hand I fisted the front of his track shirt and gave a rough push. He pulled away from me startled by my sudden push while I panted and slid down to the floor. He then left me alone in the room to cry. Suddenly I sensed someone appearing from outside. Thinking that it was Changmin again I shrieked "Why cant you just leave me the hell alone?"

"If thats what you want! I would be more than happy to let you go" the person said but the voice didnt belong to Changmin. It belonged to the one person whose solace I needed the most. I lifted my head up and saw that it was Siwon standing at the corridor.

"So? Whose kiss was better? His or mine? Oh! Why am I even asking? Its got to be him! Right?"he asked me sarcastically and I didnt fail to notice the bitter undertones in his questions. Of all the things that could make matters worse, Siwon had to see this happening with his own eyes!

"What are you saying? He was the one who forced a kiss on me. And I love you, you know that right?" I asked him and let my tears fall freely down my cheeks.

"Wrong! You are lying! Otherwise you wouldnt have said that I cant even be compared to the likes of Changmin's importance in your life!" he told flatly to my face.

"Siwon! You have misunderstood! I never meant it that way. Honestly Siwon, why cant you believe that I love you and no one else?" I asked him defeatedly.

"Enough Kyuhyun! You dont have to explain yourself. I am at fault here. I was the one foolishly trying to acquire something which was well beyond my reach already." he told me.

"No! You are not at fault Won. Please let me explain. Please dont leave me." I pleaded before him miserably.

"Ah! You and I were never together in the first place for me to leave you now. Your life had been peachy with having your so called "best buddy" around you everytime to take care of you. I just realised that I had been the one making your life miserable so far. And the last thing that I would want is to be a burden on you." he said dejectedly.

"You were never a burden on me Siwon. I love you so much! Please dont leave me. I wont have the strength to live if you leave me damn it!" I said and got up nearing him as if trying to hold onto him and never let him go. But as my hand was about to hold his, he slipped away and said "Its been a pleasure knowing you and loving you President Cho!" and left me standing there alone and wondering if everything that happened in the last 15 minutes were for real!

Clutching my head and pulling the strands of hair I wondered about the sorry life that I had been leading for the past 6 years. First it was mom and Jino and now Siwon and Changmin. Everyone leaves me alone in the end. Just when I thought everything had been falling into place, the whole world goes ballistic on me. It was as if God himself had been creating circumstances to have me end my life at some point or the other.

"Ha ha ha ha!!! Ha ha ha!! In the end, Cho Kyuhyun, the ultimate moody person, the lone wolf, is all alone! Again!!!! Ha ha ha!! I dont deserve mom, or Jino or that ing Siwon! No one." I continued with my soliloquy and got up on my two feet and dragged myself to the dustbin. There it was, my ultimate companion who has been with me pleasuring me with its goodness lying in the garbage.

I tore open its polythene cover, sat in a corner of the room and punctured the skin of my arm letting the liquid sear through my veins and take me to a world where sadness and despair ceased to exist. I let my tears streak my cheeks as they flowed freely and lastly with the wonderful thoughts of all the beautiful memories that I had experienced with Siwon, I felt my muscles going lax and darkness engulfing me. The love that Siwon and I had shared had been too good to be true after all.

Siwon's P.O.V

After witnessing the unbelievable scene, I had gone speechless. Changmin came running out and bumped into me. He locked eyes with me for a brief period and ran away. And after that heartbreaking declaration to Kyuhyun, I wasnt in the right frame of mind to continue standing in front of him anymore. I ran away from the locker room after that declaration as I had to run away before changing my mind about Kyuhyun and I. I followed him in hopes of surprising him but he had me surprised in return. He was better off without me. He was with Changmin after all!

I made it back to the podium where the events had been proceeding. Yonghwa and Zhoumi approached me and asked "Siwon! Are you ok? Did you fight with Changmin? He has this same expression on his face too!"

"Guys! I feel a little off today and I think its about time that I went home. See you tomorrow" I said to them.

"You cant leave now. The Sports Secretary needs to give the vote of thanks during the closing ceremony and we arent even halfway through yet!"Yonghwa said.

"Please guys. I really cant do this today. Why cant you guys go and ask your President to take care of this?" I said and left for my house and my back pack leaving behind all my bittersweet memories with the love of my life in the quiet locker room.

I reached home and retired to my living room to call it a day. From here I could see the tiny sticky note embellished with the beautiful handwriting of Kyuhyun looking back at me as if mocking me for my stupidity. I reached forward and plucked it out from the wall and traced my handwriting over his words. Huh! Unromantic note huh? How true! I then crumpled the note and threw it inside the dustbin as if throwing the beautiful memories of the past 2 months along with it. It is gonna be tough having to forget about my love for Kyuhyun but I needed to do it. For my sake and more importantly for Kyuhyun's sake!

I lied down on the couch and tried to catch some sleep. But I couldnt. Sleep evaded me just like how Kyuhyun made a last minute ditch attempt. I wandered around the house aimlessly for a while where yesterday's moments with Kyuhyun haunted me and made me miserable. Suddenly my phone beeped and I noticed the time on my watch. It was 9:30 p.m. I took my phone and noticed that I had received two messages simultaneously from Yonghwa and Zhoumi. When I opened the message box and started reading the contents, my mind went completely blank. Making up my mind I picked myself up and dashed outside my house. Not thinking about anything but Kyuhyun, I mentally cursed myself for having gone overboard with him in the locker room. Suddenly I got reminded of what Kyuhyun told me in the locker room before I left him!I wont have the strength to live if you leave me.

No no no! Think positive Siwon! Nothing will happen to Kyuhyun! I should have known better to yell at him like that and controlled my emotions instead. "No! Baby! You cant do this to me! Hang in there"

The messages were....

From: Yonghwa

Come to Seoul National Hospital. Kyu is critical!

From: Zhoumi

Siwon! Come quick! Kyu is in a critical state!

Dun dun dun! You guys would probably kill me for this! There is a good news and a bad news....

The bad news is that I wont be updating for a week on account of my exams....And the good news is...Kyuhyun will survive guys!

On that note...I am taking a week long hiatus....drop in your comments as you wait for another update from me with baited breaths..Toodles...<3


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)